Love is Strange: A Taboo Anthology

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Love is Strange: A Taboo Anthology Page 31

by Yolanda Olson

“Why on earth would I marry someone like you?” I spat out.

  “We have a connection Lisbet. Can't you feel it?”

  “You humiliated and degraded me every time you got the chance. That is not a connection. That is just a sickness.”

  “And you loved it. I have videos proving it.” He said triumphantly.

  Did she? Did she love the abuse? She had always considered herself asexual because she simply wasn't interested in it. But he had made her orgasm. He even had animals make her orgasm. That thought alone did make her run and throw up violently in the trash can.


  I heard her getting sick and knew I was getting to her. My fucking hands hurt so bad but I needed to keep going.

  “Don't be ashamed honey.” I cooed at her. “What turns people on and happens in the bedroom, should stay in the bedroom. You are so sexy Lisbet. I may be blind but I will always visualize my special girl.”

  “I am not, and have never been your girl.” She screamed.

  “Then why is your pussy wet?” I decided to push it further.

  She slapped me across the face. Which only proved to me I was right in that assumption. I was the only man who could get her off and she knew it.

  “Lisbet let me go and we won't tell anyone this happened. After all, we don't want you locked up again, do we?”

  Hearing her sharp intake of breath, I knew I hit a nerve.

  “We can start over. I will take care of you. You will need to help me until my hands heal, but I will teach you to be a good wife.” I ask being as reassuring as I could without screaming in agony. The bitch was going to bleed for doing this but she would beg me for it first.

  I wasn’t sure what I was smelling at first but then a big whiff of gasoline hit my nose.


  My brother had ruined my life. He stole my virginity, tortured me into a sexual relationship with him, and then destroyed my marriage. After he made me give him head at my wedding, I couldn't sleep with my husband without having a panic attack. Jax tried to be understanding but when you can't consummate a marriage, is it really a marriage? He said he loved me but he needed someone who wasn't so frigid and he left me six months to the day after we married. Frankly, I'm surprised he held on that long.

  I hate my brother with all my heart. He is the reason I will never be a mother. Can't procreate if you can't have sex so I bought a bull mastiff to fill the void of not having a child.. He is a good dog.

  My brother is disgusting. And now that he is disabled, I am supposed to take care of him? No. That is why I came over. I finally broke down and started seeing a therapist after Jax left. She said I needed to come to terms with my relationship with Joseph and tell him it will not happen again. So that is what I am doing today. I brought my dog Shasta with me.

  I walk into a scene from the fucking Twilight Zone. My brother is taped to a chair, naked bloody and broken. Shasta is barking and there is a young girl with a black stick pointing it at me. I put my hands up and pull Shasta towards me to quiet her.

  “I'm not here to hurt you. My name is Celeste. Who are you?”

  “Oh thank God! Celeste. Help me! She has me prisoner!” Joseph babbled.

  The girl looks at me waiting to see what I am going to do.

  “What did he do to you?” I ask her calmly.

  Tears start to roll down her face. I walk over to her and put my arms around her. The son of a bitch hurt this young girl. She has something furry on her shoulder. It is squishy and I am trying not to touch it but I want to comfort her.

  “Celeste what the fuck! Help me!”

  “Joseph shut the fuck up.” I said calmly leading her to the sofa with my arm around her.

  She puts her head on my shoulder and cries. I could tell by the tormented look on her face he has abused her also. I explained I was his sister and what he had done to me. She looked up at me with big shocked eyes. She was so sweet and vulnerable in that moment. She started to tell the tales how he hooked electrodes to her nipples until they sizzled. She told me about how he would use the wand on her and how he had also stolen her virginity. Then, when she got to the dog, she looked at Shasta and begged me for forgiveness as she told me how my brother made her perform with the animal. I wanted to skin him alive. Anything she had done, was not enough.

  I held her and let her cry. She wanted me to know, it wasn't just her. She had found his video collection of all the patients he had terrorized. We watched them as long as we could stomach them. I looked at Joseph and the bastard was hard from the sounds of the videos.

  I smelled the gas when I came in. I asked her what her plans were. She showed me the book of matches. I had an idea after we mete out some more retribution.


  Of course my weak sister would team up with the crazy bitch. But at least they let me hear my girls in their deepest agony. That was fucking hot. My hands don't hurt anymore. I actually can't even feel them anymore.

  I heard a dog. Celeste and her piece of shit husband must have gotten him. These girls have no idea how bad it's going to be when I get out of these restraints. I need a damn drink.

  “Hey! I need something to drink.”

  Celeste mumbled something but I heard her footsteps go towards the kitchen. I cautiously sipped the first sip. It was water. I gulped the rest down.

  “Now that you've had a drink, let's play a game.” Celeste said in a sing song voice.


  Celeste was so sweet. I felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders just by having someone to talk to about it. For a minute I wondered if I imagined her but then he started talking to her so I knew she was real. I'm so glad. I hope when this is over her and I can be friends.

