A Daughter of Nyx

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A Daughter of Nyx Page 34

by Alexie Aaron

  “We’re fighting for our lives out there!” Mia exclaimed. “Can I go? I’ve got to bring my reserve legions up.”

  “You lay there and mend. Angelo, don’t you let her up,” Idra ordered and moved on to the next patient.

  “Little Bird, you need to hang back more. I’ve been watching you. It looks like you and Nicholai are competing.”

  “I have six kills, he has eight.”

  Angelo laughed. “Victor left you armor. He was worried that the anesthetic fibers of Nyx’s would cause you to overwork yourself.”

  “So it’s a laid-back war we’re fighting?”

  “About the spiral…” Angelo started. “It will kill you.”

  “No, it won’t. I’ve done it twice. Mia pulled Angelo’s head to hers and gave him the memory.

  “Nicholai?” he said, aghast. “But he’s so old.”

  “His experience. My trust. With Victor, I was always in jeopardy. We don’t like each other. We can do the mechanics, but when there’s nothing but mechanics, there isn’t any reason to survive the spiral.”

  “Why not me?”

  “You think about it. You’ll find the answer.”

  “It would be courtship.”

  Mia pulled him down and turned off her earcom. “I just didn’t want you to think I didn’t trust you because I do.”

  Angelo nodded. He smiled sadly. “Mia, thank you for being honest with me.”

  “We are such a good team saving children,” Mia said. “But we’re horrible at timing.”

  Mia turned her earcom back on.

  “Mia, where are you?” Ted asked.

  “Rooftop, getting patched up.”

  “The giants are wading out. They are going to try to go around the perimeter fence.”

  “Hold on.”

  Mia sat up and touched her necklace. “Abigor.”


  “Are the pirate ships still in the GSD?”

  “Wait a minute.”

  Mia waited.


  “I’m going to pick up Murphy and see if I can negotiate their help. Warn the legions to keep their heads down when they hear cannon fire.”

  “Will do. Good luck.”

  “Ted, my earcom will not function in the GSD unless you’re in the GSD.”

  “I’m aware of this. What are you going to be doing in the GSD?”

  “I’m going to go see a pirate about his balls.”

  “Excellent idea, wayward wife.”

  Mia swooped down and pulled Murphy off his feet.

  “What the hell, Mia?”

  “I need you to talk to Captain Waite for me. We need to get them to fire on the giants. I think the cannon fire will convince them to keep to the shore. Téméraire-class ships like the Devil’s Pride and the Peacock have seventy-four and ninety-eight cannons respectively. They should be able to fire at least sixteen cannons at a time. They could keep up the assault depending on the amount of ammo they have stored.”

  Mia hailed the Devil’s Pride before she landed.

  Captain Waite who had been watching the battle from his bridge walked over. “What brings the two of you here? Looking for refuge? Have you decided to open your legs for the farmer? If so, I want a piece of you too.”

  “I’ve come to ask you to join the fight to save our world. All you have to do is fire upon the giants. Hit them high so there will be less collateral damage of my demons.”

  “Your demons?” Captain Waite lifted an eyebrow.

  “Her demons. She killed Ruax and was given forty legions as is custom. Mia then gave her legions to Abigor as a tribute. He, in turn, is sharing his with her. Mia controls 100 legions of demons.”

  “Yeah, yeah, but what’s in it for me?”

  “The name of your ship is the Devil’s Pride is it not?” Mia asked.


  “And this is the Devil’s fight. Maybe I should bring it to Lucifer’s attention that you’re unwilling to aid his duke.”

  Captain Waite grabbed Mia by the neck and drew her face to his. She balanced on her tiptoes but managed to stay calm. “Who are you to Lucifer?” he asked.

  Boots hit the deck of the ship. Waite dropped Mia. She fell hard, jarringly hard, on her damaged hip. She groaned and closed her eyes. When she opened them, she was gazing at a familiar face.

  “Hello, Mia. Fancy meeting you here.”

  “It’s not the Nile, but there is an interesting view,” Mia said.

