A Daughter of Nyx

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A Daughter of Nyx Page 27

by Alexie Aaron

  “No. I ashamedly pawed her like a horny teenager on the Devil’s Pride, and that really pissed her off. You?”

  “Please… do you know how old I am?”

  “No, and it really doesn’t matter. There are two of you who I know. There is Wyatt Wayne who hid in a greedy old man’s body for years but befriended a hoyden when she needed help, and then there’s Altair who gets her into trouble at regular intervals.”

  “No, that is Mike.”

  “No, that’s you. I see you as the Peter Pan of the angels. You’re never going to grow up. I’ve seen her parent you at times. Are you her father or is she your mother?”

  “That’s giving me a headache. I need a drink.” Altair left the tent.

  Murphy went back to sharpening his axe.


  Ted arrived on the island by way of a portal of Baxter’s conjuring. He gathered his sons in his arms and just held them for a while. He answered Brian’s questions the best that he could. Varden kept kissing the side of his face, not that he minded.

  Ed and Judy watched the three Martins.

  “They are so similar on the outside but vastly different inside,” Judy commented. “Such intelligence and handsome, nose or no nose. Inside, Varden is loving and empathetic, while Brian is headstrong and self-sufficient.”

  “They have Mia’s strength and Ted’s imagination,” Ed observed. “They will make fine adults.”

  Ted walked over and extended his hand to Ed before he kissed Judy on the cheek. “Where’s Adam?” he asked.

  “Sleeping. He grows so fast that his little body needs a lot of naps,” Judy said. “Please sit and enjoy a beverage with us.”

  Ted set Varden down, and Brian took his hand and ventured back to the puzzle they were working on when Ted arrived.

  “You look tired.”

  “I haven’t been sleeping well.”

  “Are you worried about Mia?”

  “Yes, and concerned about my end of things too. I miss her.”

  “So do the boys,” Judy said, handing Ted a mug of coffee dressed the way he liked it. “It’s toughest on Varden. When she was in this realm, he could feel her presence, but Hell is another matter.”

  “Have you decided what time you’re going to exist in if we fail?” Ted asked.

  “We have chosen to live in the 1950s to start with,” Ed said. “If that is too problematic, we will decide then where and when to live. This was a time where you still could get ahead by hard work. Also, our knowledge of the trends of the future will make it easier to acclimate. Brian will be able to rise to a figure of importance, and Varden will join a younger Nicholai’s squadron when he is old enough. Adam will start our tribe somewhere in suburbia.”

  “They will reach out to you when you’re old enough to understand, Ted,” Ed said. “We will be taking Mia away from her parents as soon as we’re able.”

  “It would be nice knowing she had someone looking out for her. Not that Murphy isn’t someone. Just someone alive.”

  “This is just speculation,” Ed said. “I believe you will be victorious.”

  “Have you looked into the future?”

  “Yes. I looked at the battle, and it has changed each time for the better. But the door always opens,” Ed reported.

  “The future is fluid,” Judy reminded Ted. “What Ed sees is only things as they are now.”


  “Mia arrives and holds the beasts from attacking the city, but just barely. Her minions are strong in number and intent but small in stature. These frost giants are powerful and filled with old-world vengeance. I have seen Mia die ten times. Each time, it is further into the battle. Each time, it’s different. The last two times, Victor and she were doing a death spiral, and when they broke apart, an energy surge hits whatever is coming out of the door. But both of them die.”

  “Don’t let her know that. Let her think she has a chance,” Ted pleaded.

  “I will not tell her anything unless she asks me directly.”

  “What could she do to increase her chances in your experienced eyes?” Ted asked.

  “From what I can see, Victor and Mia are substituting aggression and competition for courtship. They aren’t attracted to the other, so this makes sense. I think that they may be daring the other to go harder and take it closer to the water than necessary. How do I explain it? Think about you and Cid playing a video game against the other. You’re in the heat of the battle and you’re challenging each other by ramping up your game. Cid responds, and he incites you. Before you know it, you’re so into the game that…”

  “We both die,” Ted answered.

