My Romantic Tangle

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My Romantic Tangle Page 3

by Shelley Munro

  “Dinner is ready,” Hari called through the door.

  “Go,” Jake said in his husky voice. “I’ll be out in a couple of minutes.”

  Ambar left, her trembling legs getting her to the kitchen somehow.

  “I didn’t realize you and Jake were together.” Hari’s watchful eyes took in her pink cheeks and the flare of his nostrils told her he could smell her arousal. A glow lit his eyes and she took a hasty step back, putting the island counter between them. It wasn’t that she was afraid he’d grab her. No, so far he’d acted like a gentleman.

  The problem was her.

  Each time they were in the same room, her thoughts drifted into inappropriate territory. Naked…she shook her head sharply, hoping to jog the vision away.

  “Jake and I have been together for almost six months.”

  Hari nodded, his scarred face remaining expressionless. Ambar wanted to shake a reaction from him. If it were her, she’d be pissed, irked and everything in between, yet Iceman here didn’t react at all.

  “Do you want me to do anything to help?” Maybe if she concentrated on something else the edgy sensation she experienced with him would disappear.

  Hari jerked his head in the direction of the table. “Set the table for me?”

  “Sure.” Ambar moved to the cutlery drawer, pleased to have something to do. There was something wrong with a woman who lusted after two different men in the space of five minutes. “That smells good. What is it?”

  “Chicken korma and rice.”

  “Do you like cooking?”

  “I find it relaxing, and it helps me think through any problems I’m having with work.”

  Curiosity bloomed in Ambar. “What sort of work do you do?”

  “I’m a designer. Mainly websites, but sometimes I design book covers or help with online advertising campaigns.”

  “Hari’s designing a game as well,” Jake said, entering the kitchen.

  The vague suspicions inside Ambar transformed into alarm. “How long are you staying in Middlemarch?”

  Hari shrugged. “I’m not sure. I like what I’ve seen of the town and surrounding countryside. I can work anywhere. It might as well be Middlemarch.”

  Ambar’s eyes narrowed. “So you’re staying here indefinitely?”

  Jake padded past her on bare feet to grab a beer from the fridge. “Stop interrogating him. If Hari’s cooking tastes as good as it smells, he can stay as long as he likes.”

  Hari winked and handed her a plate of curry and rice. Ambar opened her mouth to blast him, cast a quick, frustrated look at Jake and pressed her lips together.

  It was the weirdest thing sitting at the kitchen table with the two men. Despite her unease, Hari and Jake conversed easily and laughed often. Neither of them ignored her—in fact, they went out of their way to include her, but she still found it strange eating dinner with her lover and an ex-prospective husband. Then there was the flirting stuff… Nah, it was her imagination. Hari’s arrival had upset her, making her imagine sexual things.

  “This is delicious,” Jake said. “I don’t suppose there’s more?”

  “I made plenty.” Hari started to rise but Ambar waved him back.

  “I’ll get it. Do you want another drink?”

  “Another beer would be great,” Jake said.



  Still bemused with the situation, Ambar served the two men with seconds and drinks. Jake expected her to stay the night. Heck, she wanted to stay the night, but it was gonna feel weird because Hari’s feline senses would let him overhear and smell…everything.

  Eek! A wave of heat suffused her face. She met Hari’s gaze and watched his eyes narrow. He glanced at Jake and back at her before shoveling in another mouthful of curry. His careful expression told her Hari guessed both her thoughts and unease.

  Ambar returned to her seat and finished her dinner in silence, listening to the two men talking. Who knew that a website designer and a farmer would have so much in common? And why hadn’t she known Jake was so interested in computers? She knew he’d argued with his father for a long time about modernizing their methods. Since he’d taken over the farm, he’d spent many evenings working to set up everything on his computer. His accounts and stock records, he’d told her.

  The night moved on with the three of them doing the dishes and cleaning the kitchen together before watching a movie. They shared the large brown couch because that was the best vantage spot. Ambar sat between the two men to watch the adventure flick containing lots of car chases and shooting.

