ACER final

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ACER final Page 24

by Hargrove, A.

  Again, he went around the room to get everyone’s agreement.

  “Good. We plan to leave tomorrow morning. We fly out at six a.m. and go straight to New York, where Danny O’Brien lives. Then we prepare. The takedown will be tomorrow night. Our intel says he’ll be at home after seven with his latest girlfriend and his brother. He likes to eat dinner around eight-thirty and head upstairs around ten. We strike at one fifteen a.m. The target is to be taken alive if at all possible. Any questions?”

  “How reliable is your intel?” The first question came in.

  Huff replied, “The best there is.”

  “Boss, how’re we going to get in?” another man asked.

  “Good question. Huff?”

  Huff explained again. “We’ve had his house under surveillance for a few weeks and have acquired the access code to enter his home. All we need to do is neutralize his security team.”

  Another guy raised his hand and asked, “How’re we going to do that?”

  “The usual way. One by one.” Drex flashed a wicked grin and gave Huff a thumbs-up.

  Next, Huff put a layout of O’Brien’s property and house on the screen. Then he pointed out our entry points.

  “The guy has dogs, several of them. Rottweilers. We have spray that will put them out for about an hour. But it has to be a direct hit in the face and you have to be at least ten feet away. If you’re afraid of dogs, I need to know now.” Nobody raised their hand. “Good. As you can see, the compound is surrounded by a brick wall that’s about eight feet high. We’ll have to scale it and maneuver in from there. These are the access points we’ll use.” He indicated them with his laser pointer. “Six locations, five people each.”

  Drex said, “We lost one guy so one team is down to four. That’ll be my team.”

  “The first thing we do once we’re over the wall is wait for the dogs. Once they’re down, we go for the guards. There are twenty total. Questions?”

  This time, there were none.

  “One thing we all need to know,” Drex began, “is every member of that security team wears an alarm to alert O’Brien. If we don’t take them out before they hit their alarms, then he’ll know we’re there. Chances are slim we’ll take him by surprise.”

  Gemini said, “Which is why it’s key to do this right. As we all know, these can get FUBARed fairly fast. This is the one time it cannot happen.”

  Man, was she ever right on that. If either O’Brien got away, we’d never catch them again.

  Huff said, “One other thing. We suspect the house may contain either a panic room or an escape tunnel. If either of those is the case, we have to blow the panic room or follow them out of the tunnel. We have no idea where it would lead us. Best to get it right the first time so we don’t have to find that out.”

  I raised my hand. “Do you mind if I say something?”

  Drex waved a hand. “The floor’s yours.”

  I cleared my throat. “Thank you. These men are responsible for destroying and killing people I’m close to. I have a personal interest in them. Please do your best to make this go right.”

  I watched the group and they nodded their heads.

  “Don’t worry, Isla, we’ll get them,” Drex said. “Everyone get a good night’s sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a long day and night.”

  Everyone filed out as I watched. I had a sinking feeling, but didn’t know why. These people were the best, so why was this sense of foreboding blanketing me?

  Shoving it away, I followed Gemini and Drex to the elevator. That night we ate a good pasta dinner with meatballs and marinara sauce. I had a glass of red wine and went to bed early. Sleep didn’t come easy as dreams of Acer kept me awake.

  I checked my phone. There were all sorts of unanswered calls and texts on it from people back at work. I’d left without a word because I was worried I’d be tracked and taken out. I never called anyone to let them know. Keeping Becky and the kids safe was one of my top priorities too. Ruffles had been staying with them, because the kids had begged for her. I thought it would do Ruffles some good too.

  The packages had been sent out to everyone in the FBI and the Attorney General, and we were waiting for an announcement. After this op was over, if it didn’t happen, we would force the issue. Maybe that’s what had me so worried. Maybe there were more corrupt people involved than we’d uncovered.

  In the morning, I quickly showered and dressed. I tucked some clothes into a backpack and met Drex and Gem in the kitchen where they were talking.

