Resurgence: Katieran Prime

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Resurgence: Katieran Prime Page 5

by KD Jones

  Chapter 8

  ZenIM covered their tracks quickly enough. He wanted to hunt the attackers, but that would leave Jenny unprotected for too long, and the warrior AkER was not at a place he would be any help.

  “Jenny,” he spoke her name softly. ZenIM liked how it sounded soft and flowy, reflecting her person. He also liked her accent, which was different from other humans he had met. She had a lilting, sexy voice, and he couldn’t wait to get back to the cavern so he could ask questions just to hear her answer.

  It didn’t take as long as he thought to cover their footsteps. He used an oily, pungent plant to disguise their scent. He climbed a tall tree to gage where their new foes were. Sounds toward the east told him they were heading in the opposite direction. Relief flowed through him. However, they could’ve split up to cover more distance.

  Turning, he searched the slowly fading darkness. He had to hurry back before the suns fully rose. First, he would find something for them to eat. Wanting to impress Jenny and show her he could take care of her, he gathered fresh berries and nuts. Then he used the flask he always carried and filled it with fresh water from the waterfall. Having gathered enough for now, he headed back inside the cavern, and to her.


  Jenny heard the chirping of strange, exotic creatures. Without her glasses, her imagination created shadows and creatures crawling through the cavern all aiming for her. She picked up a few rocks to keep close by as her weapons. As a doctor, she wanted to heal, but she would protect herself if necessary. Her grandfather, a renowned military surgeon in his own right, taught her defense. Thankfully, she hadn’t needed to use it, and questioned whether she would be able to pull off any of the moves against a real foe the size of AkER or ZenIM.

  A sound from across the cave had her reaching for the rock nearest her. She lifted her arm prepared to launch it.

  “Please do not throw that. You may damage me.”

  Sighing with relief, Jenny dropped the rock and got to her feet. “Are you all right? You were gone a long time.”

  “I had a lot to do. I covered our tracks then checked on the location of the foe.”

  Stiffening, she wrapped her arms around herself. “Are they close?”

  “No, they’re heading in the opposite direction for now.”


  “I brought you something to eat,” he said as he pulled out a small satchel. He sat on the floor before her and opened the bag. “Berries and nuts. I would catch fish for you but didn’t want to start a fire as it would draw too much attention.”

  She sat across from him. “I love berries and nuts.”

  “I also brought you fresh water to drink.” He handed her the silver container.

  “Thank you,” she opened the top and took a swig before handing it to him.

  “It’s for you.”

  “Let me check on AkER. If he wakes, he may be hungry or thirsty.”

  Jenny stumbled her way to where she had laid AkER flat on the cavern floor. It had been difficult to pull him out of the chair all on her own, but she needed to keep herself busy while ZenIM was gone.

  Checking his pulse, she said, “AkER?” His only response was a loud resounding snore. She smiled. After pulling her medical bag over, she used the scope and checked his vitals. All good, and the nanos were healing him quite nicely. In fact, in a day or two, he could attempt to stand on his ankle.

  “Is he doing okay?”

  “Yes, he’s healing. No need to wake him now. His body needs the rest.”

  She sat to eat more berries and nuts. The berries tasted like blueberries and strawberries combined, and the nuts were almond flavored. Feeling guilty for eating so many, she made herself stop. She pushed the rest closer to him.

  “You need to eat, too, keep up your strength.”

  “Do you think I’m weak?” he asked.

  Bollocks! Had she just insulted him? “I didn’t mean it like that…”

  He placed a hand on top of hers and squeezed gently. “I was teasing you.”

  Sunlight filtered into the room through the blanket of the waterfall. This was the first time she got a really good look at him, and she found her breath taken at his gorgeous exotic looks. His short hair was dark, almost black, and his different colored eyes swirled with intelligence. His beard only made his looks more rugged and enticing. He wore no shirt, and his deeply tanned skin accentuated his ripped body. She noted a scar on the top of his right shoulder and wanted to run her fingers over it. Sexy did not do justice in describing him. He captivated her.

