Clara and Claire

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Clara and Claire Page 4

by Lindsey Richardson

  Gemma remained silent, staring at me. Her eyes dropped to the ground, and she frowned. Had she hoped I would stay indefinitely?

  She crossed her arms and shrugged. “I… will take you home if everything goes according to plan. One mistake, and your life is on the line. We know everything about you, Clara. Your life is no secret to anyone in the Council.”

  I glanced down at the gown in my hands again. Gemma turned and approached the door. She revealed a key in her hand and gazed back at me.

  “One hour. Be dressed and ready. I will meet you.” She faced forward once more and opened the door. I bolted toward it, but it shut quickly behind her. The knob turned as she locked it, and I was left alone again. It was foolish for me to try another reckless escape, but promises were cheap and easily broken.

  Despite Gemma’s confidence, she made several mistakes already. Neither she nor Declan knew about the hidden dagger until I discovered it. They were also overly confident by allowing me to leave this room. Though they did not clarify the event, the gown suggested a ball or elegant party. A party full of people, including councilors, meant I had another chance to leave. Once I found Jhase Kanelos I planned to tell him everything.

  Placing the gown on the bed, I realized there were two parts to the gown. One was a plain white thin dress while the other was thicker with a crisscross design around the chest. This seemed far too fancy for my liking, and in Rajoor I wore lighter clothes. My undergarments were enough weight and layering already. Regardless, I slipped into the white gown and watched my reflection in the vanity mirror change before my eyes. More worrisome was the fact I knew nothing about Claire. No one informed me about her life or importance, but they expected me to behave tonight. My future relied on playing her part, but she was as much of a stranger as my own reflection.

  Once every article of clothing was on, I advanced to the vanity. There was a long, thin drawer underneath, and I opened it. Stunning diamonds and jewels filled the drawer and dazzled in the sunlight. There seemed to be an endless supply of rings and necklaces. Staring down at my own necklace, it did not seem right for me to take another woman’s. However, my taste in preferences would only further hinder my mission. I selected a silver necklace with a single pearl drop, placing my old necklace on the vanity, and a thin ring.

  “Claire... My name is Claire.” I practiced in the mirror, forcing a smile. I could not convince myself, and I feared I would not be able to convince tonight’s guests either. Timing was essential to my plan, and perhaps the less talking I did the higher likelihood of success. I glanced at the portrait of Claire and Declan. What kind of man would he prove to be tonight? Did Claire know her fiancé willingly imprisoned someone for her sake? More lives were affected than my own in this process. Something dark in Ninomay stirred the tides, and no amount of magic or parties would hide it. The image of the white rose repeated in my head. Perhaps like Claire’s disappearance, an illegal plant could be hidden away too.


  I opened my eyes and looked up into the mirror. I must have fallen asleep on the chair while waiting for Gemma’s return. I wiped the drool away from my face and blinked rapidly at my reflection. Now was not the time to lose focus.

  The doorknob turned and light entered into the room. I stood up and turned around to face Gemma. She returned as promised along with an elegant dress of her own. Her red dress did well to compliment her large breasts; perhaps she sought to seduce someone tonight. Once we entered into tonight’s events I assumed she would be the least of my worries. She observed me momentarily and motioned for me to follow her. The idea of leaving the room was enough to motivate me to move.

  “Tonight we celebrate Declan’s birthday. Council members will be present, as well as numerous other guests.” Gemma whispered as we walked through the hallway. I nodded my head, but I glanced at everything surrounding me. Candles hung from the walls, illuminating the hallway. I counted doors as we passed them. This information might prove useful later on if something should go wrong tonight.

  I looked beside me and realized Gemma’s absence. I glanced back, and she remained a few steps behind me. She stopped walking altogether and crossed her arms. With the moment of truth ahead of us she seemed as anxious as me. Neither of us knew what we were doing tonight. At last I gained my advantage, and no matter how confident she seemed I knew the truth.

