Found by the Rivers

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Found by the Rivers Page 7

by liberty freer

  My heart sinks. I don’t have any brothers or sisters, but I bet losing one is one of the hardest things in the world.

  “We, Kelsoe, Ty, Ramsey, and me, grew up with Ethan. Ethan was the straitlaced one and always looking out for us. We didn’t know his home life was as bad as it was. Ethan didn’t tell us until a few weeks before he left for boot camp. He made us promise to look out for Zack. Of course, there was no other option. Ethan was our boy. As soon as we found out about Ethan’s death, we went and got Zack. Brought him here.” Drew closes his eyes. “His house was seriously fucked up. Trash everywhere, and I mean everywhere. Plus, what looked like a meth lab in the fucking kitchen. His dad was strung out, and so were the house guests.” Drew opens his eyes, and they’re watery. “I don’t get it. There are so many kids out there with fucked-up parents. Why is that? What makes a person not choose their kid over all the bullshit. All of us here are bonded by it, but so many are lost to it.”

  Drew looks to me like I should have the answers. “I don’t know, Drew. I guess those people were probably always fucked up. So broken inside that nothing, not even their child, could pull them out of it. It’s just how life is. We don’t all get happy beginnings.” I shrug. “Or even endings. Thanks for telling me about Zack though.”

  “You belong here, Lenny. I want you to see that.”

  I sigh. “Preppy, I’m not here to stay. I’m using you guys for a few days, maybe a week if my luck holds out.”

  Drew rolls his eyes. “Right. I don’t believe it.” He nudges me. “You’ll see.”

  I let him pull me up from the bed and yelp as he smacks my ass. “What the fuck, Drew?”

  His look is playful. “Get that fine ass moving so we can go.”

  He’s lucky that I like him, or I swear to God, I’d have broken his hand. I narrow my eyes but do as he says, following him into the living room.

  “You ready?” Kelsoe asks, eyeing my face. I probably look tired. When you don’t own makeup, it’s hard to hide it.

  I nod. “Sure. How we getting there?”

  “You remember the rules, Lenny?”

  “I barely drink as it is, I don’t do any drugs other than weed, and I have zero interest in bringing home some random dude.”

  Drew grins. “Awe, hear that, Kelsoe? Lenny called this place home.”

  I roll my eyes. “I meant it figuratively.”

  Kelsoe shakes his head. “Let’s get this over with.”

  He seems as thrilled as I am about going to the party. “How long do we have to stay?”

  Drew opens the front door. “Once Kelsoe shows up and makes the rounds, he and Ramsey will be ready to go. You can catch a ride back with them. So maybe thirty minutes?”

  I smile. “Perfect.”

  Chapter 9

  Grabbing the knife from my bag, I slip it into my pocket before climbing out the SUV. The short ride was so fucking uncomfortable. It feels good to breathe fresh air and get away from Kelsoe’s shitty mood. I look up at the huge log cabin home. It’s dark out, but the small fire in the yard and the dozens of lanterns hanging from trees illuminate the property.

  People are scattered around the yard, lingering on the enormous front porch and going in and out the open front door. The upbeat music is loud all the way out here, so I can imagine inside it must be deafening. I can already tell this is going to be a much bigger party than what I’m used to. We aren’t in the trailer park anymore.

  As Kelsoe, Drew, and I make our way towards the house, people notice. Most continue their conversations in their little groups, but their eyes dart over to the guys every couple seconds. As we pass a group of girls, they adjust the tiny scraps that cover their bodies. One of them, a brunette with way too much makeup on, pulls her shirt lower, making sure her cleavage is on display. She winks at Drew and licks her lips. Desperate.

  I’m distracted by everyone milling around the yard, and I don’t see that Kelsoe and Drew have stopped walking until I’m bumping into Kelsoe’s back. He turns to give me a brief scowl. He and Drew are focused on the tall, black-haired guy coming towards us. He’s got on ripped jeans and a gray shirt that’s mostly hidden underneath a black leather jacket. It’s the middle of summer, and the dude’s wearing a jacket.

