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Thesila Prophecy - The Journey Home Page 6

by Robert Rumble

  During the night, Mashaun hears Mai sniffling, and he feels the tears landing on his chest. He picks her head up and looks into her watery eyes, asking what’s wrong as he wipes the tears from her cheek. She tells him that’s the first time she shot a bow, let alone killed anything, let alone person. Mashaun tells her that she missed, and she looks surprised. She closed her eyes, released the arrow, and then saw an attacker with an arrow in his shoulder. He tells her that was Kazimir’s arrow, not hers, and that she can quit fretting about shooting humans. She lets out a sigh of relief while feeling a little ashamed at letting him down. He apologizes that he put her in that position, to begin with, and then tries to console her, telling her that he would not put her in that situation again.

  “She can’t shoot or fight, what good is she? Leave her, I say,” Dalistra spits.

  “No, she has other skills, you are too quick to judge,” he snaps back. Dalistra holds her tongue, waiting for the right time and place to teach Mashaun who is the boss. Already Mashaun can feel the better connection along with an increased tension with Dalistra. During the last few weeks, the bond between Mashaun and Dalistra has strengthened, giving him the ability to occasionally noticing her emotions. At the same time, he can block her from reading his mind sometimes. Several times, her contemptuousness would get too much, and he would put her down and walk away until he could no longer hear her. Each time, he had to go a little further to get out of range. He is curious at how far they apart and for how long with a strong bond, but he didn’t want to test it.

  Kazimir is sure that Mai missed on purpose; after all, no one can be that bad of a shot. Nevertheless, he is unsure what to do about it. Mashaun does not know it can be dangerous for the group, and maybe the twins are right, and he should be the leader. He knows that Mai has Mashaun’s ear, and if he tries to bring it up, then it can cause more tension between the two affecting the entire group. Feeling that Mashaun doesn’t trust him, and the incident with the bow does not help matters. With that weighing on his mind, he slowly drifts to restless sleep.

  The next morning, like every morning, the fog is thick, making everything wet and cold. Mashaun has the fire stoked up when the others slowly join him for a quick breakfast before heading out for the day. Breaking camp, they head out in the usual manner, with Mashaun and Mai in the lead followed by Berg and Abigail. Kazimir and the twins are further behind than normal, partly because the twins are pulling on Kazimir’s shirt, trying to hold him back. They don’t really want to join the caravan, and they are trying to get him to do something about that. He keeps telling them that he won’t let anything happen to them and that he will find a way to free them, even though he has no idea how he’s going to do that. Not that they fully understand what he is telling them, but he likes to think they do.

  When they break out of the forest, the caravan is in the final stages of packing. Hitching the horses to the wagons and putting the campfires out. The drivers are mounting the wagons while Pavvo oversees everything. Axtel greets them as they approach the wagons. He has one of the guards tell Pavvo that they’ve arrived as he accompanies them to Pavvo. Mashaun tells Pavvo of their decisions and wants to know if they are acceptable.

  After some thought, he tells Mashaun that they are more than acceptable and asks them to stay on the right side of the road. Mashaun looks at the group and receives a positive nod, and so it is settled. Before taking their place, Mashaun gives Pavvo Mai’s bow, telling them that it will do more good in someone else’s hands. At first, he looks a little surprised but remembers the arrow they found in the forest and nods, giving the bow to Axtel to distribute. Kazimir looks on in amazement, feeling foolish for his previous thoughts, thinking that he may have underestimated Mashaun.

  The caravan heads up the road with Pavvo’s carriage in front, followed by the three buckboard wagons full of merchandise, with the camp wagon bringing up the rear. The camp wagon is similar to the lead carriage except it has no windows and has cooking utensils and dried food hanging from the sides. Wilmer rides on the top of the lead wagon, and Axtel is on the last wagon with ten guards on each side, walking with irregular spacing between them. Mashaun and the group walk on the outside in single file with Mashaun in the front and Kazimir in the rear. Around noon, they take a break, and the caravan stops for a short time, giving everybody a break, including the horses.