  She grabbed my hands and held them together with hers. Staring into my eyes, she said, “You are Claire Kanelos. You are Jhase’s daughter and the next in line for head councilor. I am your best friend, and Declan is the love of your life. You don’t ask question. You’re confident. You are a charmer, a woman full of laughter, and a peacemaker. Gracious, loving, and trusting... all of these features are a part of you.”

  Releasing my hands, she walked ahead of me. I rushed ahead to catch up with her, though I still processed her words. She expected me to play the role of the head councilor’s daughter, one whom I knew nothing about. The days I slipped during my lessons caught up to me quickly. Whatever I prepared myself for this was not it. The man I needed to speak with was supposed to be my father tonight. Declan would likely be distracted by gifts and friendly faces. Gemma was dressed to steal a man’s heart, and even I caught myself staring.

  We reached the staircase, and I held onto the railing and feared taking another step. I gulped at the sight of a room full of people downstairs. Voices lowered to a soft murmur at our appearance, and I refused to look at any of the faces. I wanted to vomit, and perhaps that would save me from tonight’s events. I wanted to faint and blame it on the lack of food I consumed within the last few hours. Anything to escape this nightmare of people expecting a gracious, beautiful woman out of me. Instead Gemma grabbed my hand, squeezed tight, and gently tugged.

  Together we slowly descended the staircase. If people stared at me, I did not see them; I focused only on the stairs. My free hand held onto the railing while the other squeezed Gemma’s hand as if I was in childbirth. What if I tripped and fell down the remainder of the way? Perhaps everyone already realized something wrong with me. I glanced at Gemma, who seemed to move flawlessly. So long as she had no concerns I needed to remain calm.

  We reached the bottom of the staircase, and the strangers applauded and cheered. Within seconds they resumed to their conversations, and slowly the crowd huddled together and advanced to the next room. I followed Gemma’s lead, refusing to let go of her hand. She was the first person I met from Ninomay, the first to betray me, and in this moment the only one saving me from myself. The chatter grew louder as we entered the next room. Tables set up on both sides of the room contained various foods and drinks. The crowd of people was large, but not enough to pack the room in tightly. I gawked at the large dance floor at the front.

  “Is that water on the floor?” I asked, leaning in closer to Gemma.

  She nodded. “An illusion, Claire. One of our finest illusionists did it, as he does for any formal event. It will feel and look real, but rest assured by the end of the night there will be no water damage to the floor or any clothing.”

  I continued to stare at the ripples in the water. Gemma used her free hand to release herself from my grip, and I did not fight for her to stay. It was in my best interest for her to be distracted tonight. Meanwhile I walked closer to the dance floor, fascinated by the illusion. We did not have illusionists in Rajoor; no one taught at such an advanced level. I wanted to meet the man or woman responsible for this and learn everything I could from them. Could I one day do something as beautiful as this with my magic?

  Sturdy hands wrapped around my waist, and I quickly stumbled away from them. I turned to see Declan, who wore a black coat with angled sleeves similar to mine over his tunic and pants. He frowned and offered me a puzzled look. If the Council knew my secrets, why did Declan attempt this on me? Didn’t he know about my father’s history?

  “You... you ought to warn me before you try anything,” I said calmly. If we were alone I would have yelled at him, but tonight I
was not Clara. Tonight I did not have the dark family history or trust issues with men.

  Gritting his teeth together, Declan responded, “I’m going to kiss you now.”

  Cautiously he leaned in and kissed me on the lips. It was quick and harmless, but my fingers trembled over my lips afterwards. It had been months since a man’s lips touched mine. I was definitely not in the right state of mind for this event, and my eyes wandered to the table full of drinks. The amount of liquor present for this event astounded me. In Rajoor hardly anyone drank; an unclear mind led to dangerous decisions with magic. Tonight I would make an exception. I needed something to let my thoughts loose.

