Embracing Ellie: K&S Securities Series

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Embracing Ellie: K&S Securities Series Page 20

by A. J. Andersen

  Before anyone even attempts to approach the house, we do a drive by. The neighborhood seems quiet and the house is mostly dark. The big window facing the front yard is dimly lit with the flickering glow of a television. As we round the block, I get a glimpse of a light on in the back of the house and the glowing red tip of a cigarette says that someone is smoking on the back steps. Good to know.

  We park along the tree lined road just inside the cemetery and everyone gets out of the SUVs, donning Kevlar vests and double-checking weapons and equipment. This is routine for those of us who are former military. They go through their checks like the pros they are before making sure that Xavier’s guys are set up as well, and ready to roll.

  They are. I suppose it’s reasonable to assume that at some point they have all been involved in something like this. X looks like a businessman, but I know that he’s something else entirely. The only time the man doesn’t radiate restrained power and violence is when he’s around Ana. That enormously pregnant, tiny woman has this beast of a man wrapped tight around her pinky finger. It’s obvious that he knows it too and doesn’t give a shit what anyone thinks about it.

  The assembled men split into teams of two and after a quick review of where everyone is supposed to be and what they need to do I give them the go-ahead to move out. They fade into the thick darkness surrounding them, and I’m left alone in the murky light of my dual screens. Their quiet voices are a low murmur coming through my earpiece, and I wait.

  Everything happens fast. These things tend to. It always feels surreal watching video feed through a screen, like I’m watching a movie or video game. It makes it easier and harder at the same time. Every time I’m in this position, watching things unfold and having no control over them, I can’t help but remember every fucking time when things went wrong and brothers were lost on my watch. My fault.

  But that’s not going to happen tonight. I remind myself. This is gonna be a cakewalk. These assholes don’t have a clue who’s coming for them.

  I keep my eyes focused on Travis’ body cam feed. He’s taking point and leading the entry into the house. I know that Xavier is right beside him. Travis’ arms and gun fill my limited field of vision while shadowy images jump around my other monitor. His big black pistol is held ready in his hand. I watch as his booted foot connects with the cheap lock, splintering the wood before it lurches open. X moves into my line of sight, the Glock in his hand held easily, like it’s an extension of his body. Their abrupt entry stuns a man standing in front of an open refrigerator with a package of deli meat clutched in his hand. X points to a kitchen chair and the man sits without making a sound and Travis zip ties him in place.

  While they question him, I check in on the other teams. Five more. The words come through the radio. Trav tells them to double that number. Good fucking call. I wouldn’t trust him to give an accurate count either, even if that number is what I originally estimated. It’s not worth taking a risk and being sloppy. Planning for more resistance should keep everyone on their toes and safe.

  I switch my view to Geno’s body cam feed. He and Grayson have surprised a couple of gape-mouthed scum balls watching porn on a big screen in the living room. They go down without much of a fight to a soundtrack of slapping balls and fake sounding, high pitched moans.

  I shake my head in disgust. What a way to go down. Without a fight and your proverbial dick in your hand. Maybe their literal ones too. I hope they’re ashamed of themselves. Hell, I’m embarrassed for them.

  The call comes through, all clear, from the teams still outside. They are heading in to assist. Almost finished. I advise two men to man the perimeter of the property before I switch my attention back over to X and Trav. I watch as they proceed down an almost completely dark hall.

  Too dark. I should have set them up with night vision.

  All I can see are dark shadows moving along the walls. The steady sound of Travis’ breathing fills my ears. He isn’t out of breath; this whole thing is a walk in the park for him. I chuckle silently, straining to see something, anything in the poor light that would give me a clue about what they might be coming up against.

  Two figures join them. Even in the poor light I can make out one of them carrying a sleek black 12-gauge shotgun. Mike. I was sure he would be heading home to his cabin in the Sierra Nevada mountains. We were lucky he was close by after we were ambushed on our way here after Dominic’s men took Faye and Ana. Mike’s one of our best guys, but we usually only see him when we call him in to do a job. He’s a tad reclusive… At Travis’ silent direction he takes the lead with his sexy gun at the ready and kicks open the door to the first room. It’s empty. I figured it would be, or one of Dominic’s crew would be inside.

