Desired by Dragons (Dragon Shifter Mega Bundle)

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Desired by Dragons (Dragon Shifter Mega Bundle) Page 126

by Scarlett Grove

  “Can we be in your breeding program?” Lottie blurted out.

  “Lottie!” Freda said, gaping at her sister.

  The admiral gave Freda a burning look, his square jaw tensed as his gaze dragged over her body from head to toe. She gulped and was about to say something rude when a horrific noise rose up from the lake. An entire cyborg ship emerged from the waters. The dragons saw the ship and flicked their wrists in an instant, becoming completely naked before they jumped into the air in dragon form.

  Freda had to steady herself on a post of the porch to keep her knees from buckling. First, she’d seen six, seven-foot-tall, muscled, gorgeous males go completely naked for a split second, and then those same gorgeous males had turned into massive dragons. They shot off toward the ship, blowing water, fire, and ether at the ship. The cyborg craft fired back with red lasers.

  “Get inside!” Freda yelled, pushing her sister into the cabin.

  They shut the door and dropped to their knees under the front window, glancing up at the fight every few moments. Freda watched in horror as the dragons fought the cyborg ship. One of the dragons darted back to the speeder. The cyborg ship continued to shoot at the dragons. Lottie screamed.

  “They're going to kill them!”

  Lottie ran outside before Freda could grab her. Freda had no choice but to follow her sister outside, cursing under her breath as she ran into the night air. The dragon’s craft shot lasers at the cyborg ship while the other five dragons attacked it in their dragon form. Freda could see it all under the light of a full moon that reflected in the lake waters. It was the most horrifying and magnificent sight she’d ever witnessed. Freda stood stunned on the shore, watching the dragons fight a spaceship as the wind blew behind her.

  One of the dragons burst into a much bigger size, letting off one last puff of ether at the cyborg ship, shattering it to pieces. She started to step backward as the enraged dragon turned its glowing white eyes on her. It flew with furious speed in her direction, and she hurried toward the cabin. The dragon landed before her as she stumbled and fell back onto her ass.

  In a split second, the admiral stood completely naked before her, his muscles pumped, his eyes burning, his breath ragged and heaving. She crawled backwards on the gravel.

  “What do you want?” she said with horror.

  The man swept a finger over a silver circlet on his wrist and his clothing returned to his body. He dropped to his knees before her, reaching out to take her hand gently in his.

  “Forgive me, lady,” he said. “I wish only to serve you. Now that I have found you. I never want to lose you again. My mate, my fated, my only one,” the commander intoned.

  “What the heck are you talking about?” Freda demanded, scrambling to her feet.

  Sysko rose gracefully and looked down at her from his seven-foot height. His star-spangled black face merged with the night sky. His white scales looked like wisps of clouds. She felt a sudden urge to reach out and caress his face and she almost did, but instead snatched her hand back, bringing her fist to her side.

  “I am not your mate,” she said defiantly. “I don't even believe you're here to protect our people from the cyborgs. I believe you are in cahoots with them and this was all a big ruse to get your hands on our women!”

  Freda was so confused by her reaction to this alien man, she didn’t even have control of her mouth anymore. Sysko crossed his arms over his chest and regarded her seriously.

  Rubbing his chin, he said, “I can see why you would think that. But you see, you have activated my thrall. Something only a fated mate can do. I can transfer you the known history of the Draxos so you can read about our mating ritual, the thrall, and how that works for my species. But I will give you the summary version now. For our species to be matched, the female must be present during some type of battle to cause the male to go into his first thrall form. All those conditions were met tonight. This is the first human activated thrall in modern history. I want to thank you, lady, for solving a great mystery for us. Now, we must commence the mating ritual. You will be transformed into a dragon and bear many female hatchlings for House D’fray and the future of my species.”

  “Whoa whoa whoa whoa, buddy, slow your roll. Let’s suppose, for a minute, I believe you are what you say you are. That's accepting a lot on faith, to begin with. Also suppose I believe that I'm somehow your fated mate. What is in it for me to let you transform me into a dragon? On the surface, that may sound like a fun thing to do. I mean, I've watched enough geeky movies and played enough role-playing games about dragons. So, it isn’t like that’s something I’ve never fantasized about, but it sounds painful and kinky and I don't even know you,” Freda rambled.

  “I will give your sister two million human dollars,” Sysko said.

  Freda stood stunned, staring at the man, not sure how to respond.

  “Two million dollars is not enough for me to allow myself to be a science experiment.”

  “I get two million dollars and my sister gets to marry a Draxos?” Lottie asked enthusiastically.

  “That's right.”

  Freda glared at Lottie, her arms still crossed tightly over her chest. She'd never been so furious at her sister in her life. How could Lottie possibly want her own sister to be transformed into a dragon when there was no proof that it was safe. It was as if her sister had some kind of death wish for her. Freda thought that was incredibly disloyal of her. Freda knew Lottie had become a Draxos fan girl. When the kid got her heart set on something, it was almost impossible to turn her off it. She and her sister were a lot alike in that way. Freda let out a long groan and rolled her eyes.

