Fighting Destiny

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Fighting Destiny Page 23

by Amelia Hutchins

  “Shit, so he’s been connected to us this whole time,” Larissa said putting her hand over her mouth in disbelief.

  “Yes, but I didn’t realize it until yesterday when I knocked him on his ass. He pulled from my power I’d tapped into. He was able to draw power from me.” I exhaled a shaky breath and continued, “I’ll take care of it, but I needed you guys to be aware of it as well. He’s chosen a side and if he ever was against us, well, he’d know our moves before we would.”


  I walked out of the room with my friends by my side, we’d all be leaving close to the same time and I was as ready as I would ever be. With my heart in my throat I looked down the intricate long stairwell and found Ryder watching us.

  He was decked out in a black suit. He was mind blowing in his finery. I had to remember how to breathe as I took the stairs carefully in the heels. He was devastating tonight. His short hair was loose, falling over his ears as he watched me through his perfect bedroom eyes. His hands folded in front of him as the perfect smirk covered his beautiful mouth.

  When we reach the bottom of the stairs he came over, his eyes roving over my body hungrily, his wicked sexy grin was blinding compared to the usual cocky air he showed. Tonight it’s gone and in its place is a sexy intriguing male who is oozing fuck-me vibes that sent heat pooling to my molten center.

  “Syn,” he said lifting his grin into a smile as I accepted his arm that he held out for support. “You look beautiful,” his eyes slowly slid down my body with naked desire in their fiery golden depths.

  “You clean up pretty good as well Ryder,” I mumbled before biting my lip as I smiled.

  Adam leaned in and whispered in my ear before he and Larissa went out the doors, “It’s so a date.”

  I blushed, turning to watch his retreating back as he turned smiling back at me wiggling his eyebrows childishly over his shoulder. Ryder only laughed as we followed them to the waiting limos outside. I looked at it and smiled. It was black gloss in color and had tinted windows.

  He opened the door and we climbed in silently, when we were fully inside he sat across from me, his eyes dangerously sexy as they caressed over me. I crossed my legs and leaned against the seat for support, which I needed in any form I could get right now.

  I managed to pull my eyes from his hungry look and watched as we drove away from the mansion. The loud sound of a cork being removed from a bottle made me jump and place both hands on the soft leather seats.

  Ryder laughed, “Scared to be alone with me Pet?”

  I watched the bubbles flow from the bottle, none of them landing on his crisp freshly pressed suit. “Not at all,” I lied.

  “You’re a horrible liar and you should be afraid. The things I want to do with you right now…I could think of a few hundred things to do right now that don’t include ending up at the club tonight.”

  I swallowed and narrowed my eyes on him, “This isn’t a date. You promised to give me a time frame for when you would release me from the contract.”

  This isn’t a date, yeah nice Syn! He hadn’t said anything about it being a date.

  “So I did,” he said as he reached to the window box and pulled out two champagne flutes and held them in one hand as he filled them before offering me one, which I accepted without a second thought. I needed it to calm my nerves. Or at least, that is what I told myself.

  “Are you going to?” I asked prompting a reply from him.

  “At the end of the night, is what we agreed on. Until then you promised to relax and not try to control everything. So drink and relax Syn. Loosen up and enjoy the night. Tomorrow we have to continue the search for the killers.”

  “What is it you expect from me tonight exactly, Ryder?” I asked watching his dangerous eyes flick to my legs.

  “The possibilities are endless Synthia.”

  Twenty Six

  We entered the sub-level of the club through an elevator which I hadn’t noticed the first time I’d been inside Sidhe Darklands. It had been a short visit and I’d been bordering on hysterical when I’d been here signing his contract. This level was exclusive. Security was thick inside the club tonight as if they were expecting trouble. I fisted my hands at my side as my eyes wandered and took in the assortment of creatures inside the club. It was something out of a nightmare, different branches of the Fae, many kinds I had never seen before, mingling with humans who looked to be here willingly. Of course I looked willing—which was really still up in the air.

  “Having second thoughts?” Ryder asked close enough to my ear that his breath fanned my neck.

