What's Up, Buttercup? (Vexatious Valkyries Book 1)

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What's Up, Buttercup? (Vexatious Valkyries Book 1) Page 18

by Jane Cousins

  “I carried you off like some Neanderthal. Practically the only thing I didn’t do was club you into submission first.”

  “Because you didn’t have to, you big dummy. Okay, I obviously do have a few other descriptors I’d like to add after all. Do you seriously think, I, a Valkyrie, would ever let any male approach me, sweep me off my feet and carry me off unless I allowed it? You’ve met my hatchets, right?” For emphasis Stephanie magic’d them in to existence for a second and then sent them away.

  “I didn’t give you time to think, react. I all but attacked you.”

  “Please, I saw you coming a mile away. There was nothing, absolutely nothing that happened last night that I wasn’t totally on board with. Except for the part where you walked away, leaving me all but screaming in sexual frustration. Dolt.”

  “I tore your clothes.” Galen reminded.

  “You certainly did. Did I try to stop you? Did I murmur even the slightest of protests?”

  “Well… no. But I was so rough… my inner Demon, when I’m with you, my control is crap. I’m not safe to be around. You aren’t safe, Stephanie.”

  “Okay. First of all, in your experience with Valkyries, limited though it might be, have you ever heard one of my Sisters express any interest in being safe? We’re the ones at the head of the pack, screaming for blood. We don’t do safe. We actively look for trouble. If we see some random creature wandering around we tend to attack it, just out of curiosity to see how it will react. That is not the behaviour of a race that places any value in being safe. Secondly, you’ve alluded several times now that your inner Demon was riding close to the surface last night. That the rough, hot, almost sex was because it was all but off the leash. All I can say, Galen.” Stephanie closed the distance between them, grabbing the edges of his shirt and yanking, the last button pinging off across the room. “You should let your inner Demon out to play more often.”

  Galen found himself gripping Stephanie by the upper arms, still holding her back. Still trying to do the right thing. He was half a Demon at the moment. The threat of turning Berserker loomed over him like the sword of Damocles and he couldn’t guarantee that his Valkyrie would walk away unscathed.

  Hell. The idea of her claiming him, it seemed like a pipe dream now. A fantasy. Laughable even.

  They should just bang boots, here, now. Like she was offering. But even then, he couldn’t help but give her one more out. He wanted there to be no regrets between them. “I was rough last night. I’ll probably get rough again.”

  “Promise?” Stephanie allowed Galen to continue to hold her at arm’s length, he clearly needed to get this stuff off his rugged, muscular, bare chest. In some weird way it was sweetly chivalrous, him still trying to protect her. Numbskull.

  “And I can’t guarantee that I won’t bite you again, mark you.” Salvia pooled in his mouth at the very idea.

  “You mean like when you bit me here?” Stephanie reached up, tugging at the collar of her bathing suit, showing Galen the faint red imprint lingering on her throat. “Or did you mean this one?” She peeled the bathing suit aside, exposing her breasts. Lifting the right one up to give him a better view of his handiwork.

  All Galen’s problems. All his plans. They dissipated in a heartbeat. He could think about all of that tomorrow. Tonight it would just be him and Stephanie. He would take what she was offering, he was already damned. Why not go out with a big, wide, happy grin on his face? No more holding back. No more games. And no more barriers. He hooked two fingers in to the lowered top of her bathers and yanked, the material parting with ease.

  Stephanie gasped softly, there was something about the way Galen looked so intent, so masterful, when he stripped her clothes away that made her core heat and liquefy. Tossing her head back as he swooped forward, his mouth latching on her still raised breast. Claiming it with his lips and tongue. Laving the nipple attentively even as he unbuckled his belt, shedding his trousers lightning fast.

  She adored how he wrapped those steely, muscular arms around her waist and pulled her in tight. The planes of his body heated and hard as their naked flesh came together. Amazingly, she was suddenly right back where he had left her last night, ready to come, oh, so ready. “Fuck me, Demon.” She gripped at his shoulders, digging her fingers into his flesh insistently.

