A Daughter of Nyx

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A Daughter of Nyx Page 37

by Alexie Aaron

  He started to drive home but turned around and headed for Charles’s condo. He thought providence was with him when he found a parking spot right outside the door. He knocked, and Charles let him in.

  “I’m surprised to see you here,” Charles admitted.

  “Me too,” Ted said. “I never had the opportunity to express how sad Amanda’s passing was and to offer you my ear if you need to talk.”

  “That’s kind of you, son. I know my wife was a difficult person, but I loved and love her. I’m a bit lost here.”

  “Have you thought anymore about coming and living with us?”

  “I don’t think it would work,” Charles said.


  “It’s because of me that all this happened. How do I reconcile the devastation I caused? Or the pain Mia endured in Hell because of me and Amanda?”

  “Sir, Amanda was under the control of some insidious people. And I’m not just talking about Bev and Gerald. I’m talking about these insane buggers that have lived beyond their time because of horrific deals with heritage demons. I myself was targeted, and I assure you that Amanda would have never known the difference between her thoughts and the one’s they supplied her with. They destroyed my memories. I don’t know what mine are and what was given to me.”

  “I had no idea,” Charles said.

  “Amanda wasn’t weak. They are very skilled, and they are everywhere. When their hideous plans of world domination came to light, and they were being rounded up to be prosecuted for their crimes, some idiot suggested that if the world was to end, all the Cynosura souls would be sent on to the Aura galaxy. So they guided you using Amanda to where the door lay. I don’t know if they thought you would open it there or they counted on me having to open it here, but the object was to destroy this world.

  “But that’s old ground we went over with you before. What I’m trying to tell you is not to blame yourself or Amanda. If it wasn’t you, it would have been someone else. Whether it was Piers orchestrating this or Gerald and Beverly, it doesn’t matter. Gerald also had maintained control over Father Santos for months.”

  “I would have thought Paolo would have figured that out.”

  “But he didn’t, nor did I until all the emails were destroyed and any access to me was terminated. All it takes is a piece of cursed paper and a few trigger words and I’m compromised. And it doesn’t go away. I’m going to be working with Baxter on how to undo what Beth has done to me, but he can’t take away the questionable thoughts she imbedded in my memory.”

  “Like what?” Charles asked.

  “Brian is Mike Dupree’s child and not mine.”

  “Son, he looks just like you.”

  “I know, and Mia has never been unfaithful with Mike, but I have to fight these thoughts every day. I can only imagine how Amanda was confused by the lies. Or maybe because of the lies she was confused by the truth.”

  “Bernard shared with me what she said to Mia,” Charles said. “That’s not how she felt. It broke my heart to listen to Mia beg for her to stop, and then, when it looked like Mia was convincing her, Amanda let her have it with the old truths.”

  “How are you feeling?”

  “This side of devastated. I also feel odd. I have all these loving memories but also questions on why I let Amanda have her way all the time. I used to just think it was because I loved her, but now I think that I just wanted peace and quiet. She wore me out, Ted, but I couldn’t see the harm she had done clearly until now.”

  “It truly was a curse wasn’t it?”

  “A curse that Amanda took advantage of. I don’t remember her falling at my feet? She listed my faults on a regular basis. But I didn’t care because I loved her.”

  “Love comes in many forms. I believe you fell in love with Amanda, and that love will still be with you for a very long time.”

  “Do you love my daughter?”

  “Yes. There’s no curse, but I’ll never not love her. She’s my hero, Charles.”

  “Good. I’m glad to see that Amanda and I didn’t mess her up too much.”

  “You were meant to Charles. But a funny thing happened all because of a nerdy ghost hunter and an axe-wielding ghost. When you’re ready, ask Mia about the long game.”


  At the funeral home, Mia walked over and sat down next to her father. He was staring at an urn. It wasn’t Amanda’s urn, but it was an urn. “She wasn’t a happy person,” Charles began. “Although, she was happy with me, and I loved her.”