  I turned to look at him as the elevator behind us opened to allow more Fae into the room. One approached us not even trying to hide what he was. He was dressed immaculately, his long hair tied at his nape with a strip of leather. His eyes were red with orange around the irises, his hair coppery red.

  “Ryder,” he said stopping to bow to Ryder who tipped his head to acknowledge the newcomer.

  “Altius,” Ryder said dismissing him with a nod.

  The Fae moved on without another word as Ryder’s men, who had come earlier, moved in around us. Tonight they looked wild, as if they were fighting against something and losing. Zahruk’s eyes were wild, his mouth tightened from strain. I was about to ask if he was okay, or if we should worry, when music started up from the stage set up in the front of the small intimate club.

  We were moved further in as more and more Fae showed up, each acknowledging Ryder before moving deeper into the club. “You know them all?” I asked turning my head to watch his response.

  He smiled wolfishly, his eyes turning to lock with mine. “Why wouldn’t I?” He asked quietly which I barely managed to hear over the pounding music.

  “Because most look like they might be from the Horde,” I said just as quietly.

  His smile grew bigger, “Someone has been doing her homework,” Ryder replied his eyes now challenging me to say more.

  If he was moving in on the Horde in the King’s absence it was none of my business, not unless it caused a war which crossed into my world. Until then, it was his problem. I smiled and let it drop for a moment which only seemed to amuse him.

  “Dark Fae consorting with the Horde,” I whispered more to myself, but Ryder heard it anyways.

  “Dark Fae and the Horde are allies Synthia, this isn’t a well-kept secret. It’s fact. We help them when needed and they help us.”

  “Funny, I thought the entire Fae race loved to fuck each other over. And right now their king is missing. Meanwhile your father isn’t. Sure you’re not trying to step into the Horde Kings shoes?” He smiled mischievously and watched me as he refused to answer. I rolled my eyes and watched as Zahruk stepped up closer to Ryder.

  “Zahruk, Tara is heading this way. Tell her to give me twenty before we start and make sure she explains to our people the rules as well as the others.” Ryder asked his man before offering me his arm once more.

  Zahruk didn’t reply, more than to nod his head and run interference with the busty blonde who was even now trying to get past him to talk to Ryder. Her vibrant green eyes locked on me as her lips twisted into disgust. She was one hundred percent Fae, of which kind I wasn’t sure. She was definitely pissed off Fae.

  “Girlfriend?” I asked as he pulled me over towards the dance floor.

  His sexy smirk was irritating as he dodged the question and easily pulled me against his chest smoothly. “Jealous?” He asked scanning my face.

  “Hardly,” I said grinning.

  “You look beautiful tonight Syn,” his eyes burned with intensity that made me hesitate as I placed my arm around his until he turned me around to stand in front of him.

  “You look nice,” I replied not used to giving out compliments to guys very often unless you wanted to count telling Adam he looked good goofing off, which he did and often.

  He rewarded the comment with a half-smile as his hands settled around my waist. “Nice is what you tell your brother
when he does something stupid.”

  Wow, this guy was good. I smiled even as I tried not to. Considering I had been thinking the exact thing when I’d said it, but the funniest part was his disgruntled look now. It was as if I’d just insulted his person. “You look like a rogue, who is intending to do very bad things while looking very debonair Ryder,” I amended.

  His smile brightened wickedly, his eyes alight with laughter. “Maybe I am—would you let me Syn?” He asked all traces of the laughter gone instantly.

  A silent shiver crept up my spine as his fingers touched my flesh, his eyes caressing me more than his hands could ever manage. I licked my lips and considered lying. Ryder was beyond my boundaries. I’d set them for a reason and yet to tell him I didn’t want him would be just that—a lie.

  “I want you Syn, I shouldn’t, but it doesn’t change the fact that I still do.”

  I swallowed and turned my face away the best I could manage to keep him from seeing the brilliant blush that flowed over my cheeks. “I’m not like Claire, Ryder. I won’t be used because you want sex. That’s what it would be—right?”

