“Nothing. Get in, Red,” Kelsoe says, opening the back door for me. I roll my eyes as I climb in.
Chapter 23
Feeling sleepy, I watch the yellow lines on the road zip by; it’s hypnotizing.
Tyler laughs. “I can’t believe that little Cherry here is the mastermind of the group.”
Chris turns to face us from the passenger seat. “I can. She’s really fucking smart. You should see her fix a bike.”
Tyler turns to me. “Oh yeah, Cherry? You helping the boys with their toys?”
I roll my eyes. “My name’s Lena.”
“Are we going to talk about what we learned about Adam?” Drew asks, sobering us all up.
“I don’t know how to help him. He’s been self-destructing for a while,” Kelsoe says. “We’ll have to hear what he has to say.”
“I think we should let him heal first,” I say.
“We’ll give him a few days. But that’s my nephew. I want answers, and I want to meet the kid,” Chris says.
Adam has a son. Chris has a nephew. Damn, this is crazy.
“We’ll talk with him about it in a couple days,” Kelsoe says.
Everyone piles out the SUV, not talking and not looking like we just had a major victory. We went up against the Montgomerys and came out better off. There’s a verbal truce now. They don’t mess with us, and we don’t mess with them. We cohabitate in this small town.
If Barette’s in charge, I see the truce holding strong. I should be celebrating the most. I won’t have to look over my shoulder anymore. David’s long gone, and Ethan is on his way to Arkansas.
The news about Adam has put a heavy shadow on us all. I think abandoning a kid is something we all agree is one of the worst fucking things you can do. Especially when you’re capable of taking care of the kid. I guess until you’re in that situation you don’t know what you’ll do. I can’t imagine being a parent right now. The thought of it makes me queasy.
I lie in bed fully dressed. Kelsoe and Tyler were checking on a sleeping Adam as I made my way to my room. Everyone else headed to their own beds. Not wanting to think anymore, I roll over and close my eyes.
I’m woken up sometime later by a hand slipping under my shirt to rest flat against my stomach. My muscles tighten.
“It’s just me,” Kelsoe whispers in my ear. He’s pressed up against my back, spooning me.
This is new. “Just wanted to cuddle?” I whisper-laugh.
“Couldn’t sleep,” he says, nuzzling into my hair. He leisurely tosses a leg over mine. My mind drifts to images of us kissing, but I don’t think that’s why he’s here. Something tells me that he’s looking for comfort. I relax and close my eyes, letting the sound of Kelsoe’s breathing lull me back to sleep.
The next day consists of everyone been tired and grumpy. We take turns helping Adam by getting him drinks, meals, and medicine, and the guys help him up and down to use the bathroom. The atmosphere is tense, and I’m relieved when they all go to their homes, leaving Kelsoe, Tyler, and me in the kitchen.
I’m washing the last dinner dish as Tyler and Kelsoe rehash childhood memories at the table. “Hey, Kelsoe, what did Barette mean when he said that you guys want the same things and should work together?” I turn around to face him as I dry my hands.
Kelsoe nods to the chair next to him, so I sit, turning my body to face him.
“The town has been going to shit. They brought that new cop in, thinking it would help, but it’s only getting worse,” Kelsoe says, and I nod in agreement. “Crime and drug rates are up all over, and we don’t want that shit here.”
“We?” I question.
“All of us here,” Tyler says. “And apparently, Barette.”
“I don’t think anyone wants that here,” I say.
“True, but not everyone is doing something to stop it,” Tyler says.
I look to Kelsoe. “And you guys are? How?”
“By talking to people, getting information, starting rumors, intervening, whatever we have to do to stop the drugs and the crime from escalating,” Kelsoe says.
“Whatever it takes,” Tyler agrees.
“It’s a noble cause, but why?”
Kelsoe smiles. “Because this is our town.”
I giggle, but it tapers off at Kelsoe’s expression. “Oh, you’re serious? I mean, it’s not really your town. I get the intention behind it. Who doesn’t want a nice place to live? I just don’t think you can change it, especially at the rate the meth and heroin epidemic is going. The whole state is affected now.”