  “Let’s dance,” Declan said, motioning me to follow him. Perhaps he had seen my eyes wander and wanted to keep me from drinking. I agreed to his request, but eventually he would be distracted as well. Gemma had already disappeared from my sight, and I did not notice her red dress anywhere amongst the variety of colors in the room.

  A thin man stepped up to the piano at the front of the room, and a slow song played. His strokes on the keys fascinated me, and I hesitantly agreed to Declan’s request. We stepped out into the middle of the floor and joined amongst other couples. The water splashed against my dress and feet, feeling real like Gemma said. The bottom of my gown flowed with the ripples in the water. This was something out of a fairytale, but this was Claire’s fairytale and not mine. No matter the beauty of the castle and people, Ninomay was an island filled with liars. Betrayal and deceit flowed through the water.

  Though I was unfamiliar with the song, Declan guided my hands to their proper positions. He moved slowly, smirking at my movements. The gown’s length and weight overwhelmed me; I feared stepping on Declan’s feet or myself. Twice within the first minute I moved the wrong way, but he quickly corrected me without a word. His movement was flawless and mesmerizing. If not for his recent actions, I could understand why Claire had been attracted to him.

  “What happened to... Clara?”

  Declan raised his brow, but I waited for his response. He had already caught me off guard, and now I returned the favor. The little explanations I had gained were not enough. I deserved the full story, since it seemed Declan and Gemma kept this a secret.

  He spun me around and leaned in closer. “This morning she disappeared without a trace. When Gemma told me, she and I searched everywhere. I fear something has happened to her.”

  I nodded slowly and thought carefully about my response. Declan’s face was grave, and he had little reason to lie. His story sounded believable, though I had never heard of someone inside of the Council disappearing. They held importance, and in the past I assumed they were protected like royalty. Claire had been missing for less than twenty-four hours and already gained a replacement. I glanced around at the people in the room as we did another spin. Their faces were filled with joy and they laughed with each other. They were clueless to the intruder amongst them. Despite their advantage in magic, this was their vulnerability. This society of people could not handle the truth about Claire. Not even Declan or Gemma could; instead they found a way to deny it happening.

  “How will you find her when you lie about her... situation?”

  Declan gestured his head to the right of us, and I glanced back. An older man stood surrounded by other guests. He caught my glance and smiled widely at me.

  I returned my attention to Declan. My heartbeat raced at the realization of the man’s identity. “I know that man... There was a picture of him in the bedroom.”

  “Jhase Kanelos, the head councilor and your father of course. After our wedding you will take his position. He has been ill these past few weeks,” Declan explained. Claire’s luxurious life proved to be filled with an overflowing plate of duties. She would become a wife, and her father expected her to lead the three islands. I did not envy the responsibilities she had left behind. Though Declan did not offer an explanation for her disappearance, I considered a dark one. If it had ever crossed Declan’s mind I doubted he would admit it. Maybe the reason Claire “disappeared” was to escape from this lifestyle.

  The song stopped and Declan released me. He asked if I wanted something to drink, and I nodded vigorously. I glanced around the room, but I did not catch sight of Gemma. She might be gone for the remainder of the night. I stepped away from the couples who continued to dance and returned to the tile floor. I walked further across the room, taking note of my surroundings. There was a door to the right most likely leading into another room, and to the left I noticed a long hallway. A door at the far end caught my attention, and I advanced toward the hallway. Though I wanted to run to it, I needed to blend in. At any minute Declan might return.

  A warm hand grabbed mine, and I stopped dead in my tracks. I feared turning around and facing Gemma. She was not as forgiving as Declan. If she realized I had plans of escaping tonight her wrath would be unimaginable. Cautiously I turned around and sighed at the sight of Jhase. Though he did not realize my intentions, I suspected the party would last long into the night. I could spare some time and reminded myself of Jhase’s position. Out of everyone I met tonight, Jhase remained the most powerful man in this room. If anyone could stop this maddening scheme, he would be the one to do it.