  “Good morning,” I greeted them.

  “Hey, you ready?” he asked.

  I held up my backpack and said, “Yep. All I need is my gallon of java.”

  He offered me a carryout cup and off we went. The ride to the airport was short because there wasn’t much traffic at this hour. When we got there, his jet, along with another were ready and waiting. The other people were already climbing aboard, along with Huff.

  “Who’s riding where?” I asked.

  “You’re with me,” Gemini said, grinning.

  “What? Another hen party?” Drex asked.

  She elbowed him right before we ascended the stairs. We greeted the attendant and she said, “Coffee and muffins, please.”

  “It’s ready for you, ma’am.”

  “I smell cinnamon,” I said.

  “That’s on my orders. Cinnamon muffins. They’re delish.”

  “Hmm. Smells it.”

  The attendant, named Jerry, brought us our goodies as we buckled in. Drex soon appeared.

  “Is Huff on the other plane?” I asked.

  “Yeah. I figured he could answer questions if any came up.”

  He took a seat across from us.

  “Hey, do you want to sit next to your wife?”

  “And ruin your party? She’d kill me.”

  Gemini stuck out her tongue at him. “Damn skippy. I never get to chat with other women and I’m running with this.”

  All Drex did was roll his eyes. It was hilarious seeing him do that.

  During the flight, we talked about everything and nothing. I ate three muffins. Gem laughed at me.

  “You’re worse than me.”

  “Don’t ever order these again. They’re like crack.”

  By the time we landed I had a stomachache. I couldn’t tell if it was nerves or the damn muffins.

  Five black SUVs waited for us and we loaded all the gear into them. Then we headed for a hotel where we’d hang for the day.

  We reviewed our plans, with each of us going over what our particular job was. Since I had a knack for animals and climbing, I was the first of my group to scale the wall and put the dogs down.

  Drex jokingly said, “Isla, don’t lay down and give them belly rubs either. Just spray and move.”

  “Ha ha, funny.”

  My team was assigned the rear of the property and would enter that way. We had the code, which we’d all memorized.

  “Remember, if you get to either of them first, immobilize and don’t take the girlfriend lightly. She’ll most likely be armed too.”

  The day dragged by but when it was around ten, we loaded up and left. It was getting close to game time and we had to hike a ways in. We obviously could not drive up to the house and park in the circle drive. That thought made me chuckle.

  “What’s so funny?” Gemini asked.

  When I told her, she cackled. “Hey, you never know. It might work. Two women, bearing gifts. I hear those O’Briens are women chasers.”

  Drex only growled at that.

  About a mile away, there was a forestry road that we used to hide the cars. Then it was time to gear up. We’d all dressed in black before we left the hotel. On top of that, we strapped on Kevlar, helmets with communicators in them, and finally night vision goggles. Everyone was ordered to check their radios to ensure they were working properly.

  We reviewed the action plan once more and then banded into our groups. Off we went in the direction of our first goals.
/>   It was a little over a mile until we reached the wall. This was our first check-in. We were synchronizing our movements with each other. I would take out the dogs in the back while Gemini was charged with doing the same in the front. The property was expansive, so we hoped the dogs wouldn’t raise much of a ruckus, and if they did, we hoped it wouldn’t be heard.

  Word was given to go. Someone threw up the grappling hook and gave me a boost so I scrambled up the wall. It wasn’t easy, but it also wasn’t that tall. When I reached the top, I took in the view. The dogs were lying down in the distance. I had some treats in my pocket to lure them with, along with a dog whistle that I didn’t have much faith in.

  With the spray in one hand and treats in the other, I inched forward, hoping to get close enough to toss them a treat before they raised hell. I was almost there when one began growling. Of course, the others perked up their ears and joined in. They’d scented me. I held out the stinky treat and waited.

