Embracing Ellie: K&S Securities Series

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Embracing Ellie: K&S Securities Series Page 7

by A. J. Andersen

  “I could eat,” I admit with a chuckle. I can always eat.

  He nods and orders a sampler platter of some sort and we make small talk while we wait. Mostly about sports. What can I say, we’re both East Coast guys. We like sports, and Vegas has a hockey team now, so we have things to discuss.

  When the appetizer platter comes from the kitchen, I’m surprised by the amount of food on it. Everything from jalapeño poppers to deep fried pickles.

  “Do you need anything else?” the waitress questions, reminding me of her presence. I shake my head no, reaching to add some deep-fried goodness to my small plate. X does the same, dismissing her without another glance.

  For a few minutes we dig into the food without talking, but when X tosses a deep-fried pickle in his mouth, slouches back in his seat and takes a long swallow of his beer, I know it’s time to talk.

  Glancing around quickly I make sure that no one is close enough to listen in and say, “I mentioned that you have a manager sexually harassing and bullying your female employees,” he nods, waiting for me to continue, “I haven’t figured out why, but my guess is that if they don’t respond favorably to his advances, he does what he can to make them miserable.”

  “Would this be Lawrence, by any chance?” He inquires.

  “Yeah. You’ve had problems with him before?” If he has it doesn’t make any sense why he’s still working here.

  “Actually no, but I’ve overheard Ana call him ‘Loser Larry’ before, and Ana isn’t the type to call names without a damn good reason.”

  I believe that. From the small amount of time I’ve spent around Ana, she’s never been anything but sweet. Name calling doesn’t seem like it would be part of her nature.

  “I can see that about her,” I concur, taking a bite of a crispy onion ring.

  “I’ve been trying to get proof of what he’s doing, but no one has been willing to talk to me. I haven’t had much opportunity to build a relationship with my staff. I’ve been rather preoccupied for the last several months.”

  He says the last bit sheepishly. His self-contained pride has been one thing I’ve noticed about him this last week. I’m sure it wasn’t easy for him to admit that his business suffered while Ana was missing.

  “Last night…” I begin, only to stop when Xavier’s deep laugh booms out.

  “I heard about last night. Geno caught the whole thing on video. I’m planning to talk to Heather the next time she is scheduled to work.”

  My laugh joins his. It was funny watching the spunky ginger put him in his place, even if I am still pissed over the episode I just witnessed with Ellie. Thinking of her sobers me and my laugh trails off. I take another swallow of my beer while I mull over my next words.

  “While you are at it, you may want to talk to Elinor Lovell as well.”

  “Ana’s friend Ellie?” he inquires, brow furrowing with consternation. “He’s been harassing Ellie?” He demands this time.

  I affirm his question with a nod, “I’ve witnessed it twice in just the last couple of days.” I can’t help the way that I snarl the words.

  “Yeah?” His voice is knowing and filled with interest.

  “Unfortunately.” I settle back, taking a steadying breath. I may have just revealed more to Xavier than I intended.

  He grins into the bottom of his pint glass, not trying to disguise his amusement at all. Shit. Yep, blew it.

  “When I talk to them, I’d like you to be present since you witnessed them both being hassled by him.”

  That works for me, and as a bonus I will get another opportunity to spend time around Ellie, even if it is under these circumstances. “I can do that.”

  With the matter settled, Xavier leans back and motions for another, more reserved, server and orders another round of beers. Turning back to me with a laugh, he asks, “Ellie, huh?”

  Yep. He knows.

  Not ashamed that he read me so clearly, I lift my glass and give him a salute of acknowledgement, “How could it not be Ellie?” It’s unfathomable that I could ever be interested in anyone other than her now that I’ve met her. Already I know that she is everything I have ever wanted.

  His expression sobers. “I get that, man,” he says seriously. “How could it be anyone else.” I detect a hint of something like wonder in his tone. I think he knows exactly how I’m feeling. We sit in silence. It’s obvious he plans to take very good care of his wife.