  Galen’s heart was racing, his cock supernova, ready to sink into his Valkyrie and take her now, hard. Piston into her, never stopping until his heart exploded… and, though he intended to do that very thing, first up, he would drive her to the brink of insanity. He wanted to imprint himself on Stephanie’s soul, like he had her flesh last night. Leaving something of himself behind that she could never, ever, erase. A memory of their time together.

  He wouldn’t be like every other asshole who lucked into the opportunity to fuck a Valkyrie. He’d fought his Demon for control for centuries, his cock? That was nothing. He wouldn’t squander this night, he planned to touch, tease and taste her. Live out every fantasy he had. He was on a countdown clock here. But it was as if someone had granted him one last wish before he shuffled off this Demon Realm. He wouldn’t waste a Lucifer damn second of this miraculous moment with Stephanie.

  “Galen?” Stephanie dug her fingers into his flesh harder, demanding. Couldn’t he see she was a Valkyrie on the edge? Phew, it was a relief when he straightened, grinning down at her, winged creatures of anticipation flapping away in her gut in response. Abruptly he grabbed her by the waist, and threw her across the room. Oh, yes. She did like a display of brute strength.

  Stephanie hadn’t quit bouncing on the bed before Galen joined her, looming over her, pushing her back onto the plush pillows, grabbing her legs and pushing them apart. Yes. Yes. Hold on, where was he… his mouth latched onto her clit and she couldn’t help but moan in sheer pleasure and frustration.

  The flick of his tongue back and forth across her clit had her squirming in delight. Biting back a groan as two of Galen’s large fingers speared her. Grrr, she was all too familiar with that sensation. She loved it. However, he’d left her wanting last night, and she swore if he did the same tonight, she would chop those damn fingers off.

  Gripping his mane of lush, silky hair tightly, she let him know without words, that if he failed to finish her off with his mouth and fingers, she would be ripping out hunks.

  Galen suckled Stephanie’s clit, revelling in the taste of her liquid honey. It was like mulled ambrosia, both sweet and spicy. Using his tongue, he laved her clit, alternating swipes and flicks of pressure. Underneath him Stephanie writhed, the insistent pull on his hair just a fraction short of painful.

  She couldn’t remember the last time a male had gone down on her, but if memory served it had been an amateur attempt in comparison to Galen’s enthusiasm and expertise. Stephanie’s back bowed, she was so very close. Her core clamping down on his thrusting fingers. Then the next second she was smashing through a maelstrom of sensations as an orgasm gripped her, pulses of pleasure sizzling through every nerve ending.

  “Damn.” She groaned as the pleasure hit its zenith, feeling like she might break apart into a million quivering pieces. She’d barely caught her breath when Galen’s large hands grabbed her by the hips and turned her over.

  “On your knees.” His voice all but a growl as he pulled her in close and thrust deeply into her core.

  Oh Freyja, the feel of him, inside her, his cock filling her up, thrusting into her hard, fast, giving no quarter. Barely giving her time to catch her breath. She loved it.

  “Say my name.” Again that growl, but this time low, whisper rough. Galen’s hands gripping his Valkyrie’s hips tighter, bringing her back again and again to meet his hard, demanding thrusts. “Say my name.” He commanded again.

  Stephanie could barely remember her own name. Gasping softly as one of his hands came up to grab her ponytail and wrap that silken mane around his wrist, tugging her head back so he could lean forward and nuzzle at her throat, his lips hot. The edge of his teeth delightfully s
craping against her skin, a threat, a promise, that he was considering biting into her flesh. Yet he hesitated, leaving her weirdly disappointed. “Say my name.” He ground out the command from between gritted teeth.


  Abruptly turning his head to sink his teeth into her shoulder, clamping down hard, but not breaking the skin. Her core clamped his cock that much tighter.

  “Fuck.” He groaned at her vice like grip. So fucking hot. So fucking tight.

  “Harder.” Stephanie murmured.

  He couldn’t have heard her right.

  “Harder.” Stephanie turned her head, snarling the instruction.

  His inner Demon roared with delight, while Galen couldn’t help but grin. He’d been playing nice with humans too long. It was bad form to fuck and break the prey so he’d had to be so bloody careful for centuries. With his Valkyrie he didn’t have to hide his strength, or moderate his lust.

