Creations Collection 1: sci fi alien romance

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Creations Collection 1: sci fi alien romance Page 20

by Marie Harte

  Two males, one special female, a bonding, a child... He could almost hear his fathers whispering the secrets of Ragga mating and marriage as he stared at Anin. Such a slight frame, yet one that had shoved him on his ass. He imagined her belly rounded with his and Set’s child, could see himself laughing with her as they made their home and crowded it with young.

  “Shit.” The vision seemed almost real. Rushing to the lav, he stayed upright in the solar cleanser far longer than needed, letting the heat push his worries away. One more day, he told himself. I can last one more day...


  A day later, Anin waved goodbye to Set and Nu’s family. She’d had a very brief introduction before Nu, Set, and she donned light robes with hoods. Once appropriately clothed to combat Ragga’s harsh climate, they entered the Fas family stable and mounted raks.

  The large, intelligent beasts were strong enough to carry mature Raggas and could run at amazing speeds. She’d studied about them in books, but Anin had never seen an actual rak until today. The creature beneath her had been well trained. Its sandy flesh blended seamlessly with the area around it. Sharp teeth indicated it ate more than the bales of grass she’d seen in the small pen outside the family unit. But its gentle gaze reassured her.

  She rode in front of Nu, with Set on a mount beside them. They headed for Nu and Set’s home some distance from the main family unit. Until they mated, the brothers would live apart from their family. When they found mates, they’d move into the wing their fathers were presently building, which she found curious.

  Why build it now, and why had Nu been so upset with his family because of the construction? Had Nu and Set reached a certain age that mandated they marry? She’d unfortunately had no time to ask any questions.

  A quick introduction to Nala, their tall, fair-skinned, slim mother, and a pair of Ragga males who looked alike, was all Set and Nu had allowed. Tall, dark, and muscular, with coppery skin and orange eyes, all of the men in the Fas homestead were huge. The two she’d met had fascinated her. She had a hard time determining which man had fathered which son. They both looked so much alike and young enough to be Set’s and Nu’s brothers.

  Raggas didn’t age the way many in the System did. They lived for hundreds of years. But because of their difficulties procreating, which was still a great mystery to those outside of the Ragga culture, she supposed nature required that they have plenty of time to repopulate the planet.

  As she rode in front of Nu, she refused to look at him, aware he stared at her all the time now. Set loved that she’d broken Nu’s resolve to ignore her. Anin wasn’t so sure that was a good thing. Set cherished her. Nu looked like he wanted to break her. And the sexual chemistry between the three of them was enough to drive her steadily insane. If not for Set’s orders not to give up this charade, she might have confessed to Nu what she was doing.

  She feared what he’d do when he found out she’d tricked him.

  Perversely, Anin liked arousing the large male. Nu seemed to study her with respect as well as puzzlement. She intrigued him, whereas before she’d unnerved him, which made her nights all the more difficult. Her libido, now awakened, dogged her every moment.

  Set had stayed away from her since he’d taken watch on the ship, and Nu still hadn’t made a move. Thoughts of obeying his every wish made her wet. A natural submissive, she understood that desire to succumb to a stronger male. But that didn’t explain why she grew aroused at thoughts of trying to resist him.

  She shivered, and Nu tightened his massive arms around her. Though her new situation wasn’t reassuring, she couldn’t help liking what she was becoming.

  Through Set’s encouragement, she’d begun learning more about herself. Anin had been specifically created to serve. Yet, telling Nu what she thought came easier to her each time she did it. She liked not having to worry about offending her handler—not handler, friend, she reminded herself—for fear she’d be punished.

  “We’re almost there.” Nu’s warm breath whispered against her sensitive canal. When he nipped her lobe, she almost moaned aloud. A waft of scent drifted on the breeze, and she prayed the wind blew it away before Nu realized her desire.

  Thankfully, he did nothing more. But her body remained tense, needy. She wanted so badly to relax into his frame, but Set’s warnings held fast.

  Set watched her and smiled. He waved at the bleak landscape. “What do you think, Anin?”

