Fighting Destiny

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Fighting Destiny Page 35

by Amelia Hutchins

  I stared at the front room. The furniture had been removed and new stuff now sat in its place. The only thing that was the same were the walls and the symbols that adorned it. We’d no sooner told Ryder that we planned to move out of the apartments and back into my parent’s house that I owned, than he’d sent his men transferring mine and Adam’s belongings to the yard, while Alden had some of the Warlocks from the Guild moving it inside.

  “You cleaned,” I said noting that the floors had been redone and yet there was no smell of polish inside the room. “Tsk tsk, you used magic to clean Alden. I’m impressed.”

  He smiled and crinkled his nose as his eyes sparkled at his mischief. “I didn’t want you to have to do it Syn, you’ve been through enough.”

  I grinned, “You heard I was moving in here,” I said not knowing who would have told him we were moving in to this old house.

  I didn’t have long to wait as Adam came in from the same direction Alden just had. He smiled but it no longer reached his eyes anymore. “I called Alden, asked for a little help getting rid of the old stuff,” he said.

  “You two could stay at the Guild until this place is ready Synthia, your still family no matter what anyone says,” Alden interjected.

  “Alden, I’ll be okay here. I know now that I was a just a kid. I couldn’t save them anymore then I could have saved—” I swallowed as tears rushed to my eyes, “No more than I could have saved Larissa. I can’t live in the past anymore. I can’t keep blaming myself for everything. I’ve been told it’s unhealthy by a very smart man.” I winked at Alden who stood next to Adam, both of them with their mouths slightly open at the statement.

  “Synthia, I may not say it a lot, hell I may not ever say it. But I’m proud of you girl. To be honest I thought you’d never stop blaming yourself,” he smiled, his eyes sparkling with unshed tears. Larissa’s death had hit us all hard and had left no one untouched by the loss of her gentle soul, “Listen, I talked to the elders at the Guild. We can’t keep you on as an official Guild member, but we can always use a freelance team if you’re interested.”

  I nodded but it wasn’t a confirmation, I wasn’t sure what the future held. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to be part of the Guild without a coven. Without Larissa. I couldn’t even think about it right now, let alone agree to it. “I think we’re okay for right now Alden, time off might be the best thing right now. Adam?” I asked since I couldn’t speak for him.

  “I signed on with Ryder,” he whispered meeting my shocked reaction with a sheepish grin. “Syn, we need them now.”

  “I signed so you wouldn’t have to Adam, why the hell would you do that!?” I screamed loud enough for the Fae outside to hear. Zahruk popped his head in from the threshold, eyes scanning the room for an axe murderer.

  “Everything okay?” He asked ignoring me and looking at Adam.

  “No!” I stomped my foot grabbing his attention, “You tell the fucking Fairy he better get his ass in here this instant and rip up Adam’s contract or he’s gonna wish he never met me!”

  His eyes swung to Adam with pity as he backed up and went to go get Ryder. Ryder came in seconds later but Adam stood firm not letting either of us get a word in edgewise.

  “Syn, this isn’t your call. Not anymore, we’re no longer a coven—fuck we’re not even human! You don’t get to decide my life, I need this Syn and I’m not built like you. I don’t just take it in and put it inside a fucking box until my mind can handle it. I’m not fucking built like that and this fucking need to feed on top of everything else is already screwing with my head and we haven’t even Transitioned yet! I need this, so no. You don’t get to decide my life any fucking more,” he was yelling, but I could hear the tears shaking in his tone.

  “Okay,” I said swallowing slowly.

  “Don’t fucking say—wait,” Adam paused shaking his head as he rested his hands on his hips, “Did you just agree?”

  “If it’s what you want Adam, fine, I get it. We’re changing. We lost…you lost Larissa and you need something to keep your mind off of it. I understand that. If you need time, I understand. Those are choices you have to make now. I’ll be okay,” I paused fighting to keep the tears in my voice from showing as he had done, we were good at hiding emotions, “I understand. I’ll be fine Adam, if you need to go—do so. I’ll be right here waiting for you when you need me.”

