Kidnapped for Christmas

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Kidnapped for Christmas Page 3

by Evangeline Anderson

  “It’s just going to be me giving you your food and meds for the next couple of days, boy,” she told the big orange cat as he tore into the medicated tuna. “Hope that’s okay with you. Sabrina is off having fun in the sun while some of us have to work.” She sighed as she watched the cat scarf up the food like it was going out of style. As old as he was, at least he still enjoyed his food. Her mom was always saying she didn’t care how old or infirm he got, she wouldn’t let anyone tell her it was time to put Buster to sleep until the day he stopped loving his tuna.

  “Oh, Buster.” Jillian sighed, her mind wandering from the big orange cat and returning to her sister who rightfully ought to be feeding him. “Well, at least sailing down to the Keys with some guy she barely knows is better than letting herself be kidnapped and molested by a total stranger. Marginally anyway,” she told the cat.

  Buster purred in apparent agreement and after watching him a minute more, Jillian turned to go. If she didn’t hurry she really was going to be late for work and her boss, Mr. Pedregal who was the head accountant at Zuckerman and Shires, was considerably less tolerant of tardiness and absence than Sabrina’s pothead boss was.

  Just as she was about to grab her purse from the kitchen counter where she had left it while she searched for Buster, a black and red piece of paper caught her eye. Picking it up, Jillian saw that it was a brochure. We Kidnap U—the experience of a lifetime. The red letters seemed to bleed across the glossy black cardstock. Beneath it was the picture of a muscular man with blond hair holding a coiled whip against his bare chest. Jillian wanted to put the disgusting piece of propaganda back down but she couldn’t help looking inside it first.

  Do you long to be bound and blindfolded, whipped for your indiscretions until you beg for mercy? Or perhaps you just want to be tied to the bed and teased until you moan. Maybe your current lover doesn’t understand your need to be dominated. Or maybe you’ve always been curious about the dangerous side of desire. Whatever your darkest fantasy, We Kidnap U is ready and waiting to fulfill it. Call us today to be rescued from reality.

  There was a lot more about how they were licensed and bonded to perform bondage, just as Sabrina had said, and the various services they offered, but Jillian’s eyes kept returning to the first two sentences. Obviously We Kidnap U offered both hard-core S&M treatment and sensual love play. She wondered which route Sabrina had chosen but then she decided she didn’t want to know. Knowing her sister, she would take everything to extremes. Jillian shivered. Whips and chains left her cold and she couldn’t understand how anyone could find pain pleasurable. But despite her distaste for the more extreme package the kidnapping firm offered, she couldn’t help wondering what the more sensual experience the brochure hinted at might be like.

  In her mind’s eye, a picture formed. She could see the muscular blond man on the front of the brochure tying her to the bed and ravishing her, stripping away her clothing and her dignity piece by piece until she was both emotionally and physically naked. He looked a little young for her—Jillian generally liked her men to be at least a few years older than herself. But still, just the thought of being bound and helpless while the man did anything he wanted to her made her feel suddenly weak in the knees. Between her thighs she could feel her pussy getting wet and hot as she imagined herself begging him to stop to no avail.

  Suddenly Jillian realized that she was actually having a full-blown fantasy about being forced to submit sexually to a complete stranger. It was bizarre and even worse, it was exactly what she had lectured Sabrina about. How could she possibly find anything in the black and red kidnapping brochure even remotely sexy? Of course the sex she’d had with Boring Barry had never been even slightly kinky, which was one reason she’d broken up with him. But Jillian had never fantasized about the things that were advertised in the brochure. She had never really had any idea of what she wanted exactly, or what her sex life with Barry was missing. She just knew there was no zing when he touched her, that she would rather watch paint dry than submit to another one of his tedious missionary-style lovemaking sessions. But she’d never thought of asking him to tie her up and tease and torture her either.