  “Lottie does not speak for me. She's a minor. And since our parents probably died in the bombing of New York, I am her legal guardian. I’m the one who speaks for her.” Freda blurted out.

  Suddenly she realized what she'd said and covered her mouth. She turned to Lottie, whose face began to crumble.

  “Oh Lottie, I'm so sorry,” Freda said.

  She embraced her sister as they both fell to the ground, Lottie sobbing, and Freda frantic to console her.

  “What's happening?” Sysko asked one of his officers.

  “They seem to be experiencing grief,” the science officer said. “This crying is a common reaction for human females.”

  “I see,” Sysko said. “Is there something I should do?” he asked the science officer.

  “You could console them,” the science officer suggested.

  Sysko knelt beside Freda and the bawling Lottie and began to pat both of their backs.

  “There, there,” he said. “It will all be all right. We will build a monument to your parents on the ashes of the city of New York, taller than any other building that stood before.”

  “Would you shut up,” Freda snapped, amazed at the level of pure insensitivity.

  She pulled Lottie to her feet and tugged her back into the cabin, quickly slamming the door behind them. The last thing she needed was a socially inept alien telling her that his breeding program was a replacement for their parents.

  Chapter 7

  Sysko stared at the closed door in astonishment, unable to comprehend what had just happened. He had told the female they were fated and that he would compensate her by giving her sister two million Earth dollars. He had heard that was quite a fair amount of currency. Did she not feel anything for him? When the male Draxos thralls, the female Draxos thralls as well. Maybe not to as great a degree, but the attraction is still felt by both male and female. The human female rejected him completely! Perhaps these humans operated on different metrics.

  “What do you think I did wrong?” he asked his science officer.

  “The grieving is deep and your mate seems to possess a skeptical personality. Perhaps a subtler approach is necessary,” the science officer suggested.

  “A subtler approach?” Sysko mused. “Get me all the research you can on human mating rituals. I want to know everything about what makes a human female want to ma
te. I want constant guard on this cabin. I'm leaving three bodyguards in charge of protecting the females. Don't let them see you; my mate seems skittish. But don't allow any threats to approach them. I must return to the ship, but when I return for my mate, I want to have the information I need to woo her,” Sysko said as he approached his speeder.

  He left his bodyguards to guard his mate and her sister and directed his speeder through the air and into the clouds before they burst through the atmosphere and back into space. He was in his ship a few moments later, standing on the bridge and responding to a hail from the human president of the country where his mate lived.

  “How can I help you,” Sysko asked.

  “Admiral, we've had a great deal of interest in your breeding program from our citizens. Many are especially interested in the compensation after the destruction of our cities. Our families could use that money. But my people are also skeptical that you are possibly in league with the cyborgs. They need evidence that the breeding program will not bring harm to our women, that you will see to their safety and happiness for the rest of their lives, and that their families will truly be compensated.”

  “I'm working on exactly that, President Carver,” Sysko said. “I have found my own fated mate tonight and when I woo her, she can tell your people about her experience becoming a bride of Draxos.”

  Chapter 8

  After his meeting with the President of the United States, Sysko retired to his chambers to read over the files his science officer had sent him about the mating rituals of humans. He sat before his holographic computer dashboard and slid his finger up the screen, reading articles and browsing pictures of human dating in action.

  He came to understand that humans did not have fated mates. Most known species had some form of a perfect match. Not all were as strict about perfect mating as the Draxos. Only fated mates could produce dragon hatchlings. But humans have no instinct whatsoever of who to mate with.

  Sysko was saddened by this news and crossed his arms with a scowl for several long moments. When he finally decided that his mate was lucky to have found him, he continued with his research. He learned that human females respond well to things like flowers and chocolates, dates that included eating, and physical activities where there was plenty of personal interaction.

  Sysko took notes on the types of dates that human females found most pleasing and created a checklist of the optimal sequence of events. He planned to perform them for his bride as soon as possible. He knew it was nighttime where she lived on Earth so he decided he would commence his new version of the mating ritual in the morning.

  After an evening meal of synthesized food, he retired. When he awoke the next morning, he made his way to the bridge to greet his officers. He went through the systems checks and asked for reports from the rest of his crew. The Armada was running smoothly. The information exchanged with the humans was proving to be helpful. The humans were now supplying the Armada with as much fresh food and water as they required. After a lengthy screening process, the supplies from Earth had started to come in handy.

  He reminded himself that he should get a freshly cooked morning meal from the Earth supplies to get a taste of what their fresh food was like. He wanted to know everything he could about his mate’s home world so he could woo her and gain her trust. His own thrall was activated and if she denied him, then his fate would be death.

  The admiral of the Draxos Armada could not be struck dead by his own thrall. He had all the information he needed to commence his bride's transformation. But the most important ingredient was still missing. Her cooperation. He grumbled to himself as he left the bridge, feeling his thrall gain control of his emotions.

  He went to the cafeteria and ordered a fresh Earth breakfast of chicken eggs and pork bacon. After the delicious meal he made his way to his private speeder and flew to Earth. Before going to his mate's house, he landed his speeder on the outskirts of town and made his way into a shopping mall.