  “Sup, Kelsoe.” He raises his chin in greeting and then holds his fist out to Drew. “Hall.” After Drew taps the front of his fist to the stranger’s, he continues, “I got something on the guys from last week. They—”

  “I’ll meet you inside. Basement in twenty,” Kelsoe says.

  The guy narrows his eyes and then looks at me before focusing back on Kelsoe. “Yeah. Okay.” He turns towards the fire where a group of guys seem to be waiting for him. Their clothes are dirty and torn unlike most of the people here who are dressed like Drew. Two of the three guys have facial piercings.

  “What was that about?” I ask, but Kelsoe and Drew are already on the move.

  As we make our way up the porch, it seems like more people are pouring out than going in. It’s too fucking crowded. I already hate it here. The guys in our vicinity raise their beer bottles in greeting. I hear the name Hall being shouted, and Drew replies by raising his beer in that direction. The girls act like a movie star has just arrived. I’m starting to think these Lost Boys are well known.

  Not wanting to be noticed any further, I let myself fall behind. A few girls send me questioning looks, and a few others glare. I need to separate myself from the guys. When we finally make it inside, I veer to the left, towards a door and the opposite direction the guys are headed.

  The living room is closed off from the rest of the house. All the furniture has been cleared out. It’s become a dance floor. The music is so loud that it feels like my organs are vibrating. There’s a freaking DJ in the corner of the room. The last party I went to used a cheap CD player for the source of music.

  I make it through the open door that leads into a dining room. The room is big, but all the people crammed together make it claustrophobic. The fancy, wooden dining room table is being used for beer pong.

  As I squeeze through, trying to make it to the other side, I hear a familiar laugh. My heart speeds up a little when my eyes land on his face. Antonio’s at the head of the table, ball in hand.

  The room quiets as he focuses. He stands up on his tiptoes and then tosses the ball. Everyone seems to hold their breath as the ball sails through the air. There must be a bet on the game for them to be so concerned.

  The ball lands inside one of the red cups at the other end of the table where a guy with shaggy dark hair stands. Antonio’s end of the room erupts in cheers. I can’t help but laugh at how excited they all are.

  The dark-haired guy downs the cup and then slams it back on the table. The room erupts in cheers again. He bows, and when he looks up, his eyes lock with mine. He looks confused for a second but then smiles. I recognize that look; he’s found his prey. I quickly look away before giving him the idea that I want to talk to him.

  I head towards Antonio who does a double take as he spots me. “Alena?” He pulls me in for a quick hug. “Never in a million years would I think to see you here.”

  I pop a shoulder. “Yeah, well…” I trail off. “Looks like an intense game.”

  He grins. “Mostly for fun. There might be a little money on it.” He winks.

  The dark-haired guy makes his presence known by draping an arm around my shoulders. His fingertips skim across my breast. I saw him inching my way but was ignoring him. I move out from under him, forcing a smile on my face even though I want to throat punch him. I don’t know him, and I didn’t give him permission to fucking touch me.

  “Hey there, beautiful. You want me to get you a drink?” He has a touch of a Southern accent.

  I turn my attention back to Antonio. “Have you seen Alex around? Figured he’d be here.”

  He chuckles, probably thinking I’m being rude to his beer pong friend, which I kinda am. “He’s around here somewhere. You want me to help you look when I’m don
e with the game?”

  “Antonio, introduce me to your friend.”

  This guy can’t take a hint. “Thanks, Antonio, but I’ll find him.” I step up to dark hair. “No point. I was just leaving.” I smile sweetly. “You guys have fun.” I turn on my heels and leave the room through a different door than the one I came in.

  Bingo. The kitchen.

  I grab a beer from the fully stocked fridge, and if I would have brought my bag inside, I’d load it up. Well, that’s what I’d do if I was still staying at the river.

  I twist off the beer cap, my eyes zeroing in on the chocolate, peanut butter breakfast bars on the counter. I grab one, stashing it in my back pocket for later. Just in case. I slowly make my way out of the kitchen while sipping my beer.

  I end up back in the living room. The number of people dancing seems to have doubled. I spot Kelsoe in the back corner talking to a small group of guys. He’s got a blonde hanging on his arm, but he doesn’t seem to be paying her any attention. A couple of girls on the dance floor can’t take their eyes off him. They’re probably waiting for the blonde to move on so they can swoop in.