  “I have an idea,” Judy said. “She needs another partner. Someone who will think only of her well-being. A teacher…”

  “Nicholai. She listens to him,” Ted said.

  “He’s too old,” Ed scoffed.

  “If you weigh youth against experience, you will find experience is the way to go, Ed. Nicholai is still a powerhouse of a warrior.”

  “It’s a physical undertaking,” Ed said. “He’s not got the stamina.”

  “Still, it’s an alternative,” Ted said. “I’ll suggest it to her if I get the chance.”

  Chapter Twenty-four

  Angelo and Father Santos worked hand in hand with John Ryan and located the Cynosura cell who were actively engaging with the Coopers. They needed Jake to subvert their funding. Since Ted was too busy with Baxter, he handed the torch over to Cid. Cid was now acting as a liaison between the Feds and Jake.

  Cid and Jake were glaring at each other when Lazar walked into the office.

  “Oh dear, another lovers’ quarrel?” Lazar asked.

  Cid and Jake turned their eyes away from each other and over at Lazar. He just smiled. “What is it this time?”

  “His keystrokes are clumsy and have no rhythm,” Jake said.

  “I can’t seem to type fast enough for him,” Cid complained.

  “He’s just missing Ted and feels rejected,” Lazar observed. “Bromances are so hard.”

  “Careful, he’s been moving the oculars around, and he may send a jolt of electricity into your prosthesis,” Cid warned. “He already turned off my oven and spoiled my quiche.”

  “Do I have to text Mia?” Lazar asked Jake. “Do you think she’s going to be happy when I drag her out of Hell to sort you two out?”

  “No,” Jake and Cid said in unison.

  Cid turned around. “How come you’re the keeper of the texts?” he asked.

  “Because I’m taking care of Dieter. And I wouldn’t be bothering her unless things were falling apart. God help her, she has enough on her plate without us falling into spats like children. Get used to Cid’s keystrokes. Cid, understand that Jake is a one-man ghost. You both are in love with Ted, so deal with it.”

  “But I’m not…” Cid protested.

  “You are. I’m going to pick up Dieter from Mark’s. Would you like me to bring a pizza back or are you cooking?”


  Lazar left.

  Cid sat a moment.

  “What’s wrong, Earthling?” Jake asked.

  “Is it true?”

  “What, your bromance with my god of the technological world? Yes. I don’t know how Mia puts up with you.”

  “Mia likes me,” Cid says. “Does Mia know how you watch Ted when he sleeps?”

  Jake was silent.

  “We need therapy,” Cid said.

  “Couples therapy?” Jake asked.

  “Oh, just shut up.”


  Abigor was listening to his generals when Mia came in. He pointed to a chair and resumed his conference. When he had finished, he motioned for Sticks to close the tent flap before he addressed Mia. “You look awful.”

  “Fuck off.”

  Abigor pulled her out of the chair and tossed her on the floor of the tent, face down. Mia thought about calling for Romeo and Juliet but knew better. Abigor had the advantage. He knelt and pulled her head up b
y her braid. “Why are you being so belligerent? You must need to be fucked. This is why I have my harem. I can’t think when it builds up.”

  “Send me home then.”

  “I can’t. Lucifer will not allow it. Fuck the birdman.”

  “I’m not interested. Bring Ted here,” she pleaded.

  “It must be all the males around. Ted’s busy. Think with something other than your…”

  “Careful,” Mia growled.

  “You’re changing here, Mia. Where is the prim little miss?”

  “Prim?” Mia asked, shocked.

  He flipped her over and studied her. “I know I’m asking a lot, but you’ve got to hold yourself together.”

  “How when you put me into a bed with a birdman four times my size, who snores? What did you hope would happen?”

  Abigor’s eyes twinkled.

  “You bastard. You fallen are your own worst enemies. Why torture me? What are you hoping to accomplish? I need to stay focused. Stop tossing men in my way. Either ease up on the games or bring Ted down here.”

