Hearts of Stone

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Hearts of Stone Page 15

by Mina Carter

  “I want to watch him eat you out while you suck my cock. I want to take you while you suck his cock. I want to watch him fuck you deep and hard.”

  Whoa—three sentences this time. All uttered with the deep, dark fire of pure desire in his blue eyes. She groaned, her body clenching hard and signaling her approval of the idea.

  “Okay,” she agreed breathlessly. What woman wouldn’t, faced with such an offer?

  Cal slid two fingers inside her again, scissoring them. Stretching her, preparing her for his . . . their cocks. She moaned as Cal rubbed his thumb over her hypersensitive clit. Although she’d just come, within a few strokes, she was primed and ready to go again.

  Floating on a sea of pleasure, she groaned, watching her two men. How did she get so lucky? Need and longing wrote a story in their features as two hot gazes swept the length of her body, pausing on her breasts before heading down to where Cal played with her pussy.

  “Iliona?” Cal’s voice was soft, bringing her gaze back to his. Concern and a question showed in the deep color. Soundlessly, she nodded.

  “But no telepathy. You guys talk out loud so I can hear.”

  They both nodded, heads bobbing in unison. A fact that would’ve amused her if she weren’t so turned on. Cal stroked his thumb over her clit again. Need and hot pleasure hummed through her body until she was as taut as a violin string just waiting for a master musician—two in her case—to play a symphony. Anticipation crowded into the room, grabbing a ringside seat as Gran yielded his place to Cal.

  The leather dipped beneath Cal’s weight, and then he was there, leaning over her. She felt no embarrassment at her open thighs, her pussy on full display. Instead, a sense of shimmering excitement ran over her skin, raising goose bumps. Gran’s gaze darkened as it swept down her body, pausing on her puckered nipples as if in promise, then continuing its journey down to her crotch.

  She bit her lip as he shouldered her thighs farther apart. His touch was gentle as he stroked a big, roughened hand up the outside of her thigh. She whimpered and arched her back, begging for more. Approval and demand all rolled into one silent movement.

  He chuckled in the back of his throat and leaned in. Every cell in her body stood up and took notice as he rubbed a cheek along her inner thigh. Her breath caught as stubble rasped against her delicate skin like the kiss of fine sandpaper, too much and not enough, all at the same time. He kept on, holding her hips still with big hands as he nuzzled her skin like some sort of sexy-as-hell humanoid feline.

  The question lost importance as he kissed the tender skin at the juncture of her thighs. Her clit ached, throbbing as though annoyed at missing out on the attention as he ran his tongue along the crease of her thigh, almost up to the hip, and back again. She didn’t have to wait long—a second later, warm breath washed over her, bringing the small bud smartly to attention as if it were a soldier on parade. Her brain skittered off on a tangent, presenting her with an image of both her guys in combat uniforms, playing soldiers as they took her.

  A groan slipped from her throat, and she reached up to cup her breasts, tweaking and rolling her nipples until hard shards of pleasure zipped through her. She needed more. Needed a warm tongue on her clit, lapping at her pussy.

  Then, Gran’s long, strong fingers pinched and pulled lightly at her nipples with just the right amount of pressure as a warm tongue stabbed into her pussy. She swore, hips bucking and grinding her pussy up against Cal’s mouth in silent demand. He rumbled in amusement and slid his hands under her hips to angle her just right for his attention. A shuddering sigh rolled through her as he ran his tongue from slit up to her clit.

  His tongue was ridged and hell, did he know how to use it. She moaned and thrashed her head from side to side on the leather as he alternated long, slow licks that flicked every ridge against her clit, while circling it with the tip of his tongue. He lapped, nipped, and sucked, Gran playing with her nipples, until she thought she was going to lose it all at the sheer pleasure rolling through her.

  “You’re beautiful. I love watching you with Cal,” Gran whispered, abandoning her breasts to claim her lips with his. No preamble, he parted them with a swift swipe of his tongue and drove inside to sample the softness. At the same moment, Cal thrust his tongue deep into her pussy again.

  She whimpered, but the sound was lost in Gran’s mouth. Reaching out, she wrapped her fingers around his thick cock and stroked him. He groaned and broke away from the kiss to look down her naked body and at Cal, busy between her thighs. His eyes shone with feral intensity.

