HIDDEN CREEK AGAIN: a hidden creek high novel

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HIDDEN CREEK AGAIN: a hidden creek high novel Page 6

by Kidman, Jaxson

  “Aw, look,” Emma said. “Walker did sit-ups. He’s got abs. That’ll take the attention away from his face now.”

  “Hey, shut up,” Walker yelled. “I’ve been working hard on getting bigger.”

  “Certain things can’t be made bigger, bro,” Wes called out.

  We all started to laugh.

  Conor did too.

  It was a… huh-uh-huh-uh… almost donkey laugh.

  “If we’re bothering you, we can leave,” Aira said.

  “No, it’s fine,” Conor said. “The more the merrier.”

  “The more the merrier,” Wes repeated.

  “What about you, C-dog?” Ryker asked. “You hitting some waves today?”

  “Me?” Conor asked. “No way, man. I observe. No way I’m getting into the ocean.”

  I looked at Conor. “To surf or swim?”

  “Both,” he said.

  “You don’t go into the ocean at all?”

  “No,” he said. “Call me a baby but I’m afraid of the ocean.”

  “The ocean itself?” Emma asked. “Or water too?”

  “You can’t be afraid of water,” Walker said. “How the hell would you take a shower?”

  “Be like a cat and lick yourself,” Emma said.

  “I’d like to watch you lick yourself,” Walker said.

  Emma kicked her foot and doused Walker with sand.

  He let out a yell and wiped his face and started to spit.

  “Fuck,” he yelled. “You got it everywhere.”

  “Not the first time he’s heard that,” Wes said.

  “Burn,” Conor yelled and laughed.

  I looked up at him and laughed. “Yeah… burn…”

  “You need some water for that, man?” Conor asked Walker.

  Walker climbed to his feet. “You okay with touching a bottle of water? Or are you going to cry?”

  Conor snorted. “Dude, I’m afraid of the ocean. Not water.”

  “What’s wrong with the ocean?” Wes asked.

  “Mysterious. Crazy.”

  “And you’re dating Nova?” Kailey asked with a wink.

  “Hey,” I said.

  “The difference is that Nova is the kind of mysterious and crazy I like,” Conor said.

  He pulled me close and kissed the top of my head.

  “Adorable,” Wes said.

  “I might cry,” Walker said.

  “That’s from the sand in your eyes you pussy,” Emma said.

  “Wow,” Conor said. “You just say what you want, don’t you?”

  “Problem?” Emma asked. “Last time I checked you were dicking around with a calculator worried about homework.”

  Conor’s eyes went wide.

  “Emma,” I said.

  “Hey,” Ryker said with a nod. “You know if you hit certain numbers on a calculator you can write the word boobs?”

  “Those are the only tits you’re ever going to see,” Wes said.

  “Not true,” Ryker said. He grinned and nodded to Kailey.

  Her face turned red. “Ew. Jerk.”

  “What?” Ryker asked. “You have great boobs. I don’t get the whole worried about them being small thing. They’re plenty for me.”

  “Shut the fuck up,” Kailey growled.

  “I love boobs,” Conor said.

  Everyone fell silent.

  “Good for you, bro,” Wes said.

  “Uh, where’s everyone else?” I blurted out to change the awkward subject.

  “Charlotte probably has her ankles behind her head in the back of Flynn’s car,” Emma said.

  “What?” Conor yelled.

  “Leo is at the shop,” Wes said. “Finishing something up for Jett and Pop. They told me to leave.”

  “Why?” I asked.

  “No reason,” Wes said.

  “Bullshit,” I said. “Why?”

  “Hey, calm down,” Aira said.

  “Christ,” Wes said. “It was because Elijah was poking around a little. Asking about Ryland’s ride. Since we were the last to work on it. Not that that had anything to do with what happened.”

  My heart sank. “He…”

  “Let it go,” Aira said, eyes wide.

  She looked from me to Conor. Then back to me.

