Kidnapped for Christmas

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Kidnapped for Christmas Page 12

by Evangeline Anderson

  “I, uh…” she began, but her sister continued talking as though Jillian hadn’t said a thing.

  “That’s what I’d think if you started shouting out some guy’s name in the middle of sex, anyway,” Sabrina continued. “Because, let’s face it, Buster is a guy’s name. Plus it was your safe word so what was he supposed to think?”

  “We weren’t in the middle of sex,” Jillian snapped defensively. “It was more like…right at the beginning. But you know, he did say something about me going to meet another man. I couldn’t figure out what he was talking about at the time—I was so worried about getting back in time to give Buster his insulin.”

  “Well, there you go then.” Sabrina nodded wisely. “It’s a case of mistaken identity all around. He thought you were me and then he thought Buster was some other guy—probably Barry. Did you tell him about Barry?”

  “Yes, I did,” Jillian said. “But I told him it was over between us.”

  “Yeah, but probably what registered was that you had a fiancé—not necessarily that you had broken up with him.” Sabrina shrugged. “Any way you look at it, the whole thing is a big mistake.”

  Jillian groaned. “Oh God—I told him that too. I said it was a big mistake—I was talking about how he grabbed me instead of you but I never got to explain that because that’s when I started thinking about Buster.”

  “So you like this Kyle guy, huh?” Sabrina wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

  “I…” Jillian shook her head and decided to tell the truth. “Like doesn’t begin to cover it, Breeny,” she said in a low voice. “He was, well, he seemed just about perfect until he got so pissed about me wanting to leave suddenly to take care of Buster. But now that I understand what all that was about…” She sighed and looked down at her hands. “It’s too late now, though. He told me the We Kidnap U rules said he could never see me again after the ‘nap.”

  “It’s not too late.” Sabrina sat forward, her dark eyes, so much like Jillian’s own, shining. “After all, it was against the rules for him to have sex with you but he did that, right?”

  “Breeny!” Jillian could feel herself blushing but finally she nodded. “All right, we did do it. Uh, several times.”

  “Go Jilly.” Her little sister grinned irrepressibly. “Anyway, if he’s willing to break one rule, I bet he’d be willing to break another. You should call him up right now and tell him to get his ass over here.”

  “I can’t,” Jillian protested. “He still thinks I’m you. How am I supposed to explain that I lied to him almost the entire time we were together? He’ll be so mad!”

  “Mad enough to give you a little discipline?” Sabrina nudged her sharply in the ribs with a bony elbow. “In that case, maybe it would be better if you saw him in person. Do you know where he lives?”

  “No,” Jillian said thoughtfully. “But I know where he works. And I know he works late—every time I drive by there the light is on, no matter how late it is.”

  “You’ve been doing drive-bys of his work?” Sabrina gaped at her. “Jilly, that is so unlike you. If you’re that gone on his guy you have got to go to him. Come on.” She jumped up and pulled Jillian to her feet. “I have just the thing you can wear.”

  “Breeny, you and I both know that I’m not going to fit into any of your clothes,” Jillian protested, looking at her sister’s skinny ass.

  “This isn’t mine—it’s yours. Well, it’s what I got you for Christmas, and this way I don’t even have to wrap it.” Sabrina was dragging her out of the living room as she talked. “Come on! We have to get you ready.”

  “Ready for what?” Jillian asked, still dragging her feet.

  Sabrina grinned at her. “Ready for anything.”

  * * * * *

  “What do you mean she’s claiming she didn’t get the ‘nap?” Kyle demanded into his cell phone. He couldn’t believe he had stopped work for this. He had been almost finished sanding the oak tabletop and was just about to start staining it when his cell had rung with Adam’s number.

  “That’s what I’m saying. She says she didn’t get the ‘nap,” Adam said.

  “She most certainly did—I did it myself and followed her fantasy from start to finish.” Well, mostly, he amended to himself silently. There was nothing in the fantasy about screwing their brains out together for most of the night but still… “I really went the extra mile with her,” he told his little brother. “She should have been a very satisfied customer.”

