Race to a Christmas Reunion

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Race to a Christmas Reunion Page 5

by Brenda Jackson

  “Looks like your parents have company.”

  His voice intruded into her thoughts and she noticed the cars parked in front of her parents’ home. “Just my sisters. It seems they are back from shopping.”

  She was glad they were there, since she intended to find out if they’d known what their parents had done and had hidden it from her. A part of her wanted to believe they hadn’t known, but she couldn’t be certain until she questioned them. As far as she was concerned, her entire family had a lot of explaining to do.

  * * *

  “WHAT IS HE DOING HERE?” George St. Claire asked in an angry tone the moment Lisa and Myles walked through the door. Everyone was gathered in the living room around the big-screen television George had gotten from his daughters for Christmas.

  “Myles and I are here so we can talk. There seems to be some sort of misunderstanding as to why he left town, Dad.” She glanced in the direction of her mother, saw the guilty look on her mother’s face, and then said, “And Mom.” She then turned to her sisters and the expressions on their faces let her know they didn’t have a clue as to what she was talking about.

  “There wasn’t any misunderstanding. Your mom and I did what we felt needed to be done under the circumstances. You were making a mistake with him and it had gone on long enough.”

  “So you thought going to Myles and telling him a lie about my dropping out of college, blaming him as the reason for it and playing on his love for me to get him to leave Chiefland was the solution?”

  The look on her father’s face held no regret. “Yes, but it was only after your mom and I found that pregnancy kit by accident in your luggage when you came home from college.”

  Lisa felt Myles’s surprised gaze on her and she turned toward him. She saw the questions in his eyes and knew what he wanted to know, especially since they had never made love without using some sort of protection. She shook her head before turning back to her parents.

  “That pregnancy kit was not mine,” she said, drawing in a shaky yet furious breath. “It belonged to a friend. There was never a time that I thought I was pregnant with Myles’s child.”

  She didn’t feel a need to go into any details and tell her parents that she had gotten a frantic call from Sheila one evening asking that she pick one up and drop it off at Ronald’s place for her. Luckily it had been a false alarm. “Even if you thought it was mine, you should have asked me about it and not assumed anything. Not to mention the fact that you went through my luggage by accident.”

  No one said anything for the longest moment and then Myles spoke, wrapping his arms around Lisa’s waist and pulling her to him while he faced her parents. “I told the both of you how much I loved your daughter and that I intended to make something of myself for her. Lisa has always been the driving force behind my desire to succeed, mainly because she was one of the few people who believed in me. No man or woman can ask for more than that in the person they choose to be their lifelong mate.”

  He then tilted his head and met Lisa’s gaze. “I love you just as much now as I did then, Lisa. If anything, I love you even more because you never stopped loving me—like I never stopped loving you. I still want a future with you if you want one with me.”

  Tears filled Lisa’s eyes and at that moment she wondered what she had done to deserve such a wonderful man as Myles. They had dated for almost three years and her family, refusing to accept him, had gone so far as to deliberately break them up. Yet he still wanted her.

  She shook her head and inhaled deeply before saying, “Yes, I still want a future with you, but I can’t have one.”

  She glanced around the room and saw the surprised looks on the faces of her parents and sisters before turning to meet Myles’s eyes. “And the reason I can’t have one is because I don’t deserve you, Myles.”

  She paused to wipe the tears from her eyes before continuing, “For years everyone thought I was too good for you. But the truth of the matter is that I’m not good enough for you. You asked me why I didn’t pursue my dream of becoming a teacher. The reason is because once you left I couldn’t refocus on passing the test to get my teaching certificate. I felt like a failure to lose you and to lose out on my dream as well. Evidently, I wasn’t as smart as everyone thought.”

  And without saying anything else she turned and walked out of the house.

  * * *

  LISA SAT IN Myles’s car waiting for him to come out of her parents’ home. To her way of thinking it was taking him more time than necessary to do so. As far as she was concerned, there was nothing else left to be said.

  The front door opened and Myles emerged. She could see her father standing in the doorway looking at her, but she turned her head away.

  Miles opened the car door, slid beneath the steering wheel and glanced over at her. “You okay?” he asked in a soft, yet husky voice.

  “Yes, I’m fine. Just take me home please.” She wanted to be alone to sort out her parents’ betrayal.

  “Talk to me, Lisa.”

  She turned toward him as he pulled onto the road. “What do you want me to say?”

  “That you love me.”

  She smiled sadly. “I love you.”

  He smiled. “Good, now we’re getting somewhere. Now tell me that you’re going to marry me.”

  “I can’t.”

  “Sure you can. I heard what you told your folks back there, but what you fail to realize is that our relationship doesn’t concern them anymore. It only concerns me and you and what we want. You are not a failure, and I think you’re one of the smartest women I know. And I want you, Lisa, and I love you, too.”

  “Please, just let things be, Myles.”

  He shook his head. “Sorry, I can’t do that. Once before I gave in where you’re concerned, but I won’t do it again. We were made for each other. You are mine and I am yours, and I feel sorry for anyone who hasn’t figured that out yet.”

