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Alpha's Surprise Baby

Page 3

by Skyler Snow

  “Nathan,” Emmett called as he walked over and peered at him. “What did I say about giving out free drinks?”

  “Lighten up, it’s just one.”

  “That’s the third one tonight,” the strawberry blond omega snapped. “Keep it up and I’ll take it out of your check.”

  Nathan pursed his lips. “You would really do that to me?”

  The omega frowned, but Declan saw the way the color stained his cheeks. When he recovered he pointed a finger in Nathan’s chest and told him off as Nathan nodded very seriously, the hint of a smirk at the corner of his mouth. When Emmett traipsed away Nathan winked at Declan.

  “Mouthy little thing, isn’t he? Doesn’t even come up to my head in height, but he likes to start shit.”

  “Keep it up and you’re going to get fired.”

  Nathan waved a hand. “Nah. We’re just like that with each other. Drink your beer and unwind. Your shoulders are all the way up to your ears.”

  Declan had to tell his body to relax before it actually complied. When it did he felt a little better, but his mind stayed on Colten. I shouldn’t have lied to him. He pulled out his phone and stared at the name until his phone buzzed. He checked the text messages and found one from Colten before he realized the alpha had sent a text to himself from his phone.

  “That sneaky little…”

  “Who?” Nathan asked as he tried to peer over Declan’s phone.

  He snatched it back. “Nobody.”

  “Then why are you hiding your phone?”

  “It’s my damn phone I can do what I want.”

  “No need to get grumpy,” Nathan said as he held up his hands.

  “Yeah, no need to get grumpy at all.”

  Declan turned at the sound of the familiar voice. Colten smiled and if he hadn’t been sitting down he was sure his knees would have buckled. The young alpha’s golden hair had been styled and pushed back, his blue eyes shone even in the dimness of the bar, and he looked drool-worthy in a pair of jeans, black boots and a dark t-shirt that strained over his muscles.

  It took more than a minute before Declan swallowed thickly.

  I’m in trouble.

  Chapter 4


  The astonished look on Declan’s face caused Colten to grin. He loved the bewilderment that knitted his brows as he sat down beside him. Declan stumbled over his words, and he let him work out how to speak again as he ordered a beer.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “You didn’t reply to my text, so I figured I’d come out and have a drink.”

  “You didn’t follow me?” Declan asked as he raised a brow.

  Colten shrugged. Maybe he had followed him. Okay, he had definitely followed him, his head poked out of the window of his car in intervals as he tracked his scent. It was like a drug and the closer he got to the bar the more his body tingled with excitement and his wolf settled down.

  Being away from Declan was already too difficult to do, and they had only slept together once. Am I losing my mind? His wolf seemed to know what it wanted and that was Declan without a doubt. He couldn’t understand it as much, but the urge to be next to the omega devoured him.

  “That was a lot of silence for one question,” Dec grunted.

  “And what if I did?”

  Declan’s cheeks blushed and Colten grinned harder. It was adorable the way he turned shy as soon as Colten stared at him for too long. He wanted to reach over and brush the dark locks of hair that had fallen into place away from his face, but he restrained himself. Even if it felt like torture to do so.

  “How long are you staying in town?” Declan asked.

  “I thought I’d hang around for a little bit.”

  “I thought you were just coming to do some laundry.”

  Colten shrugged. “I missed home. Besides, I feel like hanging out with you.”

  “Jesus,” Dec muttered.

  “I guess the beer is working,” Nathan pointed out from behind the counter. “Hey, Colt. How you been?”

  “Good. I’m just popping in for a visit and buying Declan a drink.”

  “My boss will be happy about that,” Nathan laughed before he was called down the bar and sighed. “Here, I’ll be back guys. I’m coming.”

  Colten smirked. “Nathan hasn’t changed even a little bit.”

  Declan laughed. “I kind of doubt that he ever will.”

