Love is Strange: A Taboo Anthology

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Love is Strange: A Taboo Anthology Page 29

by Yolanda Olson

  Ollie’s eyebrows draw together as he considers my answer, and then surprisingly he leans forward and hugs me. “I hope your dad can get home. I’m sure it’d be great for you to spend some time with him.”

  I smile shyly at him when he lets go, and I feel my cheeks heat up. “Thanks, me too.”

  Not wanting to go in straight away while the ads are still playing, we all head over to some chairs and sit until the movie starts. Mark and Casey seem to be getting along really well. It’s the first time I’ve seen her smiling and laughing since her mom told her about Ash leaving. I’m still a little nervous but more at ease with Ollie now.

  I feel a prickle on the back of my neck like I’m being watched, and I turn but don’t see anything out of the ordinary. I shake it off and spin back around to see Ollie throwing pieces of popcorn at Mark who, in turn, is trying to catch them in his mouth while Casey laughs and eggs them on.

  When it’s time to go in we stand up, and Ollie takes my hand, leading me into the movie. I glance back over my shoulder to look at Casey who smiles and gives me a wink. I fight back a laugh when she grabs Mark’s hand, and he grins down at her, looking pleased.

  As the lights dim, my anxiety starts to bubble back to the surface. I’m seated in between Ollie and Casey while Mark is sitting on her other side. An uneasy feeling runs up my spine again, and I can’t seem to ignore the sense that I'm being watched. I turn slightly in my seat and scan the darkened rows behind but don’t see anybody there that I recognize, and no one seems to be looking my way.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Ember didn’t spot me when she turned to look around the theater, no doubt having felt my eyes on her. I’m staring at her and that dipshit Ollie as they watch the movie, burning holes into his back when he leans over and whispers to her. Anger starts to sizzle in my blood when she smiles at him, and I damn near blow the fuck up when he puts his arm around her shoulders. I don’t even notice the movie playing. All I can see is them. All I can see is her.

  Casey is here as well, and I’ll be in deep shit if she catches sight of me. Luckily, after they’d purchased their tickets, I managed to sneak in and buy one for myself before snagging an empty seat near the back of the theater without them seeing me. It’s quiet for a Friday night, so I was able to choose pretty much any seat I wanted. I worry about Casey, but I do know that she can take care of herself when it comes to dealing with fucking idiot boys.

  Ember, however, needs to be reminded that the only person she should be with is me. I can’t let this continue, not now that everything is ready for us to be together. She needs to learn that the only hands she should allow to touch her are mine. Everything of hers will belong to me: her kisses, her touches, and she’ll crave and need me as much as I do her.

  Even if it's earlier than I initially anticipated, I can’t hold back now, not when she's so close and ripe for the taking. Her stupidity in letting that boy take her out tonight has brought my plans forward by almost a year, but I’m not worried. Now she’s eighteen, she isn’t too young for what I have planned for her.

  Soon, so fucking soon. I just need to have a tiny bit more patience while I wait for the right moment to swoop in and snatch my girl out from under everyone’s noses. That moment arrives shortly after the movie finishes. Following them out into the parking lot, I keep to the shadows down the side of the building and stay out of sight. Casey gets into the other guy’s car while Ember talks to the dipshit Ollie. She waves as the car that Casey’s in pulls out of the parking lot, no doubt heading home.

  I focus my attention on Ember, and when Ollie leans forward and kisses the lips that belong to me, I step out of the shadows and stalk over to where they are standing by his car. I pull my hood up and make sure my face is hidden, so they can’t recognize me. Ember is in for the shock of her life, but I look forward to making it all better.

  Neither of them notices when I come up behind Ollie, and the next few seconds are hard, fast, and virtually silent. I slam his head into the car door, knocking him out with a single blow. I rush forward as Ember starts to let out a scream and spin her around. Then, placing my palm over her mouth, I push her up against the car.

  “Don’t fucking think about fighting,” I growl, my voice is low and harsh, but I don’t care.