  After draining our pints, X and I part ways. He heads straight to the penthouse elevator, in a hurry to see his bride. I head to the security offices to find Travis and go over my assessment of the entrances to the building. If I’m lucky I’ll be able to spot Ellie on the security cameras and keep an eye on her from a distance.

  Chapter Twelve


  Yesterday was Sunday and after church we took Auggie and Lizzie to the park. She dotes on him when they are playing outside. He runs around after her on his little chubby legs calling her ‘Tia Izzy’ in his sweet baby voice. He feels much better, and I’m grateful his cold was so short lived. It’s like instead of being worn out by the cold and the enforced rest, his battery was charged and now he’s nothing but go-go-go!

  But Monday morning… Monday morning brings me to this. Not that I have any idea what this is. All I know is that I’ve been summoned to Mr. Cerelli’s office. This has never happened before, and I can’t help but wonder if I’m getting fired. Right now. That has to be it. Lawrence warned me that he would get me fired. Sucking in a nervous breath I lift my shaking hand and ball it into a fist and quickly rap on the closed door I’ve been freaking out in front of for at least five minutes. I’m relieved that no one has walked by and seen me in this state of panic.

  When a muffled voice bids me to enter I gingerly turn and knob and push the door open.

  Head down, my eyes firmly on the scuffed toes of my sneakers, I slink inside. My mind is racing with so many things, but the thought taking up most of my head space is how in the world am I going to get another job after being let go by Luminoso. Mr. Cerelli hasn’t been in Vegas long, but already he’s built a very strong reputation for himself and his small hotel and casino, so getting fired will be a strike against me anywhere I go.

  “Ellie,” Mr. Cerelli’s rough voice is low and gentle when he says my name, surprising me. I don’t know why, but I expected something else from him. “Come in and have a seat.”

  Gathering my almost non-existent courage, I lift my eyes toward his voice and can’t contain the small gasp of surprise that slips past my lips. Mr. Cerelli is seated behind his big desk where I would have imagined he would be. What I wasn’t expecting was for Blake to be sitting in a leather, wingback chair across from him, his bright green eyes locked on me. When my eyes crash into his, he gives me a reassuring smile and gestures to the matching chair beside his.

  “Come sit down, Ellie,” he encourages, so I hesitantly approach and perch right on the edge of the big chair.

  “Do you know why I’ve asked you to come see me today?” Mr. Cerelli asks.

  “Are… are you going to… to fire me, Mr. Cerelli?” I stammer nervously. My voice sounds thin and shaky to my own ears, my cheeks burn with heat. Blake’s warm, calloused hand wraps around my freezing one and squeezes softly. His gentle touch bolsters me, and I force myself to look across the desk and meet my boss’s eyes.

  He smiles. “No, Ellie. I’m not firing you. There are a few reasons for that, one being that you’ve done nothing to deserve being fired. Not to mention the fact that Ana would not be happy with me, and I wouldn’t want that.”

  He laughs a little and my lips twitch in response. Ana probably would be mad if I got fired. I didn’t think of that. Feeling a little surge of confidence, I respond, “Definitely not! Why am I here then?”

  Blake speaks before Mr. Cerelli gets a chance, “Could you tell us why the first thought you had was that you were being fired rather than thanked for all the extra hours you put in?” He waves his hand at a file sitting on
the desk. I glance at it and see my name on it. It must be my employee file.

  “I…,” I don’t know how to respond. I was so sure I was about to be terminated. I’m scared to admit why that was my first thought. If it gets back to Lawrence that I tattled on him there is no telling how miserable he’ll make me.

  “We already know everything, angel,” Blake leans close, whispering to me, with another tender squeeze of my fingers.

  Heat rushes through me at the endearment, followed by the certainty that Blake won’t let anything bad happen to me for talking about what’s been going on. I don’t know how I know that, but I do. I can do this. Lawrence is the one who is doing something wrong, not me. I can’t think of anything else that they might want to know about.

  “Lawrence bullies a lot of the girls.” I say the words fast, like ripping off a Band-Aid, then wait to see what happens.

  “Does he bully you?” Mr. Cerelli inquires. His voice isn’t soft anymore, but clipped and angry. I tremble inside, hoping he’s not mad at me.