“All of us here have been affected by addiction, Lena. I have to try and do something. This is my home, where I plan to raise my family.”
I swallow at his words. He’s making plans for a future, trying to make a better future, and all I’ve been doing with my life is running. I stare at him a minute, seeing a part of him I hadn't seen before. “You’re right. Maybe if more people tried to help things could change for the better.”
Kelsoe winks, and I smile.
Tyler leans back in his chair. “While we’re on the topic of making a difference, I’ve been talking to Kelsoe about your situation. I think I can help you.”
“Oh, yeah?”
“Yep. It shouldn't be too hard. I hear you have a birthday next week so what's the plan once you get your documents?”
I furrow my brows in thought. I planned to get far away from here. I don't have to do that now, but do I want to? “I'm not sure.”
Kelsoe shifts in his seat. “Ty wants you to enroll in college. That's always his first recommendation though. Chris and I think fixing up bikes with us is your calling.”
“That's a nice hobby. College would set her up with a career, stability. If she likes working on bikes, she could go to school for mechanics,” Adam says.
“Go to school to learn what she's already doing and making money at? Seems like a waste of time to me,” Kelsoe says, leaning back in the chair and crossing his arms.
I roll my eyes. This isn't about me. Well, it is a little bit, but I sense more, so I say, “How long has Tyler been trying to talk you into going to college?”
“Too long,” Kelsoe mumbles, and I laugh.
“Cherry,” Adam says, using the nickname he's given me, “while I do think Kelsoe should go to college, this is about you. You're smart and young. You'll qualify for financial aid, so tuition won't be a problem.” He grins. “Plus, you have me to help you figure out the application process.”
I rub my eyes. “I'll think about it, okay?” I've never thought about going to college. I guess I didn't think much past getting out of this town.
“She doesn’t have a diploma. She could finish out her senior year with me,” Drew says from the doorway of the kitchen.
I arch a brow. “You want me to go to high school with you?”
Drew shrugs. “Yeah.”
“She could get her GED, but finishing high school might be a better idea,” Tyler says.
I snort. “I’ll go back to school if Kelsoe does,” I say, knowing that won’t happen.
All eyes are on him now. I smirk, satisfied that the attention and stupid idea about going to school are tossed to him.
Kelsoe locks eyes with me. “Okay.”
My mouth drops open. He has to be fucking with me.
He grins. “Let’s go to high school, Red.”
Drew lets out a whoop, and Tyler chuckles.
“What? Why?” I’m not going to high school. “You’re bluffing.”
“Am I?”
“This is going to be awesome! Going to text the team and let them know that Kelsoe’s coming back.” Drew grins. “And I’ll tell them not to fuck with you, Lenny. You’re Rivers’ property.” He leaves the room in an excited rush.
“I’m not even going to entertain this idea,” I say under my breath, crossing my arms.
“Lena, I also wanted to ask you about your mom,” Tyler says, and I straighten in my seat. “Did you want to try finding
her? I can help with that too.”
“No,” I say without having to think about it. “She left me. I don’t want to find someone who didn’t want me. Anything else you’d like to talk about before I head outside to light one up?”
Tyler nods and then turns his attention to Kelsoe. “I have some news about Zack.”
“Zack?” Kelsoe and I say in unison.
“John, a guy in my law class, is adopted, and his adoptive parents live near campus.” He pauses tapping his fingers on the table. “They know my history, and I've told them a little bit about everyone here.” Tyler lets out a breath. “They've offered to give Zack a home.”
My eyes snap to Kelsoe to see what his reaction will be. His left brow is slightly raised. It wouldn’t even be noticeable if you weren't looking for it.
Tyler cracks his knuckles. “They have an eleven-year-old boy they adopted last year. He's into video games and stuff too. They homeschool him, and I think Zack would fit.”
I want to laugh. This is ridiculous. I also want to throw up. Why would Tyler want to send Zack away?
“I trust your judgment, and I agree. I think a family is what Zack needs,” Kelsoe says, shocking the hell outta me.