  Using my body to hold her still, I can’t help but react to the heat of her against me. Ember lets out a muffled cry when she feels my erection digging into her, and I grind it against her, just the once.

  “Soon, every inch of me will be yours. But first, it’s time to sleep,” I say.

  I move my other hand up Ember's body and wrap my arm tightly around her neck. I apply sufficient pressure to cut off her oxygen supply, while taking care not to permanently harm her, until she goes limp against me.

  When I'm sure she's unconscious, I lift her into my arms, and melting back into the darkness with her, I head for my car. I lay her gently on the backseat and grabbing some of the rope I brought, I quickly tie her wrists behind her back and blindfold her. Ember will be resistant at first when she wakes and doesn’t know where she is. She’ll no doubt want to run, but soon enough she’ll give in to me, and we’ll be together.

  I hop into the driver's seat and drive slowly out of the parking lot, heading for the highway that will take us toward my uncle’s cabin, and our new home. I look behind me to where Ember is lying, unconscious, bound, and blindfolded. So fucking beautiful and all mine. I can’t wait to touch and taste every perfect inch of her.

  We soon arrive at my uncle’s place, and Ember starts to stir and rapidly grows hysterical when she realizes she can’t move properly or see.

  “Who are you? Where am I? Please let me go!” she screams as I jump out of the car, and go around to the passenger side where I open the back door, grab her legs, and start pulling her toward me. Ember’s dress slides up, giving me a tantalizing peek at her black lace panties, and I have to refrain from taking her right there on the backseat.

  She screams and struggles against me, and I lean forward to whisper to her, “Behave yourself, Ember.”

  Chapter Nineteen


  When I wake up, my hands are tied behind my back, and I can’t see. I have no idea where I am or who I'm with, and running through my head over and over again is the simple question: what will happen to me?

  As I'm being pulled out of the car by my legs, I can feel my dress bunching up around my hips, and I let out a scream.

  “HELP ME!” I shriek, and a hand lands over my mouth.

  “I told you to behave, but if you don’t, then I will fucking gag you. Do you understand me?” he growls, and I nod, feeling tears leak from my eyes beneath the material, which covers them. His voice sounds familiar, but I can’t place it. My head is too scrambled, trying to wrap itself around the fact that I’ve been abducted. I let out a small sob when he runs a hand up my leg and strokes down the seam of my pussy beneath my panties.

  “So beautiful,” he says softly, and then pulls my dress back down to cover my thighs. He lifts his hand from my mouth, and drags me the rest of the way out of the car.

  I'm too scared to say anything because I don’t want him to gag me. I’m helpless enough without him robbing me of my ability to speak as well. When I'm upright, I can feel a hard body pressed against mine, and his scent fills my nostrils. I wish I could work out what it is about him that’s so familiar. His warm breath touches my face as he spins me around, and guides me forward with one hand on my shoulder, and the other on my bound wrists.

  The musty, woody smell surrounding us, together with the lack of ambient sound and uneven ground, suggests we are somewhere remote and off the beaten track, probably in a forest. My heart sinks to my knees, realizing the possibility of surviving an escape is pretty low. His hand leaves my shoulder briefly, and I hear a door open. Then stepping forward, I take a deep breath, as we leave the outdoors.

  Shutting the door behind us with a creak, I'm led into a building, which is pro
bably a cabin of some kind if my guess about our location is correct. My heart skitters in my chest, and my breath escapes in short pants. I'm absolutely fucking terrified. I'm pushed forward until I’m lying on what feels like a bed and I’m pinned by my wrists. I can’t move.

  “No, please don’t,” I beg when I feel him lift my dress.

  A sharp smack lands on my ass at my words, but he doesn’t say anything.

  A hand grips hold of my panties and tugs, and I begin to murmur over and over again, “No, no, no, no, no.”

  He starts to slide the soft material down my legs, and I clamp my thighs together, earning me another harder smack, which makes me squeal.