  Pavvo invites Mai and Abigail to ride on the middle wagon. He tells them that the twins cannot because they wear the slave collars. The two gladly take him up on the invitation and quickly climb onto the wagon, taking their seats, relieved to be able to sit after all the walking over the past few days. The caravan continues to travel the long road at a snail’s pace, allowing Mashaun to disappear into the forest long stretches at a time, leaving Kazimir to keep them together, which he does, believing that Mashaun is starting to trust him. Mashaun is generally looking for signs but mainly just wants to get away from the dust, and he prefers the forest to the road. He is more comfortable walking in the woods. He likes the extra cover that will give him along with the element of surprise if the bandits return. He can also spy on the caravan, making sure that Mai and the group stays safe.

  “You are a sly dog, aren’t you?” Dalistra taunts. Mashaun ignores the comment, not wanting to banter with her. “Ignore me for now, but you won’t for long.”

  The caravan stops shortly before sunset. The wagons parked in a loose half circle with the horses tethered by the cook wagon. The main camp is on the inside of the circle with a guard on each wagon. Mashaun’s group set up camp slightly inside of the open end of the wagons. A couple of guards set up Pavvo’s pavilion by his carriage with a smaller one just to the right of him. There are five four-man tents set up around the area for the guards. Each tent has a small fire pit with a larger one in front of Pavvo’s pavilion.

  Mashaun’s group lays their furs on the ground around the fire pit and is just getting ready to have some dried meat and fruit when the cook’s helper brings over some hot stew and some bowls, which they accept enthusiastically. Abigail hungrily eats the soup, leaving the meat, which Kazimir is more than happy to take off her hands. The twins are reluctant to eat with the rest of the group, just like during the first few days on the trail.

  After some time to eat and relax, one of the guards informs Mashaun that Pavvo requests his presence. There are two guards outside Pavvo’s pavilion when Mashaun arrives, and they step aside as he passes. The pavilion has one main room with a curtain separating the second section. A low circular table with a three-legged iron pot with burning embers placed at the center of the room. Pavvo sits across the table, flanked by Axtel and Wilmer on each side. Their weapon belts are lying on the floor with the bows hanging on one of the poles used to hold up the pavilion.

  Pavvo greets him and motions for him have a seat. Mashaun follows suit, hanging Dalistra nearby and gently laying his weapons on the ground beside him. Pavvo’s granddaughter offers him some wine. He graciously accepts, and she fills his silver chalice. He tries to speak with Dalistra, but she is afraid to speak or chooses not to—he’s not sure which.

  After a brief moment, Pavvo asks Mashaun where he acquired the twins. Mashaun sees that he does not beat around the bush, so he tells them most of the story, leaving out the part about the cave and that he killed the probable owner. When they ask him where they are all from, Mashaun thinks for a moment about the conversations with Dalistra and considers using one of the places that she told him of, but if Thesila has been in ruins for a thousand years, then so have the others. He tells Pavvo he’s from Tianjin, and when Pavvo asks about its location, he just says that it’s a long way away. He can tell from their faces that they know he is not telling them the whole story, but Pavvo nods his head and grins, letting the matter drop.

  Pavvo knows who the collars belong to and find it is strange that he is in possession of them, so he asks if Mashaun has the owner’s certificate or a bill of sale. The city takes a dim view people in possession of stolen slav
es… even if they are indentured servants. Hesitantly Mashaun tells them, yes, and Pavvo has one of the guards get Mashaun’s pack. Mashaun shows the documents to him. Pavvo studies them handing them back. Pavvo says, “They’re authentic owner certificates, but the owner will not be happy that you have those documents.”

  Mashaun asks about the difference between a slave and an indentured servant. Pavvo explains that often, indentured servants become slaves and are never able to pay off their debt. Mashaun gets a quick education of how the world works from the three. They talk for several hours before Pavvo offers them the extra guard tent before taking his leave for the night. Mashaun graciously accepts the tent and goes back to the group where they anxiously await his return, bombarding him with questions about what they want. He is telling them a summary of the conversation when a couple of guards brings a tent and set it up for them. Mashaun tells the group that they can use the tent. It only sleeps four, and since they have rotating shifts, that would work for now.