  Colten sipped at his beer but glanced at Declan out of the corner of his eye. He looked relaxed as he leaned against the bar and sipped at the beer in his hand. They had never been together, not alone, not as adults. Excitement pulsed through him as his eyes traveled the omega’s strong body.

  “How’s college?” Declan asked quietly.

  “It’s good for the most part. Hard, but good.”

  Declan’s lips tugged into a grin. “Hard, but good huh?”

  “Are you really going to start up with me again in a bar?” He clicked his tongue. “Not a smart thing to get an alpha all riled up in public.”

  The omega coughed into his hand and groaned. “You can’t just say things like that you know.”

  “Why not?”

  “It’s so inappropriate.”

  “No, what we did on the floor of the garage was inappropriate. And in the tub. And in my bed. And-.”

  “Damn it, Colt,” Declan laughed. “That’s not funny.”

  “It’s pretty funny.”

  Declan waved a hand. “Your father is going to kill me if he ever figures out what happened so can you not announce it to the entire town?”

  “You’re scared of my dad?”

  “I wouldn’t exactly say scared,” Dec muttered.

  “I think that’s exactly it. You don’t have to be scared of him,” he said as he reached over and traced a finger up his hand. “I’ll protect you.”

  Declan bristled under his touch, and he was almost overwhelmed by how good he looked as Dec leaned toward him as if dazed. His eyes had taken on that smoky, dark look again and Colten’s body responded in the worst way. He wanted to grab him and drag him off somewhere dark, quiet, alone before the omega shook his head and snapped out of it.

  “I told you I’m not scared.”

  “Then we should have no problem, right?”

  “We’re just friends,” Declan pointed out. “So, I guess not.”

  Colten knew what Declan meant about his dad, but he didn’t care. He wanted to be around him, so he would do exactly that. His father wanted him to focus only on school and studying, so he had for the past few years. After all, it took a long time to become an attorney and a lot of hard work. Wasn’t he allowed a little break though?

  He was exhausted from the long nights and endless days that stretched out ahead of him. Sure, he had learned a lot, but he’d missed out on a lot too. Like sex. He’d put it off for years, so he wouldn’t end up getting anyone pregnant and getting tied down and now he’d gone and handed his virginity over to his father’s friend.

  Not that he regretted it at all. It had been heaven having sex with Declan. Every part of him screamed to do it again.

  “So, are you coming back to work on the truck tomorrow?”

  “Yeah,” Declan nodded. “I need to finish what I started.”

  “I think my father’s going back out. He’s been helping one of his friends on their farm while they’re short-handed. Why don’t you fix the truck and then hang out with me?”

  “Oh, there’s no way I could do that,” he stuttered.

  “Are you afraid of me?”

  “It’s not fear,” he said as he squirmed in his seat. “It’s more like…”


  Declan’s cheeks tinted a darker shade of red, and he quickly swallowed down the contents of his beer. Colten grinned. It was cute, the way he tried to avoid the truth, but he felt that draw to him. And he was sure Declan felt the same way. So, why did he keep trying to fun from it? Was it just because of his father?”

  “I never said it
was attraction,” Declan finally managed to get out.

  “Are you trying to tell me that you’re not attracted to me right now?”

  The man pushed his lips together. “I’m not saying anything.”

  Colten leaned in toward him and whispered against his ear. “You’re not hard for me right now? You’re not dripping wet just from me being this close to you?”

  Declan’s hand gripped the bottle a little harder and his breathing labored. “Colten,” he whispered. “Everyone’s going to see what you’re doing.”

  “I’m not even doing anything yet,” he said before he slipped his hand underneath the bar and rubbed Declan’s stiff cock. “Now I’m doing something.”

  “We’re going to get caught.”

  “I’d happily show every last person in here what I’m doing to you,” he growled. “I have nothing to hide.”

