Pieces of Me

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Pieces of Me Page 9

by Pua Ramona

  She looks up at me and I see that she’s blushing again and is just as turned on as I am. As much as I love her rubbing herself on me I need for this song to be done already. I can feel people staring at us, but I don’t give a shit, she’s mine. She turns and her lips are so damn close to my ear “I need you to get me out of here, please” she whispers. I nod my head and grab her hand. She looks up at me and says “Wait here, I’m going to let them know we’re leaving” but before she walks off she gives me a smile that’s just for me and then bites her damn lip. She’s going to be the death of me.

  I watch her talking to her brothers, and I see her sister walking toward me. Shit. Megan stops right in front of me with her hands on her hips “You better fucking take care of her, and keep your dick out of her vagina, asshole” she snaps. I want to laugh but self preservation mode kicks in and I don't.

  “I promise I’ll take care of her, and I will keep it in my pants,” I tell her with a straight face. She gives me her death stare and walks back to where Sina is still saying bye to her brothers, who were pretty much telling me that I better not fuck up with their own eyes. She hugs Megan and starts walking toward me looking shy.

  “Hey wait up you guys, we’re leaving too” Lei says. We stop while Reese and Lei go to say their goodbyes to the Petersons. Lei walks back to us and grabs my girl's hand “Come on my little dancer” she says to Sina. I watch her blush and they both start walking to the door.

  “Don’t fuck this up man. Her heart’s showing, and she doesn’t know it, Eli” Reese says with a worried look on his face. I know he doesn’t want her, but I hate the way he fucking watches her.

  I slow down and say, “Look, I know I don’t fucking deserve her but at least let me have this time to learn about her. I can’t promise that I won’t hurt her, but I’ll try my best not to.” I know that isn’t what he wants to hear, but I’m not going to stand here and lie to him. Reese doesn’t say anything and walks ahead of me to hold the door for the girls. I blow out a hard breath, grabbing my keys from my pocket as someone taps me on the shoulder.

  “Walk with me to the office so we can grab the presents you got for her.” Luka says. Fuck, I know he’s about to give me the talk, especially because I’m taking his sister home. I follow him to the office door and walk. I hear the door close and it locks behind me. Fuck my life. I turn around and I see all three of her brothers blocking the fucking door. I stand there ready to take whatever blows they plan on giving me. Like I said earlier, she’s going to be the death of me.

  Daniel is the first one to punch me in the fucking gut. “Shit,” I say trying to catch my breath.

  I see Micah walking toward me while Daniel goes back to his spot “Sorry, man. But she’s my sister.” I feel another blow in the gut “Don’t hurt her” he says, then pats me on the back before he walks back to his spot. I’m still trying to catch my breath, when I get a hard ass blow on my left side, right on the ribs. That’s going to leave an ugly ass bruise. Luka takes a step back so I can adjust myself, and throws another blow right in my motherfucking mouth. I can taste the blood from the cut on my lip already.

  “Here” he says, handing me a tissue. I take it from him and he says “Now you know what’ll happen if you break my sister, Bro. She’s here for a short period of time, so be the man we know you are Hunter. A good fucking man who deserves our sisters heart.”

  He unlocks the door and walks out, Daniel gives me a head nod with a scary smile and I see Micah going to the desk to grab my shit. I go to grab them and he shakes his head no.

  “I got it. I’ll walk you to the car” he says.

  We leave the office and I hear Mona yell “Bye Pretty boy”. I look over and see that there’s still people here. I wave goodbye to Mona and continue walking outside.

  Before we get to my truck Micah slows down and says, “I don’t know why, but I trust you with her. The guys get like that because she’s been through shit.” He looks at me with so much emotion in his eyes. “Don’t try and fix her, she needs to know that someone is willing to walk through her hell while she heals.” With that he hands me her gifts and walks over to Sina. I take my time walking to the truck so Sina can say bye to her brother.

  “Thank you, Micah,” I hear her say. Her brother looks at me one more time then gets in his car and drives off.

