Love, Baby: a Crescent Cove Romantic Comedy Colletion

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Love, Baby: a Crescent Cove Romantic Comedy Colletion Page 77

by Quinn, Taryn

  She tightened her fingers on my cock. “Oh, a quickie on a pile of lumber isn’t going to get it done tonight, pal.” She moaned and shifted her hips against me. “I could be persuaded to start there, though.”

  I growled out her name as she went for my zipper.

  The bell over the door jangled, and her head snapped back.

  “John, I ha—oh, whoops.” The gasp of one of the town’s worst busybodies nearly deflated my current predicament, but it had been a damn while and my dick was too happy with my situation to behave.

  I maneuvered Macy in front of me to hide the status of my jeans. “Hello, Mrs. Duncan.”

  “I—um, I’m sorry to interrupt. I just thought I’d talk to you about doing my porch in the spring.”

  I gritted my teeth and hoped what I bent my mouth into resembled a smile. “How about I give you a call tomorrow, and we’ll set up a time to meet?”

  “Right.” Her fingers slid up to literally clutch the pearls peeking from her shirt. “This isn’t at all proper, you two.”

  Macy glanced over her shoulder. “What? Inviting my husband for an illicit tryst at four in the afternoon isn’t proper? You don’t say.”

  “Macy Gideon, you don’t do anything proper,” Mrs. Duncan said with a huff.

  “I know.” She gave her a shark-toothed smile. “And yet this crazy dude married me anyway. Have a good one, Mary. Don’t clutch those pearls any tighter or they’ll snap.”

  Mary Duncan stumbled back a step. “I never.”

  Macy’s voice dropped to a murmur. “That’s precisely her problem.”

  I swallowed a laugh. “I’ll be sure to call you by Friday, Mrs. Duncan.”

  “I suppose that will be okay. Do you need to write it down?”

  My throbbing dick would probably make me forget. I bent to pick up my clipboard and scribbled her name on the edge of a page. “All set.”

  “Okay, well, that’s good.” She cleared her throat. “I’ll be off then.”

  “See ya,” my wife said with false cheer. Then she nipped at my ear and dragged the back of her knuckle down my zipper. Luckily, her coat hid everything or Mrs. Duncan would’ve probably fainted dead away.

  “What’s gotten into you?”

  “Well, you see, that’s the problem.” She scraped her teeth over my chin. “I haven’t had anything get inside me in weeks.”

  I flushed. We’d both been so tired, then moments were interrupted, and projects had been burying me lately. My business had expanded when I wasn’t paying attention. The baby boom in town had led to additions on existing houses, along with people buying new homes, and I honestly couldn’t keep up.

  I was going to need to hire more people.

  The prospect was daunting and exciting at the same time. I didn’t like change. I’d craved my own success, but I was happy with the level I’d reached. Flying under the radar was easy. Juggling was not.

  I cupped my wife’s face. She was fearless, and maybe some of that had encouraged my own need for more. But that didn’t mean I could sacrifice what I already had while I grasped for that next golden ring.

  She was my everything. Our little family was what I did this for.

  The bit of wild in her eyes, the smoky makeup she didn’t usually take the time for, the hair, and the outfit—all of it was like the bat signal. She needed me, needed us.

  “I’m so fucking grateful for you.”

  The lusty edge to her eased a little, and her eyes sparkled with emotion. She placed her hands over mine. “I know, Gideon.”

  “Just as long as you know. That’s all that matters.”

  She blinked and her eyes reddened for a second. “Don’t get mushy on me now, pal.”

  “Oh, I’m going to pin you to the nearest surface and fuck you blind, don’t get it twisted.”

  Her mouth gaped before she blew out a breath. “Yes.”

  “I’m just grateful you did this.”

  “I haven’t done anything yet.”

  I grinned down at her. “I wouldn’t say that.” I slid one hand down her neck, over her breast, and then down to grip her ass. “Where are you taking me, wife?”

  “To Sage’s place.”

  My eyebrow spiked. “Excuse me? I thought we were going somewhere to be alone.”

