Alec's Dream

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Alec's Dream Page 43

by Dave Birchbauer

  “What happened to it?” Jodi stared wide-eyed at the once classic Plymouth that now looked like a broken down heap.

  “We added a cloaking shield… we didn't have a lot of time.” Alec looked proud at his accomplishment. “I know we trashed the paint job, but we needed to cover up the cloaking material. The only paint we had was a box of black spray paint Joshua found in a storeroom.”

  “But you were so proud it.” Jodi heart sank remembering how happy he’d been the day it was delivered.

  “It's only a car. We need to do whatever we can to get the kids back.”

  “Hey guys.” Dolores interrupted yelling from down the hall as she ran to meet them. Clay lagged behind, still feeling his wounds. It hadn’t been easy for Jodi to talk Alec into letting her go on this trip. It was even harder for Dolores. But now they were all in. “Did you program the directions?”

  “The GPS is programmed; did you get the walkies setup?” Clay asked handing the portable GPS to Jodi.

  “Yup, we only had time to make 4, so I gave the girls 3 of them; one for each and a spare. I kept one for us... the guys in the lab are putting more together as we speak. I hope they do the trick. We’ve only been able to test them at 25 miles… from the other side of those mountains to the west. Theoretically the range should be unlimited, but 25 miles should be well beyond the normal range of the walkies to prove my sub-space communications theory.” He got blank stares in return. “Do you know what you need to do?” Alec asked.

  “Sheldon said he’d be waiting for us.” Jodi looked at the text message on her cell. “We just need to pick him up. I think he has a friend with him.”

  Joshua shook his head and unrolled a set of house plans on the hood of the car. “I’ve prepared some contingencies. You know texting isn’t very secure. Anyone could have intercepted your message.”

  “You’re too suspicious. There was nothing strange about his message.” Jodi said. Her knees went weak hearing Joshua had a contingency plan; a contingency plan for what? What could go wrong, they were just flying a few hundred miles and picking up a friend. The thought of having trouble unnerved her, but the thought of her daughter trapped on a spaceship overshadowed that feeling.

  Clay shook his head. “I think you should listen to Joshua.”

  “Thanks Clay. I just want to make sure you’re prepared for any situation. That’s my job.” They crowded around him as he explained the plan.

  “You said he was planning to meet you at his house. If it’s being watched, it may not be prudent for you to just drive up and knock on his door. This is a map of Sheldon's property. You can see here that it's surrounded by a security fence with a gate in front. Over here…” he pointed. “…is the back yard with a patio and a pool where you should be able to land behind the shed near the back of the property.”

  “Why don’t we just call him?” Jodi asked.

  “Call, but don’t text. If he answers, ask a few questions only he would know. Give him an opportunity to give some kind of warning, casual questions. Ask some inane ones about his wife and kids.” Joshua told her.

  “He’s not married.” Dolores said.

  “Yes. That would give him a chance to give a warning.”

  “Are you really sure we need to go through this much cloak and dagger?” Jodi insisted.

  “Call only when you get there. If there is anyone listening in, they won’t have time to intercept. If he doesn’t answer, it doesn’t mean he’s not there... but it is a sign for you to be extra careful.” He set keys and a notebook on top of the drawings. “These are his keys and the codes for disarming his security system.”

  “How did you get these?” Jodi gave him a reproachful look.

  “We’ve been keeping an eye on him for a while.” Joshua continued. “Not in the negative sense, but we would like to recruit him into our organization someday… and as for this...” he pointed to the keys and notebook, “Let’s just say we like being prepared.”

  “I’m not sure about this.” Jodi said.

  “You see I have ulterior motives. That’s why I’m letting you do this. If I approached him myself, I would get the same result as I did with Alec, and I don't make the same mistake twice. If you can get him on board, I'll owe you big time, not that I already do.”

  “When do we leave?” Dolores asked.

  “By our calculations the trip will take about 5 hours. In order to pick him up at midnight, you would need to leave by six. That should give you enough time in case you have any difficulties. The problem is that it’ll still be light when you leave.” Joshua said.

  “I thought the cloaking would cover us.” Jodi asked.

  “Well, we didn’t have a lot of time to perfect it. In the sunlight, you can see a slight silhouette. You’ll still need the cover of darkness to be fully cloaked.” Alec answered sheepishly. “On the bright side, you don’t need to fly over any mountains, and the first half of your trip is over desert and mostly unpopulated. By the time you reach civilization, it should be dark enough for the cloaking.”

  It wasn't long before the now black Plymouth station wagon ascended out of the mountain complex, driven by Dolores with Jodi in the passenger seat. Two hours of flying in silence and with the light fading, Dolores was the first to break the silence. “You can drive us back.” She tried smoothing things out. “It's just that Clay has spent a lot of time teaching me how to drive this thing and I've driven at night before.” she didn't tell her that even Alec preferred her driving.

  “Yea, I know. I just don't like being thought of as baggage.” Jodi replied. “Do you think it’s time to turn the cloaking shield on?” she asked seeing the sun was almost set.

  “Are we sure it's safe?” Dolores said. “I kind of feel weird turning ourselves invisible.”

