Found by the Rivers

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Found by the Rivers Page 10

by liberty freer

  “See trouble,” I hear Ramsey say.


  I pull on a dark-pink top. It’s not something I’d normally pick, but since all my clothes are dirty besides the bag I haven’t had a chance to take back, I choose pink. Stupid boys acted like they never saw boobs before. Fuck them. I’ve never been self-conscious and I’m not going to start now. I leave my room, headed towards the laundry room to finish what I started. The lid’s down, and I can hear the water sloshing around.

  “I added the soap,” Drew says from behind me. “Sorry about your boobs, Lenny. I wasn't thinking.”

  I shrug as I turn to face him. “No need to be sorry. I have nice boobs, and it’s not like I was walking around topless. I’m sure you guys have seen the real thing plenty of times.”

  Drew laughs and nods his head. “All true.”

  He follows me into the kitchen and sits at the table while I dig through the fridge. I pull out a bag of grapes and a few pieces of salami before sitting at the table. Holding the bag out to him, I say, “Want some?”

  Drew plucks a few from the vine and then pops one in his mouth. I offer some to Zack as he shuffles in. There’s a comfortable silence as we pass the bag of grapes around. Kelsoe and Ramsey walk in, Chris trailing behind them with several bags of white cheddar popcorn in his arms. He dumps them on the table.

  I look up at Kelsoe. “What’s going on?”

  “Movie night.”

  Zack grabs a bag of popcorn. “Can I pick the movie this time?”

  Kelsoe lays his hand on Zack’s shoulder. “Of course, buddy. Why don’t you go ahead and get it ready? We’ll meet you in there.”

  Zack jumps up and hurries into the living room, his phone long forgotten on the table.

  Chris rubs the back of his neck. “We wanted to say sorry for how we acted.”

  Ramsey chuckles. “You took us by surprise.”

  Chris opens a bag of popcorn. “We aren't used to having a girl here.” He throws a handful of popcorn in his mouth and leaves the kitchen.

  Drew leans back in the chair. “We’ll be better prepared, but feel free to show those gorgeous tits whenever you want.” He winks.

  Ramsey throws his head back and roars with laughter.

  Kelsoe kicks Drew’s chair. “Shut the fuck up.”

  Drew stands. “You saying you don’t think she has nice tits?”

  Kelsoe playfully pushes Drew towards the living room. “You know that’s not what I’m saying. Let's watch the movie.” Kelsoe looks over his shoulder at me. “You coming, Red?”

  “Are you finally admitting it?” Drew asks Kelsoe. “Because last time, you—”

  “Hold up.” I get to my feet.

  Ramsey’s laughing so hard he’s turning red.

  “Are you saying you two have talked about my boobs before? Can we make a rule against that?” I ask as I follow Kelsoe and Drew into the living room.

  “Maybe. What about that ample ass? Can we talk—Ow, shit.” Drew rubs the back of his head where Kelsoe just smacked him.

  “What are you guys talking about?” Zack asks from the spot he’s created on the floor where the coffee table normally is. He’s lying on a heap of blankets and pillows, a bag of popcorn in one hand and the remote in the other. Ramsey tosses us each a bag of popcorn before flopping down on the loveseat. With him and Chris sitting there, I take the space next to Drew on the worn couch while Kelsoe takes the other side, leaving me sandwiched between them.

  “Everyone ready?” Zack asks.

  Grunts that resemble the word yeah fill the room.

  “Lay back, Lenny. I’ll rub your feet,” Drew says, pushing my shoulders towards the other end of the couch where Kelsoe's large frame is taking up more than his share.

  “Maybe next time, there’s no room,” I whisper.

  “Kelsoe, move down, so I can rub her feet.”

  Kelsoe rolls his eyes, but he scoots down to the floor.

  “Trust me, you don’t want to pass up one of my foot rubs. All the ladies love it.”

  Reluctantly, I lie back. My face is inches from the back of Kelsoe’s head. His citrus scent fills my nose. He’s leaning back far enough that I can see the side of his face. I force myself to look away and not stare at him like a creeper.

  With my foot cupped in Drew’s hands, his magical thumbs begin working their way up and down my foot. He wasn't kidding—this is amazing. Ignoring the movie completely, I focus on the pleasure that is Drew.