  If he said yes, then it would be so easy to just walk away. He was unpredictable. The dancing we’d done had been intimate and surprising. He’s been gentle and so unlike himself on that dance floor, here he was once again a sexual male. Ryder was not the kinda man you walked away from, he was the type you crawled away from trying to remember your own name after he was done with you.

  “I want you, I make no excuses for what I am Syn. Claire satisfied a hunger—one you created. Would you have rather I took you, even though I knew you were not ready? I’m not that person. I don’t take unwilling females—ever. Don’t have to,” his hands moved up, his finger and thumb cupping my chin so I was helpless to look away from his exotic eyes, “You want me, your body trembles with it.”

  “And if I don’t want to be yours Ryder?” I questioned fighting the urge to claim his full mouth.

  He smiled as Zahruk motioned to him from beside us. “I told you, tonight is all about being yourself, Syn, but it’s more than that. You get to see us as our true selves, as Fae. You will be mine tonight, even if I have to hunt you down and claim you.”

  “And if I run?” I asked narrowing my eyes as he stepped back from me his hands releasing my chin and lowered back to his sides slowly.

  “I enjoy a good chase.”

  “I’m not a dog, Ryder,” I growled as an overwhelming urge to run hit me.

  One minute I wanted to kiss him and the next I wanted to run from him, or kick him. From the pleasure I could read in his eyes. He was enticing, the sexual pleasure I felt just being around him was intoxicating. My body felt the need to give in to the truth of his words, but my mind knew he was quicksand.

  “No Syn, tonight you are mine. You’re the white stag everyone will be chasing,” his smile turned dangerous, his eyes glowing brightly even in the dimly lit club. A shiver crept down my spine as his words filtered in.

  “Deer, dog, I’m neither.”

  “You want to be chased. You need the choice taken away from you. You fight your own desires because you think you cannot handle it Syn. You punish yourself for something that happened long ago, something you couldn’t have changed because destiny decided it before you were even born.”

  “Fuck destiny, I decide my own destiny Ryder. Not some fucking preordained bullshit,” I snarled tired of listening.

  “Fighting destiny,” he shook his head and smiled, “Every time I think you can’t become more of a puzzle Syn—you throw in a new piece. Go ahead and add more pieces Syn, it only makes me need to put them all together and see what the end result is.”

  “You’re a bastard Ryder,” I hissed trying to turn away and put distance between us. He didn’t allow it, he moved with Fae speed, my hair flying with the wind he created, wafting over my cheek.

  “I don’t make excuses for what I am, or what I do. I play hard. I love hard and I fuck even harder Syn, I am what I am. So if you play games with me, keep in mind I will be more than happy to play them with you—and I always win,” he growled close to my ear before his lips gently fanned against mine. When I looked up, he was once again standing beside Zahruk with his lips twisted in a devastating smile that was a touch of seduction and amusement.

  It was the first time I’d seen him move like that—no not move. He’d just sifted time and space. I’d knew the Fae could do it and even though I’d known he should’ve been able to, it still shocked me to my very being. I’d never seen it done before, ever.

  I brought my hand up against my lips still feeling his kiss burning against them. I shook from the need to chase him and see where that kiss would lead to. I didn’t, instead I turned away from him searching through the crowd for an empty spot to stand in, away from what my body was feeling for Ryder.

  I didn’t find a place, instead I found Adrian standing back in a dark corner with his eyes watching me closely. I stepped forward and headed directly towards him. When I stepped closer, I could read overwhelming desire in his eyes.

  “You shouldn’t be here Syn,” he whispered.

  “And you should be?” I retorted as I watched his face close off once more. He was hiding something, I could feel it. “Adrian…what are you hiding?” I asked him bluntly, tired of playing word games.

  “I told you as much as I could Syn. You should leave the club, now.”

  I scanned his beautiful face. His face was covered in the same strain as Zahruk’s was. I took a look around the room noting several other Fae in close proximity looked the same, as if they were struggling against something. The air had also grown thicker inside the club, a loud thud echoed as metal grates were pulled across the only exit I could see.