  I pull my matches out. This is a game Celeste suggested. I pick up the gas can and start to sprinkle more on him and around him. His head is bobbing everywhere as he picks up the scent.

  “What are you doing?”

  I reply, “We told you we are playing a game. I am going to throw matches at you and you try to blow them out. Most people wear a blindfold for this but, you know, you don’t need one!” I laughed.

  “W-Wa-Wait!” He sputtered.

  Still laughing, I lit the first one when Shasta went over to his crotch and started sniffing, like dogs will do and I noticed the dog had an erection. It gave me an idea first. I looked at Celeste and grinned.

  Walking into the kitchen, I grabbed the peanut butter from the cupboard. Celeste cocked her head and looked at me. I pointed to his semi erect cock and back at Shasta. She laughed and shook her head yes.

  We cut his tape off and dumped him out of the chair, unceremoniously so his ass was sticking up. I opened his cheeks up and glopped some peanut butter on his asshole and called Shasta over. The dog came over, licked the food off and mounted him. Joseph tried to squirm away, but I poked him with the stick.

  I bent down beside him and whispered, “That is for all the animals you made me abuse you sick asshole. Either let Shasta finish or I will shove this in your ass and zap you.” Lighting a cigarette, I blew smoke in his face as I walked away.

  Celeste was standing with her hand over her mouth as white as a sheet.

  “You good?” I asked concerned about her.

  She shook her head yes.

  “Can I ask you a question Lisbet?”

  “Of course.” I encouraged her.

  “What is that on your shoulder?” She said trying really hard not to crinkle her nose and also trying to talk above Joseph's howls.

  “Roger.” I said matter of factly. “He is my stuffie.”

  Celeste looked at me quizzically for a moment and then said, “I know this really good place where they can stuff Roger for you and you can keep him forever.”

  “Really?” I had tears in my eyes. Why this woman cared so much I didn’t know, I guess from one broken soul to another, we had to take care of each other.

  “Yes.” She smiled. “And I have been lonely recently so you are welcome to come stay
with me as long as you like.” Celeste embraced me like the friend I always wanted. In the depths of tragedy, I had found a glimmer of hope.


  There was something about this girl I needed to protect. He hurt both of us but we could rebuild. Yes I suppose I was acting motherly or was I? How was I supposed to know? My mother was always gone.

  All I knew was I never wanted to see her sad again and she needed someone to look out for her. The dead animal thing was bizarre but if she allowed her to take them to the taxidermist then she was welcome to keep her hobby as it was.

  What kind of parents abandoned their daughter in an asylum and never visited? Poor thing. And she had to put up with him all on her own.

  I let her know I was going to take Shasta out back so she could be away from the fire.


  I never really had a plan when I came here. Revenge. That was it. Some would say that taking his eyesight was revenge enough. Myrtle had done us a justice. While I'm inclined to agree that some justice was served, it wasn't nearly enough.

  Peeling his flesh strip by strip and putting salt on the wound wouldn't be enough. He was a sadistic evil man whose only goal in life was to hurt people. He didn't deserve to breathe in the same oxygen as them.

  I needed him to feel as much pain as possible. Celeste walked back in and picked up the matches. This was our end game. He would burn for his choices.

  She lit one. “Blow.” She ordered him as she threw it at him. He gave a half hearted blow. It was funnier for us because we knew the flame was going out as we threw it. He would be trying to blow out an already blown out match.

  She did four more to my amusement watching his head bob. He then decided to get nasty.

  “You both are nasty filthy cunts. If I hadn't taken you, no one else would've. You should be kissing my feet right now. Fucking degenerates.” Then he spat on the floor.

  I wasn't listening to his vile mouth anymore. Without thinking, I grabbed a funnel and a can of drano. I shoved the funnel down his throat and emptied the can. He tried shaking his head back and for but I bashed his nose so he had to swallow.

  “That's it. Swallow for me my special boy.” I sneered as the acid ripped through his throat. It bubbled out of his mouth with chunks of tissue.

  Celeste grabbed the gas can and went around the house spreading it everywhere. She turned the gas on the stove up high and grabbed my arm to get me out of the house. We grabbed Shasta and ran to her car.

  As we pulled out of the driveway we heard the first explosion. The house went up in flames. We both looked forward and when the police came to her house that night to notify her, she thanked them for letting her know, dried a few rehearsed tears, then sat back down on the couch with me and Roger and finished watching the horror show we had on.


  It has been four months since the incident. Lisbet and I have become closer. She spends half her time with me, and half her time at her own house. We are working on getting her her own driver’s license so she can drive a car but for now she relies on me or a taxi.

  Our relationship has become more personal. A touch that lasts longer than it should. A kiss that lingers. I’m letting her decide which way it should go. I don’t want to push her. She has brought wonder to my life and a sense of renewal.

  Of course we have had to put Shasta in an obedience class. He seems to think it’s ok to hump anything that walks. I bought him a girlfriend though. I thought it was only fair.


  I think I have fallen for Celeste. There is no rhyme or reason for it. I never thought I preferred men or women. And I’m guessing if I analyzed it now, I still wouldn’t have a preference. She just makes me feel good. Is that bad? I’m not sure. I know I cannot imagine my life without her.