  “Well, maybe if I had we’d still be together,” Jillian told Buster, who was still happily munching his can of tuna. Then she shook her head. “What am I saying? This is sick—just about what I expected when Sabrina told me about it in the first place. Whoever puts themselves in for this—and pays for it no less—is crazy. I’m just glad she decided to cancel her ‘nap before it was too late.” She slapped the slick black and red brochure back down on the kitchen counter, ignoring the throbbing wetness between her thighs and turned to go.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow morning,” she told the cat, bending down to give him a quick pet on the head. Buster didn’t even notice—he was too absorbed in the tuna. “You’re welcome,” Jillian told him dryly. “I guess I’ll find my own way out.”

  Outside it was her favorite kind of day—bright and sunny but with just a nip of cold weather in the air. Jillian took a deep breath and told herself that things weren’t so bad. Sabrina had given up the crazy kidnapping idea at least. Plus it was Friday and even though Jillian didn’t have a date or even any plans more exciting than some last-minute Christmas shopping, she was looking forward to the weekend.

  The street outside Sabrina’s apartment was deserted—apparently all of her neighbors had day jobs. Well, it was deserted except for a large black van with tinted windows. Jillian looked at it and shivered. She had a sneaking suspicion that only serial killers drove cars like those because it would be easy to hide a body in the back. The man behind the wheel of the van didn’t exactly strike her as the serial killer type though—maybe more like a professional wrestler or a bouncer. He was huge with thick, copper-brown hair pushed back from a high forehead and a neatly trimmed mustache and goatee a shade or two darker framing his narrow lips. Large hands that looked capable of breaking someone in half rested easily on the wheel in front of him. Jillian couldn’t see his eyes because he was wearing mirrored shades that hid them from view and gave the square planes of his face a menacing look.

  Suddenly she realized she was staring at the man in the van and had been for some time. It was impossible to be sure with the mirrored sunglasses but she thought he was staring right back at her.

  Looking quickly away, Jillian licked her lips nervously. It was time to go. She was halfway down the steps that led to her sister’s apartment, with the keys to her little blue Kia in one hand, when she realized she’d left her purse on Sabrina’s kitchen counter. Damn it! Now she was going to be late for sure. Cursing under her breath, she turned to go back up the stairs. She would have to make up some excuse about the traffic being bad and hope her boss would buy it. It would all depend on his mood. If he—

  Suddenly someone grabbed her from behind.

  Jillian didn’t even have time to scream before a gag was slapped over her mouth and a blindfold over her eyes. Before she knew it, she was handcuffed and strong hands were shoving her into the back of a strange vehicle.

  “Don’t move,” a deep, masculine voice murmured in her ear. “It’s time. Your fantasy has begun.”

  * * * * *

  Kyle felt kind of cheesy, saying that shit about “your fantasy has begun” but Adam had assured him that it was an integral part of the kidnapping process. Not that he would have a hard time playing the dark and mysterious kidnapper with this girl. He’d seen the way she was watching him when she came out of the apartment—her dark eyes were wide, framed by her long almost-black hair and the way she’d looked at him had made him feel like the boogeyman. It was obvious he wouldn’t have to lay it on too thick to make her feel in the moment.

  The gag he’d placed in her mouth kept her from screaming but he could hear her muffled moans as he arranged her in the back of the van. To his surprise and delight, she had turned out to be much more full figured than the picture in the file had shown. Just feeling her lush curves move against his
hands as she struggled against her bonds made his cock rock-hard. Oh yes, he was really going to enjoy this. It had been way too long since he’d had a willing participant to play the game with and already he liked this girl’s spirit. Instead of lying still and accepting what was happening to her, she was fighting the cuffs he’d put on her wrists and drumming her heels on the van’s carpeted floor. Obviously she wanted him to play it up some.

  “Settle down,” Kyle said sternly. When she continued to struggle, he leaned forward and cupped the side of her face in his hand. “If you don’t hold still and stop all that noise I’m going to have to discipline you before we even get to the dungeon,” he murmured in her ear.