  “Oh, we’ll be alone.” She tapped a finger against my lips, her gaze focused on my mouth. Then her eyes met mine again as her lids lowered, making her eyes look even more cat-like. “Sage’s new place. The add-on she hasn’t revealed to anyone yet.”

  “Fuck, I love you.”

  “I know it. Let’s focus on the fuck part tonight, yeah?”

  Jesus, I was a lucky bastard.

  I linked our hands and drew her out of the design room with all the samples of wood and tile, and photos of final reveals at the homes we’d remodeled. What the hell did I do all this for, if not for Mace?

  I grabbed my jacket off the coat rack at the front door. The sun was setting, and Main Street was bustling with people leaving work, or stopping off for food on their way home. I was grateful for her long-legged gait as we rushed to my truck.

  “Where’s your car?”

  “I parked it around back.”

  “Good.” I dragged her in for a hot, mind-bending kiss, and then opened the car door for her. She was slightly unsteady when I boosted her up on the seat.

  Surprise lit her eyes as she reached for the buckle. “I should have done this weeks ago.”

  I leaned in and ravaged her mouth one more time. “Maybe us being so pent-up is some of the magic.”

  She rolled her lower lip behind her teeth, making me want to lean in for more. Her smile was almost feral. “Maybe we’re just tapping into who we were when all this began.”

  I buried my face in her neck. “We’re so much better than we were at the beginning.” I sucked the skin where her pulse fluttered madly.

  She was a little shocked when I pulled back and shut the door.

  Let her think on that. We were getting better every day.

  * * *

  The large estate Sage had acquired next door to The Hummingbird’s Nest was both luxe and homey in that way that only Sage Hamilton had.

  Vines crept along the old brick at the edge of the property, and the turret speared up toward the rapidly waning light. The sky was a blaze of red and midnight with inky clouds, promising some lake effect was in our future.

  I motioned to Gideon to pull around the back. A little basket sat on the steps, and lacy red and black lace fluttered from the handle.

  When he parked, I jumped out, the gravel and cobblestone crunching underfoot with the last dregs of the latest snowfall. Gideon came around and slid a hand along my elbow. I was wearing ankle breakers, so I didn’t wave him off.

  Besides, I liked the crisp scent of him. Winter and sawdust were as comforting as they were delicious.

  He was looking around in that Gideon way he had. Before I lost him to the obsessive builder side that lived inside him, I lengthened my pace and grabbed the handle of the basket.

  A bottle of wine, a few winter blooming lilies, and candy was tucked inside with a card peeking from the top.

  Have fun.

  Don’t create a crime scene, please. ;)



  A key was taped to the bottom of the note. I shook my head and handed him the basket, keeping the key for myself.

  I unlocked the huge, heavy door. The inside was alight with fairy lights wrapping the winding staircase. The bottom part of the circular room was cozy with a fireplace, huge chairs, and a couch someone could lose themselves in for a weekend. And the fireplace was crackling.

  Another basket was on the small kitchen island. I wandered toward it and found another note with directions to food in the fridge.

  This place was a dream. It was an open space with no ceilings to speak of, just a massive space with another level above us at the top of the stairs. The rafters came to a point with a lazily spinning duo of fans to
keep the air circulating.

  It was staggering.

  “Jesus,” Gideon whispered behind me.

  “I know. She’s been keeping this on the down low?” I spun around and my gaze bounded along the curved walls with bookcases, reading nooks aplenty, and space to entertain.

  Gideon came up behind me and slid his arms around my waist. “And this is all ours for the night?” He nuzzled the nape of my neck.

  I slid my hands over his forearms. “All ours.”

  He eased my jacket off my shoulders, and my arms fell to my sides. He hissed at the keyhole opening at the back of my shirt. It was definitely not built for function, but it probably was as close to lingerie as I would ever wear. The tips of his calloused fingers made a little star pattern between my shoulder blades before trailing down the dip in my spine to the top of my jeans.

  “You’re so fucking stunning.”

  I glanced over my shoulder at his growling voice. “I wore it for you.”