  She glanced around. Ragga was pretty in a stark, simple way. The orange and brown clay underfoot gave way to patches of darker sand the farther they drew from the Fas homestead. Large, green-barked trees waved like spindles as they drew closer to the mountain looming in the distance.

  Raggas, by trade, tended to be miners. Their strength enabled them to withstand the planet’s heat and proximity to the sun, as well as to endure the harsh conditions of mining. Deep underground, the temperature fluctuated from molten hot to bitter cold. The mineshafts were particularly deep, and trudging through the uneven terrain required skilled and strong laborers, according to the vids she’d studied on the shuttle.

  “It’s pretty in its own way,” she said when she realized both men waited on her answer.

  “You don’t like it,” Nu rumbled.

  She lowered her head, aware of his displeasure, when Set cleared his throat.

  Anin forced herself to turn and meet Nu’s glare. “I didn’t say that. The planet doesn’t have the lush woodlands of Mardu or the metropolitan structures of Eyra. It’s simple, uncomplicated. I like that.” And she meant it. Nothing on Ragga seemed hidden.

  They soon reached the brothers’ home. They left the raks in a covered stable where the wind made the area pleasantly cool. Entering the small dwelling, she was disappointed to see nothing more than two large, single beds, a table, and some chairs. A pitcher and bowl sat on a smaller side table. Dust had gathered over everything.

  “Um. This is quaint. Simple.”

  Set snorted. “This is for show. The actual house is underground.”

  She looked around but saw no doors. Nu brushed by her and set his hand on the wall in the corner of the small home. A panel in the floor slid open, revealing a darkened stairwell.

  “Follow me.” Nu walked down the stairs, and as he did, a dim glow gradually illuminated the large space. The minute they touched the bottom, lights brightened the large room.

  “Wow.” Though rugged, the home had been built for comfort. Oversized furniture, to meet the needs of the large men with her, dotted the room. Stuffed chairs and couches covered in rak-hide and littered with norwali silk pillows invited her to sit. A large cooking area sat to one side. Through one of the three doorways on the far wall, Anin saw a large bed.

  Nu didn’t blink as he watched her. “Set and I wanted a place to come home to where we can relax. Though most Ragga homes are like our parents’, we’ve had to take extra precautions.”

  “Precautions? Why?” Anin couldn’t imagine anyone stupid enough to willingly take on a Ragga.

  Set answered. “We’ve been bounty hunters long enough to make enemies. No matter that Ragga doesn’t take to offworlders, it wouldn’t take much for anyone to find us here. The home upstairs deters thieves. Only family can access this underground haven.”

  Anin trailed her fingers over the tanned pillows, comforted by such safety.

  “My bedroom’s through there,” Nu offered, pointing toward one of the doorways off the main room. “I’d be happy to show you around.” The intensity of his gaze and depth of his voice told her to tread warily. If she hadn’t known better, she’d swear Nu emitted pheromones of his own.

  Nervous, Anin took a step back, freezing when Nu frowned. Set shook his head behind him.

  Steeling the backbone slowly growing within her, Anin forced a laugh. “Yeah, well, maybe I’ll take you up on that. After I’ve had a trip to the lav. I need to clean up.” A subtle glance at Set showed him nodding. She tingled, aware she’d pleased him.

  Nu rubbed his chin thought
fully and glanced from Anin to Set. “The lav’s through the middle door. Set, I need to talk to you.”

  Anin made her escape. Inside the lav, she took her time addressing her needs. Once again, without asking for permission, she took the initiative and made use of their crude shower. It worked with water, not solar rays. It felt good all the same.

  She washed herself but couldn’t find a blower to dry off. Using the large towel draped over a bar, she wiped the excess water from her skin and wrung out of her hair. She really didn’t want to wear the same overshirt she’d just taken off. It was covered in dust.

  Wrapping the towel around her, she pondered what to do about clothing when Nu opened the door.

  He stared at her, his eyes blazing. “I thought you might need something to wear.”

  Anin didn’t know what to say, but she did know it wasn’t appropriate of Nu to barge in. “Thanks, but you might have knocked.”

