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Tamed Page 2

by Desiree Holt

  She explained about the great business opportunity that had her now living in San Antonio and that she was looking for a place to play. And who better to confide in about her need for a role reversal than Katie. Dani had no idea where to begin until she learned about Rawhide.

  “We can help you with that,” Katie assured her. “We have great instructors at Rawhide. Not to worry. I’ll get you a guest pass and set it all up for you. If it suits, we can discuss a permanent membership.”

  There’s nothing to worry about. Everything will be fine. It’s a new adventure.

  Standing in the parking lot, she watched each time the door of the huge old house opened to admit clients, then closed again. Uncertain of the people in a new environment, Katie had offered to select a sub for her this first time. Now here she was standing in front of a fetish club she’d never heard of before.

  Go on, chicken. Don’t back out now.

  Taking a deep breath, she stepped forward and pressed the buzzer beside the door. The heavy oak structure swung open soundlessly, and a petite woman in leather pants and vest smiled at her.

  “Good evening.”

  “Good evening,” Dani echoed and presented the guest card Katie had given her.

  “Welcome to Rawhide. May I have your name?”

  Dani wet her lips. “It’s—”

  “I’ll take it from here, Libby.”

  A man, well over six feet with sharp features and a thick mane of black hair, came down the short hallway toward her. He held out his hand to her. “Clint Chavez. Reece’s partner.”

  “Dani Maguire.”

  His handshake was warm and firm.

  Libby leaned toward her and whispered, “He’s taken.” Then she added, “Damn it!”

  “Welcome to Rawhide, Dani.” His mouth curved in a smile. “Katie said to be sure and take special care of you. This way.” He guided her to a door halfway down a short hallway. “We have lockers in there so why don’t you store your things in there, and I’ll take you to the lounge.”

  Dani stashed her short jacket and her purse, knowing, when she was ready to leave, someone would open the locker for her.

  Clint Chavez smiled at her. “This way. Mistress G is waiting for you.”

  The short corridor off the foyer opened up to a wide public area paneled in a rich, dark wood with thick carpeting and comfortable furniture. At a bar against one wall, a tall, lean female bartender in sexy halter top and low riding shorts was pouring drinks. People sat in various stages of undress, sipping drinks and eating. Laughing. Talking. A man leaned against one wall observing everything.

  The dungeon Master. There to make sure safewords were observed and people did not break the rules. People outside the life had distorted views of what actually went on in fetish clubs, in the life itself. They had no idea how many ways properly controlled punishment could produce incredible pleasure, or how serving a Master or Mistress to please them actually gave ultimate control to the sub. It was such a complex way of life, but one that Dani had found very fulfilling since the first time she’d been introduced to it.

  She spotted a trio of two men and a woman. The woman was wearing only a thin gold collar and sat between two men, her thighs spread wide. One held a leash attached to the collar and was fondling a breast. The other had a hand between her thighs and was stroking her cunt. Dani could tell the woman was using all her discipline to allow the fondling and not climax until they gave her permission. In another area, an athletic-looking man was sipping on a drink while a striking brunette with masses of curls and ripe, full breasts was sucking on his cock, her fingers wrapped around it to hold it in place.

  Dani hadn’t made too many friends yet since moving, but she did wonder if she’d see anyone she knew here. She scanned the room, but no familiar faces popped out at her. Okay, not yet. And maybe that was for the best. She could explore the new her without self-consciousness.

  The lounge and bar overlooked two glass-walled rooms with curtains that were open. She was familiar with the public rooms. Every club she frequented had them. Usually they were reserved by the most experienced Masters and Mistresses skilled at putting on a show.

  In one room, a naked woman stretched out on a spanking bench. A man was in the process of fastening restraints on her ankles and wrists. In the other room, two men were stroking the body of a woman laying full out between them with her arms above her head. The audience watched, as if a movie was unfolding.