  “Let him make you come.” He dragged his lips along her neck, breath panting hot against her skin in arousal, and then nipped her earlobe. Pleasure-pain rippled through her, but eased as he sucked the abused flesh into his mouth to soothe it. Then he pinched her nipple hard. She mewled in need, hips bucking and driving Cal’s tongue deeper into her pussy.

  “That’s it, baby. Come all over his tongue and we’ll fill you so full of cock you’ll never look at a human again.”

  Deep shudders raked her. She hadn’t looked at a human as a lover since she’d first met Cal, but with what he was promising, there was no way she was going to argue. Besides, his dirty talk was getting her so hot it was unreal.

  Still, she couldn’t let a claim like that go unchallenged.

  “Really?” Despite her aroused state, she managed to pull a doubtful expression out of somewhere. “Big words. Think I’m going to need some proof of that, lover boy.”

  His growl was instantaneous. She hid her grin as his thick cock was shoved against her lips. Gran was a delightful mixture of rough and gentle as the two sides of his nature fought each other, but his gentleness obviously had limits. Push too hard . . . and feral male need took over.

  She moaned and opened for him. A second later, her mouth was filled with cock. She sucked. He groaned. A visceral, soul-deep sound, which rumbled up from the depths of his big body. Hips pumping, he fucked her mouth with small, jerky strokes as if he feared hurting her but couldn’t help himself.

  Cal’s tongue fluttered against her clit in a rhythm that brooked no argument. The sort that reached deep inside, took hold of the spiraling tension within her body, and wound it tighter and tighter. Soft, feminine moans joined masculine grunts and the wet noises of sex in the room.

  She cried out as her clit was pulled into the warm cavern of Cal’s mouth. He sucked and nibbled, and her ability to breathe hightailed it over the horizon. Her attention to Gran wandered as anticipation rode her hard and the tension in her body rose to fever pitch, swelling like storm water behind a dam. All it needed was one crack and she would be washed away in a deluge of chaotic pleasure.

  Without warning, Cal sucked her clit hard, the sensation almost too much to bear, and thrust two thick fingers into her greedy pussy. She screamed as she came, body clamping down hard on the digits stroking her G-spot. Wave after wave of pleasure assaulted her as she moaned and bucked under two sets of large, warm hands. One pair playing with her clit and pussy as the other tweaked and pinched her nipples. She didn’t care if that made her a slut or a para-whore as she’d been called before. She loved them both, and they loved her. As far as she was concerned, love was never wrong.

  “That’s it, baby. God, you look gorgeous.”

  Gran drew his cock from her mouth and stroked the hair back from her temples as she rode on a sea of postorgasmic bliss. The men, her men, moved around her, moved her. From lying on the couch she found herself on her hands and knees with Cal’s cock now waving enticingly in front of her face.

  Familiar hands wrapped around her hips as she swiped her tongue over the bulbous head. It was thick and broad, flushed purple with his arousal. Moaning in pleasure, she bobbed her head and took him deep, sucking as she did so. A growl of approval reached her ears, and a large hand wrapped around her hair, holding her in place as she sucked and nibbled along his length.

  Behind her, Gran ran the head of his cock along the groove of her pussy, pressing again
st her sensitive and well-worked clit. Her pussy lips felt slightly swollen from the attention they’d already received from both men, but her body ached, grasping around nothing. She needed to be filled. To feel Gran slide into her, thrust into her hard or slow, she didn’t care which. She wiggled her hips, and he didn’t disappoint. Within a heartbeat, he pressed against her and started to push in.

  He eased into her slowly, rocking his hips to work each thick inch into the tight embrace of her body. She moaned around Cal’s cock with each little thrust, feeling the burn as she took the largest cock she’d ever had. But it didn’t hurt. It felt right. Everything about this felt right, and she wanted more. Finally, with one hard little thrust, Gran was seated to the hilt. Her body ached as it stretched around his thick shaft, accepting him. She mewled in need and sucked hard on the cock between her lips.

