Adelaide's Storm

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Adelaide's Storm Page 4

by G. Bailey

  I wonder if they would be proud. I wonder if Sophie will be or if she will be scared for me. I guess I can find out one of the answers one day. I will find a way to my sister because we are meant to be together as a family. Blood or not.

  “It’s a classic Frayan dance,” Casella tells me, seeing where I’m looking. I’ve never seen this dance before. Usually it’s much quieter in here, but someone must have found new instruments to play, as it’s louder, faster and much livelier than usual. I really like to see everyone so happy, so free even though war looms over us like a plague.

  “May I ask you two lovely ladies to dance?” Jonas asks, stepping up from his seat next to Casella. The poor guy follows her around like a love sick puppy, always trying to wear her down with jokes and cheeky grins. I know he is in love with her, but I can’t quite pick up on Casella’s emotions. She is a closed book, but I guess that she is good at hiding her feelings after growing up here with no family. Everything has been without hope and love for so long; this is all new for them.

  It’s new for me, finding this kind of acceptance in a world I thought I was better off without. The only part of my family missing is Sophie, who would love this.

  Okay, maybe she wouldn’t. After all, her tablet wouldn’t work in Frayan. I’m going to have to find something else to bribe her with to come here.

  “I’d love to dance and so would Casella,” I say, grabbing her hand even when she glares at me as I stand up. I link my arm in Jonas’s, hearing my men grumbling about being left out as we head to the dancers, who happily make room for us. Casella has no choice but to take Jonas’s hand and mine, and just as I reach for Jonas’s other hand, Rick takes mine instead.

  “I didn’t know you were a dancer, Rick,” I chuckle, and he grins as Mich takes his hand, and Josh takes Mich’s. Mich links hands with Nath, and Nath links hands with Jonas, who can’t help but laugh as we start dancing in the circle, mimicking the dance as best we can. My people clap in time with the music, and the biggest smile stays on my face.

  This is what having a family is all about.


  “Oh god, you are so good at that, Rick,” I all but moan as Rick rubs my ankle with his skilled hands. Rick clears his throat, and as I open my eyes, I find Mich staring intently at me.

  “Unless you want to be undressed in the library in front of people, perhaps you should keep your thoughts to yourself,” Rick gently tells me, and I blush as I pull my foot out of his hand, and he laughs with Mich. I shake my head at the guys and pick my book up off the side of the small table in the library. Turns out that the library is a lot bigger than I ever thought it was, filled with hundreds of books, but most of them are damaged, missing chunks or pages are burnt. A few Fray have started repairing and restoring what they can, but I like to come down here and read whatever I can find. I make my way to put back the book that I’ve just finished, which is pages and pages of herbs only grown in Frayan and what their uses are.

  “I found this book for you in the old boxes. Once I read the author’s name, I knew I must bring it to you, your majesty,” a woman in her forties says, holding out a weathered grey leather book. I meet the woman’s brown eyes, seeing her messy brown hair pulled away from her pretty face and how nervous she looks.

  “Thank you so much,” I say, taking the book from her, sensing no danger. “Though why do you think I should read it?”

  “It was written by Axis, who was—”

  “My father,” I whisper, recognising the name straight away as I run my fingers over the book that suddenly means so much more now. I look up and smile at the woman, who smiles back. “Thank you so much for bringing this to me.”

  “The courts fell in pain, and there was so much loss. You represent the hope in every single Fray’s heart, a hope of a world our children can be safe in. A world where we do not fear our queen or fear losing our freedom. There is little we won’t do for you, Queen Adelaide, for you bring us so much in return,” she tells me, and she bows before walking away, leaving me speechless.

  “Are you okay?” Mich calls over to me, snapping me out of it, and I clear my throat, heading over to the seats and sitting down next to Rick.

  “My father wrote this book,” I tell them both, and they almost instantly straighten and look intently at me. “Will you stay as I read it?”

  “Of course,” Mich answers, and I look up at Rick, who nods, resting his arm behind my back. Mich comes over and sits on the edge of the sofa, looking down as I rest the book on my lap and turn the first page over. There, in black ink, is my father’s handwriting, claiming the book as solely his work. The first five pages are stories of Frayan, of how he found a world needing wolves, and how his sister needed a home. I smile as I read of his joy, his life and how full it was, until I get to the sixth page. This page, he writes of how he has met a princess, the princess of the Frayan Autumn court.

  “She had hair like red silk that touched the ground as she walked, and wore only a simple grey dress, as if she could fit into the crowd around her.

  She could not.

  I wanted to talk to her straight away, but time suggests that I watch for a while. That I find the perfect moment to meet her. I’ve never felt this way, and I know deep magic is at work.”

  “Seems like your father was nervous to say hello to your mother,” Mich comments.

  “It reminds me they were normal after all,” I reply and then carry on reading. He did introduce himself in the end, and it wasn’t much longer before they were married. Their married life seems all but perfect, but they longed for a child.

  “I’m sorry we do not have a child this month, my love,” I told her, stroking her cheek as she lay on my chest. “I let you down again.”

  “The fates do not wish for a child to be blessed to us yet. I have faith,” she replied to me.