  “I’m sorry she was used that way,” Mia said. “I really thought she had found her niche with the vlogs.”

  “Did you watch any?”

  “Jake would download them, and I would watch them while I was doing laundry.”

  “She had a hard life. Piers Savatier got his claws into her at a young age. I’m not so sure that Amanda didn’t introduce Beverly to him at a party once.”

  “I called Grandfather Neyer and told him of her death. He is going to break it to Adele. I’m heartbroken that Mother wasn’t able to reconcile with them before she died.”

  “Amanda thought, if she returned, she would lose herself and become Amalie again, and with her, she would unbury the hurt she caused by leaving.”

  “They are a very forgiving people,” Mia said.

  “Mia, I’m glad you were able to meet them, but please understand, your mother never wanted to go back, and I had to respect that. I will write a letter and tell them gently why she didn’t reach out.”

  “I think they would like that. There are so many questions. I have a question for you, but this may not be the place.”

  “Mia, just ask me.”

  “Why did Amanda try to kill me when I was a baby?”

  “She was suffering postpartum depression. I had to watch her.”

  “Thank you for saving my life.”

  “I wondered if that was why you could see the ghost in the house at such an early age.”

  “Actually, that was Abigor, but we’ll discuss that another time.”

  “Your mother never completely recovered from the traumas of her youth. I had to watch her. She seemed to focus any failings she had on your presence in her life. Mia, I’m sorry. I was a lousy father. I had a bad role model.”

  “Who was the man you thought was your and Bev’s father?” Mia asked.

  “I don’t know. Until I met Orion, I assumed Mr. Cooper was my father. This man was cold and distant. We called him Mr. Cooper, not father. Fredericka’s maiden name is Cooper, Mia, so I doubt that he was even a Cooper. He disappeared after I left for college.”

  “I guess there are still some mysteries to uncover.”

  “Mia, as an archeologist, I would have agreed with you, but then we came upon the door. Some things need to stay buried.”

  “I’d like you to come and live with us awhile. We have the guest house. It has two rooms and only one permanent guest,” she said, thinking about Altair.

  “Mia, I would like that. I’m at odds and ends here. My next dig isn’t for a while. That’s if they don’t cancel my permits. There is so much crap to weed through.”

  “Stay as long as you want. I’d love to spend some time with you.”

  “I’m sorry I got you involved in all of this. I thank God you were there, you and Angelo.”

  “It wasn’t just us. There were over a half a million beings involved in saving the world. So before you start feeling responsible, think of how this mess pulled the most unlikely groups together.”

  “How are you feeling?” he asked, taking her hand.

  “Really good. I have a few odds and ends of my own to tie up, so I’m going to take care of them as soon as I can. After that, how about we take some quality time and get to know each other? You can tell me about archeology, and I can tell you about demonology. I was given an honorary degree at the University of Hell.”

  “I was a bit surprised to see you leading Lucifer’s army.”

  “I wasn’t leading anything. Ab
igor was. I was just hanging around.”

  “You have a hell of a kind husband to put up with such nonsense.”

  “I did it to save the world, Dad.”

  Charles winked at her. “Keep telling yourself that, Mia.”


  Michael arrived at his favorite lair to find Mia, Victor, and Altair encamped there.

  “I take it by your expressions, this isn’t a welcome-home party,” Michael said, bringing his wings in.

  “We want Luke Stavros,” Mia said.

  “He’s cared for.”

  “We want him, or you can turn your wobbly ass convoy of angels around,” Mia said.

  “I’m sorry but he’s too valuable…”

  “For what?” Mia asked. “To be raised by his loving parents who were devastated when you took him? Where do you get off?”

  “Mia!” Michael said, anger filling his voice.

  Mia opened her wings and prepared to fight Michael. Victor moved to stop Mia, but Altair held him back.

  “You bring him to me in the next hour, or I’ll open the door of every lair and invite in the beings who saved our world. They have interesting habits, some downright sick, but they are the heroes here.”