  They didn’t rush over, thank God, but came slowly. I tossed one bully stick at them. God, those things were smelly. Then I moved some more. Two of them went for the stick and I held out another. Three dogs came my way. When they got close, I hit the spray button. I hit all three perfectly. They shook their heads, and then fell down. I went to the other two who were still fighting over the treat, which made taking them out easy. One big spray and two dogs down. Then I raised my thumb. In the distance, the rest of my team came over the wall.

  “Nice work, Chambers,” a guy named Matthews said.

  “Thanks. It was easy. Let’s go.”

  We hustled to the back of the house, keeping to the hedges and anything else to obscure us. When we got there, I checked in with Drex.

  “Group three check-in. All’s good. We are at target two. Over.”

  “Copy. Group three, hold position until notified. Watch for activity and follow the plan. Over.”

  “Copy and out.”

  As soon as I was silent, a guard turned the corner and was headed toward us. I elbowed Matthews. He signaled the others and took off in that direction. The guard never knew what hit him. He was bound and gagged, and then we waited for the next one.

  “Group three to leader. One guard down. Over.”

  “Copy. Hold position, group three. Over.”

  Another guard came from the opposite direction this time. Matthews signaled another guy on our team and we waited until the guard was even with us. Then he moved. Again, it was over in a snap. We had another one gagged and cuffed. But then his radio went off unexpectedly.

  “Unit two, report in.”

  We stared at each other for a second, then Matthews grabbed the radio and said, “Unit two here.”

  “What’s your status?”

  “Uh, A-Okay.”

  “A-Okay? What the hell kind of answer is that? Has there or hasn’t there been any activity? You know how the boss is, you fuckhead. I have to give him a solid report every thirty and A-Okay is not on his list.”

  “Yeah, sorry. No activity here.”

  “Fuck. Are you a goddam idiot? Where is here?”

  “The back of the house.”

  “Thank you, you stupid fuck. Next time, get it right.”

  He shrugged and I nearly laughed, but held it back.

  All went well as the guards were taken out one by one. And then we hit our first hiccup.

  My radio went live and Drex’s voice came on. “All groups move in.”

  One of the men entered the code and we entered the house. Our meeting point was the hall near the back stairway. Huff had disabled the security cameras and substituted a loop of the grounds showing no activity. One group was headed there to take out those two men. Once we were cleared, we headed up the steps. Only we encountered something that hadn’t been on the blueprints.

  “Shit. We missed this,” Gemini said.

  “No. It wasn’t here before,” Drex said.

  “Is that what I think it is?” I asked.

  “Yep. A hand scanner and who knows whose hand is cleared on it.”

  Huff stepped up to examine it. “My best guess would be one of the security guys. The problem is, which one and we only get one try.”

  Drex was quiet for a minute, then said, “We need a decoy. Gem, disarm and put that vest under your shirt. Try to look sexy.”

  “Are you serious? How the hell am I going to do that?”

  Drex smirked. “Babe, you’d look sexy wearing burlap. Just do it and if the guard’s hand doesn’t work, you’re going to have to think fast on your feet. He’ll come barreling out here, ready for action.”

  “And what am I supposed to say?”

  “I don’t know. Make something up.”

  She pulled off her helmet, and the rest of her gear, as she stripped down to her sports bra. Then she put her Kevlar back on and the black shirt over it. “I look like a balloon man from the carnival.”

  Someone from the back said, “I don’t think you do.”

  Drex’s eyes shot knives at the dude. “Keep your eyes on the job.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Now what?” Gemini asked.

  “Huff, use your best guess on the security guard in charge. And Daniels, go give him a hand.”

  A little while later, they dragged him up the steps.

  “For fuck’s sake, could you make any more noise?” Drex whisper-shouted. “You want the entire household running over here?”

  “Sorry, boss, but the guy’s about two-fifty of pure muscle. It wasn’t easy.”

  “Yeah, hit the gym more. Let’s do this. Gem, you ready?”

  “If you call it that.”

  They put the guard’s hand up to the scanner and nothing happened at first until a red light came on.