  The Red Moon rises above the trees casting a red hue across the land. Mashaun asks Dalistra about the Red Moon magic. Glancing over at the twins their skin is pink, like they have been in the sun too long. Dalistra can’t hide her surprise the twins have both blue and red magic in them. They were rare when I was in Thesila. Magdalenia will want them back, and you stand in her way. While on watch that night, Mashaun ponders his options.

  The night passes quietly, and the mornings have gotten colder with a few clouds lingering about. While they are breaking camp, one of the drivers offers to carry their supplies on the wagon with the girls. They follow the same routine as they did the day before, stopping for lunch before continuing until almost dusk. Pavvo invites the group to join him for the evening meal, alone with Toni, Wilmer, and Axtel. They feast on some kind of fowl with some potatoes and vegetables. The light conversation is mostly about the day and everybody’s experiences. Pavvo seems to be the only one that understands them. The group keeps quiet and listens, for the most part, answering questions with careful thought, not totally trusting anyone outside the group. Pavvo asks the twins about how they came to be with the group.

  Ericka does most of the talking with her eyes looking down and in a subdued voice, telling them that the sale was supposed to be temporary but they were indentured for another five years in Tenskie. They were on their way back to Shen Sherin when there were ambushed. Axtel nods and Pavvo lets the story drop and the conversation becomes more casual. Dalistra asks Mashaun if he notices Pavvo looking at Axtel after each story as if he were an aura reader, telling him that Axtel apparently has an innate ability to tell if someone is telling the truth or a lie.

  The next morning, they continue on their northward journey with the usual positions. Mashaun spends a lot of time in the forest, and since the wagons are slow, he has no problem keeping up. Shortly after lunch, two guards approach the twins. After a brief exchange of words, Elina slaps the guard, and the two of them quickly run to Kazimir, hiding behind him. The two guards return to their positions, and the twins remain close to Kazimir for the rest of the day.

  That evening, Mashaun hears about the problem with the guards. He asks to the twins about the incident before talking to Wilmer about the two guards, and both know that it is not over. Shortly before they have the evening meal, the two guards approach Kazimir and tell him that they want to rent the twins for the evening. At first, he doesn’t understand but hears the twins muttering, “Thyve tsiiwv hyais tzsjs.” He recognizes tzsjs and refuses. Confused and upset by his comments, the guards tell him that they’re sharing the camp so that he should share his slaves. He has no idea what they have said as the twins affirmatively nod their heads while looking down. The two guards realize that Kazimir doesn’t understand them, so they try to push it a little harder, but he holds his ground, and the guards don’t want to lose any pay for fighting in camp. The guards leave after making some incomprehensible comment that the twins understand too well.


  The Attack

  That evening, the two guards approach Kazimir with a different approach, with the same results. Mai gets Mashaun, and they return just as the discussion is becoming heated and is about to break out into a fight. Wilmer and Axtel are close behind, joining Mashaun in the middle to break up the argument. Unless the disagreement is settled, it could affect their survival. Mashaun whispers to Kazimir if he could take them one at a time without weapons. He tells him with an astounding yes. He looks at the twins and asks them if he trusts Kazimir to fight for their honor. They look at each other with confusion, thinking for a moment Mashaun gets the right words out, and they agree, though nobody has ever fought for them before. Dalistra is looking forward to a fistfight—she hasn’t seen one since being put into the bow. Mashaun proposes a friendly fight—Kazimir will fight one of the guards, and if the guard wins, then the twins will spend the night with them; however, if Kazimir wins, they will leave the twins alone. He tells them that there will be no weapons or armor. The two guards chuckle and make some comment about that old man, before agreeing.

  Everybody forms a circle with Kazimir on one side and the guard called Max, the one that Elina slapped earlier, on the other side. He is about twenty years younger than Kazimir, who stands a full head taller and easily outweighs him. Before the fighting starts, someone shouts that he has a yellow on Max, followed by several more. Soon there is a lot of betting going on, and Mashaun takes all the bets with the confidence that Kazimir will win. If he loses, Mashaun has no idea what he is covering. Only that it is a lot of marbles.