  After about ten minutes, Kelsoe clears his throat. “I think that’s enough.”

  Ramsey and Chris are both snickering on the love seat like high school girls.

  “You really enjoyed that. Told you,” Drew leans over and whispers.

  I sit up as Kelsoe moves to take his seat back on the couch. “Of course, I did. That felt fucking amazing.” I look to Kelsoe. “You jealous? I’m sure Preppy will handle your feet too.”

  Kelsoe lowers his mouth to my ear. “The little noises you were making and the way you were writhing around had us all enjoying that foot rub, Red.”

  I feel my face flush with heat. Shit. Was I doing that? And if I was, Kelsoe enjoyed it?

  Ramsey coughs into his hand, but it sounds like he said trouble. Fuck my life and these guys. I sit up, trying to focus on the movie, but I have no idea what’s happening. Some guy dressed in a tan karate type outfit is fighting a robot thing. They both have light-up swords. Besides the noise from the TV, the living room is quiet; everyone’s completely focused on the movie.

  “What’s going on? What’s the name of this movie?” I whisper to Drew.

  Without taking his eyes from the screen, he whispers, “Star Wars.”

  I laugh. “Star Wars? Is there a Moon Wars too?”

  Suddenly, all eyes are on me. The room completely silent now that the TV’s paused.

  “You’ve never heard of Star Wars?” Zacks asks.

  “No.” I shrug. “What’s the big deal?”

  “Star Trek?” Drew asks.

  I shake my head again and hold back my laughter at their serious expressions. “What’s up with the star names?”

  Chris leans forward. “Chewbacca or Luke Skywalker ring a bell?”

  I shake my head and say, “No.”

  Zack sits up from his spot and turns to face me. “What universe are you from? This is crazy.”

  My face heats at their judgmental looks. Chris whispers something to Ramsey. My body tenses. The heat from my face spreads to the rest of my body. I take a deep breath. Chris and Zack begin listing names I’ve never heard. When I tell them that none of the names are familiar, Zack’s laughter fills my ears. I’m about to snap. I clench my fists, concentrating on my breathing.

  “Never met anyone that hasn't heard of them. She must have lived under a rock,” Zack mumbles.

  Chris laughs in obvious agreement.

  I brush the bag of popcorn off my lap, scattering it all over the floor. “Fuck you and your stupid movies.” There goes trying to calm down. “They’re fake and don't fucking matter.” I point at Zack. “I have better things to care about. Your whole pathetic life is about your phone, movies, and games.” I’m off the couch and heading to my room. “Fuck you, guys,” I call over my shoulder and I mean it.


  Unable to calm myself down, I toss and turn in bed. I’m fucked in the head. I freaked out on them over some dumb shit. I hate that I feel so incompetent about anything that doesn’t have to do with camping. I told them I was better off on my own, and now, they see it too. This is why I have such bad luck; it’s my karma for being a piece of shit. Before I can change my mind, I’m sneaking out the window and on my way to the court.

  Chapter 13

  My muscles ache from my time at the court last night. Basketball drills usually knock me out, but nope, my mind couldn’t seem to relax, and I’m paying for it today. I only got a few hours of restless sleep after I made it back here at two in the morning. I feel like shit as I go through the motions of
getting ready for the day. I’ve already packed my bag, sans the clothes that need to be dried. When they ask me to leave, I’ll be ready.

  I yelled at Zack. He was just surprised that I hadn't heard of his stupid movie. He’d be fucking shocked to know that my mom didn’t get a TV until my dad left a couple years ago, and I’ve only watched a handful of movies in my life.

  As I’m brushing my hair, a knock at the door has me tensing up. I open it, ready for what’s about to come. I back up a few steps letting Drew into the room I’m borrowing. Ramsey follows behind him, and Kelsoe leans against the door frame with a blank expression.

  I didn’t need the whole crew to kick me out. “I get it. I’m going to grab my clothes from the laundry room and head out.” I shove my brush into my bag.

  Drew takes my arm. “Sit down.” He gently tugs me to the bed to sit beside him. He lifts my chin. “We’re all sorry, Lena.”