  “Well, she isn’t.” Adam sounded pissed on the other end of the phone. “She’s saying she wasn’t even in town the day we’re claiming to have taken her. She’s—”

  There was a loud knocking at the door that drowned out the rest of his sentence. Kyle looked up in irritation. Who the hell could be banging on his door the night before Christmas Eve? If it was some last-minute shopper looking for a bargain he or she was going to be in for a sorry surprise. Kyle only worked on commissioned pieces and he didn’t have anything extra lying around that might make a good Christmas gift.

  “Hang on, there’s someone at the door,” he told his brother. Putting down the sander, he went to see who it was. “Look, I don’t have anything that would make a good gift for sale here so you might as well—” He stopped abruptly when he saw who was standing outside.

  “Hello, Kyle. Or should I say Master?” She stepped inside his workshop, her black fuck-me heels whispering in the sawdust. She was wearing a black trench coat that was belted at the waist, but once she got inside and shut the door behind her she opened it slowly.

  Kyle felt his mouth go dry at what he saw underneath. She was wearing a black lacy bustier that pushed up her firm, white breasts and showed the soft pink curves of her areolas, and a black garter belt connected to thigh-high sheer black hose. But no panties—there was nothing between the bottom of the bustier and the tops of her hose but a naked expanse of smooth skin. In fact, all that black lace seemed designed to showcase the area his eyes were automatically drawn to—her soft little cunt mound. Her pussy lips were swollen and wet, he couldn’t help seeing. Almost like she was ready for him, just the way she had been that first time when she’d begged him to make love to her. Suddenly he was having a hard time thinking and his jeans were too tight in the crotch.

  “I’ll talk to you later. I have to go,” he said into the phone, never taking his eyes off her. Then he slapped it closed and shoved it into his pocket. “What are you doing here?” he demanded, trying not to let his suddenly throbbing dick get in the way of his brain. “And why did you tell my brother you never got your ‘nap?”

  “I’m here to explain, Kyle.” She walked forward slowly. “And to tell you my real name. You see, I’m not Sabrina Marks. I’m Jillian Marks—Sabrina’s sister.”

  “What?” He stared at her, unbelieving. “But that can’t be. You look exactly like the picture in the file except—”

  “Except I’m plus-sized and the girl in the picture wasn’t,” she interrupted him. “Yeah, I know. Sabrina and I look exactly alike, except she got all the skinny genes in the family. It’s an honest mistake—people make it all the time.”

  “But then…” He was still staring at her, trying to comprehend what she was saying. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I wanted to—at first,” she said, looking down at the pointed toes of the fuck-me heels. “But as we got deeper and deeper into the fantasy, I realized I wanted to see where it would go. And…and I didn’t want it to end. Not if it meant leaving you when I wanted to get to know you so much.” She was biting her lush bottom lip in that way she had that made him crazy and Kyle was tempted just to tell her that all was forgiven. But he still had some questions that needed answering.

  “Okay then,” he said, crossing his arms over the plain black T-shirt he was wearing. “So why did you end it so abruptly? You shouted out that safe word like you couldn’t wait to get away.” He arched an eyebrow at her, frowning.

  “Buster is the name of my mother’s diabetic cat�
��the one I was trying to tell you about. But then I remembered I hadn’t given him his insulin and I was afraid he was going to die.” She sighed. “I didn’t know it was the safe word—I was just worried about the cat.”

  “So you weren’t rushing off to meet some other man?” Kyle could scarcely believe it, but her words rang true. Now that she mentioned it, he did remember her saying something about a sick cat but he hadn’t put two and two together to realize that the sick cat was named Buster. Instead he’d jumped to the wrong conclusion at once—that she had remembered a previous engagement with some other guy and just wanted to leave as fast as she could.

  “I told you, there is no other man. There’s no one else in my life.” She took a step forward, the edges of the black trench coat swinging softly by her sides. “There was no one until I met you, that is.”

  Kyle was already reaching for her when he realized something else. Drawing back, he frowned at her sternly. “Wait a minute—are you telling me you went through that entire scene with me without knowing the safe word?”

  She bit her lip again. “Yes. So?”