  “Daughter, you look stunning.”

  “And you are very handsome... F—father.” I murmured the word and gulped it down my throat. “Father” was a word I had nearly forgotten, and the sound of it shook my bones. I reminded myself this was all part of playing Claire’s role.

  “Have you seen Ezra this evening? He seemed worried earlier, but he never fully explained himself.”

  I gritted my teeth and looked across the room for Declan. He carried drinks with him, but the plates of food distracted him. I was clueless as to whom Jhase referred to. No one ever mentioned Ezra, and I could not be certain of his relationship with Claire.

  Jhase cleared his throat and glanced around the room. He added, “Come to think of it, I have not seen him or Vanessa tonight. Any ideas where they might be?”

  I offered a weak smile as I panicked on the inside. He might as well have spoken in a foreign language. I was at a loss of words, and I continued staring at Declan’s back. He finally turned around and caught my gaze. His face of horror matched the feelings I tried to mask. He remained too far away, and I would need to answer these questions now rather than minutes later. With Declan at a distance, I gained the opportunity to reveal my identity.

  Chapter Six

  The Fox’s Den

  The sleeves on my dress were long enough to hide the cuffs on my wrists. I wanted to scream for Jhase’s help. I doubted he would approve of this scheme if he knew I had been taken from my home under false circumstances. Declan left the drinks on the table and walked toward us. I had only a few minutes alone left with Jhase. If no one else, I had to believe I could place my trust in the head councilor. Declan moved faster as if he knew what I was about to say. His incoming arrival no longer frightened me.

  “I need to tell you something. Someone in the Council has committed a crime,” I whispered. Over the sound of the faster paced music I doubted Jhase heard me. I repeated myself louder, but Declan drew closer to our position.

  His smile dissolved entirely. “A crime? Claire, should I call an emergency meeting?”

  Declan arrived and quickly stood beside me, wrapping his arm around my waist. I frowned but refrained from pushing him away. He had no knowledge of what I told Jhase.

  “Yes, at first light,” I replied, staring directly at Jhase. His forehead furrowed, but he nodded and quickly left us alone. Oddly enough he did not push for further clues or evidence of the crime. I watched as Jhase quickened his pace now with a clear mission. I assumed every councilor remained present at the party. Meanwhile Declan tightened his hand around my waist as if wanting to squeeze me. My answer might have been out of context, but nothing concealed my actions. I was fortunate to have Declan; perhaps he would show mercy.

  Leaning my head to rest on Decl
an’s shoulder, I said, “If you really love her, you will let this happen. Trust me, I’m helping her.”

  An older man and a younger lady—presumably his daughter—approached us. They greeted me, but the man seemed more interested in conversation with Declan. He released my waist, and I slowly slipped away without a word. If he had wanted to punish me for my choice, it was too late now.

  More couples filled the dance floor, and no one seemed to notice my absence. I walked down the long hallway, pretending to admire the portraits on the wall. As the voices became more distant I tried to steady my pace. If I ran down the hall someone might see me and suspect something.

  “Claire? Claire!” A man’s voice shouted, and I froze. Had I gone too far to ever hope of living through tonight? My entire body shook in fear of who this person might be. The man might not be Declan, but everyone in the Council knew Claire. What would a councilor think of me leaving my fiancé’s party? I had no explanation for where I planned to go. This party was supposed to be important to Claire. This was a celebration of Declan’s life, something she would have cherished. Instead I was here, halfway down the hallway, furthering myself from a man I shared no love toward.

  Footsteps approached me, though I refused to move or turn my head. This moment required tedious thoughts. Perhaps I could say I was sick or felt too crowded in the ballroom. A breath of fresh air never killed anyone, but it threatened to end me. If I died in Ninomay, how would Mother ever know the truth? Everyone believed I was Claire, and if my death was hidden, Claire’s true whereabouts might never be discovered.


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