  I wait for the words I know are coming. He studies my face searching for something. I knew this wasn't permanent, but I hadn’t planned on leaving just yet. I nod reassuringly for him to continue.

  Drew sighs. “We’re sorry. We got caught up, and Zack, he’s a movie buff—he was just surprised. We didn’t mean to upset you.”

  I hold up my hand. “Wait. Are you for real apologizing? I was the one that yelled at Zack. I threw my popcorn, and I shouldn’t have acted like that. I know nobody meant to piss me off.” I massage my temple. “I’m so confused right now.” I turn my attention to Kelsoe. “You finally have a valid reason to kick me out.”

  Kelsoe frowns. “If I didn't kick you out for sucker-punching Drew, it should be obvious nobody’s going to make you leave for saying a few words.” He stares blankly at me for a moment before walking away.

  Drew chuckles. “He’s not going to kick you out. It’s obvious you’re getting under his skin too. In a good way of course.”

  “I mean, if I fuck up big enough, he’ll have to. I’m not going to fault him for it.”

  Ramsey shakes his head sternly. “You’re not listening. Nobody is going to kick you out. How you feel now, how you react to certain things, won’t always be this way.”

  “What’d you mean? You saying that I’m fucked up and need fixed?” I stand up. “I promise you, guys, what you see is what you get. This is me.”

  “Lenny, you’ve been hurt, physically, emotionally, mentally. You’re learning new ways to cope and how to interact with others. There’s an adjustment period.”

  My brows pinch together. “You’re all counselors now or something?”

  Drew shrugs. “Nah, we’ve all just been where you are now.”

  Well, damn these guys for making me feel all sorts of things that I’m not used to.

  Ramsey backs up towards the door. “We just wanted you to know we’re sorry.”

  I stare at the guys and then at the wide-open space after they all shuffle out, leaving me with a jumbled mess in my head.

  After a while, I drag myself into the kitchen for a bowl of cereal. Drew’s at the table with a cup of coffee in front of him, and Zack to his left. They’re huddled together looking at the screen on Zack’s phone. Drew lifts his head as I take a seat.

  “Lenny, it’s me, you, and Zack today.”

  “What does that mean?” I ask around a mouthful of Cheerios.

  “That he’s the babysitter,” Zack says, pushing his glasses up farther and smiling at me.

  It’s an “I’m sorry” smile, which I return.

  I fix my gaze on Drew. “Babysitter?”

  He rubs the back of his neck. “I wouldn’t say that.”

  Zacks sets his phone down. “I would. There’s always one person here. I sorta freak out if I’m alone.” He shrugs like it’s not a big deal.

  “Oh, I get it. Drew is my babysitter.” Everyone could leave because I’m here so Zack wouldn’t be alone. I glare at Drew. “You don’t trust me or what? I’m not going to run off or steal anything.”

  “It’s not that, Lenny. It’s not safe right now.” He gives me a pointed look, daring me to deny that he’s right, and I can’t because David’s going to come sooner or later.

  “So, what’s on the agenda, boys?”

  Zack holds up his phone. “Got a battle going right now.”

  Drew groans. “I’m nursing a little bit of a hangover. Went out last night since I was going to be off work today.”

  I give him a knowing look. “What’s her name?”

  He laughs. “Nothing important enough to remember. Don’t worry, Lenny. You’re still my number one.” He lets out a breath, his face going pale. “I’ll be on the couch.”

  “Rest up. I hope she was worth it!” I holler after him.

  Once I finish my breakfast, Zack moves to the living room to play his game next to a sleeping Drew, and I grab my clothes from the dryer. After I toss on denim shorts and a gray tee, I end up in the garage, smoking a joint while flipping through the pages of a Yamaha manual.

  An image has me glancing over to the glass table where a metal piece lays. It’s the exact one from the page. So, this is how they fix the bikes. Dustin should have said that in the first place. I grab a few tools then get to work with Karma and Pepper by my side to keep me company.

  I don’t know how many hours pass, but by the time Kelsoe and Ramsey find me, I’m covered in sweat, dirt, and grease. I might have zoned out for a while. It was nice.

  “Red?” Kelsoe says, looking confused.

