Taken by His Warrior

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Taken by His Warrior Page 4

by Marie Medina

  “You don’t get to do that. You don’t get to rile me up and insult me and then just walk away!”

  Vadik took the king’s upraised hand and drew it to his heart, knowing the other man would feel how hard it was pounding. He wanted the king to feel it, to know how he affected Vadik. “Yet you get to toy with me? Saying that you want me but that we can’t be together practically in the same sentence?”

  Asmund opened his mouth, but he said nothing, looking down.

  Vadik could feel the king’s pulse racing as well. “Hold this ball if you must. But at the end of the night, after you’ve had your chance to talk to all the others who wish to be at your side, I’m going to get down on one knee and ask you to choose me. If you don’t want that, I hope you have a dungeon.”

  “A dungeon?” The king looked up. “You believe I’d do that?”

  “No. Just saying that’s what you’ll have to do to keep me from embarrassing you.”

  Asmund’s eyebrows shot up. “What? It wouldn’t embarrass me.”

  “Then what would it do?” The king hadn’t pulled his hand away or backed up even an inch.

  Instead of answering the question, Asmund said, “It’s a week from now. You might not be so adamant by then.”

  “What would it do?” Vadik said again.

  Asmund tilted his head, a wistful look in his eyes suddenly. “It would flatter me.” He sighed heavily. “None of my ancestors ever had such an impressive warrior fall at their feet.”

  Vadik angled his head and bent to bring their lips together. The king didn’t resist. In fact, the smaller man wrapped his free arm around Vadik’s neck and kissed him back with unexpected passion. Vadik slipped his arm around the king and drew him close, lifting Asmund off the floor.

  The man didn’t seem to care. He held on to Vadik and continued to return his kiss. When they were both breathless, Vadik let the man slide down his body, and then he kissed the king’s hand. Their gazes locked as he turned Asmund’s hand over and kissed his palm.

  Asmund squeezed his hand and pulled Vadik toward his bedroom without saying a word.

  “Wait,” Vadik said, tugging on Asmund’s hand.

  Asmund stopped, giving him a stunned look. “Wait? Now you wish to wait?”

  “Will you call the ball off?” Vadik asked.

  “I … so many are coming. Important families … many different races of magical beings … they’d be insulted. And some are so powerful I can’t afford to do that.”

  Vadik sighed. The warrior in him could understand that last part, but that didn’t make him feel any better. “Then I won’t be responsible for you acting disrespectfully. And I won’t press you further to endanger your people.” He pressed his lips together and gathered himself, for once hating having to do the honorable thing. “I can’t believe I’m doing this, but if you’re going to hold this ball, I can’t come to your bed.”

  Several emotions appeared to flow over the king’s face those next few seconds. The one that stayed there seemed to be anger. “So you’re going to punish me because I didn’t give in right away?”

  Vadik frowned. “I’m not doing this to get back at you. And I’m insulted you think that.”

  “What else can I think?”

  “You won’t call off the ball. Just minutes ago, you said it wouldn’t be appropriate for you to have a lover right now. Seems I’m going to have to be strong for both of us.”

  Asmund yanked his hand free. “You’re an infuriating man.”

  Vadik missed the contact right away, even though he hadn’t consciously noticed their hands were still joined. “I won’t argue with you.”

  Asmund folded his arms across his chest, hugging himself. “And if I call it off, you’ll come to bed with me?”

  “Yes.” But you won’t. I’ve known you one day, yet I’m sure you won’t.

  Asmund closed his eyes as he drew in a deep breath. “You don’t have to be strong for both of us.” He opened his eyes again. “You said you wanted to court me. Well, in another day or so, guests will begin arriving. Lots of people will be courting me. Seems you arrived at the right time to join the club.” One eyebrow arched. “I know I used that phrase correctly.”

  “Now who’s punishing whom? You expect me to wait in line behind dozens of beautiful women. Watch them flirt with you and try to seduce you.”

  Asmund gave him a half smile. “You may prove distracting to a few of them.” He sighed again, sounding weary this time. “If you aren’t coming with me, I need to say good night, please.”