  Michael raised his hand and an aide walked in. “Bring the Stavros child.” He turned to Mia. “I don’t really feel you understand that we didn’t have a choice,” Michael explained.

  “The under-angels didn’t, but you and your fucking brothers did. You left us. You left me to the mercy of Lucifer. Do you understand what that entails?”

  “Mia, I’m sorry.”

  “Are you sorry for Gabriel making me into a freak of nature and then canceling the bond Abigor and I had? My only protector gone in Hell. Whose great idea was that?”

  “Mia, you have no right to speak to me this way.”

  “I can speak to you any way I want. Who are you really?” Mia asked. “It was bad enough when God left, but he left you guys in charge of us. We started to rely on you. Worshiped you. Depended on you. I’ve seen what your defection has done to Paolo Santos and others. We were no longer worth saving. ‘Who do I pray to, Mia?’” Mia said, imitating Santos.

  Sariel came in carrying Luke Stavros.

  “Victor, take him home.”

  “No, I’m not leaving you here.”

  “Please, take him home. Orion and Audrey have waited long enough,” Mia said gently.

  Victor left.

  Sariel advanced on Mia quickly. She had him pinned down in seconds, the sword he gave her at his throat. “You leave now, or I’ll peel you like a grape,” Mia growled.

  Altair was amused. He watched Michael’s face. Michael was unsure and regretful, and Mia was just getting started.

  “Sariel, leave,” Michael said.

  Mia stood up but didn’t house her sword.

  “I’m sorry, but I don’t feel comfortable with you outnumbered,” Sariel said to Michael.

  “I’m just the ref,” Altair said. “I’m what’s stopping her from killing him.”

  “Misfit?” Sariel asked.

  Mia looked at Sariel with cold blue-green eyes.

  “She has no grace. Her mind is foreign. She is lost,” Michael said dismissively.

  “Gentlemen, are you even curious about what happened when you left?” Mia asked.

  “Mia, they’re not. Come on,” Altair said. He knew Mia had kept the horrible memories in her vault. He had asked her to purge them, but she refused. Altair now knew why she held on to them.

  “Wait,” Sariel said. “Show me.”

  Mia took her hand and touched her head. “This is something Ve showed me how to do. It’s sort of like PowerPoint. This is how well I was received because I was assumed to be your loyal pet, Michael.” The last few words brought with them so much acid that Mia clutched her stomach.

  Mia played the memory of Lucifer’s two thoughts against the crystal walls of Michael’s lair. When it was over, the wall ran with evil. Blackness filled the crystals, and many of them exploded under the strain.

  Michael and Sariel looked horrified.

  Mia took a moment to look at each of them before she spoke. “Don’t call me. Don’t touch Luke, and I’ll allow you and yours to return. Cross me, and I’ll fucking kill you.”

  Mia left.

  Altair stayed.

  “I told you not to go,” Altair said. “Even after that abuse, she still saved the world. Don’t ever hurt her again,” Altair threatened.

  Altair left.

  Michael stood there for a long while. “Sariel, we need to tread carefully.”


  “The birdmen have made an alliance with Hell through Mia. We are alone here. The only reason Victor allowed us back is because I gave Mia back her wings. He will keep to our original agreement, but he lost a lot of his people fighting the frost giants. I doubt he will make any more promises.”

  “I think you need to meet with Lucifer and Roumain,” Sariel suggested. “Mia must be brought to heel.”

  “How? Lucifer did that to her and she’s still standing.”

  “Can’t you ask her forgiveness?” Sariel asked.

  Michael shook his head.

  “Your pride is going to be as much your downfall as your brother’s.”

  “How do you ask forgiveness for tossing someone away into the abyss?”

  “It wasn’t your call,” Sariel reminded him.

  “But how do I explain it to her when I don’t understand it myself?” Michael asked.