  Lucifer’s eyes caressed her briefly before he turned. “She’s one of my generals.”

  “Last I saw, she was wearing the colors of the house of Abigor.”

  “He’s my duke, and why am I explaining anything to you? You’ll make this ship and the Peacock available to Mia and Abigor, and you’ll do it now.”

  “Yes, sire,” Waite said.

  “Captain, I would like to use your cabin while you prepare to fire. Come, Mia, we have an unfinished conversation.”

  Murphy moved to intercede, but Mia raised her hand. “I need you to get them to fire as soon as possible. I’ll be okay,” Mia lied.

  Mia followed Lucifer. She knelt as soon as the door was closed.

  “It has come to my attention that you have made quite a difference out there.”

  Mia was silent. She knew better than to speak.

  “Abigor and Altair have chewed me out for my treatment of you.”

  Mia closed her eyes and prepared for the abuse.

  “Roumain says you have broken with Michael, and he fears you have broken with me.” He knelt and put a finger under Mia’s chin. “But here you are being useful. It makes me think I still haven’t severed our connection.”

  “I’m here for humanity and for my legions. Why are you here?” she asked.

  Lucifer placed a hand on her chest wound and the other on her hip. A surge of energy shot through his hands. “They can toss me out of Heaven, but I’m still an archangel. I’ve come to heal you.”

  “Thank you,” Mia said.

  “Is that all you have to say to me?”


  “Well say it.”

  “This is your fight too,” Mia said. “It would do you good to remember this,” she said and walked briskly past him and out the door.


  Quentin sat with Dieter at the hospital’s emergency room. He explained how Dieter was indeed the adopted grandson of his brother Charles.

  “Don’t take this to heart, Dieter. Most people don’t look further than the cover when choosing a book,” Quentin said.

  Charles opened his eyes and took in his two visitors. “Dieter, you should be in school.”

  “No, Granddad, I’m needed here,” he said. “Uncle Quentin is going to take me to the museum, but we wanted to make sure you were alright first.”

  “Has anyone seen Amanda?” he asked.

  “Amanda perished,” Quentin said softly. “When she opened the door, a massive ice block came barreling out and crushed her. Mia tried to save her but was blown into the lake before she could. She really did try to rescue her.”

  “Amanda can be stubborn,” Charles said numbly.

  “Was stubborn, Granddad,” Dieter corrected.

  “I want to go and see what Amanda’s done,” Charles said, putting his legs over the side of the bed.

  “No. The doctor is waiting on X-rays,” Quentin said.

  A pert little nurse walked in carrying a fresh pitcher of water. “Did you hear that they are filming a movie on Northerly Island? They have all these large puppets, and my friend Elie says it looks very Lord of the Rings. No one is allowed near, not even helicopters.”

  The hospital shuddered as a mass of explosions filled the air causing a cascade of car alarms to go off.

  Two ships sailed out of the GSD. The Devil’s Pride’s cannons fired and then the Peacock’s. They pounded the giants until they fled not only from the water but retreated into the door. Abigor moved his legions away and gave them a rest. He knew there wa
s something more afoot, but right now, he was taking advantage of the quiet.

  Mia moved on shaky legs. She rolled her neck and joined Captain Waite on the bridge. He reported to her on the success of their barrage of fire.

  “Both ships have about another round of fire to go.”

  “When it’s gone, leave here. There is only one maneuver left, and your ships will be in jeopardy.”

  “I’ll be around. I have my heart set on that yellow diamond.”

  “You’ll have to fight Bill for it.”

  “He’s a worthy adversary.” He looked at the proud woman. “If the GSD hadn’t robbed me of my compassion, I would tell you that what you had to do in there won’t mean a thing when everything is done and dusted. File it away in the dark places of your mind, Mia.”

  “I don’t know exactly what you are talking about, but I thank you for your advice. Excuse me, I must collect my farmer and leave.”

  “Mia back on com.”

  Ted’s ears picked up fatigue in her voice.

  “Excellent. I hope you didn’t have to promise our firstborn to get them to help.”