  “That’s not what I meant Syn,” he whispered but walked out of the room with Alden close on his heels.

  “He needs time, he was planning on asking her to marry him,” Ryder said from where he stood beside the door.

  I couldn’t stop the sob that escaped past my lips. Or the burning tears as they slid down my cheeks. They hadn’t just been dating. They’d been in love. I’d been so fucking blind, I’d been more worried about how their relationship could affect our coven and he’d been in love.

  I nodded and turned looking at the walls as I felt the slight tingle of magic. It wasn’t until Ryder walked further into the room that it exploded. Ryder gasped and fell to his knees. I rushed over to him but his angry look stopped me in my tracks as the room turned a violent crimson color as the walls pushed power out and into the room. Ryder’s face filled with strain and anger as he ground his teeth together against the pain.

  “Alden!” I screamed in fear, something was setting off the wards. A sinking feeling started in my stomach at the direction of my thoughts as my eyes settled on Ryder again.

  “What?” Alden asked coming inside and cussing when he saw Ryder on the floor and red angry walls. “We have to get him out of here. Now.”

  We struggled with Ryder’s weight, as if on cue Ristan came tearing into the house and picked him up and sifted outside. “What the hell just happened, Alden?” I gasped breathlessly.

  “If I had to guess? I’d say your parents were worried with the Dark Fae coming in and taking you away,” he said as his eyes went bright with second sight as he examined the wards on the wall. “Wait, this says the Darkest Fae…or worse,” he examined another symbol and shook his head, “This one might say Unseelie, but I can’t be sure.”

  “As in the Darkest Faery, from the ancient times?” I asked, I was really beginning to get scared now.

  He shook his head, “I can’t be sure Syn. Your parents put these up before they brought you home. I don’t know where they even got these symbols from. I’ve never seen them before. They were protecting you from something Synthia, something bad.”

  “Alden, that makes no sense. Ryder doesn’t even know which caste of Fae I am. I don’t get it, why all this fucking mystery over me?”

  “Syn, be careful. They killed to get to you before and whoever it was walked through these wards,” his eyes swept to the door and mine followed.

  “Ryder? You think they were hiding me from him?” I whispered fervently.

  He shrugged his shoulders, but I could see the fear creeping into his eyes. He shook his head. “Let’s hope not Syn, not when he currently has a contract on you and now Adam. I need to take some pictures of these wards and view them back at the Guild.”

  I nodded and while he took out a camera and started taking pictures. I peeked out the window to where Ristan and Ryder were arguing silently across the yard with their hands moving and eyes angry. I’d have liked to have been able to hear them but I still couldn’t tap into any magic and I wasn’t about to try to tap the leyline and see if whoever killed my parents came running to answer the call.


  Adam had been in and out of the house for the last few days, coming and going without a single word. He was adjusting to life without the woman he loved. I was adjusting, or more to the point, I was trying to get Ryder out of my head and move myself back into a normal routine. It had been a little over a week since we moved in and things still made no sense. Adrian had been checking in us through the week, and nothing kept my mind off Ryder.

  I was in the shower when Adam came in and hollered that he was back from where ever
he had gone. I smiled sadly, but at least he’d said something. I was beginning to think he was going mute on me. He’d probably gone to the cemetery again. It was where I had gone when I needed to feel close to Adrian when I had thought he’d died. I grabbed the bar of soap and started to lather my body when I felt a slight twinge and then a burning sensation on the right side of my lower stomach near my hip.

  I looked down and screamed, angry red flesh that felt as if it was on fire met my eyes and then turned black and crimson. Adam came in, throwing the shower curtains open even as I grabbed it to hide my nudity from him. “What are you doing!?” I screamed as he stood staring at me.

  “Fuck you smell good, so fucking good Syn,” he growled.

  I met his eyes and flinched from the heat in them, emerald and lime green sparkled back at me, glowing. He was hungry. As in Fae fucking hungry. “Adam back up, now.”