  She couldn’t have repeated the plot even if someone offered her a monetary incentive, not with the body heat of both men searing her sides, their scent winding through her with every uneasy breath she dragged into her lungs. The warmth seeped deep to her bones, making her heart race and her pussy pulse with awareness. Worse, she could smell her arousal and knew if she could, then her problem wouldn’t be a mystery to Hari.

  Damn feline senses.

  She started to fidget.

  “You okay?” Jake caught her hand and laced their fingers together.

  “Yes.” A lie. She knew it, and judging by Hari’s quick glance, he knew it too. She almost cried with relief when Jake put his arm around her shoulders and drew her closer. She sank against his muscular chest and continued to stare at the action on the screen, still not taking in a thing because of her frenzied thoughts. Maybe she should go home after all?

  Hari shifted his weight a fraction, bringing their legs into contact again. She started to move then stopped. If she moved her leg or scuttled home to safety, Hari would win. He’d think his opinion or presence mattered to her. He knew about her and Jake. Let him deal with it.

  The decision eased her angst and allowed her to relax. It was time to show Hari she meant what she said. She was with Jake, and the weird attraction she was feeling for Hari was nothing more than feminine appreciation for a sexy male.

  Hari watched the movie and wondered why he’d ever thought someone as beautiful as Ambar wouldn’t have a man in her life. He’d been pretty bigheaded to think she’d be his for the taking. Although he’d researched Ambar and her family, he hadn’t realized her parents had died. For a while, he’d thought about pretending to be his cousin and making inquiries, but he’d tossed the idea aside once he realized the parents would do the arranging and take care of the correspondence. He couldn’t do that because his parents were long dead and his aunt and uncle would’ve asked questions, probably expecting him to step aside for his cousin.

  Watching Ambar cuddle with Jake was killing him. Not that he could go with instinct and attack his competitor. The man was human, and this situation wasn’t Jake’s fault. He didn’t know what Ambar meant to Hari.

  How could he?

  Besides, if he got physical and staked a claim, Ambar would twitch her pretty tail and sashay away. Her brother had made it very clear Ambar would choose her own mate and that he’d support his sister in any decision she made regarding her future.

  Hari closed his eyes while his mind scrambled for a way out of this mess. Bottom line—he wanted Ambar. Her lack of virginity didn’t matter. That would be hypocritical considering he’d had sex before. It was the future that mattered.

  Ambar’s scent filled his lungs along with the more masculine scent of Jake. What the hell? That was bizarre. He risked a glance at Ambar before letting his gaze drift to Jake. He liked the human. They’d dropped into an easy friendship almost straightaway, and he needed to stay with Jake so he could plan his next move with Ambar.

  The movie trailed to an end. Thank god he’d seen it before and would be able to discuss the plot with some intelligence.

  Jake yawned loudly. “I’m off to bed. I need to get up early in the morning to muster the cattle for drenching.” He stood and held out his hand to Ambar. “Coming?”

  “Sure.” Ambar’s obvious discomfort gave Hari hope. If she didn’t care, she wouldn’t feel so awkward.

  “See you in the morning,” Jake said.

  “Goodnight.” Hari struggled to restrain a growl as he watched them disappear from sight. Fuck, this was gonna hurt, hearing them have sex, because he had no doubt they would. If he’d been in Jake’s position, he’d want to make love to Ambar at every opportunity. He’d want to have children with her. A sharp growl escaped this time. Jake better not be thinking about offspring. That would send Hari over the edge.

  In the distance, he heard the murmur of voices, the faint rattle as a pump kicked in and water flowed from a tap. Hari groaned because the next thing he heard was the rustle of clothing. He slapped his hands over his ears, leapt to his feet and headed to the kitchen.

  A drink. Damn, he needed a drink. It was the only way he’d get through the night.

  * * * * *

  “Hey.” Jake stepped close to Ambar and brushed a lock of dark hair from her face. “I’m glad you’re here.” It had been a rough day, and the earlier phone call from the bank manager hadn’t helped his piece of mind. Arsehole. At least he’d been able to tell the pompous city man he’d taken in a boarder to help with the cash flow situation.