  I looked up at Conor. “Hey. Can you go get us something to eat?”

  “I could do that,” Conor said. “I, uh, have to get going though anyway. I have a project I’m working on at home. Was going to see if you wanted to come with me. Hang out.”

  “Oh,” I said. “Right. Sorry. I…”

  “You should stay here,” Conor said. “Enjoy your friends. I don’t want to be in the way.”

  Before I could say anything else, Conor kissed me.

  He gave a wave and a nod to everyone else and walked away.

  I hugged my towel and waited for someone to say something.

  “Conor,” Wes said.

  “Yeah?” I asked.

  “At least he’s not a total dork now,” Ryker said.

  “Why does that matter?” I asked. “Can’t I enjoy myself? He actually gives a damn about me.”

  “Nobody is judging you,” Kailey said.

  “Not at all,” Walker said.

  He laughed.

  I crouched down and grabbed a handful of sand.

  I threw it at his face.

  He screamed again.

  “Why is everyone throwing and kicking sand at me?” he screamed.

  I got my phone and my stuff and walked away.

  They all shouted for me.

  I ignored them.

  Truth was… I wasn’t even really sure why I was storming away…

  * * *

  If we pissed u off, srry. Just text back

  I had heard it from Kailey, Aira… and even Emma.

  They were rattled with guilt.

  Which was fine.

  They didn’t have to feel guilty about anything.

  Conor and I together was a shock to them. But they didn’t know the history. That Conor had a thing for me for a while. And, yeah, he was a dork. He was the guy who showed up with his shirt tucked in, pens in his breast pocket, and was super smart and super worried about his grades and all that dork stuff. But the last time I checked, walking the halls of HCH, there were plenty other guys who had their shirts tucked in. Or that horrible look of flipping the collar up on their polo shirts.

  I understood that it was for a look.

  And they were tough and cool.

  And Conor wasn’t that.

  But he looked it. And he was good to me.

  He was a little obsessed but not in a crazy way.

  He knew when to back off.

  Which was a good thing for me.

  I hugged myself as I stood at the top of the beach.

  I looked around, secretly hating myself.

  Because I was secretly waiting for someone to show up.

  I took my phone from my back pocket and forced myself to text Kailey back.

  I’m fine. Not pissed. Just tired and annoyed ‘he’ is still here.

  That was that.

  No more talking or texting about anything.

  Just me staring at the empty beach.

  I didn’t even want to go down to the beach. Which wasn’t like me at all.

  There was a lot happening that wasn’t like me though.

  More than anyone knew.

  “Asshole,” I whispered as I shook my head.

  I turned and walked back to my house. A house of windows. Which seemed very ironic because with so many windows you’d think everything would be easily seen.

  I walked around the pool and froze when I saw my father standing at the kitchen island. His tie undone. Top few buttons undone. A glass of his favorite whiskey in front of him. His hands flat against the counter as he looked down. His head gently bobbing.

  “No,” I whispered. “Please… not tonight…”

  He lifted his gaze but didn’t turn his head toward me.

  I sw
allowed hard.

  He pushed from the counter and swiped his hand to grab his whiskey glass.

  He threw his head back and tilted the glass, drinking it all in one big gulp.

  I shut my eyes as my heart sank.

  When I opened my eyes, my father was gone.

  The empty glass was on the counter.

  I covered my mouth, ready to get sick.

  I knew what happened next.

  The thing nobody else was ever supposed to know that happened.

  Chapter 6


  A good parent would tell their kids that two wrongs don’t make a right.

  But I didn’t have good parents.

  In my mind, there weren’t two wrongs.

  There was one wrong and the right kind of revenge.

  A good parent would have checked up on my shit and would have loved to know why in the fuck I had a gun. Or how I got a gun. Or where I got it from.

  And then, you know, take the fucking gun away from me before something really stupid happened.

  I stared at the gun on my bed next to me and I laughed.

  Again… I didn’t have good parents.