  A bare bulb sheds pale yellow light at the end of the hall and finally I can see better as the armed group comes to a stop. There is a door on the right, that’s where everyone is, and a staircase to the left that leads into God knows what. Before he does it, I know that Xavier won’t be able to stop himself from heading down there.

  “All good, X?” I ask as he peels off from the others and silently descends the stairs.

  “Yeah.” His response is hushed. There isn’t anything I can do from out here to stop him. I wish I’d hooked him up to a camera. The sound of another door shattering divides my attention, followed by screaming voices that quickly turn to cries of relief as the kidnapped people realize that they are being rescued. It’s a wonderful sound.

  Travis’ voice comes through the radio, “Bringing them out now, X. You need support?”

  A few beats later X replies in a low voice, “I’m good, man.”

  I take him at his word, even though I don’t like the fact that he’s gone rogue and taken off on his own. There’s a reason why we do these things in teams. Not having someone to watch your back in unfamiliar territory is bad news. I just hope it won’t be tonight. As I observe the first few victims being led out from their temporary prison, I don’t have any other option. I do make sure to stay connected to his audio so that if he needs assistance I will know.

  As Travis and Mike lead people outside it’s quickly apparent that the vehicles we arrived in are not going to be enough to transport everyone. A phone call takes care of that problem and has another vehicle on the way. As much as I’d like to be of more help, with Xavier alone somewhere in the house, I have to stay glued to my equipment listening for any signs of trouble. I watch as several people are assisted into one of the waiting vehicles and drive away, the rest milling about anxiously while anticipating the arrival of their own escape.

  “Come out where I can see you.” Xavier’s voice is hard as he barks the command. I’m so frustrated by the lack of visual that I step away from the computers for a moment and pick up a couple of small woolen blankets that were in the back of the vehicle and look for someone who needs one. I don’t stop listening though.

  I cross over to the small yard of dirt and dry tufts of grass where Geno is standing uncomfortably patting the back of the nearly naked young man who is clinging to him for dear life. I offer the blanket to Xavier’s bulky head of security with a strained smile. He disentangles himself from the arms of the guy, who on further inspection is only a kid. Maybe sixteen or seventeen years old. He’s painfully thin and even in the dim light I can see the track marks on the insides of his arms. Street kid who fell in with the wrong people by the looks of it.

  There but for the grace of God go I… It’s times like this that I’m most thankful that someone saw potential in me that long-ago day when I cockily walked into the Marine recruitment office. I was barely eighteen and had a chip on my shoulder big enough to weigh a man down. The Corps gave me more than a job and a place to stay. It gave me something I’d never had before. Security. A family. Something to be proud of. I hope that after this ordeal the kid can find something that gives him the same thing. A direction. A way to heal.

  I drape the rough blanket over his thin shoulders, and he stumbles away from Geno mumbling his th
anks, using the corner to wipe his wet cheeks. “There’s another car on its way,” I tell him. The kid smiles weakly and joins the remaining victims, hugging a sobbing girl about his age.

  “Thanks,” Geno mutters, “Wasn’t exactly sure what to do there.” He waves his hand toward the kid and sighs.

  I’m about to make a joke at his expense to try to lighten things up when X’s voice comes through my earpiece. “Blake, need you to send someone down to the basement.”

  “You got him?” I ask, recalling hearing him order someone to reveal themselves and wonder if I somehow missed an altercation.

  “Nope. The fucker got out a door we didn’t know about.”

  “The fuck?” I shout, stomping back toward the SUV and my computers. How in the hell did I not know there was a cellar door in the place? I didn’t notice one when I was there, but I didn’t get a chance to scope out the entire perimeter since I was outnumbered by Dominic’s guys at the time. Figures that something like this would happen! Fuck! Now what?