  “Good night then. Just promise to think of me.”

  “Hard to stop ever since you barreled into my life yesterday.”

  “I meant in a few minutes when you take care of the need coursing through your body. I’ll certainly be thinking of you.” He winked at Asmund, loving the fire that returned to the king’s eyes. Disappointed though he was, he somehow couldn’t stop himself from teasing Asmund.

  “Infuriating isn’t a strong enough word for you!” Asmund said, stalking into his room and slamming the door.

  Vadik took two steps toward the door, wondering what would happen if he gave it a swift kick. Would the king drop the ward if he tried? Did the king want him to be aggressive so he wouldn’t have to take full responsibility? Vadik clenched his hands into fists and went back to his room, wanting to slam the door but choosing to close it quietly. Leaning against the door, he freed his cock as quickly as he could. He called himself a fool as he stroked the shaft, biting down on his lower lip as the memory of that kiss sent him over the edge.


  Asmund stood just inside his door, his fists clenched and his entire body shaking with anger and need. The king’s head ached as he argued with himself. Call it off! Simply call it off. Open the door and drag him in here. Make excuses later. Make the ball a celebration of your betrothal and give all the guests elaborate gifts to apologize. Everyone will enjoy gossiping about the scandal and upheaval and…

  He heard the door across the hall close softly, and he slumped back against his own door. He replayed every word of their conversation, the heat of their kiss coming back to him and making him ache. His own arguments sounded foolish now. He reached out toward Vadik mentally, wondering what the man was feeling. Instead of anger or frustration, pleasure washed over Asmund. He felt a tension in it, but it made him moan nonetheless. His hand slid into his trousers and found his cock, and he stroked himself to completion in a matter of moments. He slid down the door to slump on the floor, his heart pounding and his breath coming in gasps. The power of his release shocked him, and he closed his eyes to savor the connection he felt to the other man.

  Did he find release as well? Did we come at the same time? That has to be what I’m feeling. He wasn’t simply trying to provoke me when he said he would be thinking of me as he… Images that were both welcome and unwelcome filled his mind. He trembled as he thought about the handsome man touching himself and spilling in his own hand. A kind of relief flooded him, seeming to confirm that Vadik had taken care of his own needs in similar fashion, and he severed his connection to Vadik, feeling suddenly like a voyeur. Instead of kissing and tangling in an intimate embrace to sleep peacefully, he and Vadik were both alone. All because of pride? Stubbornness? Asmund rubbed his temples as his head began to ache even more.

  He cleaned himself up and changed clothes before moving to the desk in the corner of the room. He quickly found a copy of the invitation list and glanced over it. Pausing on each name, he asked himself if he could imagine happiness with that person. There were many names he couldn’t put a face to, and he threw the list down to keep himself from ripping it into dozens of pieces.

  Asmund sat at the desk and wrote out a note. He held it up and read it, and then he balled it up and tossed it on the floor. He did this again, and again, for over an hour. When he was out of paper, he snatched a clean handkerchief from his dresser and wrote a note on it.

  Screwing up his courage, he tiptoed across the ha
ll and tied the handkerchief around the doorknob of Vadik’s bedroom and then rushed back to his room. From the corner of his right eye, he caught a peripheral glimpse of a patrolling guard slowing his pace and looking at him oddly. He nodded to assure the man all was well and then hurriedly closed his door.

  At least he wasn’t out there an hour ago. Asmund smoothed his hair and then tied it back with a ribbon to keep it tame while he slept. Once he got into bed, sleep didn’t come, but he hadn’t expected it to.

  Chapter Four

  Vadik stared down at the handkerchief he’d found tied to his doorknob that morning. Please join me for tea in the rose garden at ten. –A. He glanced at the note in his hand, which was from Erik and told him they wouldn’t begin training until after lunch. His gaze moved back to the handkerchief. Why hadn’t Asmund written a note? Lifting the handkerchief to his nose, Vadik decided he didn’t care. That scent of wildflowers hit him again, and he tucked the handkerchief into his pocket.