  “I won’t take you just yet. I want you to fucking beg for my touch. I already know how much you want me, but I need to hear you say it. You are such a delicious temptation, and I want a taste,” he says, and my body arches back involuntarily when I feel his warm, wet tongue lick me from my clit to my ass.

  “You taste so fucking good, Ember.” I feel his hot breath in my ear.

  I’m pulled upright, and my dress slides back down to cover my bare pussy and legs, and I let out a small breath of relief.

  I ask him quietly, “Will you ever let me go?”

  He turns me around, and I can feel his breath on my face as he says, “I can’t, not now that I finally have you.”

  His fingers caress my face and brush away the tears on my cheeks. Then, he rips the blindfold from my eyes, and a gasp escapes my lips as I see my captor’s face for the first time and realize why he seemed so familiar to me.

  A sob breaks free, and his name escapes as a question from my lips, “Ash?”

  The End… For Now…




  Watching him stumble around his house with his walking cane almost sent tingles through my spine. His arrogant look he normally displayed was replaced with one of disgust. As he bumped his shins and knocked into his household items he muttered slurs I could hear from my hiding place in his kitchen. I loved how inept he looked, how scared and alone.

  Two years ago, I was a patient at Brunswick State Mental Health Hospital, a private hospital for the clinically insane. My parents had me placed there when I started bringing home my stuffies. The filthy slobs whined and cried to the officials they were afraid I was exhibiting traits of a serial killer. If I hadn’t slit their traitorous throats in their sleep, I would say they were way off base. Besides, I wasn’t being mean to my stuffies, I loved them. I was simply memorializing them.

  Joseph, whose house I was hiding in, worked five twelve hour shifts at the hospital starting at 7pm. The patients had given him the nickname of daemonium. I personally didn’t think of him as a demon, I only knew he was my deliverance for something I didn't completely begin to understand or comprehend why I deserved or needed but I knew everything happened for a reason. My mother had ingrained this in my head. However, retribution was a beautiful thing. He didn’t deserve to be free walking around after all the abuse he had spun on the patients under his care. I was going to make sure he felt each and every humiliation he had made me and the countless others go through.

  His single goal in life seemed to be to torture any female under his care. It seemed if you had a dick, you were safe. He would do his nightly rounds and sign off on his paperwork. He knew the histories of why we were admitted to the hospital, and used that against us. After lights out, his job was come by to do nightly checks to make sure we were in bed. He made sure mine came with a price every night he was there. He would bring in the hospital's therapy dog, which was a friendly brown dog of some sort, I was never really good with my animal types. I just knew he was a pretty big dog that always wagged his tail. Joseph would make me get out of bed, under the dog and put his thing in my mouth. He would say, “This is how you are supposed to treat animals.” Then he would pull his phone out and videotape it.

  I refused and kicked him the first time he tried to force me to do the disgusting act. He promptly pulled out a black stick and zapped me. My brain went fuzzy and I could feel drool dribbling down my face. I would wake tied up with my legs spread wide open with him coaxing the dog in between. I was embarrassed but swore I still would never submit and I would fight with all I had until he turned me over and shoved the zappy stick into my butt. I shit all over myself. He officially took all my fight out of me. If sticking the dog's thing in my mouth kept me from getting zapped, I was going to grudgingly do it.

  Each time after I finished with the dog, he would have a different pain exercise for me. It was something creative he would come up with that would immensely hurt me. I didn’t have a choice, he always reminded me he was in charge. One of the condition's of me being in the wing where I could walk around and not be locked in my room all day, was I had to stay away from the animals. He said if I ever said anything, he would show them the videos of me and the dog and say he caught me sneaking him in my room, then he would twist the dog's neck and blame me. They would lock me up and throw away the key. I knew he was right so all I could do was follow directions and pray that one day, I would get my vengeance. I swore to him I would kill him if I ever got the chance. He laughed and said, “Good thing I am always going to be in charge.”