  No longer feeling brave enough to say it out loud I nod once and drop my eyes back to my lap. From the corner of my eye I look at my small hand wrapped in Blake’s much larger one. I like the contrast of my darker, honey-toned skin against the pale gold of his tan.

  Mr. Cerelli clears his throat, shaking me from my silent observation and bringing my gaze back up to him. “Ellie, you’re my Ana’s friend, so from now on, please feel free to call me Xavier, or X if you’d rather.” He makes the offer so formally. Before I can formulate an answer, he continues, “Lawrence won’t be making work difficult for you, or for anyone else, again.” He says, his voice grave. He believes me, and I believe him. Relief swamps over me.

  “Thank you, Mr. … Xavier.” I stumble over his given name, but there is no way that I can call him by a nickname. Not without feeling ridiculous.

  “You’re welcome.” His smile is kind. “It’s also been brought to my attention that you work a lot of overtime and cover shifts for your coworkers, both in housekeeping and waitressing.”

  I nod again, feeling a bit like a bobble head. I need to stop being so intimidated by him and use my words.

  “Yes,” I whisper into the expectant silence. I can’t remember the last time I was this nervous about anything. He slides a thin folder across his desk toward me. Tentatively I reach out and take it between my thumb and pointer finger and pull it toward me. Blake’s thumb strokes my wrist, brushing over my swiftly beating pulse for just a moment before releasing me so I can settle the folder in my lap and open it.

  Inside is a single sheet of paper and a handwritten check. I pick them up and scan the contents. He’s giving me a bonus and a raise? “Why…” I start to ask. “Is this so I don’t tell anyone about Lawrence?” I blurt. I don’t know what else to think, but the second I utter the words I wish I could snatch them back. Said out loud they didn’t sound quite the way I intended them too.

  Beside me Blake erupts into amused laughter. It’s good to know that my question was more amusing than insulting. It’s a nice laugh, deep and happy sounding. When Xavier’s laughter joins his I’m relieved that my impulsive question didn’t offend him.

  “No, Ellie, the money isn’t so you keep quiet. Lawrence will be leaving my employ as soon as I gather enough statements to prevent him from thinking he can sue Luminoso. I don’t care who you talk to about his inappropriate behavior, or the fact that I know about it.” I bobble my head again and silently berate myself for being such a wimp.

  “I’ve been reviewing employee files. Overall, we are doing well, and I am rewarding employees who have stellar supervisor reviews with a small bonus to say thank you for a job well done. You have earned the raise too. As much as I appreciate your willingness to work so many additional hours, it’s my sincere hope that the extra money will allow you to spend more time with your family…” His words trail off as if there is a question there.

  “Oh,” I say quietly, “I’m sure Mom would be happy if I could be home to help with Augustus and Lizzie more.”

  “Your children?” Blake’s voice beside me draws my gaze back to him and his intense scrutiny.

  I shake my head. “My sister and nephew,” I reply, closing the folder clumsily. I try not to talk about my family at work. It always leads to questions, and the answers are complicated, not to mention that they always leave me feeling raw inside. I know that people mean well, but it hurts to talk about, so I’ve gotten into the habit of keeping it to myself.

  A flush staining my cheeks I stand inelegantly and lean toward Xavier with my hand outstretched. Despite my awkwardness I sincerely want to thank him for his generosity.

  “Thank you, Mr. … Xavier. This means… so much.” I wave the folder a little bit and my voice hitches a bit with emotion. I clear my throat and force a smile onto my face when all I really want to do is throw my arms around his neck and sob my gratitude. He rises as well, taking my hand in his and shaking it.

  “You’re welcome, Ellie. Thank you for coming to talk to us today.” I don’t feel like I said anything important. I only confirmed what they already seemed to know, but I smile at him and nod yes… again. I really do need to work on that.