  Gripping Stephanie’s hips tightly he began to piston into her more vigorously. Revelling in the feel of her heated, velvet core gripping his cock, making him work damn hard for every glorious thrust.

  Bloodthirsty Freyja, don’t save her. Stephanie gave herself up to the sensations. She’d been fucked before, many times. But those encounters were pale imitations next to this bangfest with Galen.

  Shivers raced down her spine, waves of pleasure ebbing and flowing with every thrust. Building. Building. Moaning as he lifted her hips higher, allowing him to sink even deeper into her core. Yes. Goddess above, yes. Stephanie fisted the sheets beneath her, pushing back to meet those wonderful, filling thrusts.

  She was so very, very close, just one more… she hissed in displeasure as Galen withdrew. Suddenly feeling so damn empty. Not again, if that bastard thought he was going to leave her wanting a second time. Abruptly Stephanie found herself flipped over, landing on her back in a graceless heap, Galen looming over her. His ink black gaze filled with heat and promise, breathing hard, sweat glistening on that impressive muscular chest of his.

  He had that focused, laser intent look going again. As if she were the only woman in the world and he’d tear civilisations down to have her. It was heady stuff. She wasn’t sure what he was waiting for, kneeling above her, his gaze travelling down slowly over her naked body in admiration. “Galen?”

  Saying his name was like flicking a switch. He grabbed her legs, pushing her thighs apart, resting one of her feet on his shoulder as he leaned in, lining his cock up with her core and thrusting deeply into her once more.

  Stephanie arched upwards to meet him, matching his timing, they were in perfect sync. Gripping at his hips, then his tight ass, urging him on. Tilting her head to the side as Galen planted heated kisses along the side of her neck. She was tempted to roll her head back, meet his lips with hers, but some hesitancy gripped her.

  Yes, they’d kissed before.

  At least twice now. But the idea of kissing him again? It was strange, given their current activity, but it would have conveyed to much. Left her too exposed. Stephanie arched her upper body higher, tucking her head forward to lick Galen’s nipple, delighting as he shuddered and groaned. She did it again. Same response. Except this time Galen hiked her other foot up higher and doubled down on the fucking. Oh, so good, even better, too fast a pace for any kissing.

  Stephanie gave herself over to the sensations, building, building, with every thrust of Galen’s cock, with every touch of his hand as he palmed one of her breasts, squeezing and rolling her nipple. Yes. She was back on track, once more she could feel the pinnacle rushing towards her, clutching at Galen hard enough to leave bruises, wanting him to leap over the edge with her.

  Another thrust. One more as Galen’s cock slid across her sensitive clit and Stephanie was breaking apart, shattering, quivering as an orgasm slammed through her.

  Galen felt Stephanie go over the edge, her core clamping his cock vice tight. Yes, he thrust once, twice more, roaring as his own orgasm hit. Fucking bloody hell. He toppled forward, just managing to shift slightly so he wouldn’t collapse on top of her.

  Lying there, trying to get his breathing under control he stared at her profile, the pert nose, the plump lips. Damn, he couldn’t remember the last time he’d been this… replete, satisfied. His inner Demon was all but purring. Sex… sex with Stephanie, his soul mate, it was in a whole different league, and she hadn’t even claimed him. No wonder all those melded Demon bastards walked around looking so bloody happy and satisfied after their melding

  Galen ran a hand through his sweaty hair, pushing it back from his forehead. Of course he wouldn’t be one of those bastards now. Though thankfully he’d caught a glimpse of what it meant to work in harmony with his inner Demon, instead of having to keep it constantly locked down, in case it caused them to go too far, lose control. This… here now with Stephanie, it was going to have to be enough.

  He wondered when he could broach the subject, requesting she kill him? Right now struck him as a little tacky. Although if he procrastinated too much longer he might end up snapping and going berserker mad like that Guard at the beach party. Sooner done, sooner dead. His new motto.

  Stephanie wasn’t one for getting chatty after sex, or before, for that matter. Silent, disposable partners were kind of her sweet spot. But she’d often found the male of the species did not get the value of quiet time. They were all - that was amazing. You are amazing. That thing you did with your leg? above your head? amazing. When can I see you again? Let me give you my digits. Hey, why are you just walking away?