  She went still at once and he could feel her trembling under his hand. Her obvious fear almost made him want to go easy on her, but according to her profile that wasn’t what she wanted. So instead he let his hand trail down her neck to cup her breast. She was wearing a white silk blouse and a charcoal gray skirt with sensible black heels. The outfit was businesslike and chaste, giving no hint of her inner desires to be dominated. Kyle liked the fact that she didn’t advertise her needs but kept them hidden under a demure exterior. Who would guess that under those everyday office clothes beat the heart of a submissive starved for pleasure? If he hadn’t read her profile from cover to cover he wouldn’t have believed it himself.

  The fullness of her breast in his hand was intoxicating. Through the thin silk he could faintly see the shadow of a white lace bra and her nipple had grown hard in the center of his palm. He flicked it gently and watched her writhe at his touch. His cock hardened further. Damn, she was so responsive! And so hot.

  “You like this, sweetheart?” he asked softly. “Like it when I touch you like this?” He pinched her nipple this time, twisting gently to add just a touch of erotic pain to the gesture. Her long dark hair whipped from side to side as she moaned and her full breasts heaved with her quick, excited breathing. God, but she was beautiful—much prettier than in her picture.

  Unable to stop himself, he let his hand drift down from her full breast, over the soft curve of her stomach and down to her upper thigh. He slid both hands under the sensible gray skirt, feeling the silk of her nylons against his fingertips. She made a strangled noise and clamped her legs shut at once but Kyle was patient. He knew it was all part of the game. And he knew how the game was played.

  “It’s all right, sweetheart,” he told her in his softest, most reassuring voice. “I’m not gonna hurt you. Just want to see if you’re as hot down below as you are up top. Spread your legs for me now and let me find out.”

  She shook her head again and her thighs tightened under his palms but Kyle wasn’t about to give up.

  “I can wait as long as you want me to,” he told her. “I can wait all day. But unless you spread your legs for me and let me pet that sweet little pussy of yours right now I’m afraid some punishment is going to be in order once we get back to the dungeon. Is that what you want?”

  She shook her head again and he wished he could see her eyes. He could just imagine the need in their dark depths, the look of surrender that came into the eyes of a true submissive when she realized her master was not going to take no for an answer.

  “Good,” he said, stroking her thighs. “Then spread your legs for me, sweetheart. I promise I’m not going to take off your clothes. At least, not yet.”

  He felt her thighs tremble under his palms and then at last she parted them and lay back against the van floor in a gesture of complete submission. Kyle felt a surge of triumph mixed with tenderness as he watched her give in. True to his word, he didn’t hurt her or try to pull off her nylons or the lacy white panties he could see underneath them. He just stroked the insides of her thighs, his fingers inching ever higher as he felt her shiver under his touch.

  When his fingertips reached her core, he could feel the heat radiating from her pussy as though it were a small furnace between her legs. She was hot, all right—hot and wet. He could see, without even trying, that her white panties were already damp enough to stick to her, outlining the soft curve of her cleft and the dividing line between her plump pussy lips. No doubt her clit was throbbing under the thin white lace of her panties, practically begging to be stroked and licked. Very faintly he could detect her feminine musk, an exotic spice that made his mouth water.

  He had a sudden urge to forget his promise and rip away the material of her nylons and panties so that he could bury his face between her legs and taste her until she came all over his face. He wondered if she had a shaven pussy or if she had a soft little bush of curls as dark as the hair on her head. From reading her profile and seeing her picture, he would have pegged her as the type to go natural and let it grow but now that he had her in front of him he wasn’t so sure. She seemed neater and more put together than he ever would have guessed from just looking at her file. But she was definitely Sabrina Marks, the long dark hair framing her delicate features and pale skin assured him of that. The only difference he could see from the picture was the fact that she was a little plumper, which he liked.

  She moaned behind the gag and moved slightly, reminding Kyle that he had been keeping her in what must be almost unbearable suspense. He knew from experience that once you put on a blindfold all the other senses were heightened to a fever pitch. Her pale cheeks were colored with a deep blush and she was nearly panting past the gag. He had a sudden urge to take the gag off and hear her voice as she begged him to stop even though they both knew she wanted him to keep it up. But that would ruin the fun. Time enough to hear her moan when he undressed her in the dungeon.