  It took her a moment to realize they were basically holding hands, and he was checking her out at the same time she was looking him over. Her heart began racing, and her breathing became irregular. Her whole body tingled being this close to him.

  “You have a little something…” he reached up and used his thumb to wipe away a bit of berry juice from the corner of her lips.

  The electric current from that simple touch had her body responding. Her nipples hardened and she had to remind herself to keep breathing. Butterflies bubbled in her belly. She shivered at his gentleness and warmth. He made her nervous.

  “Thank you for coming for us,” she told him, trying to break the spell he had her under.

  She felt a strong desire to touch him. Okay, she barely knew him, but had to admit their chemistry was off the charts. Jenny usually preferred men who were cleanly shaven, but his stubble was damn irresistible. She wanted to brush her fingers over it to see if it would be soft or course. How would it feel against her skin? The thought made her shiver.

  “You’re welcome. I will do everything in my power to protect and keep you safe.”

  Wow, the way he said it was so macho, but in a sexy way. She had never been the type to swoon over a guy, but at that moment, she was doing some major swooning.

  After what seemed like a long time of holding hands, the spell broke when he pulled away. She missed his touch and the heat from his body.

  “Get some rest. We’ll leave as soon as the suns go down,” he told her.

  “Right, sleep.” Like she could just fall asleep on this hard floor.

  Jenny crawled over to a corner which looked clean enough and lay down on her side. She could see ZenIM as he walked the perimeter of the cavern. He had long and confident strides, and she felt safe knowing he was watching over her. Closing her eyes, she told herself to relax. Eventually, she did manage to drift off to sleep.


  ZenIM watched Jenny shift uncomfortably on the rough floor. She had fallen asleep but woke several times, turning to find a more comfortable spot. She would check on her patient then try to go back to sleep. He would rather lay on the grass and dirt than this hard rock. It was also cooler inside the cavern, and there had been only one blanket that he grabbed. Jenny had placed it over AkER.

  He learned a lot by simply watching her. She would ensure others’ needs before she took care of her own. Jenny, unlike many females he knew, remained quiet. She took in her surroundings, assessing and making strategic decisions. Whether to give her patient more pain medication or moving closer to make sure she could keep track of AkER’s breathing.

  To be honest, he found himself a little jealous over all the attention AkER received from Jenny. He would love to have her put her hands on him, have her caring for him. It had been a long, long time since anyone cared enough about him to ask him how he felt. Jenny got up again.

  “Sorry, I just can’t get comfortable,” she said, shivering and wrapping her arms around her knees as she sat up.

  “Take the blanket.”

  “No, AkER needs it more than me. I’ll be fine.”

  “Come and sit next to me. Share my body heat.”

  She bit her lip while looking between him and AkER.

  “I only mean to help. You can trust me.”

  After a few minutes of internal debate, she made her decision and got up. He leaned his back against the wall of the cavern and motioned at the spot to his left

  She sat next to him, and he inhaled her scent deeply. She had a lovely fragrance, a mix between a wildflower and something sweet like the berries he had picked for her. He allowed her to find a good position and settle in. Once she relaxed, she leaned closer to him until her slight weight pressed against his shoulder and arm.

  “Thank you. I admit, you do give off a lot of heat.”

  “Most of my people have that ability.”

  “Hot by nature?” she teased.

  “I suppose you can say that.” He smiled back at her.

  “I’ve always been cold natured. Whenever I felt the slightest bit of a chill, I would often use a heating blanket even during the summer nights. My parents would tease about always having to dress me in layers.”

  “Why did you leave Earth?”

  “I heard of the opportunity to travel to another planet. The idea of studying and learning about a different species was too brilliant an opportunity to turn down.”

  “What’s the most surprising experience you’ve had so far?”

  “I think the surprising parts are when I discover exactly what makes us different, our misunderstandings.”