  She sensed Galen was about to ruin her little bubble of quiet time afterglow. Being the focused Demon he was, now the deadline was fast approaching, he’d probably come up with a multitude of characteristic and personality traits regarding his perfect mate that he’d like her to add to the profile she had stupidly volunteered to compile. Grrr, the bastard. Lying next to her. Thinking about some imaginary perfect female, the gall, when Stephanie wasn’t finished playing with him yet.

  Galen was about to open his mouth to instigate the most bizarre post-coital chat in the history of man or Demon-kind, when Stephanie abruptly slung a toned leg over his hip and sat on him. His cock immediately began to stir as her heated core made contact with his flesh.

  “Well, I’m ready for round two.” Stephanie grinned down at him.

  Galen’s brain blipped and fizzled as he stared up at that bodacious rack. Bared, hard nipples pointing in his direction. He’d been going to say something…. er, hadn’t he? Yes, he’d…. Galen’s eyes almost crossed as Stephanie began to rock in place. “Er… I’m... I’m going to need just a minute.”

  Stephanie’s grin turned into a sexy, sensual smile. “That’s okay. Why don’t I go ahead and start without you?” She trailed one hand slowly down over her breasts, then her tummy, then lower still, her fingers finding her clit. The combination of her digits and the feel of Galen’s now titanium hard cock gliding back and forth across the entrance of her core was delicious. Shaking her head as he made to reach for her. “Nah-uh. This time it’s my turn on top. You got a problem with that?”

  Galen shook his head quickly. He so didn’t have a problem with Stephanie taking the lead for this bout. Hard conversations could be addressed in the cold reality of day, the night, tonight, was for exploring, tasting, and teasing one voracious Valkyrie.

  Damn, he panted as Stephanie began to bounce gently in place, squeezing her knees rhythmically. He fought the urge to thrust, letting her continue to tease him, praying any moment she’d allow him to sink into her core. For a reward, his Valkyrie ceased playing with her clit and reached up to palm her breasts, lifting and pulling at her nipples.

  Stephanie smiled as Galen growled softly under his breath. That rough sound sent shivers down her spine, targeting her core. She did so love the fact that with her, Galen showed yet another side to his personality, a primal one that she doubted he let out to play very often. It made her feel powerful, and sexy. To have that liquid black gaze full of desire and need
locked on to her every move.

  Raising her self higher, Stephanie reached down, grasping Galen’s cock, positioning it at her entrance before she sank ever so slowly down, letting him fill her. Her knees squeezing him so tightly, that he had no choice but to just lie there and watch her ride his big cock, playing with her own body as she did so. The pace slow and oh, so fucking sexy. Her breasts and ponytail bouncing. Her big blue eyes glittering with satisfaction. Her lips parted ever so slightly, soft sighs of pleasure emerging every time that big cock of his filled her.

  He loved it. He loved her. But Lord below, the sight of her, the pace she was setting, so slow, it was agonising and awesome at the same time. “Stephanie.” He groaned her name, liking the way her core clamped his cock in response. “Stephanie.” Her internal muscles rippled again. Damn, he liked that. So it seems did she, as Stephanie began to pick up the pace, leaning forward allowing him to capture one pink tipped breast in his mouth, flicking it with his tongue. Faster again now. Galen grabbing her hips, every time she rose up he yanked her down hard and fast onto his cock. So good. So fucking good.

  He didn’t want to stop, ever, but he could feel his orgasm building, and not wanting to go alone he reached between them and found Stephanie’s clit, alternating rubbing and pinching it ever so slightly. Stephanie’s breathing got faster, their pace now frantic. One more thrust and Galen yelled out her name as he came, Stephanie following a split second later. Collapsing onto his chest.

  Absently Galen reached up and wound her ponytail around his wrist, it was like a golden silk binding. His breathing slowly returning to normal.

  Stephanie’s head snapped up, ocean blue eyes studying him intently. “Your turn.”

  “My turn?” He queried.

  “Yeah, round three… or are you not up to-” Stephanie gasped as Galen sat up taking her with him, rising off the bed and depositing her on the carpet, she adored how strong he was.


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