  “Fortunately for me, the boss showed up. I must check back in with Abigor. This silence is scary.”

  From his penthouse perch, Angelo’s sharp eyes centered on Mia’s face. He saw not only the stress of battle but also a seriousness that never seemed to settle on her features. “Nicholai, something’s happened to Mia.”

  “She had to deal with pirates. They are a surly sort,” the elder birdman said. He was flexing his injured wing. He had taken a direct hit to his left wing.

  “Victor is heading over. I’ll listen in on their conversation.”

  “Little Bird, what a difference a few cannonballs make. I don’t know how long this is going to last, but we needed the time to regroup. Well done.”

  “I didn’t fire the cannons,” Mia said.

  “You brought the ships into the fight.”

  “I tried, but Waite wasn’t going to comply until Lucifer reminded him of a few things,” Mia said and walked away.

  Abigor pulled Mia over to his horse where prying eyes and ears would not be able to intrude. Mia tapped off her earcom.

  “Murphy mentioned you had help convincing Waite.”

  “Big mouth,” Mia growled.

  “Mia, you saved a lot of lives. Your demons’ lives, your birdmen’s’ lives. My life.”

  “It’s not over with,” Mia said. “I’m so tired and…”

  Abigor put a finger on her nose.

  The oddity of it stopped her.

  “I did this when you were a baby. You giggled and took hold of my finger. Gabriel may have broken the curse, but my memory of the good things are still here. You have made a sacrifice out there, but it will fade if you concentrate on the good memories. This is all a game to Lucifer. He wants to win. To win, he has to destroy all that is good about you.”

  “Why me? I’m here. I’m helping his cause. Why appear to take away my honor?”

  “Because Michael isn’t here. You’re his surrogate.”

  “I hate Michael,” Mia said. “He had to know what handing me over to Lucifer was going to be like. Did he freckin’ believe I was going to survive this unscathed?”

  “I don’t know. They’re big on tests up there.”

  “I was never good at taking tests in school,” Mia admitted.

  Abigor drew her to him. “Please pull yourself together. I need you. Turn your anger at the door.”

  “What anger? Lucifer didn’t harm me. He healed my wounds,” Mia said. “He also reminded me he used to be an archangel. Why tell me that?”

  “I’ve been at his side since forever, but he is a mystery to me. Sometimes his sanity is staggering, and other times he’s a crazy sadistic bastard. There is no rhyme nor..”

  “There is a reason, but he’s got to understand, I am not Michael.”

  Sticks strode up. “Odin has been spotted!”

  “Go get yourself cleaned up,” Abigor told her. “You smell like frankincense. You’ll watch the door while I ride out and meet Odin.”

  Mia arrived at Angelo’s. She walked past the injured and into the house. She ignored Ralph and Bernard and walked into Angelo’s bathroom. She peeled off her armor and looked in the mirror. Lucifer hadn’t marked her when he healed her, but she felt branded. She stepped in the shower and scrubbed and scrubbed. She reached out for a towel, and Angelo stood there. She collapsed in his arms and sobbed.

  He thought it was the stress. She let him continue to think so. He dried her off, and Ralph came in with new armor for her to wear. He acted as her squire and dressed her with care before he fixed her hair. “I mixed and matched. Bernard thinks I could have been an armorer in another life,” Ralph said proudly.

  Mia looked at herself in the mirror. She wore a platinum collar split in the back to make room for her wings. Attached to it were made of the finest silver chainmail. Ralph had taken the tunic of a birdman warrior and split the chainmail in front and back so Mia could use her legs freely. Over that, a series of stacked platinum armor protected her from waist to hips while gathering the tunic together, emphasizing that Mia was not only female but a lady.

  “I’m speechless,” Mia said.

  “You only meet a god once; best to make a good impression,” he said, admiring his creation. “When was the last time you ate anything?”

  “I don’t remember?” Mia said honestly.

  “That’s the problem, young lady. You were always a crybaby when you were hungry. I’ll fix you a sandwich for the road.”