  “I can’t, fuck, I’m so hard Syn. Just need to taste you, just a little taste baby, please. I’m so fucking hungry!” He snarled just before he lunged at me.

  I kicked him in the balls and ran to my bedroom throwing the door closed and locking it. He was pounding on it within seconds. “Shit, shit, shit! Go away Adam!” I shouted running for my phone and dialing Ryder’s cell.

  He was the only one who could help him, but he couldn’t even come inside the house. Zahruk answered the phone. “Syn, bad timing.”

  “Fuck the timing! Adam’s chasing me around like I’m a fucking chicken,” I shouted as more pounding erupted from the door.

  “What do you mean he’s chasing you?” Zahruk’s voice grew tense.

  “He said he needed to taste me, I don’t want to hurt him Z. I need help. Now and you owe me.”

  “Can you get out of the house?” He replied calmly.

  “I’m standing in my bedroom wearing a freaking shower curtain.”

  “I’m sending Ristan now,” Zahruk said before the line went dead.

  The door splintered and Adam’s arm came through it. He tried to find the handle from the gaping hole he’d just created. I hung up looking around the room I’d used as a child. I’d left my overnight bag inside the bathroom and everything else was still in boxes downstairs.

  “I need you Syn, just a taste,” he growled as he gave up on finding the knob and started kicking at the door in. Pieces of wood went flying as he pulverized it and gained entry.

  “Adam stop, it’s me. You don’t want to do this,” I cried shaking my head.

  “The fuck I don’t,” he said already struggling to get his shirt off.

  “Seriously, if I see you naked Adam we can’t undo that—ever, I really don’t think you understand what you’re doing,” I stopped long enough to jump over my bed as he followed me with his head low, as if stalking prey. He worked the button his of his jeans, removing them quickly and efficiently. “This isn’t you, pull it back. Now. Oh—and you’re naked,” I covered my eyes and ran around the bed again, only looking through a small crack in my fingers.

  “Stop running baby, I’m so hungry. So fucking hard and hungry,” he snapped as he grabbed the mattress frame of the bed and flipped it against the wall splintering the headboard into pieces.

  “Adam stop. Please.”

  I didn’t have a chance to beg him. He lunged and took me to the floor hard enough that my teeth shook from the impact. I struggled to keep his mouth from me as he fought to get me subdued. His hands struggled to part my legs, he was no longer my Adam right now, he was hungry and he was one hundred percent Fae, “Part your legs now, I need in. I hurt. I need to be inside of you. I can make you feel so good, so fucking good.”

  He parted my legs by force and smiled coldly. I fought the scream as my nails dug into the flesh on his shoulders. This wasn’t fucking happening! I screamed as Ristan appeared from thin air and Adam went sailing across the room to hit the wall and slide down limply.

  “Fucking hell Synthia,” Ristan growled, “What the fuck are you wearing?”

  “Why did Adam do this? And my shower curtain!” I ground out as I righted the curtain as if it was a dress and struggled to get on my feet with shaking legs.

  “He’s hit Transition, he’s becoming immortal. And from the smell of it my little blossoming Flower, you’re getting close to blooming as well. Damn! You didn’t smell like this last week. Ryder will want you close to him now. Imagine an animal going into heat. Every fucking alley cat is gonna come sniffing for a taste of you. He wants you with him when it happens.”

  “That’s not his fucking choice,” I snapped. I spared a quick look at Adam who was just waking up, he’d almost raped me. Knowing that would kill him, “Ristan, I need him not to know what happened here. He would never forgive himself, he’s been through enough.”

  “You care too much Syn. I’ll take him home, where he can feed. You did right last week by letting go of him, but consider this. Females in heat bring any Fae male with a nose right to their doorsteps and Adam was weak. He isn’t immortal yet Synthia, if you’re alone when you go into Transition,” he shook his head as his silver and black eyes met mine, “God have mercy on the poor fucker who tries to get to you, because Ryder won’t.”

  “Synthia,” Vlad smiled as he sifted in eyeing the shower curtain I held like a lifeline, “Smashing get up, who knew a shower curtain could be so sexy?”

