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The Chosen Series Box Set: Books 1 - 3

Page 46

by Charlene Hartnady

  Ward desperately needed to do something about his little situation. Make that his really big, painful situation. He put his back to her as he walked across the room needing to put some distance between them.

  “I need to shower.”

  She let out a deep sigh. “Really?”

  “Yeah, really.”

  “You’re going to make me watch again?” By the way she spoke, you would swear he was asking her to dance on hot coals…naked. He suppressed a groan. Not an image he needed right now.

  “I did not make you watch. You had your eyes closed.”

  She made a noise of frustration and actually rolled her eyes. “What if I promise not to try anything? I’ll wait right here.”

  For a second he was tempted, it would be best if she wasn’t present when he…took care of things. “I could tie you to the bed.”

  “I won’t try anything. I don’t like being tied up.”

  The only times he’d tied her up was when he had needed a bathroom break that required a closed door. He knew she detested being bound, and the last thing he wanted was to make her uncomfortable. Maybe the cold water would do the trick.

  “I’m sorry, Stephany. I can tie you up and promise to be really quick, otherwise I need you to come with me. I can’t risk you finding…things out. I would either have to kill you or mate you. Since both options don’t appeal to either of us, I recommend we take the path of least resistance.”

  “Fine,” she huffed. “Do you promise to be quick? It’s cold out there.”

  “Wrap a blanket around your shoulders.”

  “I don’t know how you can stand those freezing showers.” She said as she grabbed a blanket and did as he said.

  “Believe me when I tell you I need them. I’ll heat your water once I’m done though.”

  “I still don’t get it.” She shrugged. “Warm water will clean you better.”

  It was weird. The vampire was innocent in so many ways. The way she reacted to his…state…sneaking little peeks under her lashes like she had never seen an aroused man before. Stephany had said that she didn’t ever rut, he was beginning to suspect that she had been telling the truth. The question was why?

  The female had so much to offer. It sure as claws wasn’t a case of her not being able to entice a male. It had to be a choice that she had made.

  Ward dropped the train of thought and concentrated on getting the fire going again instead. He would need warmth when he was done. Next, be grabbed a towel and made for the door pausing so that Stephany could fall in behind him. He waited at the jamb for her to exit ahead of him and closed the door behind them to keep the cabin warm.

  “Hurry.” Stephany pulled the blanket more firmly around her shoulders. A light mist appeared as she exhaled.

  “Keep your eyes closed. Don’t open them okay?”

  “Fine.” Her lashes fused as her eyelids dropped.

  “I mean it, Stephany.” He turned away from her, pulling his sweatpants down his body.

  She gasped. He twisted around, her eyes were fixed on his ass. “Look, you can watch if you want, but I really wouldn’t recommend…” He chuckled as she squeezed her eyes shut shaking her head vehemently.

  “I’m good. I’ll keep them shut. We were just still talking and I didn’t realize that you were already pretty much naked.” Sweet, little Stephany was flustered. She licked her lips, scratched her nose and pulled on the blanket.

  Ward pulled his eyes off the delectable vampire, needing to focus on the job at hand. First, he would try and get rid of his raging hard on the old fashioned way. He turned the faucet on, and then stepped into the blast of frigid water. It took his breath, caused goose bumps to rise on his entire body. It almost hurt. Ward sucked in a ragged breath as he turned allowing the spray to beat down on his back. He shoved his head under the nozzle, wetting his face and hair. His cheeks burned. In sheer desperation, he let the ice, cold spray fall directly onto his dick. His balls clenched, turning an even brighter shade of blue but his stiff dick didn’t diminish in the slightest.


  It seemed that there was only one of two options left. One, he eased himself into Stephany’s tight, wet pussy. He almost groaned out loud at the thought. If he was really honest with himself, he hadn’t wanted anything so badly in the longest time. Just like stealing his granny’s freshly baked cookies had gotten him into untold trouble as a six year old pup, dipping into this particular cookie jar would open up a world of trouble for both of them. They came from two different worlds. Hounds, their species were at war. The temptation still rode him hard but he shook his head, moving out of the cold spray instead. The sound of the water would hopefully help mask the sounds that he would make.