  After closing his own door, he eyed the double doors to the king’s room a moment. Cheerful humming caught his ear, and he saw a woman coming down the hallway with a stack of linens in her hands. She smiled and nodded at him before going to the king’s door and holding one hand up, the linens balanced in the other briefly. The doorknob moved, and the door slowly opened for her. It didn’t close behind her, and he took a peek inside. She began changing the bedsheets, her back to him, and once he saw the room was empty, he moved on down the hall and headed to breakfast.

  Asmund wasn’t in the dining hall, but Erik sat at the same table as the day before. Vadik nodded to the man and took a seat beside him, throwing his glance around once more.

  “I thought you’d be with the king. He said you’d be unavailable this morning,” Erik said.

  “We’re meeting at ten,” Vadik said.

  “Ah.” He smiled and then nodded to a carafe on the table. “There’s coffee in that one. Humans prefer it, don’t they?”

  Vadik took up an empty cup from one of the silver trays and poured himself some. “Yes. And I could really use it.”

  “Hard to sleep in a new place?”

  Vadik simply nodded and then took a long sip. The brew seemed to hit his soul, and he actually felt better. “It’s very good.”

  “The beans are grown here. They’re unlike any others in the world.”

  Vadik took a plate and began filling it with fruit and sausages from the platters on the table. “What is this ball going to be like?”

  “Oh, you mean the parade of feathers and fake smiles and pushed up bosoms?” Erik laughed. “As tedious as any ball ever and then some. Though you’ll probably enjoy yourself.”

  Vadik paused with a speared sausage halfway to his mouth. “And why do you say that?” He popped the sausage into his mouth, wishing he was in more of a mood to appreciate the subtle flavor.

  Erik pointed his fork at Vadik. “People are going to be fascinated by you.”

  “Won’t most of them be here for the king?”

  “The young women, yes, but lots of other people will be there the night of the ball. Only those traveling from far away will be cluttering up the place beforehand.”

  Vadik ate a couple more sausages and a large strawberry but then focused on his coffee, his appetite not what it usually was. “I’m not going to enjoy seeing all those bosoms pushed in Asmund’s face.”

  “Oh, he won’t either. He had to be talked into throwing it in the first place.”

  Vadik cocked an eyebrow at Erik. “So why doesn’t he call it off? Aren’t I a perfect excuse?” He knew his question was manipulative, given the fact he’d already been over this with Asmund. He started to take it back when Erik laughed.

  “Oh, Asmund will do almost anything to avoid seeming rude. Women from many different fae realms are coming. You really might enjoy meeting them. Nymphs and dryads, elves, sprites, elemental spirits, and who knows what else. To call off the ball with only six days left, and especially with some guests already on the way? Noble families expecting to be entertained? He won’t do it. There hasn’t been a ball here since he was crowned, and lots of people are looking forward to it.”

  “Keeping up appearances then?” He’d already known that, but upon hearing Erik say basically the same thing Asmund had said, he felt better.

  Though only a little.

  “Yes, come what may.” Erik tilted his head. “Why? Are you worried?”

  “Wouldn’t it be stupid not to be?”

  Erik shrugged. “He hasn’t sent you back. And he’s given me very specific instructions regarding your training. My full report left him very impressed. Seems to me you aren’t going anywhere.”

  “I’m not. This is where I belong, and if I have to wait until after this farce to get him to admit it, then so be it.” He sat back in his chair and crossed his arms.

  Erik looked around and then leaned in closer. “Something happen?”

  “An argument.”

  “Last night?”

  “Yes.” He sat forward and pushed his chair back to stand up. “Will my cell phone work here?”

  Erik nodded. “Yes. The person might sound faraway, but the call will go through.”

  “Thanks. See you this afternoon.”

  Erik nodded again and gave him a smile before turning his attention back to his breakfast. Vadik went back to his room and pulled his phone out, surprised to see it was fully charged. He glanced around. There certainly weren’t any electrical outlets, so there had to be some sort of spell that worked on human technology. The battery had only been at fifty percent when he packed it yesterday morning.