  Abigor stroked Mia’s face and then moved his hands along her body.

  “I certainly hope you’re checking her for injuries,” Lucifer said from the tent’s entrance.

  Abigor got up. Mia turned over and rose into a pose of prostration.

  “Mia’s horny and wants her husband.”

  “A disciplined warrior needs no earthly comfort. Leave us.”

  Abigor left.

  Mia kept her face down.

  “Mia, what brought all this on?”

  “I cussed him out.”

  “Did he deserve it?”

  “Yes, but he is my general. I wasn’t respectful.”

  “Did anyone else see your disrespect?”

  “No, sire.”

  “Come, it’s time I broke you.”

  “How will this help your cause?”

  “It will keep you from finding yourself on the ground being raped by Abigor. The Cooper curse is gone. You have no hold over him anymore. You mouth off to him, and he’s going to debase you. Whatever sugar-coated image you have had in your head, the fact remains that he is an evil being with unnatural cravings.”

  He walked over and lifted Mia up by her neck. He set her down in Abigor’s chair and lifted her chin. “Look into my eyes. Come and walk with me.”

  Mia knew before she entered where she would find herself. She faltered, and he gripped her arm hard. He sliced off her braid and tied her wrists with it. He hung her from a hook very similar to the one in the demon court. He stripped her and let her hang there. “In here, I can’t destroy your body. But you will feel the pain, and you will remember it.”

  “Why?” she managed.

  “You dare question me?”

  “Why hurt me? What have I done to disrespect you?”

  “You disrespected my duke. That was enough. There must be order. When you think of smarting off, you’ll feel this first. No fancy cognitive behavior therapy here.”

  “Before you beat me, think of who you’re beating. I’m not Michael.”

  Lucifer winced. He picked up a whip and laid into her back. He heard her screams and sobs, but they didn’t give him pleasure. He stopped. He looked at what he had done. He ran his hand in the blood that flowed from her back and turned her and squeezed her breasts until she screamed. She stared at him and opened her wings, slicing free from her bonds. She advanced quickly upon him. He knew all he had to do was blink and they would be out of his thought, but he let her launch herself on him and he fought her. They struggled, tossing each other against the walls and on the floor until she erred in the unfamiliar playground of his mind. He cornered her and took out all of his aggression on her. When Mia could hardly lift her head, he forced her eyes open and said, “Come, walk with me, Mia.”

  Mia found herself in a chamber. Lucifer lay naked upon a bed watching her. She fell to her knees in fear. “Let’s discuss Michael,” he said.

  Abigor walked back into the tent. Lucifer was locked in a stare with Mia again. But this time, her eyes were filled with horror, and a large fat tear fell from her eye.


  Altair walked into the banquet hall and over to Murphy. “Where is she?”

  “She’s sitting over there staring at the wall of the tent, not talking. Sticks brought her in, got her some food, and left her. She won’t talk to me or Victor.”

  Altair positioned his chair so she would have to look across at him. He sat down and said, “Mia, look at me.”

  She looked down a moment before she looked at him. He’d seen that look before after the beating she took at the demon court, but he sensed this was worse. “My friend, don’t let him break you. Push him and his horror show from your mind.”

  “Help me,” she said, reaching across the table. “He thinks he’s punishing Michael.”

  “Is he punishing you now?”

  “It’s unending. I don’t have much more. He’s taken everything from me.”

  Altair put his hand on her face and entered her Hell.

  He was wading in her blood. He found her broken and violated, curled up in the corner of her mind, and he lifted her up and carried her into his. He broke contact, and Mia’s physical body disappeared.

  “Prepare to leave here. He’s gone too far this time.”

  “What about the prophesy? What about the planet?” Victor asked.

  “What about it? Lucifer’s made his mess, let him fix it. He was given a gift, and he’s just about destroyed it.”

  “Where is she?”