  “I approve.” He slid his hand around to the front and reached up to cup my braless breast. Instantly, I shivered as my nipple beaded under his touch. He suckled lightly on the shell of my ear. “I didn’t know how much I needed this.”

  I sighed and let my head fall back on his chest. “I did.”

  “Well, I am aware you are the smart one.”

  I laughed. “I’m already a sure thing tonight, husband. I don’t need flattery.”

  He plucked at the rock-hard tip of my breast as his other hand went for the zipper of my pants. “You deserve it. You deserve more than me, but I’m greedy enough to never let you go.”

  My breath caught as he dipped into my jeans, and those long, clever fingers arrowed right into the teeny tiny scrap of lace I was wearing underneath. His teeth scraped over my bare shoulder and then he was there, spreading me, invading me.

  I lifted my arms to twine around the back of his neck and widened my stance to give him more access.

  “You’re soaked.”

  “I missed you.”

  Another finger followed suit until I gasped at the stretch. It had been awhile and I needed him so much.

  He dragged my shirt up to get to my skin then growled when the odd cutouts got twisted. I helped him and flung the offending bit of fabric onto the table just inside the room.

  He peeled my jeans over my hips and swore at the high-cut thong I was wearing. I was a black cotton panties kind of girl, but even I had wanted something else tonight. He got to my boots, and the harsh zip of teeth opening sounded loud even over the crackle of the fire. I held onto his shoulder to steady myself as I lost four inches in height.

  He turned me, kneeling in front of me with a fiery blaze of lust shining in his eyes. He hooked my knee over his shoulder and tugged the lace covering me aside. It was all I could do to stay upright.

  My nails dug into the leather of his jacket. For God’s sake, he was still fully clothed.

  His lips were cool from outside, and I yelped at the lash of his hot tongue and the cold clinging to him still. Then it was nothing but heat. His beard gave a bonus added friction as he took.

  And took some more.

  He knew my body so well, was the perfect key to every lock I had. He just opened me up and left me gasping. One hand cupped my ass to keep me steady and the other was already helping his busy mouth with ripping a decadent orgasm out of me in a shameful ten seconds.

  I’d been on the edge for so long.

  Even taking care of myself in the shower hadn’t been able to do the job to shred that jagged bundle of stress and nerves. But he had. He always knew just what I needed.

  I slipped my fingers into his hair, pushing away the dark, shaggy ends until his green eyes glinted in the low light. His lips were wet from me, his chest heaving from the breakneck speed in which passion sideswiped us so often.

  Then he stood and swooped me up into his arms.

  I yelped and grabbed his shoulders. “Oh my God, put me down before you put us both in the hospital.”

  His laugh was dark and delicious. “We’re in what amounts to a goddamn castle. I’m carrying you up the stairs so I can get you closer to round two.”

  He strode for the spiral staircase acting like I wasn’t a good buck forty in weight, thanks to my height. Even after our baby, I was always running around so much for both businesses that the baby weight had been barely more than an extra cup in my bra and had actually given me hips.

  But I was still no lightweight. However, Gideon acted like I was little more than a bag of dog food. So, for once, I hung on and let him play the big manly man. I had to admit, it was pretty nice. He slowed at the top of the stairs and gave me a wolfish grin.

  Then we both gave a startled, “whoa.”

  The loft area was a sumptuous suite. A bathroom to the left and king-sized bed tucked into an alcove with an ornate, canopied four-poster bed and high-end linen bedding in creams, taupes, and coffee colors. Another bottle of wine was in a bucket on the heavy wood end table. The canopy was awash with tiny firefly lights that lit the room in a soft glow.

  Gideon slowly lowered me to my feet then shrugged out of his jacket and hauled off his henley shirt. His powerful chest was lightly furred, and a light sheen of sweat kissed the middle of his chest. Whether it was from wanting me or from the trip up the stairs, I didn’t really care.

  The crisp scent of him lured me closer. I flicked open the snap of his heavy canvas work pants. “We might have to make this a regular thing.”