  Declan looked like he wanted to melt. His breathing had turned into wet pants, and he gripped Colten’s hand as it moved across his dick. He could have easily pulled it away, but Colt noticed he didn’t even try. If anything, he pressed himself against his palm and shivered under his touch.

  “Colt,” Declan whispered and shook his head before he finally pulled away. “We can’t. Not again.”

  “You enjoyed it so much.”

  “I did,” he admitted and his shoulders tensed. “That’s the problem.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “It’s nothing. I should get home and get a good night’s sleep if I’m going to fix up that truck tomorrow.”

  Colten grabbed his arm as he stood up. “Stay for a little while. We haven’t seen each other in a few years. Let’s catch up.”

  The omega stared down at him before he glanced around the bar. It was dark, half empty and the people who were left behind were in their own little worlds anyway. No one talked about them or even looked in their direction. It irritated him a little bit that he had to be hidden for some reason in Dec’s mind.

  Declan sighed. “Just one more drink,” he said as he settled back down at the bar and glanced in his brother’s direction before he nodded. “One more shouldn’t hurt.”

  Colten relaxed when he settled back in beside him, but he noticed the way he’d shifted away from him a little. He wanted to smother that distance between them and pull him into his lap, but he knew Declan would freak out. I don’t understand why he’s avoiding it. I know he wants me too.

  It felt right. Colten hadn’t paid much attention to the omegas at his school, but he was enamored with Declan. Even more so, his wolf was too. Ever since he’d been a kid he liked listening to Declan and sitting around him. Now that feeling had amplified into something much more, and he hated the idea of being away from him.

  “I won’t be in town for too long. I plan on going back after the summer break. I could have stayed and taken a few more courses, but I’ve been doing that for the past few years and I’m tired of it.”

  “You’re not overworking yourself are you?”

  The concerned look on Declan’s face touched his heart. How had he gone so long without being around him? Colten shook his head in response.

  “No, I can handle it. I mean, it’s a lot of work but I think it will be worth it.”

  “You think? Or you know?”

  Colten shrugged. “I mean I know.”

  “You don’t sound that sure.”

  The blonde laughed and sipped his beer. He’d said those same words so many times and no one ever picked up on the uncertainty there. Leave it to Declan to hear the smallest bit of hesitance in his voice.

  “It’s just a lot of hard work and I have a few more years to go at least. Once I graduate I’ll be set for life.”

  “Do you like the city?”

  Colt shrugged. “Kind of? I mean it’s nice that things are open past seven and there are more people around, but sometimes it’s a little too much.”

  Declan nodded. “I hardly ever go anymore. When I was younger I liked going with Nathan and Jed, but eventually, I preferred to stay home on my own. Too many asshole alphas. No offense.”

  “I didn’t take any,” Colt grinned. “You’re right though. The city is filled with them, and they’re pushy and loud. Even the omegas and betas have lost their minds out there.”

  “See? That’s why I prefer a small town. I’m too old for all of that.”

  Colten laughed. “Why do you talk about yourself like you’re an old man? You’re only in your thirties. Last time I checked, that’s not old.”

  “It feels old sometimes.”

  “Why? You still have a whole life ahead of you.”

  “No, you have that,” Dec argued. “My life is pretty much going to stay the same from here on out.”

  “You mean you don’t want to settle down, get mated, do the whole kid thing?”

  Declan raised a brow. “You do?”

  “Hell yeah, I do. Someday. I mean not tomorrow or anything, but eventually, I’ll want a family of my own. My parents were so happy together. I want that too. You don’t?”

  He shrugged. “I’m too old for all of that.”

  “Oh my god, seriously?” Colten lifted a brow. “You are not.”

  “I am,” the omega argued. “I’m beyond the age when I should have been mated and had a pup on the way. Alphas don’t go for older omegas. They want youth, virility, I don’t have that.”

  “You seemed pretty virile to me earlier,” Colten muttered into his beer glass.

  “Hey, that’s a different story,” he said defensively. “I can’t help that.”