  Dani remembered many times she’d been the star in a room just like those, always with partners she chose not to see outside a club environment. But she also knew that tonight the room she’d be in was totally private. Instructions were never given in a public venue.

  “Here we are.”

  Clint paused at a small conversation area. A striking redhead sat on a small settee with her long slim legs crossed, her lithe body shown off to advantage in a dress that clung lovingly to her frame. Dani assumed that was Mistress G. Then her glance fell on the man seated next to her, and a spear of electricity stabbed through her, lighting up every one of her nerve endings. Her suddenly thundering pulse throbbed in all the key places, especially between her thighs. But it was the invisible connection that stretched like a taut wire between them, something that went beyond the physical, something that suddenly scared her and made every bit of saliva in her mouth dry up.

  What the hell?

  She didn’t do emotions, not even with Alan. But with the man so obviously waiting for her, she felt a strong and powerful tug and could not stop staring at him.

  “G?” Clint addressed the redhead. “Meet Dani. She is a special guest of the Hallidays.”

  Dani noticed he had deliberately left off her last name. She had told Katie she did not have a club name so this was to maintain as much anonymity as she could.

  Both people rose.

  “Hello, Dani.” The woman smiled and held out her hand. “I’m G. I will be your instructor tonight if you decide to proceed. “

  “Thank you. I…appreciate this.”

  “Our pleasure. Remember, if anything in this initial meeting disturbs either of you, then we’ll cancel and reschedule you with another sub. We make every effort to create a perfect match.” She gestured toward the man. “This is Ethan Corelli. He is a trained submissive, currently without a partner, and often comes here just for an evening’s interaction. He’s participated in training sessions before and indicated he was eager to meet you and discuss the possibilities for the evening. Ethan, mind your manners. Greet your Mistress for the evening properly. “

  So he was unattached. Not someone just lent to her for the evening but a sub with no Mistress. Again, unfamiliar emotions galloped through her like speed demons, certain to get her in trouble if she didn’t corral them.

  Ethan rose, took her hand in his large one, and bowed his head. He was definitely a mouthwatering specimen of masculinity, well over six feet and the linen shirt and tailored slacks he was wearing did little to hide the lean muscular body they covered. Dark blond hair hung to his collar, framing a harsh masculine face with strong lines, a square jaw and penetrating hazel eyes that seemed to change color even as she looked at them.

  She sensed a raw energy pulsing beneath that controlled exterior, and her heart pounded so hard she had to make a conscious effort to control her pulse. That slight contact between them sent her emotions rocketing again, and she did her best to pull her fraying control together. It would not do to lose her discipline during her first training session.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mistress Dani.”

  His deep voice seemed to wrap itself around her like a cloud of erotic heat, and when she shook his hand, a charge of electricity surged through her so strong it actually made her tremble. As if the touch of his hand on hers wasn’t enough, though, excitement at the first acknowledgement of her new role made the muscles of her pussy clench.

  Then he raised his head and looked at her, and she was shocked to see a reflection of her own feel
ings swirling in those erotic hazel eyes. In an instant, they vanished, and she wondered if she had just imagined them. Oh, lord!

  She’d come here tonight to learn techniques as a Mistress, confident that an experienced sub would make her transition from sub to Domme an easy one. She hadn’t expected such an instant connection. As casually as possible, she extracted her hand and silently prayed for a calm demeanor. She couldn’t afford for her instructor to reject her.

  “Thank you,” she told him. “And for me. You may sit down again.” Thank god she’d been a sub for enough years to learn the rules of etiquette.

  She sat in a comfortable armchair placed at an angle to the low couch, her knees bumping up against his thigh. Just that simple contact made her tingle everywhere. How on earth would she get through this training session when there was every possibility this man could erode her self-control? Not a good reaction for a Mistress.