  “You’re so beautiful.” Earlier, he’d noticed the frank appraisal in Hari’s eyes. Strangely it hadn’t pissed him off. His new roomie had winked at him when Ambar wasn’t looking, and he’d grinned back.

  A male-bonding moment.

  The offer to Hari had been an impulsive one, but he thought it might work. They’d already discovered similar likes, and it felt as if they’d known each other for years. Besides, since his parents had left, he’d gone days without seeing anyone because he started work early and continued until dark. Returning home to an empty house after a hard day sucked. Hari cooked and apparently enjoyed it. While Jake knew his way around a kitchen, most nights he was so bloody tired a sandwich sufficed for dinner.

  A full belly and a beautiful woman to share his bed.

  He was a lucky man.

  Ambar laughed, the sultry sound making his balls tighten with anticipation. “I’m not beautiful.”

  “You are to me. You’re bold and confident.” He unfastened the top button of her shirt and ran the pad of his finger around the exposed V of skin. “Sexy. I like the way you laugh and smile. The way you smell. The way you tilt your head when you’re listening to me.”

  A grin lit her golden eyes. “Maybe I like some things about you.” She yanked on his shirt and slid her hands beneath the cotton to stroke his lower back. He shivered, remembering the first time they’d made love. Ambar had been a virgin. He’d struggled to go slow and make it good for her, part of him terrified yet so turned-on he had difficulty holding back.

  In the past, he’d gone for experience, the sort of woman who knew the score and wouldn’t get clingy. Ambar had shoved aside his reservations when he’d told her she wasn’t the kind of woman he usually took to bed. Ambar had told him about her parents, how she and Rohan had escaped arranged marriages when their parents died in a car accident. Marriage wasn’t for her, she’d told him. She wanted to enjoy herself, make friends and have fun.

  Part of him had suspected a trap, making him wary. His fears hadn’t materialized. They saw each other two or three times a week, and this worked for both of them. She didn’t interrogate him, demand his presence or act clingy when they were with his friends at the pub.

  Hell, he hadn’t thought about another woman for months, which was unusual for him. Normally, he drifted from woman to woman because they started to bore him with their demands, inevitably becoming too possessive.

  “You have good hair.” An impish glint brought out her exotic beauty, made his breath catch. “What sort of shampoo do you use?”

  He growled, and she giggled as she lowered her hands to grab his butt. Leaning forward, he kissed her, stifling her merriment when their lips touched. She always tasted so good and he loved the way she smelled, sort of spicy and feminine. Like nothing he’d smelled before, it was a mixture of the outdoors and green forests. He burrowed his fingers into her hair, tugging out the jeweled clip restraining the long strands. He held her head in place, lightly massaging her scalp because he knew she enjoyed this.

  Sexy and enticing. A groan built in his throat as he struggled to go slow. He nibbled her bottom lip, nipping it lightly before taking possession of her mouth and stamping his will on her. She murmured a soft surrender and pressed closer, her hands coasting up to grip his shoulders.

  Lust slammed him, his cock filling as their tongues twined. Unable to help himself, he freed one hand and cupped her backside, rubbing against her, grinding his cock against her belly, savoring the growing urgency, the pleasure. God, he wanted to rip off her clothes and fuck her. A hard and unrestrained joining. He craved the hot, wet slide into her clinging warmth.

  “Clothes off.” He growled the command, his earlier fatigue fading. His fingers worked rapidly, unfastening the rest of the buttons on her shirt. He peeled it down her arms, ripping off a button in his urgency. She laughed at his haste, unperturbed while he stripped her to bra and panties.

  “In a hurry, lover?”

  “You have no idea.” He scooped her off her feet and tossed her on his bed.

  “My hero.” She fluttered her long eyelashes at him. “Not many guys could throw me around like that.” She made herself comfortable, regarding him with a sassy smile. Brimming with confidence, she didn’t stress about her body and constantly ask him for reassurance. Self-belief in a woman made him hot.