  “Beautiful,” he murmured and brushed lightly over the cleft of her cunt. He thought he could feel the hard bud of her clit right at the place where the white lace panties were clinging to her pussy lips. He was certain he was right when she made a muffled gasp and arched up under his gentle touch.

  “You like that, sweetheart?” he murmured. “You like it when I pet your pussy like that?” He stroked her again, making sure to part her swollen pussy lips this time and circle her clit with one careful fingertip. The wet lace clung to her cunt as she writhed against his hand. Oh yeah, she was hot, all right. So hot it was all Kyle could do to hold on to his self-control and not take her right there.

  “Mmm!” she moaned into the gag. “Mmm-mmm!”

  Kyle withdrew his hand. He wanted to touch her again just to see that reaction once more but he didn’t dare. His cock was throbbing in his pants and he couldn’t wait to get her back to the dungeon.

  “All right, that’s all for now, sweetheart,” he said gruffly as she lay trembling on the carpeted floor of the van. “Just relax and don’t worry about a thing. We’ll be there soon.”

  He closed the van doors softly so as not to startle her and went around to the driver’s seat. He had a feeling he was really going to enjoy this because there was something special about this girl—a mixture of defiance and submission that had him aching to take her hard and long.

  He just hoped he could stop himself from going too far.

  Chapter Three

  OhGodohGodohGod! Jillian trembled in reaction to his intimate touch and her thoughts were in a confused snarl as she felt the strange vehicle start. Obviously she was in the back of the black van and the man who had taken her had to be Mr. Professional Wrestler who she’d seen at the wheel. He didn’t look like the man on the cover of the We Kidnap U brochure, being darker and slightly older, but he’d whispered to her that her fantasy had begun, so this must be the start of the kidnapping Sabrina had so stupidly ordered for herself.

  But can’t he see I’m not her? I’m a size eighteen, for Pete’s sake, not a size three. She chewed futilely on the gag, wanting to scream out that he had the wrong sister but it was useless. The heavy piece of felt fastened over her mouth was too thick to do anything but moan through which was probably precisely what the We Kidnap U people had in mind. And there was no getting out of the handcuffs or blindfold either. Realizing that sh
e was well and truly trapped, Jillian subsided in the back of the van, her mind racing a hundred miles a minute. For some reason she kept remembering the feel of his large, warm hand between her legs and the way he had teased her clit. It was crazy but the sensations he’d started in her body wouldn’t go away and as terrified as she was, she could still feel the tingle of warmth where he’d touched her.

  They made what felt like several sharp turns and then after what seemed an eternity, the van stopped. Listening hard, Jillian heard the driver’s side door open and shut. So the journey was over and now the real fun began. If you were sick enough to call this fun, which Jillian wasn’t. She heard the crunching sound of footsteps on gravel outside the van and then the back doors opened and she felt a chilly gust of wind whip around her trembling body.

  What is he going to do to me? she wondered, her heart pounding. What the hell did Sabrina order with this crazy kidnap package? And did he really say he was taking me to a dungeon? She could just imagine herself being chained helpless to a dank stone wall while the huge man in the mirrored sunglasses whipped her with his belt, or worse, the black coiled whip she’d seen on the front of the brochure. Dear God, he could do anything he wanted to her and there was nothing she could do to stop him! Panic gripped her by the throat with icy fingers and Jillian kicked the side of the van wildly. She had to get out of here!

  “Settle down!” The stern, deep voice was suddenly very close to her ears and then she was being gathered into his muscular arms. For a moment she was surprised at how easily he lifted her—she wasn’t exactly as light as a feather after all. But then she went back to being scared as he pulled her close to the broad planes of his chest and made a sudden movement. There was a loud clanging sound that must be the van doors shutting and Jillian realized that he must have kicked them closed since he had his hands full with her. She stiffened at the harsh noise that sounded like a prison door slamming shut. God, if only he would take off the gag so she could make him understand that he had the wrong person!


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