  He shrugged. “It’s my house.”

  She frowned, aware of a sense of danger that hadn’t before been present. “Where’s Set?”

  “He’s working off a good rage. Little shit thinks he can trick me into doing what he wants. Can you imagine?” Nu advanced, and it took all of Anin’s discipline to remain still.

  “I don’t think I’d call Set little.” She licked her lips, both alarmed and intrigued when Nu focused on her mouth. “So he’s gone then?”

  Nu nodded. His hand shot out to wrap around her neck, but he didn’t squeeze. The heat from his palm and the danger in their positions aroused her unbearably. Perfume drifted between them, and he grinned with satisfaction.

  “Well, how about you find me something to wear?” Anin tried to ignore her tenuous safety.

  “You can wear me.”


  Anin blinked at Nu, startled at how much she wanted to do just that. Then she remembered Set’s orders. You are not to comply with his wishes at all. Only mine. Set hadn’t told her she could accept Nu. Not yet. So, as much as she wanted to, she didn’t use her scent to act on her desire. She did use it to capture Nu’s attention.

  Releasing more pheromone into the air, she watched Nu’s pupils dilate. His nostrils flared, and he stepped closer, his erection an obvious thing as it pressed against his trousers. Large and growing larger as she stared at it.

  “What do you say, Anin? Want to try me on for size?” He leaned closer to kiss her, his hand firm but not at all harmful around her neck.

  With a burst of speed, Anin shoved Nu away from her and hurried out of the lav. When he followed her into the common area, instead of backing away, she faced him and poked a finger in his chest. “This is the way you treat a guest?” Frustrated and angry that Set hadn’t given her leave to accept his brother, she funneled her anger toward Nu. “You threaten? You intimidate using sex as a weapon?”

  Nu’s breathing deepened. “By Vas’s Hammer, I’m going to fuck you so damn hard.”

  “I don’t think so.” She tried to slap his face, but he caught her. With her free hand, she tried again. And had both hands trapped, which left her legs.

  Her towel decided at that moment to fall, leaving her bare and vulnerable to Nu.

  “Fuck me.” Nu stared at Anin, his gaze roaming her entire body. His eyes flared yellow, a brilliant gold filled with want. He breathed deeply, and Anin groaned when she realized she’d subconsciously released a ball of scent, at the mercy of her hormones as much as Nu.

  “Finally,” Set said from behind them. “I’ve been waiting for this. Say what you want, Nu, but Anin’s what you need.”

  Set approached until he stood directly behind her. He rubbed her ass in light circles, stoking her lust even higher. “Let him take you, Meena. While I watch.”

  “O-okay.” Finally. She’d been waiting for this for so long.

  Nu met his gaze, and something passed between them.

  In the next breath, Set had hold of her hands, and Nu was on his knees shoving her legs wide. Before she could say anything, Nu sucked her clit.

  Her legs buckled, but Set wouldn’t let her go. He rubbed against her back, letting her feel his arousal. “You’re so pretty, Anin. So perfect.”

  “She’s ready,” Nu rasped and shoved a finger inside her. “Dripping for me.” He met her gaze with a sneer. “You don’t want me? Then why are you so fucking wet?” He shoved another finger inside her and sucked her clit hard.

  Anin exploded, seizing in a violent climax. Her world turned upside-down as colors and sounds grew vibrant, the scent of Nu and Set, a heady cologne that went straight to her head, saturating everything.

  Dizzy, she barely felt Nu take her from Set and turn her onto her belly over the couch.

  “You didn’t have permission to come, you little witch.” He shoved his fingers in her pussy before prying her ass cheeks apart. But he didn’t do more than spread her cream over the small hole above. “Now you do what I tell you to.” Nu nudged her legs apart when she would have closed them. “Spread them wide. Wider,” he said. “So I can see that slit dripping with cream. That’s good.”

  He took her breath away when he rammed himself inside her pussy. So deep, so hard, that she came again. The sensation was incredible as she clenched him with her body.

  “That’ll cost you even more.” The raspy pleasure in his voice told her he’d intended to make her come. “Damn, you’re responsive.”