Tyler visibly relaxes. “Great. I was worried.” He shrugs. “Zack being Jace’s little brother and all.”
“Jace was your friend too, Ty. We both promised to look after Zack, and this is. Good looking out.”
Tyler's grin gets even bigger, and I want to smack it off his face. Zack’s a good kid. He never causes problems and is always willing to help.
“This is going to be an adjustment. I'll talk to Zack about it tomorrow,” Kelsoe says, and I notice the dark marks under his eyes as he rubs them.
He looks exhausted. We only slept in my bed for a couple hours before the alarm on his phone went off. He’s not thinking clearly; exhaustion has clouded his judgment. Zack is family. Families aren’t perfect, but we all fit. That’s what every motherfucker here says. Who are they going to toss next?
“You okay, Cherry? You look a little pale,” Tyler says, bringing me back to reality.
“I thought this was a family,” I mumble as I scoot back, the chair scraping against the floor. “I need some time to myself.”
Maybe it’s out of habit or maybe it’s for some other reason, but I end up in Kelsoe’s bed. I bring the comforter to my nose, inhaling the scent. It smells earthy, a little like weed, and a lot like Kelsoe.
Chapter 24
Twenty minutes later, I brace myself as the bedroom door opens and then closes.
Kelsoe's hand curls around my waist. “What's wrong?”
My back is flush with his chest. “I can't help but feel like you're pushing Zack out. We could pitch in and homeschool him here if that's the reason,” I say in a rush.
“Lena, listen to me,” Kelsoe says, turning me to face him. “I would never push him out. It's more than the schooling. He isn't adjusting. We can’t dedicate the time he needs. I honestly think he would be better off with two parents, a family.”
I sit up, on my elbows, looking Kelsoe in the eyes. “This is his family. Here with us. He has abandonment issues. This will make things worse.”
“Hey, we can still be Zack’s family, but what Judy and Ted can offer him is a stable home. Zack would have a little brother. Tyler has gotten to know the family. Judy has a degree in child psychology, but she’s a stay-at-home mom. Perfect for Zack. Together, Judy and Ted have raised five adopted children and ten foster kids. The little boy they have now was their last, but he’s been begging for a brother close in age. I think we owe it to Zack to at least present the information and meet them. Don't you?”
I roll onto my stomach, resting my chin on my hands. “I mean, I guess. As long as it's his choice and he doesn't feel pressured.”
“We'll always be his family. It's not like we wouldn't visit him, and he will always be welcome back. It's not going to be a formal adoption anyway.” Kelsoe runs his hand down my back, his fingers gently massaging. “Feeling better?”
I'm feeling something. I nod my head. My body heats up as his hands move, massaging up and down. He slips his hands under my shirt and continues. I’m fighting to keep still. Fuck it. I sit up so we are face to face. His confused expression makes me smile. I lean in slowly until my lips are pressed to his. He doesn’t hesitate to kiss me back. I run my tongue over his bottom lip, causing him to groan. His tongue tangles with mine for a heated kiss.
His hand moves to the back of my neck, while the other holds his weight, as he shifts himself between my legs. I can’t stop the small moan that escapes me as he kisses a trail from my neck to my chest. His hand slips up my shirt, fingertips skimming across my stomach. I press myself closer to him, and his mouth finds mine again. I run my fingers through his hair. I’m so worked up. I want nothing more than to strip his clothes off and then my own. I pull my mouth from his and scoot back, wiggling out from underneath him.
Why the fuck did I do that? It's been months since Alex and I were together. Having sex with Kelsoe would tend to some much-needed relief. Kelsoe’s eyes search mine. I see the confusion there.
“Sorry about that. Where were we?” I move, trying to get back into the position we were in.
He runs a hand through his hair as he sits up and moves to rest beside me. “I think you were right to stop.” He lets out a harsh breath. “Look, Lena, I'm a relationship guy. I've done the casual thing, and that just isn't for me. Not anymore.”
“I've never done the relationship thing.” Just the word has me panicking.
Kelsoe laughs. “I can tell. You look freaked out.”