  Ramsey kneels to inspect the bike. “You did this, Lena?” His curious gaze lands on me.

  I hold up the manual. “Had nothing else to do. I am stuck here,” I tease.

  I move out of the way while Kelsoe hops onto the bike. He turns the key and then brings the engine to life. I back up with my hands over my ears. “Shit. That’s loud.”

  Kelsoe cuts the engine off and then looks over his shoulder with a blank look. “You fixed it.”

  Dustin runs into the garage. “Holy shit. That was the Yamaha? How? We didn’t get it all done.” His wide eyes land on me. “You?”

  I stretch. “Yep. Going to take a shower.”

  Kelsoe steps in front of me. “Hold up. How’d you do it?”

  “The manual.”

  “Most people can’t just pick up a manual and do this.”

  I frown. “Really? I don’t know. It wasn't hard.”

  “Have you done stuff like this before?”

  I shrug. “I guess so.” I smile at the memory. “When my dad took me with him to the library, he’d let me pick out whatever I wanted—when we didn’t owe a fine. The catch was that I couldn’t leave his side, and he was never near the kids’ section. I picked out handyman books. I might have practiced on things around the house.” I laugh. “At first, I broke a lot of pipes practicing my plumbing. My dad thought there were agents in the house. That was the cause of the security system he had me install. He spent all the money he had on it. It was pretty high tech but left us hungry for a while. He’d rather spend his money on stuff like that than food. One year, he spent his whole tax return trying to soundproof the living room walls. It didn’t work.” I frown just now realizing how paranoid and delusional he was.

  I look up and catch Bob’s gaze. I didn’t hear him walk up. He gives me a little smile and a nod before continuing towards the house. I don’t miss the worried glances between the guys. “Damn, my dad had some serious issues.” I laugh lightly. “This one time, he made us keep the lights off for a month. He boarded up all the windows and doors so we couldn’t leave, and nobody could get in. I got over my fear of the dark real quick.” Why did I just tell them that? As if it wasn’t already awkward enough. I bite my nail.

  “I call dibs,” Dustin says, breaking the tense silence. “Construction would be too dangerous for you anyways, Lena.”

  “What are you calling dibs on exactly?” I ask.

  “We haven’t seen her drawing skills yet,” Ramsey says all too seriously.

  “For you to work with me and Kelsoe. You c
an be an employee of Refurbished Bikes and Bike Repair. The name’s negotiable.”

  Kelsoe hands me a joint. “And you’ve just made employee of the month, Red. Here’s your prize. Plus, you’ll get a cut of the profits.”

  I slip the joint behind my ear. “Hell yeah. Thanks, boys. I accept.” I turn to Ramsey. “I suck at drawing, sorry.”

  “S’okay, Lena. I’m going to get the grill ready. We can celebrate anyways.”

  “Thanks, Ramsey. I’ll go get cleaned up.” I head inside with a smile plastered on my face.

  Chapter 14

  After a quick shower, I slip on denim shorts with a tight-fitting black top. Everyone’s gathered outside by the grill that’s big enough to fit a person, and they all turn to me as I step out the front door. It’s a little intimidating, but I force myself to keep moving. Drew meets me halfway and wraps an arm around my shoulders. He hands me an open beer, and I stiffen.

  “It’s okay, Lenny. You can trust everyone here.”

  I nod and take a swig. The cool liquid helps to ease my anxiety caused by the large group in front of me. Bob holds up his beer in a silent greeting. I do the same and then take a small sip. Ramsey tends to the grill while the rest of us take seats around it. Kelsoe’s chair sits next to mine. I like the change in him. Just a few days ago, he couldn’t stand to be around me.

  “Heard about your talent with bikes,” Bob says from the chair across from mine.

  Chris snorts. “Shit, that girl, she crammed three days’ worth of work into one. Her first time too. I’d say it’s her superpower.”

  Drew laughs. “You should have seen her. She was covered from head to toe with grease and dirt. Told you she’d fit right in, Bob.”

  Bob chuckles as he leans back in his chair. “She fits a little better than some did at first. I’ll give you that.”

  Drew narrows his eyes playfully. “We all get there in our own time.”


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