  He chuckled. “But it seems that you’re the one who hasn’t figured it out yet. I’ll give you some time if you need it—but not much. I’m leaving the day after tomorrow and heading to Daytona. I was going to ask you to come with me, but I think you and your family need time together to mend a few broken fences. I also think you need time to think about us, Lisa.”

  He brought the car to a stop in front of her apartment building. A few moments later he walked her up to her apartment. When she invited him inside he shook his head, knowing what would happen once they were behind closed doors. “No, sweetheart. There’s still some doubt in your mind about us. You say you love me, yet you say you won’t spend the rest of your life with me as my wife. I refuse to make love to you again until that happens, until you’re absolutely sure of your place in my heart and my life.”

  He leaned over and kissed her lips and pulled her into his arms. “I want you, but not this way. Only as my wife. The only race I want to win right now is the one to the altar with you by my side.”

  He then released her, took a step back and walked back to his car.


  THE NEXT DAY Lisa was moping around the house still wearing her pjs at noon when the doorbell rang. She tossed down the magazine she was reading and raced to the door, hoping it was Myles.

  She let out a disappointed sigh when she looked out the peephole and saw her parents and sisters. They had tried calling her last night and most of that morning, but she hadn’t bothered answering the phone.

  Deciding she would at least find out what they wanted, she opened the door. “Yes?”

  “May we come in?” her father asked.

  Instead of answering, she stepped aside to let all five individuals pass. She closed the door and turned to face them. She studied her father’s features. He looked as if he hadn’t slept most of the night. The last time she had seen him this way was that year he had pulled an all-nighter at the weather station when Hurricane Charley’s fury had passed through town.

  “We owe you an apology,” her father said in a tired
yet sincere voice. “Your mom and I made a grave mistake in trying to dictate what man you should have in your life.”

  He paused a moment then said, “She and I take full responsibility for our actions. Your sisters knew nothing about it, so hold them blameless. Our excuse for our actions is that you’re our baby girl and we were worried about you. Of the four, you’re the only one who had a steady boyfriend and we could see how close the two of you were. When we saw that pregnancy kit we jumped to the wrong conclusions and we apologize for that as well. Can you find it in your heart to forgive us?”

  When she didn’t answer fast enough her father said, “Just so you’ll know, we apologized to Myles last night after you had walked out of the house. He accepted our apology and has forgiven us. He also knows that if the two of you want to marry, he has my and your mother’s blessings.”

  Lisa’s gaze shifted from one family member to the other. She loved each one of them and she knew they loved her, but they had to realize that her business was hers and not theirs. “Will you all promise to let me live my life the way I want? And let any mistakes I make along the way be my mistakes?”

  Her father smiled and nodded assuredly. “Yes, we promise.”

  Lisa crossed the room and walked into her parents’ open arms, and then she proceeded to get hugs from each of her sisters.

  * * *

  SUNNIE SURVEYED THE hundreds of people in the stands and shook her head. “Honestly, Lisa, how on earth do you expect to find Myles among all these people?”

  Lisa had arrived in Daytona earlier that day with her sisters and parents. Tonight was the night of the New Year’s Eve charity race, and although they knew Myles wasn’t racing, his team was. His boss, Bronson Scott, was expected to place in the top five.

  She had left her parents in their seats in the stands while she and her sisters made their way over to the Scott Motorsports pit box. She and Myles had spoken several times over the course of the past twenty-four hours, but she hadn’t told him she planned to come to tonight’s race. She intended to surprise him. Just like she planned on telling him that she intended to marry him…if the offer was still out there.

  To keep her arrival a secret from Myles, she had contacted the headquarters of the Scott Motorsports in Charlotte. After explaining her dilemma, they told her they would give her phone number to Bronson and to wait for his call. In less than twenty minutes, Bronson Scott had contacted her.

  He told her he was presently in Daytona and, after obtaining the name of the hotel where she was staying, he indicated he would send a courier to deliver complimentary passes and would keep the news from Myles as a secret.

  “And you sure this pass will get us behind the scenes to where Myles is?” Wendy asked as they continued their trek along the outskirts of the race track. The race would officially start in a few minutes and Lisa wanted to be as close to Myles as she could. This was his life, and as his wife, this would soon become her life as well.

  “Yes, I’m sure. Bronson Scott gave me good directions,” Lisa said as she continued walking. A few moments later she sighed in relief when she saw the sign indicating Scott Motorsports.

  She recognized Myles immediately. His back was to her but she would recognize his good-looking tush anywhere. “Myles!”

  He turned at the sound of her voice and the smile that suddenly appeared on his face would endear him to her for a lifetime. He quickly started walking toward her. She began running and he caught her into his arms and immediately captured her lips with his.

  Myles ignored the whistles and catcalls and continued to kiss her and she kissed him back with all the love in her heart. Finally, he released her and, with a big grin on his face, asked, “Lisa, what are you doing here?”

  She smiled back up at him. “I’m here for you. I want to tell you in person that I love you and if you still want me, I want to be your wife.”

  He let out a huge yell and lifted her off her feet and twirled her around. “Yes, I still want you, sweetheart, I’ll always want you.”