  She has helped enroll me in taxidermy classes so I can immortalize all my stuffies. They have become quite a collection.

  I think of her all the time. I want to touch her but I’m afraid I won't be enough for her. I can feel she has feeling for me too, when we kiss, when we touch. I told her I would visit her tomorrow but I need to see her today.


  I didn’t hear my bedroom door open as I lay on my bed pleasuring myself, thinking of Lisbet. My eyes flew open when I heard an intake of breathe that wasn't mine. Lisbet was staring at me.

  We stared at each other for a few moments when I reached my hand out. She walked over slowly. I sat up and kissed her. Like I’ve never kissed her before. I could only hope I wasn’t reading the situation wrong. Her enthusiasm told me I was right about the attraction from both sides.

  She pushed me back down on the bed as she got undressed. She was a beauty. She went straight to my sweet spot, in between my legs. I spread my legs wide to allow her in. She timidly licked up and down. My body was on fire already. Knowing she was actually there, was pushing me over the edge. She became more forceful as she started to feel more confident. When she found my swollen nub, she suctioned on it. I almost flew off the bed. I put one hand on the back of her head, willing myself not to mash her face into my needy pussy, but I was ready to explode.

  She gripped tightly onto my legs and sucked for all that she was worth. I exploded all over her face. She slid up me with the sexiest grin I think I have ever seen. We kissed until we were out of breathe. She was gyrating her hips on top of mine causing this lovely friction. Suddenly she went taut and her eyes were really big.

  “Ahhh", she moaned, her orgasm was coming strong, “I don’t.”

  I kept the motion going so it would continue. “Shh, it's ok, ride it out baby girl.”

  I could tell she hadn't expected to orgasm from that. I could feel her whole body shivering and her toes were curling. She moaned really loud and her breathing was fast and intense. Then she let a long breathe out and relaxed on top of me.

  “That – that was amazing.” She muttered.

  “Yes it really was.”



  “I think I’m falling for you.”

  “Thank the fuck because I already fell for you.”

  Smiling, I ran my fingers through her hair as she drifted off to sleep.


  Celeste and I decided it made more sense for us to move into one place, so since my house was paid for, that was where we chose.

  She helped me pack up and get rid of a lot of my parent's things. We shipped a lot to Goodwill and threw a lot of nonsense stuff away.

  We decided to keep her bed though. It was where we had our first intimate encounter so it had sentimental value.

  Being at my house afforded me more opportunities to make more stuffies. We had a barn outside I could work in. The more I could make, the more I could keep with me forever. Being surrounded by them made my life complete. I could tell it bothered Celeste a little that I had conversations with them but she didn't understand.


  I’m not sure when I was ever happier. I believe Lisbet was my missing piece. Yes the bedroom stuff was amazing, earth shattering really, but even just the intimacy of snuggling on the couch or holding hands on a walk made me all warm and fuzzy inside. It was hard for me not to think dark thoughts that I understood why Joseph chose her. I was fucked up because of him. But I would never let that leak onto her.

  I am starting to worry with how much time she spends with the dead animals. And not only that, she seems to have developed a liking for killing them almost as much as stuffing them. Her old therapist called to check on her but Lisbet refused to talk to her. I want what’s best for her but I won't allow them to lock her up so maybe it's best if they don't have any communication.

  I guess I need to look at the animals like they are a hobby. Like my hot yoga I do. Yes it's different as night and day, but all the same, we should all be allowed to have our hobbies.


  I didn’t realize the sun was setting. I have been out here all day. Celeste must be worried. I wish she would come
out here with me. She said she understood why I wanted to do it but it creeped her out a bit. Weird that my animals creep her out but she has her two dogs, Shasta and Chaos, and she is fine with them. Oh well. I need to go inside and see her. I miss her. I never thought I could be this happy. Oddly enough, if you think about it, Joseph brought us together. If he wasn’t dead, I would thank him. That makes me laugh.


  Lisbet comes in with a smile on her face. I love seeing her so happy. I have dinner going in the crockpot so the house smells amazing.

  “That smells great.” She squeals as she rushes up to give me a kiss.

  I giggle as I thank her. This exuberance is unexpected and welcome after my long day at work. We sit down with heaping bowls of stew and discuss the days events. Hers are filled with what animal finds she has found and mine are what new clients I have signed on and what ones have left the firm. Plus there is always watercooler talk, who is sleeping with whom, and what not. She listens earnestly, asks questions, then excuses herself to shower.

  I laugh because it’s her way to get out of cleaning up. I clean up the kitchen, put the extra stew away, and go into the bedroom to see my sexy vixen all spread out on my bed.

  “I need you.” She said softly.

  Clearly I don’t need anymore coaxing than that. I strip my clothes off, and climb up to her, to kiss those sensual lips, giving her the chance to climb on top. Thanks to my brother, she dislikes being on the bottom, she feels trapped. So I give her anything she wants so she feels safe.


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