  “Like…” he prompted as he moved his arm carefully around her shoulders to pull her closer.

  She gave a slight smile as she snuggled into him. “I specialize in reproductive endocrinology.” At his confused expression, she laughed.

  “I assist in difficult pregnancies. Once, I helped a couple during a problem. The woman was from Earth and the man from Katiera. The female had preeclampsia, swelling of her feet, legs and hands. It’s normal during a pregnancy to swell, but if the blood pressure goes up, it could be a real concern. It required constant monitoring. When I tried to explain preeclampsia to the man, he was confused.”

  She deepened her voice to mimic the man. “He said, ‘She is pre clamped everywhere. Even her face has gotten huge. You must do something!’ Basically, he said that his wife—mate—had a fat face. His mate was not pleased.”

  ZenIM laughed. He could picture a male saying something like that. The way Jenny described the situation was very colorful. She laughed too and he enjoyed hearing the sound.

  “I agree about the differences. When I first met a human, I didn’t know what to expect. Lola, Leader LarIS’s mate, is deaf. She speaks her silent language using her hands. I wanted to impress her the next time I met her, so I practiced and practiced, but I got my hands signals mixed up. She had asked me why I was still unmated. I meant to say it was complicated, but my signals said I was...ugly. LarIS has not let me forget that ever since it happened.”

  “Well, I’m sure she knew immediately it was the wrong gesture because you are not ugly.”

  Her unexpected compliment pleased him beyond belief. Her cheeks flushed pink, and she looked away. He smiled down at her.

  “Thank you. I think you’re not ugly as well.”

  They both laughed, and the tension eased. She leaned her head against his shoulder and closed her eyes. He felt honored that she trusted him enough to relax. An overwhelming sense of protectiveness filled him for her.

  “Do the differences between our people bother you?”

  “Not at all. The best thing I’ve learned is that we all want the same things in life. To have a purpose, love, and family.”

  He looked at her in amazement. Jenny had insight and wisdom beyond her years.

  “Tell me about your village,” she asked, snuggling even closer.

  He did as she asked, speaking softly about his home, wanting to impress her. Occasionally she asked questions, but she grew tired and eventually fell asleep against him. He didn’t rest but laid his head against hers just enjoying the feel of her. He would take what he could get when he could get it.

  Chapter 9


  Jenny woke on the cold cavern floor, aching all over. She would have to make a point to get back to doing yoga to help keep her body’s flexibility. Memories from last night returned to her. The last thing she remembered was sitting next to ZenIM, wrapped in his arms, and listening to his deep sexy voice describe his people and village. He had been warm and comforting, and she must have fallen asleep. It surprised her how much she enjoyed simply being in his company.

  Sitting up, she looked around the cavern but didn’t see him. AkER was up and looking confused.

  “Where are we?” he asked.

  “I’m not sure of the exact location, but we are in a cave ZenIM found for us behind this lovely waterfall.”

  “Are we at the village already?”

  She shook her head. “No, we had to stop before the suns rose.”

  As his own memories came back, he stared at her accusingly. “You drugged me.”

  “You were in a lot of pain and we couldn’t keep you in the chair thingy without the seat belt.”

  “I didn’t give you permission to do that.”

  She heard the anger in his voice and understood it. “I know having that decision taken out of your hands is hard to accept. We needed to get to safety, and if we had to keep stopping because you slipped out of the chair, it would have delayed us further. As your medic, it’s my job to keep you comfortable and stable enough to heal.”

  “You had no right!” he yelled at her trying to get to a standing position.

  A low growl had them both jumping back. She looked up to find ZenIM looming over AkER.

  “I told her to put you out so you wouldn’t give away our location to the hostiles. If you have a problem with that, take it up with me, not her. She has done nothing but take care of you, check on you, and not getting enough sleep. I will not tolerate your attitude toward her.”

  “It’s okay, ZenIM.”