  “I know, I know. Calm down,” Colt said as he squeezed his thigh. “I just mean you need to stop selling yourself short. Who cares how old you are? You’re funny, responsible, strong and sexy as hell.”

  Declan rubbed his neck. “You really don’t know how to stop complimenting me.”

  “Stop enjoying it and I will.”

  He grinned. “I’m trying.”

  “And failing miserably.”

  Declan laughed and he watched him relax again. It was easy to do it without having to even use his pheromones. He smiled at Declan and his body electrified as he watched him chuckle. He’s all mine. Colten meant what he said, he didn’t care what anyone thought about them. He just wanted Declan.

  Chapter 5


  Declan stared up at the ceiling in his bedroom. The whole night he’d tried to put Colten out of his mind, but he lingered like a pleasant dream. His thoughts drifted to Colt’s hand on his dick, his breath in his ear. He groaned and rolled over in his bed. I have to stop thinking about him. His wolf barked out a laugh. Even he knew it was impossible. Colten was undeniably his fated mate, his one and only, but he refused to give into it.

  It was supposed to be this great gift from the Goddess, but Declan wasn’t so sure. Colten was young, smart, educated. He had a whole life ahead of him, and he had made it clear that he wanted a family. Is that even something I could give him? He knew he was getting up there and it was probably past his time for popping out kids.

  He shot up from his bed and shook his head. No, none of that mattered. He could resist the draw to Colten if he tried hard enough. He wanted to ask his parents about it. The last time they had talked about fated mates he’d been a child, and he wasn’t sure if it was even possible to resist the draw that tugged on his heart.

  Declan rifled through his drawer and pulled out the birth control pills. He’d taken a morning after he’d come home from the bar, but he wondered if he should start his regular birth control pills again. Part of him thought it was a good idea, the other part wanted to know why he thought it was necessary.

  “I am not having sex with him again.”

  The omega steeled his resolve and climbed out of bed. He knew he could resist it. After all, he’d suppressed his animal instincts for years. Declan pushed himself out of bed when his phone buzzed on the nightstand. He picked it up and Frank greeted him.

  “Mornin’. I know you weren’t feeling we
ll yesterday, but do you think you’ll be back to fix the truck today?”

  “Yeah,” Declan said quickly. “No problem.”

  “Good. Colten will be here so if you need anything just let him know.”

  He swallowed thickly. “That sounds great,” he said as guilt pooled in his belly. “I’m sure I’ll be fine though. It’s probably just a little cold setting in. I’ll be there soon.”

  Declan hung up after they said their goodbyes and stared at his phone. He scrolled through the contacts and his finger hovered over Colten’s number. The omega shuddered. I just got off the phone with Frank and I’m already thinking about texting him? The thought that he was a horrible friend passed through his head, and he quickly pulled his finger away right before the phone buzzed.

  Since you’re coming over anyway I might as well make us breakfast. Don’t bother eating.

  Declan stared at the text and realized he had grinned since he opened it. The guilt still lingered, but thoughts of Colten soothed it. There was something about the way he talked, the way he took control that went straight to Dec’s dick. This isn’t even a little fair.

  The phone was laid on the nightstand and he groaned. How could any of it be real? Why Colten? It felt like the universe had decided to play a trick on him just to see him spiral.

  “A shower,” he mumbled to himself. “I need to shower.”

  That would clear his head at least for a little while. He spent the entire time trying not to think about Colt but it was hard to do. That huge smile, the taut muscles, his mesmerizing eyes; all of it built until Declan was so turned on he knew he’d have to rub one out, or he would risk turning into the slutty, begging creature he had been the day before.

  To be fair the thought of being on my knees for him-.

  Declan groaned at the thought and it was that image that made him gasp and groan as he came so hard his back arched and his muscles turned into jelly. He showered off again and stepped out of the stall before it became a vicious cycle.


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