Alec's Dream

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Alec's Dream Page 49

by Dave Birchbauer

  “SURPRISE!” It made Jodi cry. Not from being happy it was a birthday surprise, but because it was her birthday and Jessie wasn’t there.

  She had been so busy since she got here, she completely forgot today was her birthday, that is, if today was July 11. She wasn't even sure it was July. So if today was July 11, then it's been 2 weeks since the ALEC’S DREAM took off with Jessie and Sofie on board. Two weeks! How could her baby be on her own… on an alien spaceship!

  “Happy birthday Jodi.” Alec gave her a cup of punch along with a hug and a kiss. Clay and Dolores poked their heads from behind him also wishing her a happy birthday. The cafeteria was decked out with streamers, balloons, signs, lights and music; along with a table full of presents. She hadn’t realized that everyone here cared about her so much. It was touching.

  “After over a year of being cooped up in this place, the crew will use any excuse to go all out for a party.” Joshua said unknowingly bursting her bubble. She didn't care. It was still very sweet of everyone. The party lasted into the evening with most of the base personnel coming and going throughout the day. No one here worked normal hours as they’ve been working around the clock taking breaks only for meals and sleep… and the occasional party.

  That evening, in their apartment, Dolores, Clay, Jodi and Alec shared a bottle of wine, a private gift from Joshua. The party was still going strong and as they left, Alec thought he saw Joshua pouring some spirits into the punch bowl. Joshua did have a heart.

  “Did you see the news?” Dolores pointed to their TV showing one of the cable news channels.

  “What, more Kan-ji showing off their wares?” Clay waved his hand in dismissal.

  “No, they want to meet with our religious leaders.” Dolores’s comment got their attention.

  “Do you think it’s that Loomius character? Jessie said he was some kind of god...”

  “Why would they want to talk to a bunch of priests?” Clay asked… after thinking about it, he added. “Are they asking just for priests? You said religious leaders, didn't you?”

  “I've heard they've asked for the major religions... I looked them up. They're Christian, Muslim, Islam, Hindu and Buddhism.” Dolores replied. “I would think that whoever goes to that meeting will likely not return.”

  “Alec, what is it?” Jodi said noticing Alec’s worried look.

  “Joshua told me that he's been asked by his investors to meet with some authorities. He's leaving tomorrow... do you think it’s with the Kan-ji and those religious leaders?”

  “I don't get it.” Clay growled. “Why would Joshua have anything to do with meeting them? Something stinks.”

  “Alec, you're holding back, I know you too well.” Jodi said.

  He gave her a mocking look of surprise knowing it was impossible to keep anything from her. “Joshua asked me to go along.” he told them. He had thought that since Jodi and Dolores would already be on their way with Sheldon, there was no need to worry them.

  “I won't let you go unless I go along.” Clay glared.

  “I think Joshua has other plans for you... as a matter of fact, I think he has plans for the entire base.” To his surprise, nobody seemed the least bit concerned. “Aren't you guys worried for me?”

  Dolores and Jodi gave a sorrowful look. “Oh, you poor baby.” Jodi patted Alec’s head. “One thing about Joshua is that he'll have a plan, a backup plan… and a backup plan for the backup plan. He won't be putting you in danger for anything.” Jodi explained her lack of concern. This time it was Alec who could see right through Dolores and Jodi… they were worried as hell, but they knew everyone had to do what was needed right now.

  “Well, happy birthday Jodi. We need to hit the hay. Tomorrow's going to be a big day, for all of us.” Clay said finishing his glass of wine. He gave Jodi a hug. “We'll see you bright and early, if there is such a thing as a bright morning in this dungeon of a military base.”

  Just as Clay predicted, morning came early. They met in the Cafeteria where there were no remnants left of the party, just the usual handful of residents eating breakfast.

  “More coffee?” Clay asked getting up to fill his cup. Jodi, Alec and Dolores all held their cups up for a refill. “I'll bring a pot.” he said leaving his cup behind. “Hey guys, sit, I'll get you some cups.” He said over his shoulder as Sheldon and Ernie walked in.

  “Sorry we couldn't make the party, we had a few last minute items to pick up... oh, and uh, sorry about the car.” Sheldon looked at Alec with a guilty looking grin. His eyes had dark circles under them. So did Ernie’s.

  “Boy, you guys look beat. Are you sure you're OK to pilot the ship?” Jodi asked looking closely at the newcomers. Sheldon was going to pilot while Ernie would stay at the base monitoring communications and telemetry.

  “Sure, we're fine, nothing that a couple of gallons of coffee won't take care of.” Sheldon said rather unconvincingly.

  “Did you get your items?” Joshua anxiously asked as he entered behind them.

  “Yup, we’ve already loaded the ship.” Sheldon replied. Their secret overnight mission provided them with some hi-tech communications equipment Sheldon said would let them listen inside the alien ship. Joshua didn't ask where they got it from, and they didn't tell… which was fine with him.

  “Is everything else in place?” Joshua asked Ernie.

  “It’ll be up by the time you guys leave tomorrow.” Ernie replied of his new communications center using Alec’s new sub-space radios incorporating normal radio and Internet allowing their ships to be 100% on-line.

  After helping Clay hand out the coffee cups, Joshua sat at the head of the lunch table to discuss the final details of their plans. Jodi, Dolores and Sheldon were going to crew the scout ship. Their goal was to gather strategic information and transfer it back to the base, and most importantly, to support any escape attempt by Jessie. There were a dozen support fighters available to be deployed in less than an hour with more ships being readied every day… but for now, twelve was all they could count on.

  As for Joshua, he was to travel to Washington with Alec and Fitzsimmons for a secret meeting that was supposedly setup by the group funding their operations. They weren't going alone; they were to bring a reporter along to document their operations. The plan was for them to travel in three modified shuttles with no escort, at least “visible’ escort. In reality they would be protected by a small squadron of cloaked and armed fighters. In addition, a scout team of ground vehicles led by Clay would arrive first… consisting of cars and commercial trucks modified similarly to the Plymouth, but more advanced with weapons, cloaking and shields.

  To their surprise, before they got up to leave, Joshua urged everyone at the table to hold hands as he said a small prayer. By the time he said 'amen', they found that the cafeteria staff and its occupants were standing around them. There wasn’t much more to say as they left for the hanger to say 'bon voyage'.

  “I didn't know you were Christian.” Alec said to Joshua. In the short time that they knew Joshua, they had never seen any indication that Joshua had any interest in religion. Knowing Jodi, Alec was sure she would have dug that part of Joshua's life out of him by now.

  “I didn't know I was either.” Joshua replied wondering what came over him. He wasn't raised Christian, his parents were Jewish, and he never practiced himself. He always considered himself an agnostic.

  “We haven't named the scout ship… you know” Jodi said walking over to them.

  “The idea for this mission was Jodi’s... it’s her, well… animus.” Alec said.

  “Animus? That’s a word I haven’t heard much… isn’t it like malevolent ill will?” Clay asked.

  “Yea… I remember reading a definition saying it also means the inner masculine part of a female personality” Alec laughed. “Either way… it works.”

  “I like it! ANIMUS it is.” Jodi nodded looking grim as they entered the hanger.


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