  “If it’s a boy we are blessed with, can we call him Axton? It was my brother’s name, the one who died very young,” I suggested to my love, and she smiled at me.

  “I love the name. If we are blessed with a girl, can we call her Adelaide after my mother?”

  “Of course,” I replied. The name was perfect, and I felt a connection to the girl I hoped I would have one day.

  My guys don’t say another word as a tear falls down my cheek, and I carry on reading the book until the end when the pages run out, way before they find out they were pregnant with me.

  “I’m going to search; there must be another book,” Mich says, getting up as I close the book and smile up at Rick. He places his hand on my cheek and leans in, kissing my forehead as more tears roll down my cheek and onto the tips of his fingers.

  “Don’t be sad. Fate just gave you a part of your parents you never knew you would get. It is a gift.”

  “I’m not sad, I’m happy. I’m happy they had such a life and wanted me so greatly. I understand them both so much more. You’re right, this was a gift,” I reply, and Rick leans down, kissing me softly.

  “You are a gift, Adelaide. Not just to your parents, but to me. To Mich, Josh, Nath and all of Frayan. Your father just knew it first.” I smile before I kiss Rick once more, this time not letting him go.

  I’m not the only gift this world ever received.


  “The numbers are still concerning, especially with reports of how large Lilyanne’s army has become,” Jonas says, rubbing his chin with his hand. Tay sits on Rick’s shoulder, looking happy with herself as she usually does. Casella has made her a new dress, and it’s yellow with small little yellow stones stitched into the bottom of the dress. Casella has even made her a yellow and pink headband. Spoiled little pixie.

  “We have allies, but the issue is we cannot contact them,” Rick reminds us.

  “Then they are useless to us now,” Cirro says, looking towards me. “I do not mean to be disrespectful, but the fates are always said to come to the aid of their descendants in their time of need if they call. Can you ask the fates for help, Queen Adelaide?”

bsp; “I can try,” I say, feeling nervous about that one. I actually don’t have a clue how to contact any of the fates. I look down at my bracelet, knowing this is really the only connection to the fates that I have left, but it only glowed when I was with my aunt. And she is gone now. I suspect the bracelets only use is to find family, to show a connection.

  “I read a book, one written in the Autumn court many, many moons ago, and it said that when the stars align with the moon, the fates can hear your call across worlds,” Casella says. “Maybe you should call for them and see if they reply.”

  “When is that then?” I ask.

  “In two days,” Casella tells me. “Until then, we stick with the plan we currently have. There isn’t anything we can do except pray to the fates and enjoy the time we have in freedom. Talk of hope to our people, talk of a life they can have if we win this war, and we should all carry on as planned.”

  “Casella is right, hope gives people strength,” Mich says, and he stands up first. “There is much to be done; we should get to work.” Everyone else gets up at the same time I do and starts leaving the room.

  “I am going to continue training. The people need guidance. Nath will stay with you…perhaps you should speak alone,” Rick gently suggests with a cheeky smile. He pats Nath’s shoulder before he leaves the room with Tay still on his shoulder.

  “Do you need me this afternoon? I was hoping to help Casella with making weapons. Our ice cools the metal quicker than anything else,” Jonas asks me, placing his hand on my shoulder. “I know we haven’t had much time to catch up, but everyone has so much to be done. I was going to suggest fight training with Casella when you have time.”

  “No, carry on, Jonas,” I say, and he bows before starting to walk away. I catch his arm, and he frowns at me as I walk to him and hug him tightly. “Thank you for being a good friend, and I hope you find some happiness here, with Casella perhaps. Waiting for the perfect moment sometimes never happens, and love shouldn’t wait for war.”

  “Did I ever tell you how smart you are, Queen Adelaide?” he asks with a cheeky grin.

  “Go and get the girl then, smartass,” I reply, and he nods his head, grinning at Nath and me before he quickly leaves.

  “Matchmaker in heaven, it seems,” Nath comments, and I turn around to face him. Before he can say anything, I walk up to him and kiss him softly. He freezes, and I worry he is going to push me away just before his hands slide into my hair, and he tugs me against him. He lifts me onto the table, parting my legs to press me closer to him. We kiss for what seems like hours, but it must only be a few minutes before he pulls away from me, leaving us both breathless and staring at each other.

  “I want you to shift for me, and I will shift too. I know my wolf would love to see yours,” he explains to me.

  “We are mates, so of course I want our wolves to officially meet,” I admit. “Do you want that now though?” I ask, looking around the council rooms. It’s not the best place for a wolf.

  “Adie, don’t you know I’m in love with you, so it doesn’t matter where or when we do anything,” he softly tells me, brushing my hair over my shoulder. “I have followed you to another world, and I will never leave you.”

  “I love you too,” I say, with a slight blush on my cheeks. I push his chest a little to move him back as I slide off the table. I go to the door and turn the lock before pulling off my shirt. I tug my boots and trousers off next and then my underwear before meeting Nath’s eyes as I shift into my wolf form. My wolf watches Nath closely as he takes his clothes off, carefully folding each one on a chair before he shifts himself, his wolf locking eyes with mine.

  And I know our wolves love each other as much as we do.