  When she made the appointment, she had no idea what kind of man she’d end up with and it concerned her. She’d paid little attention to male subs on the visits she made with her Doms to fetish clubs. All she could hope was she wouldn’t end up with some weak-kneed male who would be so easy to control and there wouldn’t be a challenge. Although, why that image popped into her mind she had no idea. She certainly hadn’t been a mouse in any of her relationships as a sub, but she worried with a role reversal the man would be different. Obviously, she was mistaken. This man was a thoroughbred stallion she’d have to keep on a tight rein. The hunger for control sizzled through her.

  “Your orders, please?”

  A waitress in a very sheer short dress with a neckline that exposed almost every bit of her breasts had appeared beside them.

  “Ice water,” Dani told her.

  The others ordered the same. Katie had explained that Rawhide, like the club in Atlanta, did not serve alcohol. Nothing could be allowed to cloud judgment and create problems.

  Ethan leaned back and as he did so, he let his eyes take a quick tour of her body before quickly lowering his gaze. Okay, so he was checking her out. Fair enough.

  The ice water was delivered, and Dani sipped hers slowly and studied her sub for the evening. She imagined ordering him to close those full, sensuous lips around her nipple, his hands restrained behind him. Unable to stimulate her with anything but the beautiful mouth. Or perhaps on his knees before her, those same full lips enclosing her clit, his tongue lapping the length of her wet flesh and thrusting inside her at her command.

  She clenched her thighs at the ripple of sensation in her pussy. She had never expected that even the anticipation of being a Domme would arouse her to such an extent.

  As befitted a trained sub, Ethan spoke only when addressed directly. Although his expression was arranged in what she assumed was meant to be subservience and humility, Dani again felt his eyes looking at her through his lowered lashes and caressing every inch of her body. There was enough iron strength beneath the submissive nature to make him very interesting. She shivered and moisture flooded her cunt. Oh, yes, Ethan Corelli would do very nicely.

  G smiled at her. “I want to assure you that Ethan is the perfect sub for this evening. He’s been trained by the best and carries no baggage with him. Nothing that would interfere with our activities.”

  “That’s good to know.” Dani certainly didn’t want to start out with someone carrying baggage from previous relationships. She was having enough trouble with this unexpected, emotional sizzle that she needed to put in storage.

  “Permission to speak, Mistress?” Ethan asked.

  She nodded. “Of course.”

  “Mistress G told me you’ve been a submissive for some time now.” His deep voice stroked over her.

  “Yes.” She cleared her throat, aware that G was carefully watching the interplay between them. “I’ve had a number of successful relationships.”

  A smile played over his lips. “Would I be out of line if I asked what made you want to change roles?”

  She knew that was a bold question for a sub to ask, but she chose to answer him. He of all people had the right to know.

  “Not at all.” She took a sip of her drink. “For some time, I’ve been convinced I wanted much more out of my relationships. Something that gave me deeper satisfaction. I wanted to be the one in control, managing the pleasure for both myself and my partners. When I began to resent the dominance of my last partner, I knew it was time to explore this other side of myself.” She studied his face, saw the question barely concealed in his eyes. “I know all the rules, Ethan. I have a good reputation in the community. You can trust me. I want you to believe I will never betray that trust in any way.”

  The hazel eyes darkened to a soft gray. “Then I will do my best to make the evening a fulfilling one for you.” He lifted his glass to her in the sign of a toast.

  She nodded, even as his gaze burned into her.

  Something unexpected was happening here, and it would be up to her to control it. But who on earth could have predicted her first session as a Mistress would send her emotions rioting. This was not the time for that.

  She wet her lips. “I see you enjoy looking at me.”

  “You are very pleasant to look at, Mistress. If I may have your permission to say so.”

  “Thank you. I appreciate the compliment. But from now on, you will only look at my breasts when I tell you to.”

  Dani saw G swallow a smile and nod almost imperceptibly.

  “Did you hear me, Ethan?” she asked. “You didn’t acknowledge me.”

  “I did. And I beg your forgiveness for that lapse. I promise you it won’t happen again. Will you now allow me to look at the lush perfection of your breasts? They are very tantalizing.”