  “I told you she was good.”

  “Shut up, Set.” Nu withdrew from her only to press into her ass. “Tell me if it hurts.”

  He moved slowly with steady pressure that started to sting. As if he knew, he withdrew slightly and pushed in again, easing into her. “I told you to tell me when it hurts.”

  “No.” She would die if he stopped taking her. The pain only increased her pleasure, the fullness stretching her, completing her...

  “I can’t wait to punish you,” he rasped as he shoved his entire length inside her. “So fucking tight.”

  “Please, Sir. More.”

  He didn’t talk anymore as he reamed her ass with a careful force. Enough to ensure she succumbed to his will but not enough to truly hurt her. Anin craved this taking as much as she craved his domination.

  He shouted as he came, but he didn’t stop pumping. His seed dripped down her thighs, and still he thrust. Anin sensed Set near.

  Nu gripped her hair and yanked her head up. “Suck him dry.”

  Yes, Sir. Oh, yes. She moaned with delight and opened her mouth. Gentler than his brother, Set crouched on the couch in front of her and slid between her lips. He didn’t fuck her mouth until she pulled him closer, her hands over his bare ass.

  “Don’t baby him. I said suck him dry,” Nu growled as he shoved her over Set’s cock. Nu shuddered and came again, his pleasure feeding hers. But she’d already come twice without permission, and she fought the urge to let go. Instead she pushed her passion at Set, her perfumed need filling the room.

  “Vas yes,” Set groaned as he shot, filling her mouth.

  “Swallow every drop,” Nu ordered her. “Don’t spill any of it.” He kneaded her ass as she swallowed, and Set withdrew on a shaky sigh.

  Anin wanted to come so badly, to feel Nu inside her when she caught that bliss once more. But with so much attention on her, and her masters not participating, she felt strangely embarrassed. When Nu’s fingers found her clit, she froze.

  “This pretty little pearl is so slick and hard. Tell me how it feels when I touch it. Show me how much you want to come again.”

  “I, I... It feels good,” she breathed, discomfited to be on display. She could feel them both watching her and closed her eyes so she couldn’t see Set.

  “She closed her eyes,” Set said.

  “Open them, now.” Still behind her, Nu yanked her head up by her hair, causing her eyes to tear.

  She moaned at his forcefulness, close to begging him to punish her. Never had anything felt so right.

  “Not good enough, Meena. I’m going to bring you off, and we’re go
ing to watch you every step of the way. Set, go grab me something to clean up with,” he said to his brother.

  All Anin heard was Nu calling her meena, and her heart melted. Her entire body relaxed, and Nu groaned.

  “You submissive little liar. Fuck, I’m going to take you in ways you’ve never dreamed, and you’ll come so hard, over and over.” He withdrew from her body and let go of her to circle to her front. Stroking his cock, he ordered her to watch him. “See this? How hard it gets for you? Yes, you. And you know it.” He took the citrus scented cloth Set handed him and wiped his dick clean. “Come sit on the couch and spread your legs.”

  When she didn’t move fast enough, he yanked her onto the couch. His rough handling didn’t come close to abusive, and she could tell that he still used care when touching her. But his intent to dominate, to utterly control her, pushed her into absolute devotion. He and Set were the masters she’d been born to serve. By the stars, she’d waited so long for this.

  “Spread your legs and play with yourself.”

  “She can’t make herself come,” Set murmured, explaining her training in the labs.

  “Yes, she can. If I tell her to, she damn well will.”

  Anin squirmed, wet and needy. She touched her clit, letting herself feel what she’d never sought before. Set watched her fingers, but Nu watched her face. She flushed, self-conscious yet incredibly turned on. She moved her fingers faster.

  “Tell me how it feels,” Nu commanded and crossed his arms.

  “It feels hot. Shameful yet erotic. I don’t like you watching me, but I don’t want you to stop looking.” Ever.

  Nu nodded.

  Set raised his gaze to her face, frowning. “Never feel ashamed,” he said with fierce denial. “Not with us. You should know every inch of what gives you pleasure. Make yourself come.”


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