  “Inside me. I can’t take her home like this. Heaven is gone, so Michael can’t help.”

  “Take her to Roumain,” Murphy said. “Victor, you should go and ready the flock. Hell may not answer the call after all.”

  “What about you?” Victor asked.

  “I think Abigor has a few questions to answer,” Murphy said, bouncing his axe in his hand.

  Roumain had Altair place Mia on the sun-warmed sand. She moved from sitting to curling up into a fetal position at his feet.

  “There isn’t a mark on her,” Altair said. “But in her mind, she has been beaten and violated Lucifer style. She said, ‘He thinks he’s punishing Michael.’”

  “I feared this was coming,” Roumain said. “Mia has been smart enough to play the subservient so as to not incite his ire. Abigor used to protect her, but Gabriel took that away when he broke the curse. Have you looked into her memory?”

  “I’m not that brave,” Altair admitted.

  “Before this happened, how did she do?”

  “You would have been amazed. She faced 100 legions of demons and won their loyalty.”

  “So she still could lead them?”

  “Yes. But not like this.”

  Roumain lifted Mia into his lap and placed a hand on her forehead and described to Altair what he saw. “He took her to his torture chamber, the one he keeps in his mind. He whipped her, and she broke free, and the two of them fought like it was the last days of Heaven. When she had no more left, he took her deeper into his lair, and he… Well, you can only imagine. In the past, Mia kept her self-worth by clinging to the thought that even though she had urges, she stayed loyal to Ted. That’s all gone now. A Nephilim would have been kinder. He pulled every dark thought she ever had and turned them against her, and then he attacked her like an animal. I don’t know why he stopped, but he did, and she was left in his room. You carried her out, but I must put her back and get her to find her own way out. I know it seems cruel, but I’ve dealt with Lucifer’s victims before. He dumps them off on me from time to time. They are usually proud women who loved their families. I haven’t been able to save any of them yet. Still, I have to try.”

  “I’d better go see if I can extract Murphy from Hell before he ends up in the prison,” Altair said.

  “I hope he does a lot of damage before you do,” Roumain said, carrying Mia into the water of the pool of sorrows. He called for Violine. She surfaced, and he set Mi
a in her arms. “I ask you to care for her.”

  “She is locked in a thought generated by Lucifer,” Violine said. “I can send you into the thought, but you may not return. Is this woman worth the risk?”

  “She’s may save us from Surtr. It’s too early to tell.”

  “I give you my blessing to travel. Love her. She needs to feel passion, pleasure, and love again. He’s robbed her of everything but pain.”

  “How do I proceed?”

  “You may take nothing with you. Your only power will be your voice. She will respond to you because she loves you. You, who do not deserve to be loved, are loved by Mia.”

  “You are a cruel wife.”

  “Ex-wife. Till death do us part, I am dead now,” Violine answered. “Fear not, I will not take it out on this child.”

  Mia rose from the floor. Her ears rung from the echoes of her screams. There was so much pain that it overwhelmed her to the point of numbness. “It’s shock,” she said. “I’ve lost too much blood.”

  “Mia,” Roumain’s voice addressed her.

  Mia squatted and hid herself. “Don’t let him see me,” she said, making herself as tiny as she could.

  He spotted her. Her flayed back and shorn hair was heartbreaking, but Roumain resolved himself to see this through. “Mia, I’ve come to take you home.”

  “Don’t look at me!” she pleaded.

  Roumain appeared, knelt, and lifted her chin. Both her eyes were swollen shut, and her neck and chest were covered in welts. “I can’t see well enough to find my way out.”

  “Let me guide you. Can I touch you?”

  Mia lifted a shaking hand in front of her. “I’m a vile creature. Don’t contaminate yourself.”

  “Why are you vile?”

  “I let him do horrible things to me so the pain would stop. He made me beg for it.”

  “Mia, I have a secret to tell you,” Roumain said.


  “You have to stand up and walk over to me.”

  “I don’t want to.”


  “He did things to my legs, no one should see.”


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