  He had plenty of Earth currency and an idea of the current human fashions. Armed with this information, he made his way into the shopping mall and bought himself a new suit with shirt and tie and a pair of shoes. It wasn't too different from the way professionals dressed back on Draxos so he was not unsatisfied with his purchase. He then went to the nearest car dealership and bought himself a convertible Porsche. Apparently, these types of cars were impressive to the human ladies. From the car dealership, he drove to the florist and bought two dozen red roses that were full of fragrance and just opening out of the bud. With his provisions in order, Sysko made his way to his mate’s abode. He drove up in front of the cabin and found that she was packing her things into the trunk of her car. Freda and her sister Lottie looked up at him as he parked. Freda slammed the trunk as he climbed out of the front seat of his new car.

  “Oh no, you did not,” Freda said, shaking her head as he approached her with the two dozen roses.

  She looked beautiful. Her petite form was curved in the most pleasing manner and her long brown hair hung down her back, nearly to her plump behind. Her big brown eyes were full of fire and passion and a deep intellect and sensitivity that he longed to see more of. He thrust his arm out, presenting her with the flowers.

  “Freda Hayes,” he said solemnly. “I would like to ask your permission to court you.”

  “What the hell?” Freda said.

  “I'm asking your permission to court you,” he repeated, as if she hadn't heard him.

  She let out a long, groaning sigh, her arms crossed, her eyes gazed down at the ground. She kicked a rock across the driveway and then looked up at him. Her mouth dropped open as if she didn't know what to say.

  “Look at the flowers he brought you,” Lottie interjected, reaching out to take the roses. “They smell gorgeous.”

  Lottie shoved the flowers into Freda's hands. Freda grumbled as she accepted them. But when the fragrance hit her nose, she let out a sigh of pleasure and her shoulders relaxed.

  “Fine, all right,” she finally said. “I'm not making any promises and I am not agreeing to let you transform me into a dragon. I never signed up for that. Let's get that straight. But I will take your roses. And…I’ll let you court me. Whatever that means.”

  “But Freda, think about it. If he turns you into a dragon. I get two million dollars and you get to be a dragon,” Lottie reasoned.

  Sysko could see the wheels turning in his mate's head as she considered both the money and the dragon aspect. He hoped that these things would be encouraging for her and she would finally agree to cooperate to the mating ritual and transformation. Not only did he want his breeding program to work, he wanted her. More than anything he had ever wanted.

  He had never experienced such a burning need. Though he was a mature dragon and knew full well what the thrall would do to his being, he was still unprepared for this kindled desire. Now that he stood before this beautiful, curvy little female with her impressive will and fiery soul, he was so full of lust that he was afraid he wouldn't be able to hide it in his new suit from the big and tall store.

  “Freda, I want only to please you,” he declared in a gravelly voice. “You have my eternal loyalty and my unending worship.”

  “Now you're just going too far,” Freda said.

  “I apologize. But you must understand what happens to a Draxos when he finds his fated one. A Draxos male goes into a hyper-aggressive state known as the thrall until he is able to claim his fated mate. I understand that humans have no such instinct to mate with their one true love. So, I understand that you cannot accept my admiration. Something else you should know is that if I do not consummate the claiming of my bride then I will die of my thrall.”

  “You will die if I don't fuck you?” Freda said cocking her hip and tilting her head to the side. She pursed her lips and raised her eyebrows. “I've heard that one before.”

  “Freda, he's telling the truth. I've been researching the Draxos since he rescued us from the cyborgs. There have been occur
rences over the last five hundred years where the fated mates were not able to perform the claiming. You know what happened? Both of them died. Freda, do you want to die?”

  “I'm not gonna die. I don’t feel anything for him. That’s all his problem.”

  “So, you're saying that you want him to die? You understand that Admiral Sysko D’fray is the leader of the Draxos Armada?” Lottie asked. “Sometimes I really wonder about you. You're supposed to be the smart one, but you're acting so dumb right now.”

  “I don’t need this,” Freda said, shoving the roses into her sister Lottie's hand and marching up the stairs and slamming the cabin door.

  “Sorry,” Lottie said.

  “It's quite all right, Lottie. Freda is under a great deal of stress. I understand that she is in a program at a very competitive institute on Earth. My sister is also a scientist. She is in genetics and is the one who discovered the connection between the Draxos and humans in the first place. She's also been instrumental in developing the transformation ritual for humans.”

  “I bet Freda would love to know that.” Lottie said.

  “She's studying robotics, correct?” Sysko asked.

  “Yep,” Lottie said. “Some advanced artificial intelligence robotics thing. I don't really understand it. But Freda is really into that stuff, so good for her.”

  Freda emerged from the cabin several moments later with a bag on her back and her car keys her hand.

  “We're leaving now Lottie,” Freda said. “We're going back to Boston. Where there is tons of paperwork to fill out about mom and dad. We have to plan the funeral and there is just way too much to deal with. I've already missed an entire week of school, so could you please just get in the car. I'm sure that Admiral Sysko can track me down and find me in Boston.”


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