  “Who are you letting throw you around?” Yeah, maybe she wasn’t beautiful in the traditional sense, but people noticed her when she entered a room. His friends liked her and were waiting for him to turn her loose so they could pounce. Jake didn’t think that would happen for a long time. Hell, once she discovered his financial troubles, she’d probably give him the flick.

  “Just you. I’m not interested in numbers.”

  “Good to know.” He watched her face the entire time, fascinated by the clear desire. She didn’t hide. She didn’t play games.

  Oh yeah. Time for action. His shirt flew through the air. He unzipped his jeans and tugged them off, removing his boxer-briefs at the same time. Naked, he paused, loving her avid gaze running across his body. His dick lifted under her scrutiny. The slow lick of her tongue over her full bottom lip reminded him of how it felt when she took his cock inside her sexy mouth. The visuals weren’t too bad either.

  “Are you going to stare at me all night? I thought you were in a hurry?”

  “I am.” He prowled closer without taking his eyes off her. Looming over her, he grinned, although he suspected it didn’t look pretty. Probably predatory. He traced a forefinger along the lacy edges of her bra.

  She stirred restlessly, trying to hold him in place when he lifted his hand. “Take off my bra. Touch me.”

  “Nothing I’d like better.” He’d thought he wanted to hurry, but now she lay in front of him, he decided this was better—slow seduction. He pinched her nipple before lowering his head and taking both nipple and bra into his mouth. Using his teeth and tongue, he teased her until she writhed against him with needy cries. When he lifted his head, a damp circle showed on the silky fabric.

  “Tease.” Her lips formed in a mock pout, in direct contrast to her laughing features.

  “It makes you hot.” Hell, it made him hot. Ambar made sex fun, giving him pleasure and trusting him to return the favor. She didn’t keep score. If he were the marrying type of guy, Ambar would be the one.

  A part of him knew keeping her was selfish, but his days and nights wouldn’t be the same without her. No color. There’d be no excitement, just days and days of hard, grinding work on the farm.

  He forced suddenly stiff lips to a smile. “When you’re hot, you go off like a firecracker. It’s much better for both of us.”

  “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you read the ladies’ magazines. You know about foreplay.”


  She chuckled, the hus
ky sound driving lust deep into his balls. He lifted her bra cup up and away from her breast, taking her taut peach-colored nipple into his mouth. He drew on it hard, just the way she liked, and closed his eyes. Shutting off his sight allowed him to concentrate on his other senses, the small sounds of enjoyment she made deep in her throat. Sort of purring noises like a cat issued when a person stroked its fur. And her scent—it intensified with her arousal. His fingers mapped her silky skin as he released her nipple and started to explore the rest of her body. He followed the scented skin down her rib cage and paused to ring her navel with his tongue, the faint tug of her hands in his hair telling him she wanted him to hurry.

  Good idea, but then this would be over too soon. He wanted to prolong the buildup, lengthen the pleasure and drive them both crazy. A trail of kisses led him lower, over her hipbone to edge of the lacy panties.

  His eyes flicked open and registered the color. “They don’t match.”

  “Tell the fashion police.”

  “Will they disbar you?”

  “Probably,” Ambar said with a laugh. “The matching bra and panties are in the wash. We’ve been busy this week and I haven’t had a chance to do the laundry.”

  “Rohan and Kiran don’t make you do the washing?”

  “Hell no. We take turns with the chores. We’ve been busy this week. The guys are probably going commando, but they haven’t complained yet. It was a challenge to find something clean.”

  “I’ll take them off for you. That way no one will know.”

  “Good idea,” she said with a sigh. She lifted her hips, and he tugged her blue panties down her long legs. When he glanced up at her, he noticed she’d freed her black bra and cast it aside. “I’ve heard the fashion police like tying people up—the ones they catch in misdemeanors.”

  “Yeah.” He grinned at the idea and filed it away for later use. “I might have to snitch.”

  “You’d tattle?”

  “I could report your misdemeanors. I bet they’re busy. They’d let me administer your punishment.”

  “Hmmm.” Her eyes narrowed, and if he weren’t mistaken a glint of interest showed as well. Yeah, he’d consider the tying-up thing for the near future.


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