  It looked like a fog machine was sending a thickness into the room, making it eerie and dangerous. I turned looking back at where Adrian still watched me carefully, his eyes pleading as his head bent forward. “You need to run fast and deftly when the time comes baby. Don’t stop running until you’re safe.” And with that he disappeared from where he had been, vanishing from the spot completely.

  “Adrian?” I called not caring how stupid I looked talking to thin air.

  A microphone sounded as someone tapped it and welcomed the Fae.

  “I see we have some fine hunters here tonight.” A tall leggy brunette said as her emerald green eyes looked around the room, her smile was filled with amusement as growls sounded around the room in confirmation to her words. “The fun will start shortly, until then find the prey you brought with you and make sure it is marked.”

  Howls erupted from the men next to me, along with several others who joined in. The fine hair on the back of my neck stood up with their unworldly sounding noise. I turned around and started back in the direction which the elevators had been but I must have had it wrong, because in their place was a wall of solid glass.

  “Going somewhere?” Ryder asked from behind me.

  “Home,” I whispered breathlessly as I took him in, he no longer looked human. He was taller, his features more defined as he watched me. I truly was his prey in this moment, his eyes tracking everything I did. When my hands fisted at my sides his eyes flicked to the subtle motion, his head tilting, as if he had just found the most exquisite prey.

  “There is no turning back now Syn,” he said thickly, his voice leveled with gravel in his tone.

  “Ryder, something isn’t right here,” I breathed.

  His wicked smile sent my pulse racing as he closed the distance and sniffed my hair, his hands resting on my exposed shoulders. “I can smell your fear Syn, your heart beating wildly as it realizes what it truly wants,” his mouth pressed against my ear making heat flood my center, “You want this, you want me to catch you. To make you my mine in every sense of the word, don’t you?”

  I placed my head on his chest as his hands drifted lower, his fingers tracing softly along my naked arms. I lifted my head as he took my hands and rubbed my palms with his thumbs with s
mall circles. “And if I don’t want this Ryder. What then?” I asked out loud.

  “Tell me you don’t want me Syn, make me believe it and I’ll open the fucking doors and let you out now.”

  My gaze locked with his, as his dangerous golden fire searched mine. He’d hear the hesitation if I lied, I sensed he’d know it in this form. His smile was beautiful, his eyes rimmed in obsidian caressing his golden depths. I considered backing away from him and running but I wasn’t sure where to run.

  “Ryder,” I murmured watching as he moved closer, his head still tilted as he closed the distance between us.

  “I promise to be gentle,” his mouth pressed against mine, his tongue pushing against my lips demanding entrance as he invaded it. I melted against him, his kiss stealing my mind and taking my will as I took his mouth and allowed him to continue. When he broke the kiss, I held on to him. Not because I wanted to, but because my legs had stopped working along with my brain. I gasped as his hands held me pressed tightly against him. “That’s why I brought you here Syn, because you need release and you would never give up this tightly controlled self-image you have of yourself without it being this way.”

  What the hell did he mean by that? I liked control, I didn’t like unknown factors and right now I was inside of one. I stepped backwards and watched as he followed me step for step until I was pressed up against the solid wall of glass. “I’m not that girl Ryder. I don’t want to become food for anyone, or a plaything.”

  He stopped and narrowed his eyes sharply, “Who said this was about that Syn? This is about making you lose control,” his hand reached up and tilted my face until I was staring up into his inhuman eyes, “I want to see you wild, see who you are inside,” his finger drifted up from my navel to my heart, “Inside here. Not what you pretend to be for everyone else.”

  I snorted, “I don’t pretend to be anything that I’m not Ryder, this is me.”

  He smiled and licked his teeth slowly, “No, this is the battered five year old who doesn’t want to be afraid. The same one who watched helplessly as her parents were murdered. She’s afraid to be hurt, or getting attached to something she might care too deeply about and lose one day. This is the hurt little girl that got a little too cocky on an assignment and lost her first love. You’re afraid of losing, of paying the cost again because beneath it all you’re scared. You’re afraid that you might like it. But once in a while you need to let go Syn. You need to live.”


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