  “According to Alec, this is just like the shields they put on the ALEC’S DREAM.” Jodi reached for the switch. “Ready?”

  Dolores nodded and she flipped the switch.

  After a moment Jodi observed. “I didn't feel anything, did you?” She looked around the interior half expecting to see through the walls and floor and breathed a sigh of relief.

  “Hey, look at the hood.” Dolores pointed out the windshield. “It's gone.”

  “You're right.” It was hard to tell in the dark. “I can see lights through it, incredible.” She watched the moonlit landscape pass by below, now glad she wasn’t driving.

  It was three more hours before they reached their destination. “According to the GPS, we should be right on top of Sheldon's house.” Dolores said looking down.

  “No answer on his phone and the house is dark.” Jodi sounded worried. “I would think he’d have a few lights on. Maybe he’s not home yet.” Joshua was right, Jodi thought. Things really are bad when an over paranoid kook is right all the time.

  “I’ll look around.” Dolores flew low over his house, then around the neighboring houses. “I don’t see anything unusual. Maybe you’re right.”

  Jodi spread Joshua’s map on the dash board in front of her trying to figure out where they were supposed to park.

  “Look, there's the pool... and there... there’s the shed.” she pointed down. “We're supposed to park behind the shed.”

  Dolores descended over the pool then slowly drifted nearer to the house.

  “The shed’s the other way.” Jodi gestured toward the other side of the pool.

  “I found a better spot.” Dolores softly set the car down next to the patio doors and shut off the cloaking. They went right to work. Jodi opened the patio door using the keys Joshua gave them. Dolores slipped in first disabling the alarm system.

  “He better not be here.” Jodi didn’t feel good breaking into someone’s house.

  “Well, Joshua said we should check out the house to see if he’s already been here.” Dolores looked like she was enjoying herself. “You check out the den, I'll catch his office.”

  The small den was hidden in the corner of the house at the end o
f a hallway; lit only by a small lamp standing in the corner. It was more of a library than a den with blind covered windows covering the two outside walls, and bookshelves covering the other two. A couple of comfy chairs with a table between them faced a bookshelf containing a large flat screen TV. The rest of the shelves were filled with a mixture of videos, books and plants. Jodi thought it looked homey.

  She headed straight for the table between the chairs. On it were papers, a phone and a television remote. She examined the papers. Most were Big Sky ownership papers and other legal documents which she quickly dismissed. As she picked up the phone to check out its memory she was startled by a mousy voice behind her.

  “So what do we have here? Please turn around slowly.”

  She stood straight and slowly turned to see a short man standing in the doorway. Dark hair stuck out from below a bandage wrapping his head. His black suit jacket was unbuttoned revealing his loosened tie. He had a gun pointing directly at her midsection.

  “What the...” Jodi started.

  “You must be Jodi McCoughe. I’ve been waiting for you.” The stranger said.

  “Isn’t it against the law to break into someone’s house?” Jodi quipped. Not quite sure why she was antagonizing him. For one thing, she didn't like the fact that he was in Sheldon's house... plus there was something about him that really irritated her. He seemed like a real creep... the thought jogged her memory. “You're the creep!” She blurted.

  His eyes widened at her outburst as he remembered the last person to call him that. “Ah, so you are Jodi McCoughe. Now all I need is your husband. We have a few things we need to discuss.”

  “Last time you tried killing him. Are you looking to finish it this time?” Jodi crossed her arms.

  “I’ve found that that would have been a mistake. I have some friends who now want him alive.” He said.

  “You don’t think I’m just going to call him here, do you?” Jodi asked.

  “I believe you can consider yourself bait.” He said seeming happy with himself. Jodi saw movement behind him; it was Dolores swinging a bowling trophy. Jodi’s flinch was enough to warn the creep as he ducked and turned, the trophy passing harmlessly over him. He grabbed Dolores by the wrist and flung her in Jodi’s direction. Jodi caught her from falling as the creep now pointed the gun at both of them. He reached up feeling his bandaged head with his free hand.

  “Ah, you must be Dolores. I forgot that you might have come along... my mistake.” The creep regained his composure. “You don’t have any other surprises for me, do you?”

  “Well, you never know.” Jodi said coyly.

  Seeing through her bluff, the creep leaned against the door jamb and smiled. “Ooooo, I’m scared.” His mousy voice really irritated Jodi.

  A blur behind him was followed by a sickening whacking sound. The creep’s eyes rolled back and he fell forward hitting the floor, face first. Eugene stood in the doorway with Dolores’s bowling trophy in his hand.

  “Eugene!” Jodi and Dolores yelled wrapping their arms around him.

  “Meeses MeeCuf, Meeses Matteeson, are you OK?”

  “Where did you come from? How did you know we were here?” Jodi questioned.

  “I ah, talked with Meester Moon. He said he could not make eet and said I should let you know dey needed to go to Washeengton D.C.” Eugene told them. “He said he not be long and be ready soon.”

  “Did he say where we should pick him up?” Dolores asked.

  “I ah, he never deed say. I am sorry.” Eugene said.

  “Did he say where? Who?”