  “Lenny, there you are!” Drew says to my left. “You need to stick by me or Kelsoe tonight, all right? I haven’t found the others yet, or I’d say to chill with one of them.”

  I brush some hair away that’s sticking to my face. It’s humid in here. My gaze wanders around the room. Unlike Kelsoe, Drew fits in. “Yeah, sure, Preppy.” I point to the corner. “I’m going to go chill with Kelsoe.”

  Drew flashes me a smile. “Cool. See you guys later.”

  Once he’s outta sight, I change course, heading towards the back of the house. Drew’s crazy if he thinks I’m going to hang with Kelsoe. The guy hates me. I move through the house that seems to go on for miles, peeking into rooms, but no luck finding Alex.

  “Hey, I know you,” a girl with big brown eyes says as she stops in front of me, taking up most of the space in the narrow hall.

  “That’s nice,” I say, trying to squeeze past.

  “You’re that weird girl. You were in my seventh grade class,” she says, eyeing me curiously as she moves sideways so I can get by. “Whatever happened to you?”

  Ignoring her completely, I follow a group out the back door. The night air hits me, and I let out a relieved breath. The coolness brushes against my skin. I find a secluded spot between the back of the house and a lake. I use my shirt to wipe the sweat from my forehead. Sitting cross-legged in the grass and facing the house, I finish off the last of my beer.

  “Someone said there was a hot redhead here. I thought it might be you.” Ethan sits down next to me with two drinks in hand.

  “You thirsty there, Ethan?”

  He hands me a red cup filled with something orange. “Brought one to share in case it was you. Vodka and orange juice.”

  I take it from him and take a sip. “Thanks.”

  Ethan takes a few sips from his cup. “Has Hell finally frozen over? I’ve been trying to get you to a party for a while, girl.”

  I take a long drink. It tastes like straight orange juice. Not that I mind. I needed something to cool me off. I take another gulp. I look up and see Ethan eyeing me in that way that makes me want to punch him in the face.

  I hope I don’t have to embarrass him tonight. It’s one thing to do on the ball court, I don’t think he’d be very happy if I put him in his place in front of all these people. “You see Alex around?”

  “I think I saw him inside. Come on.” Ethan holds out his hand to me.

  I ignore it, getting up on my own. I down my drink. “Lead the way.”

  Ethan grins. “This way, Lena. I saw him upstairs in the game room. They have it smoked out.”

  I snort. “Sounds like Alex.”

  I follow Ethan through the back door. It takes us several minutes to make it through the crowd of people and to the stairs. I look up, my stomach doing some whacked-out flip like I’m on a roller coaster or something. I lick my dry lips. “Fuck. Too many stairs. Can you just tell Alex to come down here?” I lean against the wall feeling lightheaded.

  Ethan laughs. “There aren't that many.”

  “There’s like a thousand.” I can’t even see the top. I take a step forward, but my feet aren't working properly. “What the fuck. Something’s wrong. I don’t feel good.” I close my eyes as my stomach rolls.

  Ethan wraps his arm around my waist, and somehow, we make to the top. I’m feeling worse now and just want to lie down. I close my eyes as I the world shifts beneath me. When I open them, I’m in the dark, lying on something soft. It molds to my body. A light clicks on. The dark room is slightly lit now. Ethan looms over me with a grin you’d see carved into a pumpkin. Fear creeps up my spine.

  His hands move to my waist. “You’re burning up, Lena. Let me get your shirt off.”

  I do feel hot. I’m so hot. That’s probably what’s wrong with me; I’m overheating. I let him take my shirt off. I’m not much help—it’s hard to move. Once my shirt’s off, Ethan pins my wrists above my head. What the fuck is he doing? And why can’t I move my weak-ass arms? I close my eyes trying to concentrate.

  “You’re so beautiful.” He kisses my stomach, and I feel like throwing up.

  I never gave him the idea that I wanted him in this way. He holds my wrists above my head with one hand while attempting to yank my pants down with the other. My pants are tight, so they barely budge, but the movement it’s creating makes my head spin.