  Ward palmed his cock, picking up a solid pace right from the start. One hand on the wall in front of him, he spread his legs slightly while thrusting into his tight fist. It was easy to picture his cock balls deep inside the vampire. Her tight ass, his to admire as he took her from behind. She would claw at the sheets. Cry out as he rutted her. Ward locked his jaw to suppress a growl that formed in his throat. It wouldn’t be long, he picked up the pace.

  Why the hell had she opened her eyes?

  What strange force had possessed her?

  Ward’s left hand pushed at the wall. His head was bent down. His body slightly curled inward. The thick length of his cock pulsed between the fingers of his right fist. His hips rolled forward, picking up pace as he neared…her throat constricted making it hard to breathe, to think. The best thing to do would be to close her eyes. It was wrong on so many levels for her to watch him…in this intimate moment…yet she couldn’t stop. Wouldn’t stop. She had to watch him…needed to see him find completion. Just the thought of him in the throes of ecstasy made her heart beat faster. The sound of blood rushed in her ears.

  She must’ve made some kind of noise or something because, quick as a flash, he turned his head. His green eyes zoning in on her.


  Her first instinct was to close her eyes and pretend that she hadn’t seen anything but it was a little late for that. He froze.

  Pure instinct took over. If she had been thinking rationally she would never have done it. Her lip curled and her already distended fangs lengthened to capacity. By the time she realized what she was doing and clapped her mouth shut it was too late.

  He turned the faucet off. The silence that followed was deafening as he turned to face her head on.

  Stephany was panting, the air leaving her lungs in big white clouds that misted around her face. Her skin felt too tight. She pushed her thighs closer together to try and ease the ache in her core. The muscles on his neck roped and his nostrils flared. An agonized look appeared in his eyes and his brow furrowed. She took a step back as he moved towards her. And then another until the cold wood of the door was at her back. The blanket dropped at her feet as his hands slid around her waist. He cursed before closing his mouth on hers. Her hands went to his chest, intent on pushing him away. That was until his tongue breached her lips. He tasted better than she could ever have imagined. At least as good as his blood and that was saying something. Instead of pushing him away, she threaded her hands around his neck and pulled him closer making a mewling noise as she did.

  He growled long and deep, the sound coming from somewhere inside both his throat and chest which vibrated against her. Ward picked her up, pulling her against him. She wrapped her legs around his hips. Moaning as his cock settled in between her thighs. Warm air and the sound of a door closing alerted her to them being back in the cabin.

  Ward was moving even though they were still kissing. Their coming together almost violent as their tongues clashed and their mouths meshed with a need that scared her. She shoved her hands into his thick short hair as he pulled away. She tightened her grip, afraid he was going to stop.

  It was all wrong but she needed this. They needed this.

  He broke the kiss, sucking in air through his nostrils. “You smell so good. I’m
going to have you now.” His breath hot against her lips.

  “Yes.” A plea.

  He put her down by the bed and fisted her shirt. “Off,” he growled. His eyes filled with a hunger that caused shivers to race up her spine.

  She pulled the damp shirt over her head and his eyes dropped to her breasts. “Fucking perfect.” His eyes were glowing slightly, making him somewhere beyond just plain handsome. He dropped his head, closing his hot mouth over an aching nipple. He sucked before nipping lightly at her flesh. She squirmed against him, whimpering as he released her. There was a tearing sound as he pulled at her shorts.

  “I can’t be gentle.” He growled as he maneuvered her onto the bed. “Turn around. I want you on all fours.”

  She drew in a breath as her hands and knees hit the mattress, intent on reminding him that she hadn’t done this in a while. The bed dipped as he moved in behind her, his hot breath on her upper thighs. Before she could speak, his tongue traced the seam of her pussy making her cry out instead.