  “Okay you two, don’t stay up too late” Lei says to my girl with a wink.

  Sina blushes and hugs Lei “Thanks for everything Leila.”

  “Love you lil mama” Lei says as she heads towards their ride.

  Reese says his goodbyes to my girl then turns to me and says “Don’t give me a reason to beat your ass.” He walks to his truck to help Lei in.

  Now it's just me and my girl stood next to my truck. “Are you okay Eli?” She asks me. I turn to look at her and she sees my face “What the hell? Who did this to you?” I know she’s angry because she’s breathing hard as takes off her flannel shirt. I notice she has a tattoo that’s a sleeve with intense designs running the length of her arm. I try looking closer but I don’t want to creep her out. I couldn’t control my damn eyes, fuck her body was fucking tight, I’m trying to commit each part of her skin to memory while she stands there holding her shirt in her fist. When I said she was thick in the right places? I was telling the truth. My girl is perfect. I stand there as she cleans my face off. “Was it my brothers? It was because of me wasn’t it?” she says with sadness in her voice as she finishes up and waits for me to answer.

  I put her things in the back of my truck and I see she’s trying to keep herself from crying. I grab her by her elbow and I turn her so I can see her face fully. I pull her into me and I wrap my arms around her waist. She automatically wraps her arms around my neck, and she struggles a bit because she’s so short. She’s on the tip of her toes and I think a piece of me falls in love with her. I hear her little cute sniffles as she says “I’m sorry my brothers love me the way they do.”

  I lean my forehead on hers and I say, “I’m not. If anything I’m fucking glad you have those giant fucks to protect you, beautiful.”

  She laughs a little, looking up at me as she says “Thank you for coming.” God, I love the way she smiles at me.

  I kiss her on her forehead and feel myself relax against her. “I almost didn’t”

  She leans back a little to tiler her head up looking at me in question. “Then why did you?”

  “Because there is this girl that I couldn’t stop thinking about and I needed to see her” I answer and she blushes again. I fucking love the color it brings to her cheeks.

  “But why?, she says, smiling one of her small smiles for me.

  I look her in her brown eyes and say, “Because my heart was starting to hurt.” She tries to hide from me but I grab her face and say “And I realized I was wasting precious time thinking about her, instead of holding her.”

  Her eyes start to tear up and she kissed me on the cheek, whispering “My heart was starting to ache too.” I don’t know how long we stand in the parking lot holding each other, but I don’t want to let her go. However it’s getting cold and I felt her shiver a little. The last thing I need is her brothers giving me shit for keeping her out in the cold all night.

  “Are you ready to go home beautiful?” I ask.

  She shakes her head no and says “Can we go somewhere and watch the sunrise? If you can’t it’s fine.”

  I grab her hand and kiss the inside of her wrist. “I’ll go anywhere just as long as I’m with you Sina.” She smiles her shy smile, turns her head a little and kisses the inside of my palm. I swear another piece of me falls for her harder right there in the parking lot. I’m fucked. This girl is going to own every piece of me, and she’s going to tear my heart out of my chest when she leaves.

  I’m so relieved she asked to watch the sunrise. It means I don't need to think of another reason to not take her home yet, plus I’ve never done that before, not even with another woman. She will share my first shared sunrise and that
makes me want her heart more. I know the perfect spot to take her to watch the perfect sunrise too. It takes us fifteen minutes to get there and as I park the truck I look over to see if she's still awake, but she’s fallen asleep on our way here. I don’t want to wake her up yet so I sit here and study everything about her face. Even in her sleep she looks sad and it hurts me a little to know that she isn’t at peace with whatever she is going through. She has pieces of loose hair in her face so I move them out of her face gently. I run my fingers lightly down her cheek and she starts to wake up. She opens her eyes and my heart flips. She’s so beautiful. How the fuck did I ever go on in life without her? Everything about her is breathtaking. From the way she smiles, the sound of her voice, the way she walks, and the way she is around people. I completely understood what Reese meant when he said she just draws you in, like a moth to a flame.