  I shift back at the same time he does and crash into him, this time neither of us ever letting go. He is my mate after all.


  “Knock, knock,” I say as I walk into the kitchens and see Jonas kissing Casella, both of them so wrapped up in each other they don’t notice they aren’t alone until I clear my throat. Casella breaks away, and her cheeks are bright red as I walk around them to the cupboard at the back, opening the doors and getting out the cheese blocks kept in there. I’ve been running around the castle all day, and I completely forgot to eat, and now I’m starving. I just didn’t expect the kitchen to be this busy.

  “I wish to officially have a royal wedding in the Winter court when the war is over. Will you allow it?” Casella asks me as I search for a knife in the drawers. I pause and turn around, looking between them. “Will there even be a Winter court? I know we haven’t talked about what happens after the war,” she asks.

  “Of course, I think that would be amazing,” I say. “You don’t need to ask for my permission. When the war is over, you will be the ward of the Winter court. I’ve thought in detail about this, and I think every court should have a ward who runs the inner workings of the court and brings major decisions to the queen and kings of Frayan. You are fitting for the Winter court ward, being a royal. We will find wards for the other courts, and I will live in the Autumn court and be its ward until one of my children can be or until I can find someone I trust. Once it is rebuilt, of course.”

  “That’s a brilliant idea, Adie,” Jonas says, and Casella grins, nodding her head.

  “The people would love this, as it means a council of sorts would be formed. It won’t just be one or two royals making decisions,” she muses. “It means so much for all of us.”

  “So are you two mated?” I ask, looking between them. They really do make a perfect couple.

  “Yes,” Casella says, and she looks up at Jonas. They stare so lovingly at each other, her hand resting on his chest, her long light blue hair falling around her. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Jonas this happy before; the light in his eyes is truly stunning to see.

  “We will leave you alone, Queen Adelaide. Though you shouldn’t be walking around the academy alone after what happened at the docks,” Jonas gently warns.

  “She is never alone, dragon,” Josh says, sounding amused as he, Rick, Mich and Nath come into the kitchen, followed by Tay who heads straight for the sink to sit in the water bowl there, and she is still ignoring me. Rick thinks she is just being stubborn, but I believe she is more like a mean little pixie.

  “Good to hear. I hope for an invite to your royal wedding after this war,” Casella says, and she winks at me. I chuckle as they leave the kitchen, and I go back to opening drawers to find a knife.

  “Third drawer from the left,” Mich gently instructs.

  “I will get the bread. Rick, grab the ham, won’t you?” Josh asks as Nath comes to my side and wraps his arms around me. “A royal wedding, I like that idea. Would you wear a white dress that I can rip off later that night?”

  “Possibly,” I say, shaking my head as I chuckle before I start to cut the block of cheese.

  “I’d like that,” Mich says, coming over to my side, holding a loaf of bread.

  “So a royal wedding it is,” Rick muses.

  “I want to live a long life with you four. I want us to live in the Autumn court with my sister and enjoy the rest of our lives. What do you think?” I ask them, and the room goes silent for a long second. We have been in the academy for weeks, sharing a room, sharing so much, and it has never once been awkward or weird. We just work as a family, as a unit, and I never thought something like this would be possible. Now I can’t imagine my life any other way, and I will fight with everything I have to secure us a safe future in our home.

  “Sounds like a happily ever after to fight for,” Josh speaks first. “Our pack is family, and we are all in the right place.”

  “Can we get a cat? I’ve always wanted a cat,” Rick asks. “Dad hated my stepmum’s pet, Milo, so he said no to a cat.”

  “I thought you’d want an owl, with how obsessed you were with Harry Potter,” Nath comments.

  “I loved Harry Potter too,” I honestly say, and I still do love Harry Potter movies. Rick comes over and
kisses my cheek.

  “See? You were always my perfect girl then,” he tells me, and everyone laughs.

  “One cat, as long as it doesn’t fly, because then it will be chasing Tay around,” Josh grumbles.

  “Wait, do the cats here fly?” Mich asks, sounding worried. I chuckle as I listen to their in-depth conversation about flying pets and which one would be most suitable to adopt, and I know I’ve found my home.

  Now I just need to keep them safe.


  “Come with me,” Tay says just before landing right in front of me on the edge of the balcony as I was enjoying some peace and quiet after another long day of training and helping making up baskets of food to store in the basement of the academy. Most of the children and people unable to fight have been moved in now, and we are so close to the war that I can almost feel it in the air. Yesterday, I spent the entire day trying to call the fates to me, like Casella and Cirro suggested, but in the end, nothing happened, and I felt stupid for wasting an entire day. I’m pretty sure Tay was laughing at me the few times she came into the bedroom with one of the guys.

  “So you’re speaking to me again?” I ask her, raising an eyebrow.

  “You are stupid,” she tells me, being annoying once more.

  “That’s so nice of you, Tay,” I sarcastically reply.

  “But you came to the fates in the end. I want to take you somewhere,” she tells me.

  “How are you connected to the fates, Tay?” I ask her. “I’ve never understood you, and I would like it if we could get to know each other better, because like it or not, you are part of my pack.”


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