  Gran pulled back and slid into her again. One long, hard thrust that sent spirals of pleasure rolling through her. She spread her legs wider for him, knees sticking and then sliding across the warm leather of the couch, running her tongue down the underside of Cal’s shaft. She wanted to touch him, but couldn’t, not with Gran speeding up his thrusts behind, pushing her onto his cock. Instead, she gripped the edge of the cushion and reveled in their dual assault. A familiar tension wrapped her in its seductive coils. Her pussy clenched, clit throbbing in unison, as each heavy thrust and withdrawal had her yearning for the peak again.

  “That’s it,” Gran murmured, his deep voice reassuring and sexy as hell, words punctuated by the hard pump of his hips and the slap of skin against skin. “Take us both, babe. Let us make you come again.”

  She didn’t answer. Couldn’t answer. His low words pushed her up and over the edge faster than a jet-propelled lemming. Stars exploded behind her eyes as the tension peaked—snapped—and her body went up in flames. Pulse after pulse of sensation rolled through her, starting deep within and radiating outward, pure pleasure tightening around her clit like an iron band.

  Dimly, she was aware of Cal pulling away as she moaned, a male voice behind her swearing. Her pussy tensed and contracted in rhythmic waves as it milked his cock relentlessly, tempting him to follow her into bliss.

  “No, not just yet,” he whispered and pulled out. She pouted at the loss of the delightful fullness as he turned her over. His eyes were warm with passion and something else—something deeper. A knee between her thighs, he leaned down and claimed her lips with a torrid kiss. Hard and demanding, it spoke of possession and ownership. As though he were branding her, claiming her as Cal watched.

  By the time he lifted his head, her breathing was ragged, and she was on the verge of yanking him down onto the couch to start all over again.

  “Let Cal look after you.” He dropped another brief, firm kiss on her lips and stood, cock still proud and erect. He hadn’t come yet. Her eyes widened. Gargoyles must have more stamina than a commando or a marathon runner. More than both put together.

  A quick, hot look and he was gone, his brother settling into the rapidly cooling place on the leather next to her. He reached a large hand up to cup her cheek.

  “So pretty and soft,” he rasped, awe on his face as he stroked her skin. That kind of adoration and the sheer loneliness echoing in his eyes was hard to resist. From what he’d told her, these guys had been locked in stone for centuries. Aware and desperately longing to join the world around them, but unable to.

  “I love you.”

  Her heart melted, and she nodded, unable to answer past the thickness in her throat, but it didn’t matter. Words weren’t needed. As carefully as though she were made of the finest china, he lifted her body to straddle his hips. She bit her lip, mangling the soft flesh as his fingers slid between her legs again. With a confident sweep, he found her clit and rubbed in small, maddening circles. Her hips bucked, small stars bursting in her veins like the fizz in expensive champagne.

  “Hot and wet.”

  He slid a thick finger deep into her pussy and then added a second easily as the fire in his eyes blazed. Nerves assailed her as she looked down at his rigid cock. Either Cal was built bigger than Gran was, or he’d decided to ramp his cock up to inhuman proportions to outdo him.

  Opening her mouth to caution him that it wouldn’t fit, she didn’t get a chance to speak. Cal surged up against her, claiming her lips with an insistent kiss. She opened at the first brush of his tongue, nibbling and sucking on it as he pushed into her mouth to taste her. As they kissed, he shifted his hips and fitted his cock against her.

  The thick head felt huge. She stiffened, a whimper escaping only to be smothered against his lips. He rocked against her, his cock testing and stretching the entrance to her pussy. She was wet, channel slick with the juices of her earlier releases. A gasp hissed from her as he slipped half an inch in, the intrusion burning as her delicate sheath was forced wide open.

  “Shh . . . slow . . .” he promised, snaking a hand between them to caress her clit. Excitement and deep, dark need welled up as he continued kissing her, gently rubbing her clit. As the ache within grew and expanded again, he started to rock. Gentle little movements of his hips as he worked his way inside her. A large hand in the small of her back helped, easing her down and impaling her on his thick shaft. The burning abated, leaving behind a feeling of being filled, stretched so wide she didn’t know where she stopped and he began.

  He broke away and looked deep into her eyes. “Feel good?”