  He sat down on the bed and realized he had no idea whom he wanted to call.


  Asmund grasped his hands in his lap to stop himself from fidgeting with his waistcoat. And then he frowned because he had never fidgeted in his life. He’d been taught how to conduct himself properly from the age of three. Vadik was four minutes late. It seemed so stupid to be worried already, and yet he was. Another minute passed, and he found himself fidgeting with the edge of the tablecloth this time.

  “Your Majesty,” said a voice behind him.

  Asmund jumped up and knocked one knee into the table, making everything rattle. He gripped the edge as he turned to look at Vadik. How come I didn’t feel him approach? Is he already beginning to use his powers unconsciously? He’s always so alert he could be naturally shielding himself. “Vadik. Thank you for coming.”

  Vadik came to his side. “Are you all right? I didn’t mean to startle you.”

  “I was thinking of something. I’m fine.” He smoothed his trousers and adjusted his waistcoat, noting the way Vadik eyed both garments. His trousers were a dark hunter green, and the brown waistcoat had a green vine pattern embroidered on it. He sat down and gestured for Vadik to sit across from him as he waited for the other man to say something about him wearing green again. He’d done it deliberately, hoping Vadik would tease him and dispel some of the tension.

  But they just looked at each other silently.

  Asmund cleared his throat, realizing he’d have to speak first. “I’d like to start over.”

  Vadik seemed to perk up at that statement. “How far back do you wish to go?”

  “Definitely before our argument last night. Your attention is flattering, even if something beyond your control is prompting you to—”

  Vadik lifted his hand as he cut Asmund off. “I’d be interested in you no matter what. You being my mate simply gave me more confidence about pursuing you immediately.”

  Asmund swallowed, losing track of what he’d been saying. “Oh.” He wet his lips and tried to move on. “My point, if I can locate it again, is that you have as much right to court me as anyone. And I won’t discount you because we can’t have children. All are welcome at a Briod Ball, and yet in all my talk of having to go through with it for the sake of form, I neglected to think of that part. There could well be a dozen or more attendees who are male.”

bsp; “Really?”

  “Yes. Your comparison to Cinderella was actually a good one. Everyone who wishes for me to consider them may come. Many families receive individual invitations, but all are welcome, regardless of class or race.”

  “You’re not just being polite, though? You’re giving me an actual chance?”


  “Could’ve just said that.”

  Asmund shrugged one shoulder. “Suppose so.” He focused on the table and poured tea for both of them to give himself something to do. The weight of Vadik’s stare proved overwhelming. He’d never felt so scrutinized in his life.

  “Are there rules for courting you?”

  “Rules? Not exactly. Points of etiquette, I suppose.” He shifted in his chair, taking his teacup in both hands even as he imagined what his mother would say if she saw him holding it that way. He simply needed something to do with both of his hands. “As I said last night, I’m not supposed to sleep with anyone during this time. If I had a steady lover, my council would actually override me and not allow me to throw this kind of ball.”

  “Your council? Have you spoken to them about me?”

  “Not yet, but Erik is a member. I think his attitude reflects what the others will feel. And they can’t tell me whom to marry. Not unless they have a very serious reason for objecting to someone.”

  Vadik withdrew something from his pocket. “And what about favors? Is it wrong of me to keep this one?”

  Asmund had no idea what he was talking about until he looked more closely. Vadik held up the handkerchief he’d written his note on. “I ran out of paper,” he said hurriedly. He reached across the table to take it back.

  But Vadik snatched it out of his reach and tucked it back into his pocket. “I’d like to keep it. It smells like you.”

  “It … uh.” He swallowed again. “And what does it smell like?”

  “Wildflowers. Seems fitting for a fairy king.”

  “There’s no such thing as fairies.”

  Vadik actually smiled. “Really?”


  “Never thought a man with pointed ears would be telling me there’s no such thing as fairies.” He chuckled. “So fae is the term I should use to refer to you and others? I believe that’s what Gregor and Jared said.”


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