  “It’s not okay. You have sacrificed yourself to keep him safe and to heal him. Instead of thanking you, he wants to show anger towards you? I will not allow it. It is not a sign of an honorable male.”

  There was an awkward moment of silence as ZenIM and AkER had some kind of manly stare down. She closed her eyes and sent out a prayer. God help me deal with men, especially these two stubborn ones.

  A throat cleared, and she opened her eyes. AkER turned in her direction. “I apologize for my attitude. Thank you for taking care of me.”

  “You’re welcome. How do you feel?”

  AkER tried to stand but winced in pain and plopped back down. She crawled over to him immediately.

  “Don’t try to stand. I think you need another day off this ankle for it to heal properly. Let me get my scope.” She reached for her medical bag.

  ZenIM walked past them. “I brought more fresh berries and nuts. Are you hungry?”

  At that moment, Jenny’s stomach growled. She put her hand on her belly and laughed. “I guess that’s perfect timing then, because I could eat.”

  AkER’s stomach growled too. They looked at each other and laughed. The earlier tension between them eased. He shifted his weight. “I guess I’m a little hungry too.”

  ZenIM leaned down and placed the satchel in front of her. “Would you like some water as well?”

  “Yes. My throat is really dry.”

  He handed her his flask.

  “Can I have some as well?” AkER asked.

  “Of course, here.” Jenny tried to hand over the flask, but ZenIM placed his hand on her arm halting her.

  “You first.”

  “But he’s my patient.”

  “And you are his medic. If you don’t have your strength, you can’t heal him.”

  Surprisingly, ZenIM made a strong argument. Another shock came with AkER’s words.

  “He’s right. You first,” AkER pulled his hand back. He looked a little uncomfortable having ZenIM point out something so obvious.

  Jenny took the flask and sipped the water. Cool refreshing liquid slid down her throat, and she swore she felt it all through her body. It was the purest water she had ever tasted. She found it incredible since she came from a planet where the natural resources were nearly depleted, and all dr
inking water had to be filtered multiple times. It had been one of the many reasons the Earth World Government—EWG—agreed to allow the Katierans to recruit volunteers to relocate to Katiera. Of course, the initial relocatees were all young healthy adult women in their breed bearing years. Only a few males were allowed to come to Katiera, and they were doctors, specialists like herself.

  She handed the flask to AkER, then scooped some berries. On Earth, fresh fruit was also a rarity. Prepackaged, dried, and re-liquefied foods had become a staple. Now, whole families were being relocated so Katieran scientists could begin correcting the damage humans had done to their own planet.

  Giving the rest of the berries to AkER, she stood and moved closer to the curtain of water falling. She could see the colors of the sunset through the mist, and the day came to a red and pink end as the night rose to take its place.

  “What I wouldn’t give to be able to take a bath right now,” she said longingly. She felt his warm hand on her back, gently rubbing. Currents went through her again and she shivered with the need to step closer to him.

  “Unfortunately, there isn’t enough time. We’ll leave as soon as it is fully dark, about another hour,” ZenIM told her as he stood next to her.

  “I need to...take care of some personal business first,” she said, feeling awkward and a little embarrassed.

  “I see. Okay, I’ll take you outside and make sure you are safe while you complete”

  “You don’t have to go with me.”

  “I have to guard you and keep you safe,” he insisted.

  Jenny knew it would be no point in arguing over it when he used that tone. How quickly she was learning this man. “Fine.”

  She followed him out of the cave, leaving AkER chowing down on the berries and nuts. It was a good sign his appetite was back. Between the nanos and the Katieran’s natural ability to heal, he would be at one hundred percent soon enough.

  Blinking back the sunlight as the branches were moved out of the way, she ducked under the low opening. The smells of the flowers and jungle surrounded her, embracing and welcoming her. She had never been an outside type of person, but for some reason, she loved this place. Jenny had traveled to all three alien worlds, Katiera, Kiljor, and the Colony. By far, she preferred the green jungles of the Colony.


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