  She smiles at me with her tired eyes and says, “Hey you.”

  I lean in and kiss her softly on her lips. I hear her sigh a little with her eyes closed “Hey beautiful. Do you still want to watch the sunrise?”

  She sits up, looks around and her face lights up “ Absolutely” she says.

  I kiss her again and say, “Let me see if I got something in the back for us to sit on.” I get out of the truck and grab the blanket that I left in the back from the night Reese, Lei and I went to a concert in the park a few weeks ago. I walk around to the passenger side and she’s just sitting there lost in her own thoughts. I open her door and she looks at me and her cheeks automatically turn red “Are you ready beautiful?”

  She looks at me and says “Ready as I’ll ever be.” She steps down from the truck and my arm has a mind of its own, wrapping itself around her tiny waist. She looks up at me and says “Thank you for bringing me. I used to come here with my dad before he passed.” I’m afraid she’s going to cry but she doesn’t, she just looks like she’s remembering good memories of him.

  “Do you want to talk about it?” I ask.

  She takes a deep breath and says, “No, I just want this to be for us if that’s okay with you.” I smile and kiss her forehead. We get to the perfect spot and she helps me spread the blanket, as she pulls the edges taut she scrunches her face up and asks “Hold up, is this yours and Becca’s fun time blanket?”

  My mouth drops open and I say “Fuck no Babe! This is my friendship blanket. Only Lei and Reese are allowed on it.” And my girl just fucking laughs and it is the single the most amazing sound I’ve heard in my whole life.

  “Your friendship blanket? That’s the nerdiest thing I’ve ever heard a guy say.” She hunches over and starts laughing again.

  “Babe, I was being honest” I say with a serious tone. Just as she almost stops laughing, her little ass starts laughing again. “Look, if you’re going to die laughing I could just take you home”

  Her laugh slowly dies down and she looks at me and says “I was kidding.” Not even two seconds later the little shit starts laughing again. I start walking toward her and she says “Okay, okay I’m done. Geez. I didn’t know you were the laugh police.”

  I stop right in front of her, raise an eyebrow and say “I will be if you start laughing again.” She stands there just smiling up at me, and I fall in love with her smile even more. “I got something for you, you know.”

  “You didn’t have to do that.” She says acting shy again at the attention being on her.

  “I know I didn’t, but I wanted to. I’ll be right back” I run to the truck, grab her things and I'm back to where she’s stood waiting in less than five seconds. She sits down with her legs crossed and her hair falls out from the messy bun that she has it in. I walk around her and sit behind her with both of my long ass legs on either side of her, tucking her in between them. She doesn’t say anything but just sits there playing with her fingers “Don’t be nervous babe” I say as I rest my chin on her shoulder. She turns her head a little and smiles. “I didn’t want to get you just roses so I got you a mix of flowers”, I say as I set the bouquet in front of her on the blanket. She takes them with a genuine smile on her face.

  “I love them. Thank you.”

  I reach around her and grab the picnic basket and place it on the other side of her. “I hope you like it,” I whisper. She looks at me, then looks at the basket. She turns sideways and I get lost for a quick second, her scent, she smells so damn good; vanilla, coconut, and sunshine. She reaches over and opens the lid and her eyes get big, I mean so big they look like they’re going to pop out.

  “Books? You got these for me?” she says with a squeal.

  “Yeah, it took me forever but I thought you’d like them. If you don’t I can take them back and you could just go pick out different ones” I say moving a stray piece of her wild hair out of her face.

  She looks at me with tears running down her face. “The only people that ever got me books were my parents, but mostly my dad” she says. “The last time I got books was on graduation day but when I left home, I didn’t take them with me.”

  I use my fingers to wipe her tears and ask “What happened to them?”

  She looks at me and says “My sister went to grab them from the apartment, but Michael had thrown them away.” I don’t say anything, but the next time I see that asshole he’s getting my fist in his damn face.