  “No one saw him outside; they would have stopped him.” Even if they couldn’t get their hands on him, if he’d been seen we would’ve heard about it.

  “Gonna need bolt cutters too. There’s another girl down here,” He snaps, not paying attention to my words. He sounds pissed off. Something else too, worried maybe. Dashing to the SUV I grab bolt cutters from the supply box in the back and run toward the house. I’m getting ready to go inside when my phone rings, it’s Mike and I really should take the call to see what’s going on back at the casino. I see Travis, I hand the tool to him.

  “Basement.” I direct him, already turning away and answering my phone.

  “Yeah?” I growl into the phone.

  “Hey boss,” Mike grumbles, “Just wanted to let you know that we’re here at Luminoso. Do you need me to head back over there?”

  “Nah, I think we are good. The other car just got here, and there’s room in my ride for anyone else who needs a lift. Why don’t you wait for us in the parking garage and we will all go up together.” I tell him.

  “Copy,” he tells me.

  Of all the guys who we have working for K&S, Mike is the one who remains a mystery. He never volunteers information about himself and prefers to work alone. For a guy who was part of a S.E.A.L. team I’m always surprised by how much he doesn’t want to be part of a team with us. I know there’s a story there, but despite that he’s always willing to go wherever we need him, and he doesn’t balk when the going gets tough. I’m glad he’s in my corner.

  He disconnects the call without another word. Typical Mike. I shake my head and walk back toward my vehicle and place a quick call to Ana letting her know we are on the way, while watching the Suburban that I requested fill up with the remaining victims and the remainder of our team.

  “Go ahead and let Weaver know about this place. We are on our way out.” Xavier gives the word and I hit send on the text I had prepared for her earlier that includes the address. Dominic’s guys are secured inside, and I have no doubt that she will have a team here within minutes. I expect she’ll be knocking on Xavier’s door not long after that. She’s an intimidating woman. Cold as ice from what little interaction I’ve had with her and determined to bring X down with Dominic if she can find a way to do it. Someone needs to tell her that, oddly, he’s one of the good guys in this whole situation.

  Knowing we need to leave, now, I get behind the wheel of my vehicle and start the engine. Trav comes out of the house first and directs Geno to get in the passenger seat. He’s always like that. Doesn’t want to ride when he can be behind the wheel. The back door opens and closes on the passenger side of my SUV and I look in the rearview mirror to see who it is. It's Grayson. He’s holding a slight figure wrapped in something red in his arms, but I can’t get a clear look at who it is. His jaw is rigid, the hard lines of his face grim, but his eyes when they briefly meet mine in the mirror are soft and tormented.

  This. This is what’s been going on with him. I’m sure of it.

  The passenger door opens and Xavier climbs in. “Called for another ride when I saw how many were being brought out,” I tell him when he frowns at the oversized vehicle pulling away from the curb. My phone vibrates with a message. As I expected. “Weaver is going to come by after she gets this under control.” I gesture to the now brightly lit house. He nods with a sigh, leaning tiredly back against the headrest, as we roll forward and head back through the always bustling city.

  While I drive, I can’t help but to split my attention between the road and the couple in the backseat. Grayson’s voice is nothing more than a low murmur of sound, talking to the girl in his arms soothingly. It’s the most emotion I have seen from the giant man since I have been here. Watching him, every question I had about him is answered. His girl was missing, and he was looking for her. But why didn't he say anything to anyone about it? It’s not as if there weren’t people who would have helped him.

  “I think she needs to see a doctor, X.” His rough, anxious voice is quiet, but still easily heard in the silent vehicle.

  “Dr. Halvorson is coming to the hotel,” I volunteer, hoping to allay some of his fear. X is the one who passed along the number for his physician in preparation for this evening. Now that I’m thinking about it, I had better call Halvorson and let him know what to expect when we get there. Ignoring cell phone laws, I reach for my phone on the console and place a quick call letting the doc know the few details I have and our ETA. The call only takes a few seconds.