  Which would also explain the bottle of scotch on the nightstand too.

  It was the only way to chase Nova away for a minute.

  This thing with her new guy friend was working its magic. So I needed a distraction. One that went beyond the booze. Logically it should have been a beautiful beauty in my bed with me. That was the low hanging fruit though.

  Shit… you know, Nova trying to fuck around in front of me showed me something important.

  The mission at hand.

  I grabbed the bottle and took a drink.

  “For you, brother,” I said and laughed.

  My bedroom door opened.

  I hurried to flip the covers over the gun.

  But I was still holding the bottle of whiskey.

  Annie looked around. “What are you doing?”

  “Having a drink,” I said.

  “That’s alcohol.”

  “Why don’t you knock anymore?”

  “I shouldn’t have to.”

  “What if I was naked?”

  “I’d look away.”

  “You sure about that?” I asked.

  “You’re drunk,” she said. She touched her cheeks. “Oh my… not good. Get into bed.”

  “I didn’t know it was whiskey.”

  “Don’t lie to me,” she said.

  “Fine. I miss my brother. He’s dead. I’m sad.”

  She snapped her fingers. “In bed.”

  I showed my hands and crashed to the bed.

  I hooked my ankle to the gun and pulled. I looked like a fish flopping out of water as I managed to get the gun, get under the covers, and make sure Annie didn’t know a damn thing.

  She touched my forehead. “You need a better way, Elijah. Whatever this is.”

  “You’re more of a parent than they are,” I said.

  “They’re unsure too,” she said. “Give it time. Let time work. That’s why we have time.”

  “Leave the bottle,” I said.

  “No,” she said.

  She took the whiskey bottle and walked to the door.

  She paused and looked back.

  “I won’t say a word,” she said. “This time. You sleep this off. Strong coffee for you in the morning.”

  Annie left the bedroom and I tossed the covers away.

  I jumped out of bed and tucked the gun into the back of my jeans.

  I had to ninja my way through the house to get out and finish what I started.

  Pay a visit to a common enemy.

  * * *

  The house was dark and quiet.

  I assumed it was empty too.

  If not, then I was going to be sitting there until morning.

  Until Aira or her aunt (or whoever the hell she lived with) came out on the deck with their morning coffee.

  But it wasn’t Aira I was really looking for.

  It didn’t take a rocket scientist to know that.

  I leaned against the deck railing, the gun next to me.

  I smoked two cigarettes and listened to the ocean.

  It wasn’t all that bad of a night.

  Then again…

  My Surfer Girl.

  Some guy.

  I shook my head and chased those thoughts away.

  I could take care of this situation right now and then walk away.

  Maybe even walk away for good.

  I nodded to the gun every couple minutes as though it were a living thing.

  My only friend.

  My comrade.

  My buddy.

  “Where is she staying tonight?” a voice said.

  “Not here,” another voice said.

  It was Wes and Aira.

  Exactly who I was waiting for.

  I folded my arms and didn’t make a move.

  Wes saw me first.

  “Are you fu-”

  Then he saw the gun.

  “Holy shit,” he said.

  “That’s right,” I said. “Now I don’t plan on touching the fucking thing. I really don’t. So both of you come join me up here.”

  “Wes?” Aira asked.

  He grabbed her hand. “It’s okay, darling. Stay close to me.” He looked at me. “You’re fucking dead.”

  “Actually, my brother is the one dead,” I said. “And you could join him if you want. Continue your little fight.”

  “What do you want, Elijah?” Wes asked.

  “See, I don’t like that tone. I’m the one grieving.”

  “You’re not grieving,” Aira said.

  “What the fuck do you know?” I asked. “You’ve been here for ten minutes. Climbed into Wes’s pants. And now you own the place?”

  “This is my house,” she said.

  “Aira, stop,” Wes said. “Don’t play into it.”

  “I’m not,” she said.

  I reached for the gun.

  Aira jumped behind Wes.

  “Shit, man, what the fuck…,” Wes said.