  “Gem, you’re on. Everyone else, in the dark.”

  They quickly dragged the guy back down the steps as we all dispersed like ants at the bottom. Gemini stood up there and then for good measure, started knocking on the door.

  “Hey, anyone up there? I’m with the police. Hello.”

  At that point, Drex nudged one of the other guys to accompany her. So he ran up there and stood behind her. I was a little surprised it took this long for anyone to respond.

  “Hey!” She palmed the scanner to make it look legit.

  Lights came on and someone ran to the door. It was solid plexiglass so you could see who it was. That was not either of the O’Briens. It was, however, my good buddy, Thomas Murphy.

  Chapter Forty-Three


  Thomas glanced through the door and opened up a means of communication. “Who are you and how did you get in here?”

  “I’m with the police and we got a call that there was a break-in. When my partner and I drove up, there were men unconscious in the front and the door was wide open.”

  “What the fuck!”

  Then came our golden opportunity. He opened the door. Dumbass. He didn’t even bother to ask for any ID.

  The dude behind Gemini stepped past her and said, “On the ground now.”

  “What? What are you talking about?”

  When Thomas saw the weapon, he started to yell something, only Gemini was quick and kicked him in the gut. He doubled over with the wind knocked out of him. Then they gagged and cuffed him.

  The rest of us climbed the steps and when I got to Thomas, I said, “You motherfucking traitor.” I landed another kick for good measure. I’d finish with him later. One team headed for Danny’s room while another went for the guestroom we believed Aiden O’Brien was staying in.

  Another surprise was in store for us when we arrived at Danny’s bedroom.

  “Goddammit. We missed this too.”

  Huff said, “No, it was probably installed when the other one was.”

  Drex looked at Huff and asked, “Want to blast it open?”

  “You know how I love surprises.”

  This was unexpected. He placed the explosive on the door and motioned for us all to take cover. When the charge wen
t off, the door was slightly ajar so we stormed the room.

  O’Brien’s girlfriend screamed while O’Brien searched for a weapon.

  “Hands in the air. Both of you. Now!” Drex shouted.

  Surprisingly, they both complied.

  “Who are you?” O’Brien asked.

  “I’m the one asking questions. Out of bed and on your knees.”

  The girlfriend whimpered and O’Brien said, “For fuck’s sake, Sandra, shut your damn mouth.”

  She was naked and had the biggest boobs I’d ever seen. I couldn’t stop staring at them. Gemini snickered and elbowed me. It was difficult not to laugh. How the heck did they get that big? She was quite a small woman and they made her look like she had two flotation devices stapled to her chest. I wondered how she tied her shoes.

  “O’Brien, you’re one of the FBI’s most wanted men. How you’ve been able to elude them isn’t surprising considering the way you’ve infiltrated their ranks.”

  “You’re going to be very sorry. You are messing with the wrong man.”

  “Maybe, maybe not. But soon, you’re going to find the friends that have been helping you will be your prison mates.”

  Drex motioned to one of the guys. “Find him a robe or something. We don’t want him to freeze his nuts off.”

  “What about me?” the gigantic breasted woman asked.

  “What about you? You’re going with him.”

  “But I’ll need a robe too,” she whined.

  That’s when I lost it. I bent over and laughed so hard, my eyes filled with tears. Then I eked out, “Lady, you need a tent to cover those bazoombas.”

  I heard a few of the guys chuckle, but damn, I wasn’t sure a robe could reach across those mighty things.

  The other team met us in the hall. “He wasn’t there. We checked every room and no sign of him.”

  Drex slammed Danny against the wall. “Where’s your brother, you asshole.”

  Danny only shrugged. “How would I know. I’m not his keeper.”

  “Why wasn’t he here tonight?”

  Again, he shrugged.

  “Tell him, Danny,” the big-boobed chick said. “Maybe it’ll help.”

  “Shut up you stupid cunt.”


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