  “Halvorson will be waiting,” I reassure Grayson, “Ellie will be there too, and she will help take care of your girl if she needs anything.” I’m not sure what made me say that last part, but I know that it’s true. Ellie isn’t the sort to not be there to lend a hand, and I’m glad she’ll be there when this night finally ends. This whole operation has left a bitter taste in my mouth and I’m craving her sweetness to remind me that the world isn’t all evil and hatred and people hurting each other. Just part of it.

  “Dominic is mine now, X.” Grayson’s words growl through the darkness. I feel more than see Xavier tense in his seat beside me.

  “We can figure that part out once we know where the sick fuck is.” His voice is tight, like he’s holding back from saying more, but we pull into the stuffy parking garage next to the other vehicles and he doesn’t continue.

  When they see us, Geno and Travis begin opening the doors to let everyone out and begin ushering them toward the large service elevator. There is a lot of rustling and murmuring as everyone climbs inside. Grayson carries the girl in his arms to the smaller, private elevator. I get on with them and Xavier follows, pushing the solitary silver button. The doors slide closed soundlessly, taking me back to my angel.

  Chapter 27


  Ana’s home descends into complete chaos the moment the door swings open and Travis walks in, leading a group of shell-shocked looking people. Some of them have wool blankets wrapped around their shoulders while others huddle together in varying states of undress. A young girl with long brown hair dressed in a dirty tank top and underwear steps out from behind Travis looking around anxiously with large frightened eyes that dominate her round cheeked face.

  “Gracie!” Margot’s shrill cry breaks the tense silence as she jumps up in a flurry of tears and rushing limbs to gather her granddaughter into her arms. The petite teen bursts into loud sobbing wails and Margot sinks to the floor rocking her back and forth while crooning into her dirty, matted hair.

  There are eight people in total, plus Travis and several other men that I don’t know. I look for Blake and Xavier, but don’t see them anywhere yet. I know that they must be coming.

  Ana slips past me to hurry down the hall, her hand clamped over her mouth, her face ashen. Everyone is milling around the large living room and I glance around, looking for Blake again. I busy myself in the kitchen to keep my mind from wandering. I know that I shouldn’t be worried. I’m positive that Travis would have said some
thing if he wasn’t okay, but he’s still not here. He’ll be here soon. Stop fussing. I tell myself sternly as I carry trays of sandwiches to the dining room for Blake and Xavier’s men who are still here. I take another one to the living room and set it on the coffee table along with a large carafe of coffee for anyone who is interested. The room is filled with the sounds of tears. Margot’s granddaughter is still sobbing apologies while being comforted by her grandmother.

  A pair of teenage boys wrapped in coarse looking, grey blankets drop to the floor beside the coffee table reaching for food with dirty hands, moaning when they take their first bite then stuffing their mouths full. Food was a good idea. I watch them for a minute, my heart swelling with sorrow for what they’ve endured. What all of them have endured.

  Hot tears splash onto my cheeks and I hurry back into the kitchen where no one will witness me breaking down. My hands are shaking, and I feel a little sick to my stomach. My heart hurts. The police will be here soon and I’m not sure if it makes me a bad person or not, but I know that I can’t go back out there.

  Leaning over the sink I let the tears continue to fall, my shoulders shaking until a gentle hand settles on my waist. I flinch at the unexpected contact, whirling around to find Blake so close that I feel his cool breath on my face. He looks tired, but okay, the lean lines of his face tight with emotion.

  “I can’t…” my voice cracks as his arms close around me, propping me up. I’m grateful that I don’t have to say anything else. He understands without me needing to explain.

  “You don’t have to, babe. Weaver’s on her way. She’s arranging for everyone to be admitted in the hospital overnight. That way her team can take statements while any necessary treatment is administered and get in touch with their families.”

  I know that Weaver is the FBI agent who Xavier’s been working with, from things I overheard, but until this second I had no idea it was a woman they all referenced with a combination of respect and dislike. She must be something else to garner that sort of response from these men.


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