  “So? Do you know how serious that is?” Kyle demanded angrily. “The first rule of any BDSM scene is safe, sane and consensual. That means you never play without a safe word. I could have hurt you, sweetheart!”

  “You did.” She took another step forward, looking up at him from under her thick, dark lashes. Her long hair was almost as black as the trench coat she wore and a wisp of it was lying across her full right breast, as if to emphasize the creamy paleness of her skin. “You hurt me and I liked it,” she whispered. “I didn’t think I could. Didn’t think I had it in me to submit like that. But, Kyle…” She looked up at him. “The way you made me feel… I’ve never felt like that before. It was…amazing. Incredible. Addictive.”

  Kyle could feel himself melting, but he was still angry. “So you’re trying to tell me that one scene with me changed your entire life?” He tried to sound sarcastic but the words came out as more of a serious question.

  “Would I be here, dressed like this, otherwise? Please, Master…” She looked at him pleadingly. “I’m sorry and I’ll do anything to prove it.”

  “Anything, huh?” Kyle was beginning to get an idea. “All right, take off the coat and go lean over the table.” He pointed at the smooth surface of the hard oak table he had nearly finished sanding. “Bend over it and put your hands in front of you. I think it’s time for some punishment.”

  Kyle looked as hot as ever in tight, faded jeans and a plain black T-shirt that showed off his muscular upper body. There was some sawdust in his coppery-brown hair but it only added to his warm musk and wood scent—the same scent Jillian had been missing for the past three weeks. But that wasn’t all she’d been missing—she wanted his touch on her body, wanted it badly enough to do just about anything she admitted to herself.

  His words made Jillian’s mouth go suddenly dry. But even scarier than his talk of punishment was the way he was fingering the thick black leather belt that was buckled low on his lean hips. Surely he couldn’t mean to use it on her? Well, there was only one way to find out.

  “Did you hear me?” Kyle said in that low, commanding voice she remembered so well. “I said take off your coat, lean over the table and assume the position. Are you going to obey me or not?”

  “Yes, Master,” Jillian heard herself saying without missing a beat. She let the black trench coat fall to the floor in a heap, revealing the black bustier and garter set that was Sabrina’s Christmas gift to her. Trust Breeny to get me something completely inappropriate, she thought when she looked down at it. But then, it was really coming in handy just now, so she supposed she shouldn’t complain. Moving carefully in the ridiculously high heels she’d borrowed from her little sister, since shoes were about the only item of apparel they could trade, she stalked to the large dining room table Kyle had indicated.

  The surface was smooth as satin under her fingertips as she bent over the table and put her hands on it. It felt wonderful but there was nothing to hang on to. No way to brace herself if he decided to really punish her. God, already her heart was racing in her chest at the thought and she was so nervous she could barely breathe. But at the same time, her pussy felt so hot and wet she was sure her juices must be wetting her inner thighs.

  “Good.” Kyle came up behind her, the black leather belt swinging from one hand. Apparently he really meant business.

  “I’m glad my master is pleased,” Jillian murmured through numb lips.

  “But I’m not pleased. Not at all. Jillian Marks, you have been a very bad girl and you deserve some serious punishment.” His voice was low and dangerous and his hand, large and warm, traced a trail of fire from the back of her neck down the groove of her spine and landed on her naked ass.

  “Yes, Master.” Jillian shivered under his touch. God, how could he make her so hot so fast? Her legs were suddenly so weak that if she hadn’t had the beautiful oak table to support her, she would have fallen over.

  “I’m going to give you three licks with my belt,” he continued, still stroking her ass as he talked. “One for lying to me. One for playing a scene without a safe word.” He paused and then leaned forward and growled softly in her ear. “And one just because I want to see your soft, sweet little ass get all hot and rosy when I spank you.”

  Jillian was nearly moaning with desire now. “Yes, Master,” she whispered, barely able to speak, she wanted him so badly. “I submit.” She looked over her shoulder at him. “I don’t care if you whip me,” she said, rubbing against the hand that still cupped her ass. “As long as you fuck me afterward.”