  She catches her breath and says “This is the best birthday I’ve had in a long time, thank you.” I sit there and watch her go through every single book that I picked out for her. “I can’t believe you bought me so many.” As she goes through them, her smile just keeps getting bigger, she gets to the last book and she looks at me. “How to build your own furniture?” She reads the title aloud with a question in her voice.

  I shrug my shoulders and say awkwardly as I feel my face get warm. “Yeah, I figured since I wasn’t a part of your special bookcase the least I could do was get you some books for it. And maybe we could build something together?” She puts her books back inside the basket, reaches over by her shoes that I didn’t notice she took off and grabs her phone. She doesn’t say anything so I just sit here and wait to see what she’s doing. Music starts playing from her phone and I know right away what song it is, because it’s one of my favorite songs from when I was in high school.

  I watch Sina get up on her feet and she looks down at me with so much love in her eyes. Her little hand reaches out and asks, “Will you dance with me, Eli?” My name on her lips sounds amazing. I stand up and lace my fingers through her soft ones. I fucking love how her hand fits perfectly in mine. I wrap my arms around her waist and I pull her so close to me that she can't move even if she wants to. She goes on the tip of her toes, wraps her arms around my neck and I lean my forehead on hers. She closes her eyes and starts to move with the music. I hold on to her like I’m afraid that she’s going to disappear. So what, call me a pussy I don’t give a fuck, she’s mine. She turns her head and she leans into my neck, she’s so short that I pick her up a little so she can step on my feet. She’s so damn light. I hear her humming along to Crazy Love and we just lose ourselves in each other. I move a little because I want to see her face and she looks up at me and she fucken kills me with her smile. I move my hand to the back of her neck and leave the other one anchored on her waist. I can hear her breathing faster and feel her heart beating like crazy “Can I kiss you, Sina?” I whisper in her ear. She nods her head yes with the smallest of movements.

  I slowly lean in to her and before I can kiss her she quietly says “Please don’t break my heart.” She has tears in her eyes and I die a little inside because I didn’t want to lie to her. Instead I close the distance between us and kiss her hoping she’ll feel how much I wish I could promise that her heart would always be safe in my possession. I’m not sure how far she will let me go so I slowly lick her lips and feel her open up for me. My tongue finds its way inside her mouth and I get lost in her taste. I’ve kissed enough girls in my lifetime and it was never anything special, but kissing Sina is so much more than any other insignifica
nt kiss I’ve shared before. She moans in my mouth and I almost lose it, I feel my dick getting hard. I want to stop and not push my luck, but this kiss is getting intense and I want whatever she is willing to give me.

  “Eli,” she moans and I kiss her harder. I grab her ass with one hand and hold her face with the other.

  “Tell me to stop Sina” I whisper. I don’t think she hears me because she kisses me back just the same. I use my foot to clear the ground by our feet and I slowly lay her on her back. Her legs automatically spread wide enough for me to fit between them. Fuck we need to stop. But before I can stop myself from going too far I hear her moan, and I forget about everything that I should do and focus on everything she wants to do instead. “Sina, please tell me to stop” I say while I kiss down her neck “Tell me to stop babe, because I won’t be able to if I put more than my lips on you, I don't want to rush this with you”

  She shakes her head and says “Don’t stop. I need you to make me forget. Please, Eli.”

  I know I should fucking stop there and then and just take her home but I’m a greedy asshole, and I want to taste her. “Okay beautiful, I’ll make you forget and I’m going to make sure I ruin you for the rest of the other assholes. You hear me Sina?” I pant. She nods her head yes and I sit her up so I can take her lacy tank top off. I pull it over her head and I lean in and kiss her. I work my way round her bra and unhook it, tossing it somewhere in the grass. I lay her back down and I start making my way down to her jaw line, her neck. I kiss my way down between her breasts and she moans. I suck on her left nipple while I play with the right making her moan a little louder. Moving across her chest I alternate between my mouth and fingers, pulling her right nipple between my teeth and tugging gently whilst my fingers caress her left before pulling on it hard.


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