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The Hunt For Rose

Page 11

by Brian Cain


  Weeks turned into months, Winston Blake and his daughter could not be found, Rhiannon Faversham would not get to see her father again as he passed away taken by an aggressive cancer. Idris Nasih did not move from western Sydney as was hoped. Stanton was a smidgen from success; it had taken weeks to arrange a raid on 3 Rashid, block 1, Kuwait in conjunction with Jacob Ahmadi, saved from the jaws of death by Stanton many years ago. Jacob now a Kuwaiti government minister shielded MI6 special services operative Jenkins, a veteran of Middle Eastern operations and fluent in Arab tongues. Jenkins entered the dwelling of Abdullah Nasih whilst the address given by Idris while the inhabitants were away, the information was good. He photographed documents, downloaded masses of computer files and planted tracking devices in all the mobile phones and lap tops, was extracted from the country by special services in the middle of the night from Al-Zawr island, the same place American special services marines had used to extract Al Ahmadi Jacobs father in years past, Al Ahmadi was still incarcerated by the Americans. Jenkins was lifted by a British sea king helicopter, dropped on the British guided missile frigate Glasgow in the Persian Gulf, transferred to the American aircraft carrier Karl Vincent in the Arabian Sea, then whisked to Diego Garcia by fighter jet. He was picked up by a civil Australian executive jet, the little jet reported in to Perth airport Australia when in range, Jenkins and the pilot ejected prepared pods of debris that littered the sea surface. The jet dropped to just above sea level and changed course. Hugging the ground in the darkness the jet landed at deserted Gin Gin RAAF field just north of Perth, was refuelled by Jenkins and the pilot with planted drums of fuel and immediately took off hugging the ground bound for Rutherford in NSW. When clear of radar the plane gained height and pressed on. The plane was reported missing long before it landed safely at Rutherford and past valuable information on to Stanton expected to be delivered to MI6 at Vauxhall Cross in London and the CIA in Washington. Stanton had pushed the limits of his power, it had not gone unnoticed. Jenkins was dispatched to a commercial flight back to Kuwait as he on the record he had never left. It didn't take long for the affected to come out of their trenches with bold moves. Knowing they had been had the lid blew off the pressure cooker.

  Miles Chesterton only hours from an important meeting with Wilson Hornswaddle and Bartholomew Fothrington was gunned down in broad daylight in the Soho district of London. Idris Nasih had undergone plastic surgery and boarded a plane in Sydney under an Alias bound for Israel. Stillwell tendered his shock resignation to Downing Street as minister for finance and while on route to a German destination was killed in an autobahn accident near Stuttgart, a second vehicle involved in the accident did not stop, all within twenty four hours.

  For Stanton it was a disaster, he had taken two steps forward and one step back, he was about to question Stillwell and Chesterton. It would be two days before he could decipher the intelligence gathered by Jenkins, but he found what he was looking for. He flew into a fit of rage, Jodi heard him from the kitchen and raced down the steps into the den. Stanton had ripped a document he had just printed and read to pieces, it was scattered round the den floor. The only consolation was that he was tracking Idris Nasih, his biggest trump card had come to the top of the deck.


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