  He drew in a ragged breath, and she saw the spark that had been dancing in his dark brown eyes since he started talking about punishing her leap into flame. “You’ll get what you deserve, sweetheart. Don’t worry about that,” he rumbled. “Now hold still for your punishment.”

  Jillian opened her mouth to say she wouldn’t dream of moving but that was when the first blow fell. A low whistling sound and a flat crack accompanied a stinging pain across the tender cheeks of her ass and she jumped and moaned.

  “One,” Kyle said behind her. “Do you want me to stop, sweetheart? Say the safe word if you do—now that you know what it is.”

  “I-I don’t want to stop.” Taking a deep breath, Jillian leaned farther forward on the table, pressing her bottom outward, begging him to continue. There was another crack and another sharp pain across her throbbing cheeks. God, it hurt, but it felt good too because she knew if she could get through the pain, there was pleasure on the other side. The pleasure of having him in her, filling her, fucking her again.

  “Two,” Kyle said behind her. “Sure you don’t want to quit, sweetheart?”

  “Never.” Jillian looked over her shoulder and met his eyes. Deliberately, still holding his gaze, she widened her stance, spreading her legs so that her throbbing pink pussy was clearly visible between her wet thighs. “Look what you do to me, Master,” she murmured. “Look how hot you make me when you punish me.”

  “God, sweetheart.” He shook his head and took a tighter grip on the belt. “You’re asking for it.”

  “Then why don’t you give it to me?” she taunted softly.

  A muscle in his jaw twitched. “We’re going to have to work on that attitude of yours, sweetheart. But one punishment at a time.”

  Jillian kept watching as he drew back his arm and let the last blow fall. She didn’t even flinch as the belt licked against her naked skin—she was so hot now the pain barely registered except as a background sensation to the desire she felt taking over her entire body.

  “Master!” she begged, making his name into a plea. “Please, I need you.”

  “Not as much as I need you.” He threw down the belt and had his jeans open in an instant. The long, hard cock she remembered so well sprang free and Jillian eagerly spread her legs for its hot length, wanting to feel him inside her again.

  Kyle pressed her down ov
er the table, one hand on the back of her neck and the other between her thighs. “You’re so wet, sweetheart,” he growled hoarsely as he parted her swollen pussy lips and stroked her clit. “So wet and hot and ready for me.”

  “Can’t help myself,” Jillian moaned, pressing back against the hand that was exploring her wet cunt. “I want you so much. Please, Master, take me. Fuck me, now!”

  He didn’t answer with words. Instead, she felt the blunt head of his cock tracing a hot line between her open cunt lips and then he found her opening, the entrance to her body, and thrust deep into her hot pussy.

  He filled her in one stroke, breaching her defenses and opening her completely with one savage thrust that left Jillian breathless. She scrabbled at the smooth wood with her fingertips, but there was nothing she could hold on to. Nothing she could do but spread her legs wider, tilt her pelvis back to give him better access and let him fuck her.

  “Master!” she gasped as he pulled back and thrust in again, shaking her to the core. “Kyle, oh please, oh God!” With every thrust she could feel him reaching the end of her tight channel, pumping her pussy full of his cock as he fucked her mercilessly. This was the true punishment, she realized in a hazy kind of way. This was what she got for lying to her master, for playing the game they were both engaged in unsafely, for going through the entire fantasy without a safe word. This was her punishment and she deserved every bit of it.

  Biting her lip, she pushed back against him, opening herself more, and accepted everything she had coming to her. As hard as it was to bear such intense fucking, she didn’t want it to end. She’d been dreaming about this for the last three weeks, missing it, missing him, and she was in no hurry to stop, no matter how rough things got.

  “Bad girl.” Her master’s voice was hoarse but steady as he pounded into her. “You’ve been a very bad girl. Have to fuck you hard to teach you a lesson.”

  “Yes, Master,” Jillian moaned. “Oh God, yes. Punish me. Punish me hard.” Already she could feel the waves of pleasure climbing her spine. She was so close, just from having him inside her and hearing his deep voice in her ear as he took her. So close and she only needed a little bit more…


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