  “You’re welcome.” I echo his words and glance uncomfortably toward the door. Now that we are finished conducting business I can’t get out of here fast enough. Talking about Lawrence and the fact that Blake basically held my hand through the entire meeting has me feeling off balance. I also want to call my mom and tell her about the raise. I’m going to cash my bonus check before I leave today so I can stop at Wal-Mart and buy diapers, groceries and maybe a surprise for Lizzie and Auggie. But first, I have to get my work finished. I can make a list of what I need to get while I’m on the bus later.

  “You can go now if you want to, Ellie.” Xavier says kindly noticing my longing glance at the door.

  I clutch the folder against my chest and hurry from the room without looking back, turning to close the door behind me, a happy smile on my face. A smile that abruptly vanishes when a harsh hand grasps my bicep, fingers digging painfully into my soft flesh and spinning me around.

  “Let me go!” I whisper-shout, attempting wrench my arm free. I freeze.

  “What did you do, you little bitch?” An angry voice hisses in my ear. I renew my struggle against the punishing grip, trying to get away, but Lawrence doesn’t give an inch until the door behind me opens. A big hand slams heavily onto his shoulder knocking his grip loose enough that I am able to pull away. Stunned by the viciousness of his clasping hand, I rub my arm where I know I will have bruises by the end of the day.

  “Are you okay, Ellie?” Blake’s voice rasps with anger as he steps between Lawrence and me, pushing my abuser back a step before turning to me. His eyes rake over me, assessing for damage.

  “Yes, I’m okay,” I whisper, looking up to meet his blazing eyes.

  “Go back to work, angel,” His gruff voice sends shivers down my spine and I don’t need to be told twice. Spinning away from them, I hurry down the hall as fast as I can go without breaking into a jog, more shaken by the brief confrontation than I care to admit.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Digging my fingers into Lawrence’s shoulder with a brutal twist I push him through the open door and into the office. That was shitty timing. If I’d known that he would be waiting out there I wouldn’t have let Ellie walk out there alone. Xavier is standing behind his desk, his face dark with anger. I have no doubt that he heard everything I did before I made my presence known. Seeing his hand on her, the nasty look in his eyes as he snarled and called her names, did something to me. I’ve seen a lot of ugliness in my life, from domestic violence and drugs to the brutality of war, but none of it ever moved me the way just the hint of violence directed at my girl did. Icy rage fills my veins. He’s fucking lucky he’s still on his feet.

  “Lawrence,” Xavier’s voice is cold and tight, vibrating with barely restrained anger, “I’d like to f
ire you right now, but since HR advised me that we have to try to find a solution first…”

  Jerking his shoulder free of my crushing grip, Lawrence interrupts him, “I don’t know what that little…” he thinks better of his words and pauses to collect himself, and it’s a damn good thing. If he finishes that train of thought I may not be able to stop myself from introducing his face to my fist.

  “I don’t know what Elinor was here for, or what stories she was telling about me, but I assure you, sir, that I have done nothing inappropriate.” His words are infused with righteous indignation and if I hadn’t just witnessed him using physical force to intimidate a woman, my woman, I’d probably believe him. The thought makes me even angrier than I already am.

  I bite back a snort of derision and Xavier glares at me, silently telling me to shut up. I know he’s just as pissed as I am having to give this jerk a chance to keep bothering the female employees, but there’s a protocol. I know all about protocols. The military has about a million of them.

  “Miss Lovell was here at my request. I can assure you, she was not here telling stories or anything of that nature.” His tone is final and allows no room for argument or further comment. Lawrence seems to be aware of it. He nods once and waits for X to finish a look of impatience on his face.

  “Now Lawrence, as I was trying to say, certain issues have been brought to my attention by members of my security team.” He gestures toward me and I give the nervous man a frosty smile. That’s right you sorry fucker. Blame me for your sorry ass getting canned.

  “Please take a seat.” My words are polite; my tone less than, as I indicate the seat that I had been sitting in. He doesn’t even deserve to sit where Ellie sat. He lowers himself into it, crossing his legs and doing his best to look relaxed. He’s trying to fool us into thinking that he’s at ease, but he’s not. The sweat beading on his forehead tells a different story. Sitting in the chair Ellie just vacated, I meet his jumpy eyes with a narrowed stare.


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