  He lowered his mouth to mine. “I’m sure Sage would love to take our money.”

  I laughed into his mouth. It had cost me a pretty penny to get her to open up this place for me. Sage was an astute businesswoman, just as I was. Her perfectionistic nature couldn’t combat the lure of the almighty dollar in the end. And I was freaking grateful.

  The teeth of Gideon’s zipper slowly peeled away to show the bulge waiting for me. I reached into the dark cotton briefs he wore and fisted him, knowing exactly what he needed. He growled into my neck as I drew him out into the thick air between us. He was so hard that his length lay tight against his lower belly.

  I began to lower myself, and he cupped my elbows, lifting me off my feet. “Nope. That would be an embarrassing end to a very perfect start to the night.”

  “Oh, come on, Gideon. You’re good for more than one round.”

  “But there’s only one first round for a guy.” He tossed me on the bed.

  I laughed and popped up on my elbows. “Is that right?”

  “I intend to start with a deficit this evening.” He toed off his boots and kicked off his pants and underwear, leaving that very impressive erection for my hungry gaze.

  I drew little circles along my ribs and cupped one breast. “What kind of deficit?”

  His eyes fired in the semi-darkness. “Christ, you are the sexiest woman on this planet.”

  I jabbed him in the shoulder with my foot as he crawled over the footboard of the bed. “I like where this is going.”

  His large hand gripped the arch of my foot, his lips twitching as he got a load of the dark purple sparkles on my toenails. He dragged his bearded jaw over my ankle, then my calf, until he hooked my knee over his shoulder once more. He stretched my leg as he lowered himself over me. I was completely at his mercy, and my skin tingled in reaction.

  I raised my arms for purchase, but the bed was too damn big.

  Gideon always seemed to know what I needed. He clamped one big hand over my wrists and held me down as he guided himself just where I needed him most. I arched under him as each inch reminded me where he belonged. Stretched and at capacity, I moaned out his name.

  He stared down at me. Intense. Focused. Unflinching.

  Again and again, he filled me, reminded me, loved me—that direct man who had busted down every boundary I’d ever had. He’d become everything I never knew I needed.

  My fingers curled over his hand holding me down until he changed our position slightly, bringing up his other h
and until our fingers were laced. I was stretched to my limit, but I held on, taking each powerful thrust, accepting it all and giving back as good as I got until we were slick with sweat and passion.

  Until our muscles vibrated with exertion and he threw his head back.

  I wrapped myself around him, shaking under him until I was wrung out and shuddering through another orgasm of my own. His mouth slammed down on mine, and he swallowed my cries and his own groan of release until the sounds we made were a twisted gasp from us both.

  He crashed on me for a moment, and then he unfolded my abused leg to turn us both over.

  His chest heaved with exertion. “Holy shit.”

  “Ditto,” I mumbled against his sweaty chest. I laughed against his skin. “I mean, wow. Just wow.”

  He drew circles over my back. “We still got it.”

  I grinned up at him. “We never lost it, pal.”

  He shrugged. “You know what I mean.”

  “Yeah, I do.” I rested my chin on top of my hand. “I should probably check on the heathens.”

  He shook his head. “Nope. We’ll text near bedtime and make sure everyone is good.” He drew me over him. “I say we take a bubble bath in that football-sized tub I spotted on the way in. Then eat our way through the fridge. Then go for round two, three, and four.”

  I folded my arms on his chest. “You’ll be sleeping by seven, who are you kidding?”


  I grinned. “Bet.”

  We were both sleeping by eight, but we did wake up for a few more rounds during the night, and an extra bit of slow, sleepy sex near dawn.

  We even took the time to have a little breakfast before we popped our little getaway bubble. Even if our version of a getaway was less than five miles away from our house.

  The kids survived, the world kept turning, and I was pretty sure I had a new marketing angle for Sage’s new venture. Everyone needed a little romance, even people in town.

  I could see the tagline now: Crescent Cove, After Dark.

  Kinda had a nice ring to it.

  Want More Crescent Cove?


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