  Sticks was waiting for Mia on the rooftop. He handed her up onto Moonlight, and she flew back. She called for her division officers and had them regroup until she had fresh soldiers on the front lines. By all appearances, Abigor’s forces would look like they hadn’t taken the beating that they had. She landed and shook hands or patted the back of each and every demon on the front line. “Pass this back. This is my appreciation for what you have done, for those we have lost, and for the victory we will have!”

  When Abigor arrived with Odin, Vili, and Ve, he saw Mia floating facing the door. The birdmen hovered behind her, and the demons stood at attention under her. She turned slowly, and Abigor had never seen anyone fake regal as well as she did. He was most proud.

  Mia opened her earcom. “Mia back on com.”

  “Missed you, Olive,” Ted said, imitating Popeye.

  “Aw, Popeye, Brutus was a bit brutal, but I’m back.” In her own voice she said, “Odin approaches.”

  She no sooner said that when a dragon of mammoth size shot out of the door and flew over the legions. Mia opened her wings and gave chase.

  “Ted, we have a dragon heading out into the lake. I assume it’s looking for the pirate ships. I don’t know if it can see into the GSD. Be prepared, it may circle back and attack the city.”

  Baxter directed a new set of intimidating lasers angling upwards from the top of the existing array. They resembled spears with deadly heated barbs at the end. The dragon caught an edge of a wing on one and didn’t like it at all.

  “Mia, according to Cid, the dragon is Nidhogg, and it’s a corpse eater. It must be looking for dead to eat. It lives in the water at the base of the tree Yggdrasil. This is the tree that joins all nine worlds.”

  “Cool history lesson, but any idea why it’s out?”

  “I would assume it’s having a little fun until Surtr comes.”


  Odin’s Norsemen marched on to the island and prepared to fight the dragon. More frost giants ventured out, and soon the island was a battlefield of organized chaos.

  Odin and Abigor moved their men and coordinated a massive effort. Vili shouted encouragement, and Ve healed the wounded.

  “Mia, find your birdman,” Abigor ordered. “Be ready. We can’t last much longer.”

  “Yes, sire,” Mia said. She tapped her earcom. “Ted, I need to speak with you alone.”

  “Pumpkin, we are in the midd
le of the battle to end all battles,” he reminded her.

  “Abigor wants me to perform the doomsday spiral.”

  Ted looked at Cid and Baxter.

  “It’s the only move we have left,” Cid said.

  Baxter nodded.

  “Mia, you performed it twice successfully. Odds are you will survive it.”

  “How very clinical of you, Mr. Professor,” Mia said.

  “Mia, you do what you need to do, and I’m going to be waiting for you when you come home.”

  “Ted, you are my home,” Mia said. “If I don’t survive this, I need you to know that you are the best part of my life. You’re my humanity. You’re the reason I survive the hell that gets thrown at me. The reason I don’t sleep through the night is that I wake in the wee hours and watch you sleep. I can’t believe I am so lucky to have you as my husband and my friend. Whatever happens, remember that I will come home to you. I love you with every ounce of my being. Sariel didn’t need to seal you into my heart; there was no way I wasn’t going to love the man who carried me out of the well. You’re my hero and will never cease to be.”

  “Thank you, Minnie Mouse. Do what you have to do to survive this with my blessing, and just to be clear, it doesn’t mean a quick snog with Dupree.”

  Mia laughed. “Oh damn, you saw right through me.”


  Quentin arrived back at Charles’s room with some coffees, only to find the room empty.

  “Nurse, where is Dr. Cooper?”

  “He signed himself out.”

  “His grandson?”

  “He was running after him. I imagine they, like everyone else, are interested in the big adventure movie they are filming.”

  Quentin picked up his phone and called Baxter.

  “Quentin, we’re a bit busy…”

  “Charles and Dieter are gone.”

  Baxter cleaned his glasses as he listened to Quentin. “I think your hunch is a good one. The police won’t let him near the place. Yes, he does have the right credentials. I’ll have the crew looking out for him. Maybe he’s just going to the museum to work. Bernard is at Angelo’s. Go there.”


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