  I shook my head and left the room before Adam could see me. I listened as Ristan and Vlad who had sifted in behind Ristan were now helping Adam up. I had yet to stop shaking from how close I’d come to being raped by my best friend. My only friend.

  I looked down at my lower stomach. The brand had grown while I’d been running from Adam. It was about the size of a silver dollar, the background looked like a silver disc inlaid with a design similar to a Celtic cross and had three red marks the color of rubies running down the center. Resting on the top of the disc were two red dragons facing one another with their wings spread and almost looked as if they were about to fight or worse—mate.

  Ryder hadn’t just claimed me, he’d fucking branded me. On top of everything, this was the last straw. He’d allowed Adam to sign a contract, after having me sign one in order to keep the others safe, once again leaving me no choice. He’d been overbearing, pigheaded and stubborn since day one.

  It was too much, just when I was finally getting my life back to normal. I had been slipping back into a routine, and even though I’d been in mourning, I was dealing with it and moving on. And now this. Branding me, like cattle!

  But branding me was unforgivable. My life was not perfect right now, but it was my life. I’d been offered an income if I decided to take the Guild’s jobs and Ryder was also paying me to work for him. I had a roof over my head and I had Adam.

  I didn’t need some egotistical maniac ruling what was left of my coven—even if it wasn’t considered that anymore. I didn’t want Ryder ruling any more of my life than he already did. He had enough of that in the last month. I didn’t want to be immortal and I sure as hell didn’t want to go into heat like some freaking animal. But then life wasn’t asking me what I wanted.

  I dressed in jeans and a shirt, flinching as I pulled it over my stomach that felt raw around the site of the mark. I pulled my hair into a loose ponytail and threw on a pair of flip flops and grabbed the keys to Adam’s car off the kitchen table and headed to confront Ryder.

  I got no further than his front gate before I noticed something was wrong. The metal gate hung open as if it was expecting someone, so I drove through and parked in the back. Everything on the grounds was eerily silent—no movement and there was always activity of some kind around Ryder’s mansion.

  I walked across the grass and decided to sneak a peek through the window, since curiosity got the better of me. What I saw was not what I had expected, or anything I could have mentally prepared for. Ryder’s men were inside the room, along with humans and Fae set in a line on their knees. Some of them looked battered if not a little bruised. As I watched, a figure with a hood and cloak steppe
d up to a male who was already screaming for mercy.

  I felt chills run down my backbone, and my heart accelerated. A golden haze came from the hooded figures hands, and the man on his knees began to screaming louder the instant it did, a blood curdling howl that had me covering my ears with my hands.

  It had no effect on the one using magic. He had no qualms about using his magic on the poor guy. I scanned the room watching as Dristan came into view. He kicked the screaming man onto the floor and moved to the next male in line. I moved my eyes to the next male, and my blood turned to ice, it was a member of the Guild. There were several other men on their knees, all lined up with Ryder’s crew standing close behind them. I exhaled a long shaky breath and scanned the room more.

  Dristan smiled wickedly, enjoying the cries from the Warlock. The fucking Warlock, what the hell were they doing to them, and why did they have members from the Guild inside the mansion? I watched as he too screamed with pain as the gold curled around him. I couldn’t tell if they were killing them, or if it was some sick and twisted type of torture.

  Mathew moved into view as Savlian shoved him from the line, I knew him from around the Guild, but had no idea why Ryder would allow this to happen. I pushed back bile as he began to scream as the others had, begging for forgiveness and finding none. I watched his eyes roll back in his head as blood poured from his nose as the gold haze from the magic wielders’ hand touched him. I covered my mouth to stifle the cry that tried to rip from my throat. This wasn’t fucking happening, I stepped back and my foot crunched over the brush littered on the ground. I looked up and watched as the head of the hooded male came up.

  “Oh shit,” I whispered, covering my mouth with my hand. The hooded male turned his head, as if he’d heard me and looked right at me—with beautiful glowing golden eyes.


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