  She nodded, releasing the breath she’d held and rolled her hips. They both groaned at the pleasure as his cock shifted and stroked within her, pressing against nerve endings she didn’t know she had. His fingers at her clit pulled away, but it didn’t matter. Once they started to move, she didn’t need the extra stimulation. Eager for more, she lifted off his cock until he almost slipped free of her.

  Big hands closed over her hips and shoved her back down. She closed her eyes, head dropped back, as a guttural moan escaped. Cal shifted under her, his warm lips closing around one of her nipples as she rode him, his rigid cock spearing her again and again. The slick, wet sounds of sex filled the room as he drove up into her pussy, claiming her hard and fast until she never wanted him to stop.

  “Fuck . . . I love seeing you like this.” The leather dipped beside them as Gran’s hand stroked the length of her back. “Lean forward, babe. I want to watch . . . see his cock sliding in and out of your sweet little pussy. How’s she feel, Cal? Good?”

  The man beneath her nodded, bright color across his cheeks as he shifted sideways on the couch and away from Gran, pulling her with him. Cal’s large hand at the nape of her neck pulled her down and across his hard body, breasts squashed against his chest, so he could take her lips again. He nibbled and teased until she was writhing against him, her sensitive nipples abraded in the most delightful way by his sparse chest hair. His tongue thrust into her mouth as he spread her legs wider, forcing them apart to afford Gran a better view.

  A harsh intake of breath from behind her said Gran liked what he saw.

  “Fuck . . . yeah, that’s good. You like that, Iliona? Like being fucked like that? By a thick gargoyle cock?”

  His voice wrapped around her, a low rumble of temptation as he uttered not sweet nothings, but dirty nothings. Cal didn’t stop moving, his cock pistoning in and out as he kissed her. She broke away from his lips, everything too much for her to handle as Gran’s hands joined the fray, smoothing up and down her back, cupping her hips before moving on to draw little circles on the rounded globes of her ass.

  “You like cock, don’t you? More than one cock . . . taking both of us earlier really got you going, didn’t it?”

  It was dirty talk worthy of the most sluttish porn film, the kind of stuff she’d normally laugh at, but it was as if time and reality had been put on hold. Not only did she not laugh, but the words, uttered in Gran’s sexy-as-sin voice, added an edge of heat to her blood that threatened to scorch her from the inside out.

  The couch dipped again, and Gran’
s chest brushed against her back as he leaned in to kiss the top of her shoulder. His cock fitted against the groove of her ass, sending a spike of dark, forbidden need spiraling through her. She knew where this was going. They were both going to claim her, at the same time.

  And she wanted it. Wanted Gran to spread her wide and press his hard length up against her ass. Chills hit her, the ache deep within, the need to be totally filled by two hard dicks warring with that last bastion of “good behavior.” Sure, she liked fucking, but that was normal, healthy, even when the guy in question was more than human. But two guys, at the same time? That was leaping feet first into “bad girl” territory.

  Who was she kidding? If wanting two men as hot as her guys was bad, she was a total slut and proud of it.

  Arching her back as Gran’s lips trailed down it, she managed to wriggle against his thick cock. The movement had her rocking in whole new and interesting ways around Cal’s. He groaned and thrust up harder, the broad head of his cock kissing her cervix. She broke away from his lips to turn and kiss Gran.

  His familiar taste exploded on her tongue as he rubbed his erection against her, the thick length parting her ass and turning her on even more. Nipping her bottom lip with a chuckle, he pulled back and swept a finger down her spine, shivers following the gentle stroke. That was what got her about these two. They could easily break her in half, use her so hard she wouldn’t survive the onslaught, but they didn’t. They were gentle and kind, in a way that human men, so full of their own egos, just weren’t.

  Gran moved away, and she shivered, feeling the loss of his heat against her back. Less than three breaths later, he was back. Gentle fingers parted her ass, opening her up totally. There was a squirt, and cool gel dropped into the groove of her ass. Lube. They’d set this up all right. Down to recovering the stuff from her bedside drawer where it lived with the now defunct Mr. Buzzy. She groaned, pussy clenching around Cal’s cock as Gran smoothed lube down between her cheeks, fingering her ass with a thick digit. Excitement coursed through her as he circled, working the lube into her.


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