  Mia watched as Audrey fussed over Luke. Ted and Baxter were setting up a forcefield which should keep the angels away. While they worked, Mia pushed out into the lake in the rowboat she borrowed from John Ryan. Brian and Varden sat with life preservers on and yelled instructions at Mia as she tried to row.

  “Once upon a time, the world was about to end,” Brian started.

  “But there was a wizard named Ted, and he had an amazing family,” Mia continued.

  Varden took his time. “He had a genius son, a brave son, a super-fast son, and a wife with beautiful wings.”

  “They also had many brave friends,” Brian continued.

  “A ghost named Murphy,” Mia said.

  “A hero named Victor,” Varden continued.

  “PEEPs,” Brian said. “These were ordinary men with extraordinary abilities.”

  “Baxter and Nicholai,” Mia added.

  “Angelo who did the eagle mating dance with Mommy,” Varden said.

  “He’s really confused about that,” Brian said.

  “How come you had to kiss Uncle Angelo?” Varden asked.

  “It would take a whole book to tell you why,” Mia said. “Let’s just be grateful that he was around, or we wouldn’t be here.”

  “Grandma wasn’t a good mom, was she?” Brian said.

  “She had problems, but I want you boys to remember she was under a spell from an evil witch when she opened the door.”

  “About the flying horse…” Brian started.

  “It wasn’t mine to keep. It was a loaner,” Mia said. “Sticks will take good care of Moonlight. We really don’t have the kind of place where a flying horse would be happy.”

  “Too many airplanes,” Varden said.

  “I want to go back to school. I miss Noah,” Brian said.

  “I’ll make arrangements,” Mia promised. “I just wanted to have you to myself for a while.”

  Brian smiled.

  “Mommy missed us,” Varden said.


  Mia went in search of Murphy. She had crossed the old bridge when she felt eyes on her and had hoped to see it was Murphy standing in the woods watching her. She hadn’t seen him since the battle. Instead, it was Mother Nature. She was gowned in beautiful autumn leaves.

  “Hello. Are you waiting for Murphy?”

  “No, I’m waiting for you.”

  Mia tapped her chest. “Me?”

  “Come and walk with me, Mia.”

  Mia strolle
d with the entity for a while.

  “I understand you weren’t treated very well in Hell.”

  “I didn’t expect to be but was rather shocked when it got out of hand.”

  “Do you want to make a complaint?”

  “Wait, I can?”

  “I do have some pull on this planet.”

  “No, I think things are sorted. I do hope I don’t have to deal with Heaven or Hell for a long time.”

  “Michael is very angry with you. Lucifer is very happy he is. Roumain watches and waits.”

  “How do I get out of their club?” Mia asked.

  “I wish I could give you an answer. Perhaps they will tire of you in time. Have some babies, hang up your sword, and pick up some knitting needles.”

  Mia started laughing. “Ted and I have been working on it.”

  “So that’s why my Stephen was so prickly when I spoke to him.”

  “I think it has more to do with me kissing Angelo than making love with my husband,” Mia said honestly. “It was necessary to make the doomsday spiral as powerful as it was. Ted was a brave man to encourage me to ask Angelo.”

  “He loves you, Mia. I don’t think there is anything he can’t forgive you for.”

  “But I can’t take that for granted. I realize what a gift I was given when Ted started to look at me like he looked at his cameras. I’ve given him sons, but now he wants daughters. I’m ready to give him daughters.”

  Mother Nature stopped walking. She put her hand on Mia’s stomach. Seems to me that you dropped an egg when Angelo kissed you, and now I’m going to nudge another one loose for good measure. Go home and make love to your husband, Mia. It’s really up to him to give you a daughter, but I think the stars are favorable.”

  Mia flew back home. She walked in the office and was booed and hissed at by Jake. Cid shook his head.

  “What’s going on?” Mia asked Cid.

  “He’s mad because Ted stopped working early. He’s taken the boys to Susan’s for the night. Dieter is going to spend the night at Mark’s.”

  “Are you having a men’s night?” Mia asked. “Do I have to find someplace to hole up?”


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