  “Weslee Jackson,” I said. “Looking a little shaky. Let me ask you something. Would you take a bullet for her?”

  “Without question,” he said.

  “Would my brother have done the same?”

  Wes’s lip curled. “What does that have to do with anything?”

  “See… he liked her. He loved her. Isn’t that right, Aira?” I asked. “Come back out, babe. I’m not touching the gun.”

  Aira side stepped and looked ready to cry. “It doesn’t matter. I never liked him. I didn’t feel the same. And I’m sorry he’s gone.”

  “Are you though?” I asked.

  “Yes,” Aira said. “Nobody wanted to see him dead.”

  “Oh, come on, don’t lie,” I said.

  “Of course we wanted him dead,” Wes said. He broke away from Aira. She slipped to the steps. “Everyone wanted him dead. It’s no surprise he’s dead. But you know I didn’t fucking do it.”

  I laughed. “I love that statement. Everyone wanted him dead.”

  “Truth, man,” Wes said. “You’re drunk, Elijah. I get what you’re doing. Trying to get me to my knees. To break me down. It’s not going to happen.”

  I grabbed the gun.

  Wes stiffened.

  “What if I told you to get on your knees right now?” I asked.

  “Come on, man. I know he was your brother. But he never said a word about you. Were you two actually close?”

  “That doesn’t matter,” I said. “I’m just making sure my presence is known.”

  “It’s known,” Aira called out.

  “So what’s with Nova and this guy?” I asked.

  “Christ,” Wes said. “You’re jealous of that?”

  “Not jealous. Just want to know if she’s happy.”

  “She’s happy,” Aira said. “And that’s not taking a jab at you, Elijah. She was really happy before you showed up too.”

  “Aira,” Wes said.

  “No, it’s good,” I said. “Honesty. I appreciate the truth. I showed up and fucked everything up.”

  “She’s with someone,” Wes said. “And you’re standing on Julia’s deck with a gun. Do you really need to talk about what’s fucked up?”

  I nodded. “I get it now, Wes. I get it why they all love you. Tough guy who is reasonable.”

  “I’m not always reasonable, Elijah,” Wes said. “I just know when to be and when not to be.”

  “So this isn’t reasonable?” I asked, shaking the gun in my hand.

  “Your message is clear,” Aira said. “And we had nothing to do with what happened to Ryland.”

  “I believe you,” I said. “This was for the fuck of it. Just to see where the power really is.”

  I walked toward Wes.

  He hurried to block Aira again.

  I laughed.

  He really did love her.

  Good for him.

  Good for her.

  My head swirled with whiskey and thoughts.

  This was really fucking crazy.

  “Just make it known I’m not here to fuck around,” I said. “I’ll find the truth. No matter what it takes.”

  At the top step of the deck I pointed the gun at Wes.

  He straightened his body and his nostrils flared.

  Death flashing before his eyes.

  I moved my hand and pointed the gun at the house.

  I pulled the trigger.


  I smiled.

  “I fucking hate you!” Aira screamed at the top of her lungs.

  Wes’s eyes flared with anger.

  “I forgot to load it,” I said. “Have a good night, Wes. I’ll see you around. Soon.”

  I walked away from the house, listening to Wes comfort Aira, telling her it was going to be okay.

  It was really sweet of him to lie to her like that.

  * * *

  Annie sure as hell knew how to cover up a hangover.

  Black coffee, strong as hell, some pills for the headache, plus a giant breakfast… and some kind of smoothie that looked purple and green…

  That part tasted like death but it worked.

  I was able to function as a semi-normal part of the HCH society.

  Once I was able to cut out of Tech I drove down to HCH because I needed to see Nova.

  My Surfer Girl.

  I wasn’t going to bother her. I wasn’t going to put her in a position to choose between me and the new guy. It wasn’t like that at all. I just wanted to see her face. Because the girl I saw on the beach the other night wasn’t the girl Aira tried to tell me she was.


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