  Early in the fight, it is obvious that Max has speed, agility, and youth on his side, but Kazimir has strength, stamina, and experience. Watching the two reminds Mashaun of a cougar and a bear fighting. Max connects several times for every one of Kazimir’s punches, but Max goes flying back each time. Max knows how to read his opponent and soon realizes that speed alone will not work. Every time Max connects he shakes his hand, it’s as if he hit a stonewall. He changes his strategy, Kazimir lands face down in the dirt, and Max jumps on his back, only to fall off as Kazimir stands. Max attacks low again, but this time, Kazimir reads his move perfectly, not only stopping the attack but also throwing Max into the crowd. Max gets up and puts his hand up as Kazimir advances. Max stands up and approaches Kazimir to shake his hand and, in one last feeble attempt, tries a surprise attack. Kazimir just jerks him around and flings him back into the crowd like a rag doll. Max starts to get up but can’t or chooses not to when he sees Kazimir towering over him, shaking his finger at him. Wilmer calls Kazimir the winner and their funds increase, thanks to Kazimir. The caravan guards know that the twins are off limits.

  Mai and Mashaun go to see how Max is after the bout. He is a little sore but will survive and says that he will make amends in the morning. Mai examines his wounds with the diligence of a mother to her child. Applying some wraps around the larger wounds as their healer shows up. Besides the healer, there are several other men in the tent admiring her work, and when she is done, they all have tiny cuts they want her to look at while their healer shakes his head and grins as he leaves. She takes a quick look and kisses their wounds before they leave with a smile, feeling much better.

  Useless. . . it looks like she will be useful after all, Mashaun thinks sarcastically. He can tell that does not please Dalistra. Axtel stops by their camp later that evening to congratulate Kazimir and to tell them that if anybody gives them any problems, they should let Axtel know, not that anyone would argue with Kazimir, now. He also gives Mashaun a small kit and tells him that it will make the bows last longer. They invite Axtel to join them, and he does for a little while. Axtel explains the kit and walks Mashaun through each item for cleaning and protecting. Mashaun can hear Dalistra cooing as he soothingly rubs the wax onto her limbs. Oh, you like that. He thinks, but all he hears from Dalistra is soft purring. Mai notices that he is caressing the limbs of the bow the same way he caresses he
r arm at night.

  The next few days pass by quietly. Kazimir and Max make amends, and it appears that there is a friendship developing between them. Often, the two spar with each other using different weapons. Kazimir works on his weapons skill while Max improves his hand-to-hand. Max becomes more cordial to the twins and even intervenes when an argument about them develops between several of the other guards. The twins even relax a little around Max, sometimes sharing a meal with him, to the jealousy and envy of others. During the next week, they pass by several small ruins next to the road. Old roadhouses for travelers, one of the guards tells them. About ten years ago, other races stepped up the attacks on anybody in the wilds, and owners turned up missing. The city guards patrol the road between the city and outpost about a day’s travel out, but people still turn up missing. It has gotten treacherous for travelers, and many merchants don’t travel outside the city anymore, making the caravan more profitable and more dangerous.

  After about a week on the road, Berg and Abigail are sitting on a wagon during their early morning watch. The moons are starting to sink behind the mountains, casting long dark shadows across the landscape. Abigail quietly points at a shadow moving along the edge of the forest, but Berg can’t see a thing. Earlier in the week, he told Abigail that his night vision is terrible and he is nearsighted. She keeps his secret, making sure she is always on watch with him. They have an agreement that should anything happen, Berg is to wake Mashaun, acting as if he is waking him for his shift, while Abigail keeps watching the figure. Berg does as they had discussed and tells Mashaun about the shadow. He nods, telling him to wake Kazimir and the guards as quietly as possible. Staying in the shadows, Berg makes his way to Kazimir and the other guards, telling them what Abigail has seen. Moving among the shadows, they wake the guards.


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