  “Get the fuck off me,” I mumble, managing to roll my body to the side. How Ethan can overpower me and hold both my wrists with his one is lost to me. I kick and buck, trying everything to get free. Finally, he loosens his grip. I swing, connecting my fist to the side of his face. Definitely not as hard as it could have been, and that zapped all my energy.

  “You fucking bitch.”

  A white burst of light. My ears feel like they’re full of cotton. The side of my face is burning. Blood fills my mouth. I don’t know how I didn’t see that coming, but I do this time. I’m too slow to do anything about it as Ethan backhands me in the same spot he hit me seconds ago.

  It should probably hurt more than it does. My years of being hit have sort of numbed me to the pain. Instead, I usually feel an adrenaline rush. It doesn’t come now. Something is wrong with my body.

  I try to spit out the blood filling my mouth, but I just end up drooling. I feel the warmth of it slide down my chin and then drip to my neck. My head becomes too heavy to hold up and lazily falls to the side, giving me a view of white sheets.

  Something moves across my jaw, wiping the blood from my mouth. I can feel my wrists being tied to the metal poles that make up the headboard, but I’m not in control of my body, so I let it happen.

  “Word is you’re a virgin. Don’t worry, little mama. I’ll be gentle.”

  I feel my face drain of color as my pants are tugged down to my knees. This can’t be fucking happening. Why won’t my body move the way I need it to? My pathetic attempt to get away does nothing but aggravate him.

  He grabs my breast painfully hard and groans. “Fuck, you have some nice tits. I knew you would.” His hand moves to my underwear.

  My eyes want to betray me and close. If I rest them for a few seconds…

  “Get the fuck outta here. Me and my girl are busy.” Ethan moves to stand with his back blocking my view.

  “What the fuck, Lenny?”

  “Get the fuck out!” Ethan roars.

  A small bit of adrenaline gives me the strength and clarity that I need. There are multiple voices at the door. I arch my back and use the heels of my feet to scoot myself closer to the edge of the bed. My eyes find the door but close before I can make out who all the people are. This mattress is really soft. I almost feel like I’m sinking into a hole.

  “She’s hooking up with this dude.”

  “She doesn’t look good.”

  It’s getting harder to stay conscious. I feel myself close to slipping over the edge
. I know if I stay in this room something fucked up will happen. I need out. I force myself to listen to what’s being said.

  “She’s not feeling good. I’m taking care of her.”

  “What the fuck is going on?!” Kelsoe’s angry voice booms, causing my eyes to fly open.

  I try yelling for help, but all that comes out is a strangled gurgle. Kelsoe steps farther into the room. Ethan moves, trying to block him from seeing me, but more people are filling in, so he can’t block everyone. One minute Ethan is standing in front of me, and the next, he’s gone.

  “Kelsoe what the… Oh shit.” Drew’s eyes land on me, and whatever he sees can’t be good because the color drains from his face.

  Chris yells something, the sound making my head pound. When did he get here? It’s dark again. I can feel sleep inching closer. I need to stay awake. Kelsoe's face is near mine. He looks worried and angry. I open my mouth; the metallic taste is strong.

  “Hang on, Red. You’re okay,” Kelsoe whispers as he lifts me into his arms.

  Unable to stay awake any longer, I drift off.

  Chapter 10

  I wake up with a pounding headache. My throat feels like someone shoved cotton balls down it. I need water now. “Fuck” I groan. “Shit,” I moan. Saying fuck hurt. I touch my cheek and wince. Moving my jaw causes tears to prick my eyes. Damn, that’s painful.

  I roll onto my side in a bed that’s not mine. I don’t recognize the room at all: dark-blue walls, geography posters, a guitar mounted on the wall farthest from the bed, and a long black dresser with a flat screen on top.

  “Where the fuck am I?” I whisper. My heartbeat picks up even more. I’m in a black T-shirt that hangs to the top of my bare thighs. The last thing I remember is the party. Did I get drunk and sleep with some random guy? I stumble out of bed, falling to the floor and creating a loud thump. My stomach turns, making me nauseated. The sound of heavy footsteps has me scrambling back until the door flies open, and then I’m freezing at the sight of the familiar face.


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