  Oh, this man could be big trouble. Already, he’s making me feel things I don’t want to feel.

  It seemed this complex man knew exactly how to push her buttons while still serving as a good sub, and she wasn’t quite sure what to do about it. Should she ask for another sub?

  No! Are you a fool?

  After tonight, if G approved, she’d be free to look for her own sub, experimenting with different men. Except they hadn’t even gotten past the introductions, and she didn’t think she’d want anyone else.

  Him! I want him!

  She gave herself a mental shake.

  “Remove your shirt,” she ordered, unable to deny herself any longer the sight of what his clothing was hiding.

  Eyes lowered appropriately, Ethan unbuttoned each button, tugged the fabric from his waistband and shrugged out of the cloth. Her breath caught in her throat at the beautiful, hard expanse of chest, dusted with curls of dark gold. She reached out and ran a hand lightly over his skin, feeling the kiss of his chest hair and the hardness of his muscles. Very lightly, she scraped a fingertip over his nipples, one at a time, and was rewarded by a tensing of his body. When she dropped her gaze to his crotch, his cock tented his fly very nicely.

  Almost as an afterthought, she brushed her hand over his slacks, bumping against what promised to be a cock of magnificent proportions. “I see that I arouse you, Ethan.”

  He kept his eyes lowered, although she was sure he wanted to look up at her. “Yes, Mistress. You have a wonderful touch.”

  “I hope you still feel that way when we finish with our session.”

  “I’m sure I will.” The restrained heat in his voice was evident, giving his words a slightly hard edge. Oh, yes, this was the best possible sub the club could have assigned to her.

  “I’d like you to take off your shoes. I asked that you not wear socks. Did you obey?” For some reason, she loved looking at a man’s naked feet. Graceful feet somehow were an indication of a graceful body, one that made sexual pleasure an erotic dance.

  “I did.” He toed off the loafers he wore and waited while she studied his feet.

  “Yes. Very nice.” She took a long swallow of her drink. “Stand and remove your slacks.”

  They were in a very secluded corner of the lou
nge, but it wouldn’t have mattered. Subs were often asked to disrobe and display themselves for the admiration of others. Dani was happy to see he didn’t question her commands or appear to feel any reservations. It was important to achieve a level of trust before they moved into a private room for the more intimate activities. Because she knew what she’d needed as a sub, she was confident she’d be able to establish this, now that she was in a reversal of roles.

  He stepped out of his trousers, folded them, and placed them on top of his shirt. Dani’s mouth went dry at the sight of a cock so glorious she couldn’t stop from reaching out to touch it. It flexed once at her touch, but she was pleased to note that Ethan kept himself otherwise completely still. His groin was waxed—she’d been asked a preference during her phone call—and she grazed her open palm over the bare skin of his scrotum. Beneath her touch was the hardness of his balls. She wondered how he’d react if she took them in her mouth, something she’d come to fully enjoy.

  Later. After we begin.

  “Turn around.”

  He turned slowly, giving her time to absorb every inch of him. Her eyes roamed over his body, taking in the sculpted lines of muscle, the lean hips, and strong thighs. She caressed the taut muscles of his buttocks, then slipped her fingers along the hot crevice between the globes. Testing his response, she let the tip of a fingernail barely scrape the tight opening there and again was rewarded with a tightening of his body.

  Yes, he’d do very nicely indeed. Her pussy tingled, and more moisture gathered on the lips. She only hoped when she stood up, there wasn’t an embarrassing wet spot on her skirt.

  She looked at G. “Thank you for selecting such a delicious sub. I’m ready to move with him to a private room. I was told one would be available for me.”

  “That’s correct. You’ll be able to test the things that appeal to you under my instruction and observation. When I’m satisfied you are in proper control of the situation and have respect for your sub, I’ll leave the two of you alone. You will have one hour in private to complete your appointment this evening.”


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