  Ward lapped at her clit, his tongue moving fast in firm strokes that had her clenching her teeth to keep from screaming out.

  Just seconds later, she lost the battle screaming a profanity as her pussy clenched with an orgasm so fierce that it had her eyes watering and her pulse racing.

  Ward muttered something about how good she tasted. His hands on her hips held her in place or she would’ve sunk into a boneless heap as soon as he let up on her clit. Her cheek rested against the cool, cotton sheet. Her breath came in hard rugged pants. Her hands fisted the sheets.

  “For the record,” he said, his voice strained, “I’ve never fucked anyone’s mother.”

  Oh gods, she couldn’t believe she’d said such a crass thing and wanted to set the record straight but Ward pressed the tip of his cock against her opening. He leaned over her, caging her body with his, his chest covering her back. “I don’t think I’ve ever wanted to be inside someone so badly.” He growled nipping at her shoulder. “I’m sorry, Stephany, I don’t think that I could stop now, even if you wanted me to. Please tell me you don’t want me to stop.”

  “I want you,” she whispered. “Don’t you dare stop.”

  “Thank fuck,” he growled. The pressure increased as his thick head breached her opening. It stung.

  He growled sounding frustrated. “Relax, honey. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  His finger found her clit, which he circled with the tip of his index finger. It felt so good. Ward tried to push into her again. She hadn’t rutted in so long that her body had decided he didn’t belong there. He pulled back removing his member altogether, using his finger to breach her pussy instead. In and out. She closed her eyes, enjoying the sensation. “Are you a virgin?” His voice sounded panicked.

  “No. It’s been a while though.” She was panting again. “Besides, even if I was, vampires don’t have a physical barrier like…other species.”

  “Just exactly how long is a while?” He inserted two fingers, his thumb finding her bundle of nerves as he proceeded to fingerfuck her.

  She whimpered, struggling to talk. “A long time”—she whimpered—“I’m going to cum again soon.”

  Ward eased his finger out of her, his thumb continued to press against her clit. “I’m worried that I’m not going to fit.”

  Stephany turned to look over her shoulder, her eyes zoning in on his thick, long cock. Unlike most of her kind, she hadn’t had many lovers in her life, although none had been as big as the wolf, one or two had come close. “You will. Just take me. I promise you’ll fit.” She slid her knees apart, her legs as wide as they would go, took a deep breath and she forced her body to relax. “I’m ready.”

  Ward made a sound of frustration. “You’re killing me, Stephany.”

  Utter perfuckingfection.

  Her ass was magnificent. As was the curve of her hip and the elegant length of her back. Her glistening pussy was swollen from her earlier release. It was perfectly hairless and smooth. He could feast on her all day if it weren’t for his rock-hard dick.

  He needed this female more than he needed his next breath. Was so tempted to just take her that he shook with the desire to ram himself into her, but the thought of hurting Stephany was abhorrent.

  “Please, Ward,” she whimpered. “Just do it. I want to feel you deep inside me.”

  Her breathless plea tore apart the last of his resolve and he gripped her hips tighter as he pushed himself inside her. It wasn’t easy, even though she was dripping wet.

  Her mouth opened on a silent scream and her pussy clenched him tight. Like a heated vice of silk that threatened to suck him in deeper, yet squeeze the fuck out of him at the same time. “How are you doing?” he asked, his cock mostly home.

  “Give me a moment.”

  “Am I hurting you? I’ll stop if—”

  “No,” her voice sounded panicked. “Don’t you dare stop. It stings…a little…but you feel really good.” His finger found her clit. Ever so gently, he played with the tight bundle of nerves, loving the way her breath came in pants. Ward felt her muscles relax, allowing him to maneuver inside her.

  So. Impossibly. Tight.

  So wet.

  His balls pulled up immediately as his dick sank deeper into her. Her lip curled, exposing a long ivory canine. Perfection like the rest of her. He snarled as he picked up a steady pace. It wasn’t long and her pussy walls fluttered.