“I want to try,” I blurt out before I can overthink things. “I’ll probably be bad at it, but I want to try with you.” My stomach clenches with my honest admission.
Kelsoe smirks. “I doubt you can be bad at anything. You’ve never had a boyfriend, huh?”
“Nah. Figured it would be too complicated with my lifestyle.” My stomach twists. What If I fall in love with Kelsoe? We’re young so it’s not going to last forever. Could we remain friends and coexist here after an inevitable breakup? For some fucked-up reason, I’m not able to share my concerns with him.
“I’ll be your first boyfriend, Red?”
“There was Scott Shavers in first grade,” I say with a smile.
“That doesn’t count,” Kelsoe says, pulling me close and bringing his lips to mine.
My toes curl at the sensual kiss, his tongue gently stroking mine. His hand cups my face tenderly, and I melt into him.
“Finally, mine,” he whispers against my mouth.
Our kiss becomes heated. Our hands are everywhere. I’ve been wanting to feel his body, his strength. My back arches as his fingers caress my breasts. Just as things are getting uncontrollably hot, he pulls away.
“You’re so beautiful, Red.” His thumb skims over my bottom lip and then moves to my chin where he tilts my head up. “I’ve wanted this for a while. Say you’re mine. I don’t share.”
His possessive words excite me but also piss me off. “Don’t get bossy, but that works because I don’t want to be shared.”
He smirks. “Good.” His fingers slip beneath my pants and begin teasing me over my underwear.
I lick my lips, moving against his hand, needing more. “Do you have condoms?”
“That’s not what this is about right now.” He pulls the thin fabric aside, touching his fingers to my bare skin. “You’re so wet,” he groans, taking my mouth again.
His fingers work me in the best way as our mouths devour one another. I’ve only kissed a couple boys, but he is by far the best. He tugs my shirt and bra up, so they are resting near my neck. My nipples are hard and ready for his mouth. His warm breath trails over my stomach and then finally reaches my nipple, darting out to flick the hard peak. I watch him move back and forth between each breast. He slips a finger inside of me while his thumb circles my clit. Holy shit, this is too much. I squeeze my eyes shut, moaning and
panting as he fingers me oh so skillfully. His name leaves my lips in a throaty whisper as I come apart, riding each pulsing wave.
Kelsoe kisses me everywhere as I catch my breath. “Fuck. I can’t wait to be inside you,” he murmurs against my neck.
I can feel his hardness pressing against my leg. “If you get a condom…” I let my intentions hang in the air.
He smiles as his gaze roams over my body. “We have plenty of time. It’ll give us something to look forward to.” He presses his lips to my forehead. His smile widens into a grin. “Drew took my box of condoms the other night, or I’d already be inside you.”
I chuckle. “Damn him.”
Kelsoe helps me put my shirt back into place and then wraps his arms around me. I snuggle into his side, feeling completely satisfied.
“You’re so beautiful, Red, and watching you come”—he grins—“that was abso-fucking-lutely the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.”
I bury my face into his side, feeling embarrassed.
Kelsoe yawns. “Try to get some sleep.”
I close my eyes, relaxing against him. Of course, he’s asleep within just a few minutes. My orgasm gave me energy, and now, my mind is working overtime. I toss and turn as time moves unbearably slow. No matter how much I try to sleep, I never actually do.
Giving up, I quietly slip out of bed and head towards the kitchen. The light is on, and Zack’s at the table with a bowl of cereal. I glance at the clock. The sun won’t be up for a few more hours.
“Couldn’t sleep, Zacky?”
“Just been thinking about what I heard Kelsoe and Ty talking about.”
I stiffen. “You heard…”
He shrugs. “I heard.” He looks up at me and smiles. “Don’t be worried. I’m not. I know you guys are my family. I think that maybe I’d like to meet them though, Judy and Ted.”
“You would?” I don’t know if I’m happy for him or fucking heartbroken. I just feel numbly paralyzed. I can’t seem to move from the edge of the kitchen.
“Ty made them seem so nice. I never got to have the whole happy family with a mom and dad. I think I’d like to try it.”
Found by the Rivers Page 19