  “Well, he deed not say, but…” Eugene hesitated.

  “But what?” Jodi prompted.

  “He said something about the Secreetaree of Commerce to get you company’s back.” Eugene told them.

  “Really?” Dolores replied. “Maybe not all is lost.”

  “Well, I think we should extend our trip to Washington. Eugene, would you like to come with us?” Jodi asked. It felt good seeing him again. She always felt Jessie was in good hands with him around.

  “I am sorry Meeses MeeCuf, but I need to do other theengs. I just need to know if Meester MeeCuf and Meester Matteeson are OK.” Eugene said with intensity.

  “Sure, they’re safe, busy working on getting our daughters rescued.” Jodi never saw that look on him before. He seemed in control, no longer like a jester.

  “That ees good. Please, you be careful, so if you eexcuse me.” He turned to leave.

  “Are you sure?” Dolores pleaded.

  “I am sorry, but eet is very eemportant what I must do.” Eugene said.

  “You be careful.” Jodi gave him a hug.

  “Keep in touch.” Dolores said also giving him a hug.

  Eugene, looking uncomfortable, nodded. “Thank you. I will.” He turned and left them alone in the dark house.

  “I didn't know Sheldon bowled.” Dolores said picking up the bowling trophy Eugene had set on the table. “Our husbands should get together with him someday.”

  “Well, it looks like we’re through here.” Jodi said. “What’s next?”

  “What about him?” Dolores pointed to the creep.

  “He did hit the floor kind of hard.” She felt his pulse. “It’s probably a concussion... likely his second one.” She giggled eying the already bandaged head.

  “I’m sure he can take care of himself, let’s get out of here before any of his friends show up. Then we can give Joshua a call.” Dolores said.

  After feeling they were a safe distance from Sheldon’s they called Joshua on the walkie-talkie. “OK, thanks Joshua. Sorry for waking you.” She said as she finished programming the GPS with the information he just gave her.

  “We’ve still got a couple of hours of darkness before we need to set down.” Dolores changed course according to the newly programmed GPS instructions.

  “I don’t know whether I’m more hungry, or more tired.” Jodi complained leaning back in her seat closing her eyes.

  Four hours later, as the sky brightened to their front, Dolores brought the car down on a deserted street. “According to the GPS, there should be a motel nearby.” Jodi said doing a search on it. They soon found a cluster of small motels lining the next main street. Dolores pulled into the third one, seeing it had the most cars. After checking in, they stopped at a small restaurant across the street for breakfast.

  “Maybe we should try again to see if Joshua can free up a pilot. This is starting to seem kind of hopeless.” Jodi said as her tiredness caught up with her.

  “We could, but I doubt that Joshua would change his mind. I don’t believe he would have told us a pilot wasn’t available if there really wasn’t.” Dolores said between mouthfuls of chocolate cake. Jodi was always been amazed how she could pack the food in and stay as small as she did.

  “I don’t think Eugene told us everything. Don’t you think it was a little odd that Sheldon didn’t let us know himself that he wasn’t going to make it? He knows my number.” Jodi said tapping on the cell phone resting on the table next to her.

  “And that the creep was waiting for us and Eugene miraculously saves us?” Dolores added. “Maybe this isn’t such a good idea.”

  “We need a pilot. If Joshua can’t get us one, it has to be Sheldon. We have to be out there to help the kids escape.” Jodi bemoaned.

  “You act like you know something.” Dolores gave her a suspicious look. “I feel like we need to do something to help our kids, but exactly what are we trying to accomplish by flying out there ourselves.”

  “It's hard to explain. Dolores, you just need to believe me that we need to do this.” Jodi said helplessly.

  “Jodi, we've been friends for years, you need to trust me. I trust you.” Dolores pleaded. Jodi sat silently struggling with their decision not to tell her and Clay about Alec’s dream where he met Jessie…

  “Do you really think it wasn’t a dream it?” Dolores asked after Jodi finished telling her about Alec’s adve
ntures with Shaun.

  “I smelled Jessie on him.” Jodi replied. Dolores nodded now a believer.

  “So you're saying Sofie’s been captured along with the crew? And that Jessie has a plan to rescue them?” Dolores sounded a bit incredulous.

  “She said that they would be leaving from the 'back end' of the ship and that they were going to need a lot of protection once they get out.” Jodi reiterated what Alec told her. “And I plan to make sure they get all the help I can give.”

  “We need to get Sheldon.” Dolores’s determination hardened to match Jodi’s. “We should leave now. One of us can sleep while the other drives. We can travel by road before it gets dark.”

  “Wait. Joshua said Sheldon’s appointment isn’t until ten AM, the day after tomorrow.” Jodi repeated what Joshua told them… like usual he wouldn’t tell them how he found out. “That gives us plenty of time to get a little shut-eye in a real bed.” Jodi said. “Even if we got there early, I don’t know how we’d find him and I doubt if he would want to leave before his appointment anyway.”

  “OK, that sounds like a plan.” Dolores finished the last bite of her cake.

  “Then maybe I can drive?” Jodi asked. Dolores gave a hesitant nod.

  Chapter 20 ~ The Appointment


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