  “Oh gods, Oh blood…I’m going to…” Her back arched up against him. Her pussy clamping down as she came. So freaking tight it almost hurt. He could hardly move. Could hardly breathe as the first spasm of his orgasm hit. Instinct took over as he clamped his mouth on her shoulder and bit down. Holding her in place. His hands closed on her hips.


  Pleasure coursed through him. Stephany squirmed beneath him, screaming another profanity as her pussy released and clenched in time with her orgasm. Just as he had envisioned, her hands clawed at the sheets. Just when he thought he was done, another spurt of cum left him. He growled fiercely as another wave of pleasure rolled through him. He felt his dick fill. Stephany gasped in surprise.

  “Don’t be alarmed.” He clutched her to him, not wanting to hurt her. “I’m a wolf, honey, we swell a little when we cum.” Even as he spoke, the pressure eased a smidgen. He settled on top of her, careful not to allow his weight to crush her. Even if he had been able to pull out at that moment, he would’ve chosen not to. Ward enjoyed the familiar feeling of her against him too much.

  “Um…okay.” She sounded unsure.

  “I’m sorry if it’s freaking you out. It’s perfectly normal for this to happen.”

  “I don’t mind. How long does it take though?”

  “I wouldn’t normally become trapped inside a female for this long. It normally only lasts for a few seconds after, but you’re just so…tight.” He tried to ease himself out of her, careful not to hurt her. Inch by inch he separated himself, noticing that there were teeth marks on her skin somewhere in the region where her shoulder met her neck. The skin wasn’t broken.

  When he finally pulled free, he moved onto his side pulling Stephany up against him.

  “For the record”—he panted between every word—“although I greatly enjoy oral sex, I’m not a ‘fuck-face’ either.”

  She made a strangled sound that brought a smile to his lips. “I can’t believe I said that.” She tried to pull away, but he tightened his hold on her.

  Ward couldn’t help but to chuckle softly. “I liked it. I can’t wait to hear what other choice names you have for me.”

  “Oh, no…we can’t do that again.” She tried to move away again, but he wouldn’t let her. Ward pulled himself up onto an elbow so that he could see her face. “I am going to take you again within the next few minutes.” He leaned in so that he could nibble on her earlobe.

  She made a noise of enjoyment but still tried to squirm away. “It will complicate things. We shouldn’t be doing this, Ward. You know that…I know t

  “It’s a bit too late to take it back and since we are together for another day or two, might as well make the most of it. If you tell me honestly that you didn’t enjoy yourself then I’ll stop.”

  She turned onto her back and his eyes were drawn to the plumpest, ripest nipples he had ever had the pleasure of sampling. He had to fight not to drool. “My eyes are up here mister.” There was a tinkle in her voice that gave away her smile.

  Ward smiled as well. “I want you again. We fit perfectly…if not really tightly…together.”

  “It’s a bad idea.” She licked her lips. “This will end badly.”

  “There is something between us, I don’t deny it.” Something more than just an attraction and really great sex. “I’m sure we’ll be fine though as long as we agree to short term, pleasure only for as long as you are here. Then you go back to your coven, I take a mate and life goes on.”

  Her eyes fluttered closed for a few beats before she shook her head. “What then? I can’t go back with your scent on me. They will know we rutted. Your pack would probably disown you as alpha if they found out this happened. If we stop now, no one needs to know.”

  Ward had to laugh. Was this vampire really that innocent? “I hate to tell you this, sweetheart, but by now half my pack knows I’m a motherfucking fuck-face.” He smiled at the horrified expression on her face. “I hate to break it to you, but they know already.”

  Horror caused her eyes to widen and her mouth to gape. “Oh, no. They heard that?” she gasped. “I suppose they would have. You wolves have better hearing than us vampires.” She bit on her lip for a few beats. “I’m so sorry.”

  He put his index finger over her lips before tracing their seam. “I was just as loud. All that growling and snarling. I assure you that my pack knows exactly what a rutting wolf sounds like. We all have really good hearing.”


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