  That fucking cunt Myrtle ruined my life. All because I was trying to have a little fun with her, bitch fucking stuck her fingers in my eyes and literally pushed them so far she popped them like a balloon and blinded me. Now I’m on permanent disability, having to relearn to live and that bitch gets nothing out of this, she is already in the loony bin. Fucking Brunswick. Didn't even give me a good settlement because she wasn’t my patient and I wasn’t supposed to be in her room. At least they didn’t have the tapes of what I did to the others. That would have landed me in prison.

  Lisbet, she was my favorite. She was so much fun to tame. I often thought of putting her in a cage in my basement. Was just too chicken shit of getting caught. The pain threshold that girl had though, damn. And then when she finally became compliant with the dog, after I used my prod, it still made my dick hard thinking of it. All I could do is think of it now, since I couldn’t fucking see. The fucking walking stick is useless. I still bump into everything and this is my own house so I didn't bother using it when I was at home.

  Thankfully I had been smart enough to run a virus in the camera system at Brunswick every night I worked so no one could ever see the evidence. The guards didn’t care what I did. It was just me and one other guy in that wing. We split the patients down the middle. I got off on hearing them scream. Not the men, they were safe. The women, they were my muse. I could orgasm just from their pain. I had access to the files of my patients, so I knew why they were there and what would trigger them and that is what I played on.

  Bring in Lisbet with the dog, and I came all over myself. Sometimes multiple times in a night. She was there for her predilection of mutilating animals. She would snap their necks, and on some, dissect them, then take the carcass home and keep it as a stuffed animal. She seemed to think she was helping the animal in some way. When her parents found the animals, via the smell, they were covered in maggots and matted fur. They sent her away because they didn't think they could help her and they were scared shitless so I decided to help her in my own way and show her the proper way to love animals. Then I would video the act and sell it online. It was quite the lucrative business.

  I would make her thank me for letting her be a good girl to me. I could see the revulsion in her eyes but she always did it after a little coercion with the taser. The night before my last night there, I actually made her stick my cock in her mouth. I couldn’t help myself. Her lips are so inviting. I could tell she wanted to bite me so I had warned her if she did, I would beat her within an inch of her life. She knew I wasn’t joking as I had used her as a punching bag before to see how much she could take. They never did full body checks unless there was a reason. She showered on her own, so there was nev
er a reason.

  After she swallowed every drop of my come, I told her to lay down. I could see the anger in her eyes. I spread her legs and used my prod to impale her, without shocking her. I’d never fucked her before so she was scared I was going to shock her. “Beg me to stop.” I ordered. She begged angrily with tears coming down her face as her blood squished around the stick pumping in and out of her. That’s when I realized she must’ve been a virgin. I guess I popped her cherry. I started rubbing her clit. Unconsciously she starting moving her hips. Still begging and crying for me to stop. I smiled and said, “Why, when you like it so much my beautiful slut.” I kept manipulating her clit and she orgasmed all around the prod. I slowly pulled it out as subconsciously moaned. I kissed her and made her thank me. I left her with, “From now on, you are my slut. Understand?” She cried as she nodded her head looking broken.

  I thought I was going to be in heaven. My own personal slut. I could make her do anything I wanted. Shit my dick is still throbbing with the image of her lips. But then Myrtle happened. The next day I was confident as hell leaving my special girl for last. I had seen Myrtle around and heard her screaming from a nightmare. I wanted to make her one of mine. I knew the other guy's schedule so I thought it would be easy peasy. That was the worst mistake of my life. When I went into her room she looked so serene sleeping. I walked up to her bed and put my hands over her mouth to wake her up. I whispered to her to be quiet, that I worked there. She nodded she understood. Her pert nipples were poking through her white cotton gown and I couldn’t resist pinching them. That’s when all hell broke loose. She flipped me over on my back and screamed this death lurching scream then shoved her thumbs in my eyes. She straddled me on the bed and had me incapacitated. I literally couldn’t move. I didn’t know until later that she had been an Army specialist and was trained in combat. Worst night of my life. I lost my sight, I lost my job, and I lost my toy – Lisbet.


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