  * * *

  BRONSON SCOTT SMILED as he witnessed Myles and the woman in a passionate embrace and figured she must be Lisa, the woman he had spoken to on the phone who was the love of Myles’s life and the woman Myles had told him about so many times.

  He looked past them to the three women standing on the sidelines and wondered about one in particular. Donovan Steele was standing beside him and Bronson whispered, “That woman in the jeans and purple top. Who is she?”

  Donovan frowned at him. “A woman is the last thing that should be on your mind now, Bron. Just concentrate on the race, will you? We expect you to cross the finish line tonight with an impressive showing.”

  An arrogant smile touched the corners of Bronson’s lips. “I will. Just make sure you have her name when I finish.”

  A few hours later, Bronson zoomed across the finish line grabbing a second place finish. Donovan was there when Bronson climbed out of his car. “Okay who is she, Steele?”

  Donovan shook his head, grinning. “I talked to Myles. She is one of his soon-to-be-sisters-in-law. The three women you saw are triplets and the one you asked about is Sunnie St. Claire.”

  A huge smile touched Bronson’s lips as he glanced around seeking out the woman again. “Thanks, Donovan. You’ve done your part. Now it’s up to me to do mine.”


  TWO WEEKS LATER in her parents’ lavishly decorated backyard, Lisa St. Claire and Myles Joseph became husband and wife. Myles had surprised her by placing on her finger the ring he had intended to give her years ago. Total happiness surrounded them and they fully intended to live happily ever after.

  During the reception they walked hand in hand greeting their guests, including many of Myles’ fellow racers.

  Moments later, Myles leaned down and whispered, “Let me know when you’re ready to leave.”

  They had made plans to stay in a hotel in Orlando and would be leaving directly after the reception. Tomorrow morning they would catch a plane out of Orlando to spend four weeks in Key West.

  Lisa smiled up at her husband. “I’m ready whenever you are.” She then looked around. “Where’re Ronald and Sheila?”

  Myles chuckled. “They left a few minutes ago. I understand they’re still getting a kick out of breaking in their mega-bed.”

  He pulled Lisa closer into his arms. “Mmm, Ronald likes it so much that I’m thinking of getting us one. It comes highly recommended. But until then, a regular bed will have to do.”

  Lisa wrapped her arms around her husband, thinking he was so right. Until then, a regular bed would have to do.

  When the photographer who had been hired to take pictures began snapping away, Lisa decided to give him a picture worth taking. She smoothed her palm over Myles’s jaw and then on tiptoe she captured his lips with hers. This was a day she had thought would never happen. But it had. She had made it to the finish line, winning the race with the man she loved.

  * * * * *

  Will this billionaire bachelor say “I do” to love? Find out, only from New York

  Times bestselling author Brenda Jackson!

  Looking to settle down, Alaskan CEO Garth Outlaw thinks he wants a convenient bride. What he doesn’t know is that his pilot, Regan Fairchild, wants him. Now, with two accidental weeks together in paradise, will the wife he needs be closer than he realized?

  Read on for a sneak peek of

  The Wife He Needs


  “So, when is the wedding, Garth?”

  Garth Outlaw raised his eyes from studying his cards. Was his brother playing mind games to mess with his concentration?

  “And just what wedding are you talking about?”

  Garth glanced around the table and saw the smirks on the faces of all four of his brothers. Even Jess had made a trip home from the nation’s capital for a week long visit.

  “Is anyone going to answer?” Garth asked.

  Jess grinned as he threw out a card. “I
heard it from Dad the moment I walked through the door. He claims you’ve gotten over Karen Piccard, decided to settle down and do whatever needs to be done for the benefit of the company, which includes getting a wife and making babies to guarantee the Outlaw dynasty. Those were his words, not mine.”

  “We heard the same thing,” Cash said, with Sloan and Maverick nodding in agreement.

  Garth didn’t say anything. Being the oldest son of Bartram “Bart” Outlaw wasn’t easy, especially when his father liked spreading information that wasn’t true. However, in this case, it was. At least partly. He was planning to do what needed to be done for the company. But he seriously doubted he would ever get over Karen. She would always have his heart.

  “No wedding date has been set because I haven’t chosen a bride.”

  His brother Cash sat up straight in his chair. “Are you really thinking about settling down with a wife and making babies?” he asked, as if the thought of doing such a thing was as unheard of as living in outer space.

  Garth threw out some chips. “Why not? I don’t see any of you guys rushing to the altar to continue the Outlaw legacy. Not even you, Jess, and you’re the politician in the family. You of all people should be thinking about acquiring a wife.” A couple of years ago, Jess had gotten elected as a senator from Alaska.

  A grin touched Jess’s lips. “No, thank you. I’m not ready to fall in love.”

  Garth shrugged. “Who said anything about falling in love?”

  “You’re thinking of marrying a woman you don’t love?” This question came from Sloan.

  “For me there’s no other way.”

  There was no reason to explain what he meant. They knew.

  “And you’ll do it because Bart says it needs to be done?”

  Garth rolled his eyes at his youngest brother, Maverick, who’d been quiet up to now. “No, I’ll consider doing it because I think it’s about time I settled down. I’m thirty-eight, and dating gets old.”


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