Siren (Awakened Chronicles Book 1)

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Siren (Awakened Chronicles Book 1) Page 7

by Harley Austin

  Part of Monica really wanted to slip quietly out from between the fine sheets. Last night should not have happened. Still, feeling Tori’s warm skin next to her own and her warm-sleepy feelings, she didn’t want to disturb her.

  Monica felt Tori’s hand smooth over her skin. She thought Tori might be waking now, but her feelings told her the goddess was still asleep—mostly asleep anyway. Tori’s fingers caressed Monica’s smooth skin. Even asleep, her touch was electric to Monica. Maybe Tori was having a sleepy dream, because her lips slightly parted, then moved softly, like maybe she was kissing.

  Monica’s own full lips smiled as she felt what Tori’s sleepy body was feeling engrossed in the private dream she was having. She thought about slipping closer to actually kiss her, but she was sure that would wake the sleeping goddess.

  Monica relaxed, feeling the sensations of Tori’s sleepy ecstatic feelings softly light up inside the still sleeping goddess. But whatever was happening in her dream was spilling over into Monica’s feelings now. Her clit was tingling beneath her panties and starting to firm. She felt Tori’s hand move gently over her skin, down her tummy until her fingers rested over the front of her cotton bottoms. Monica wanted to wake her now, but it was too late; the goddess’ building ecstatic feelings had cast their spell over her. Tori’s scent, her rising allure, feeling her hand smooth over the front of her panties. Monica quietly moved her leg to one side as Tori’s fingers slipped between them over the thin cotton.

  * * * * *

  Roberts let himself into her apartment with the stolen maintenance keycard. He already knew she wasn’t home—but she would be—eventually. He placed the nicely colored envelop on to her counter where he knew she’d find it. The he quickly left, closing the door behind him.

  * * * * *

  Tori heard her calling out softly, felt her in the desperate throes of near ecstasy, she was almost there, when—the goddess took a deep and sudden waking breath. It was just a sweet sexy dream where Tori had been watching Liam and Monica doing it for some reason; but then she’d joined in as well. But—even though she was awake now, she could feel Monica laying beside her, the dream was gone but Monica’s feelings still felt on fire.

  Tori lifted her head from Monica’s pillow. Monica’s lips were parted, taking in long breaths. Her hips were rocking softly. Tori could feeling them rising and falling because her fingers were over the top of them, slipping wet between her legs. The demigoddess’ button was slick and hard as a pebble.

  Tori’s own breathing was deep and her feelings slightly aroused, but she was nowhere near where Monica’s desire was at the moment. Tori suddenly realized what she was doing to Monica and drew back her hand from her skin.

  “No—please; Tori. You can’t leave me like this.”

  Tori lifted herself up to one elbow. She now realized what was happening—apparently her dream was playing out in real-time, not just in her mind. Tori slowly pulled away the sheet. Monica’s skin glistened slightly and her panties were stretched around her knees. Tori smirked looking at her.

  “This looks a little like last night—” She watched Monica’s unclothed hips rock again, then her body flex. Tori could feel she was almost there. The goddess moved closer to her, planting her lips over Monica’s, her fingers teasing over her trimmed mound and then again between her wet folds. Tori teased her slowly until Monica’s feelings erupted into a blast of un-throttled ecstasy. Tori pulled her lips from Monica’s to watch her—watch her body bend and writhe with the sensuous painful pleasures her fingers delivered between her thighs. Monica was beautiful the way she climaxed always so powerfully, calling out loudly; it made Tori want to torture her more, touching her clit just the way she needed to be touched.

  Monica was even wetter between her folds as Tori teased her lightly, making her body jump, just barely touching her now way oversensitive clit.

  “Ahhh,” Monica called out. “Please, Tori, that’s not fair! Ahhh!”

  Tori teased her again. It might not be fair, but the woman was sexy-hot the way her body writhed in ecstasy next to her own. She needed to be tortured.

  There was only one way Monica was going to get the young goddess from teasing her into oblivion. Monica rolled herself over onto the top of her, their lips meeting in a deep, breathy kiss.


  W hat’s this?” Tori asked. Monica handed her the brightly-colored envelope. It had already been opened.

  “A trap.”

  Tori raised her brow and took out a cheap greeting card. She recognized Liam’s handwriting; he always wrote in capital letters that were a style all his own. She read the card:

  They’ll kill me if you don’t do exactly as they say. In three days, charter a water taxi to these coordinates. Then wait for instructions. Come alone. At the first sight of anyone following you, I’m dead. I love you, Tori. Please do as they say.


  “What do we do?” The color had left her face and she’d grown suddenly nervous.

  “The card was found in your apartment yesterday. Analysts have already poured over it. We’re pretty sure it’s Roberts.”

  “Detective Roberts? You said he was a bounty hunter?”

  “One in the same, only it’s not actually ‘Detective’, it’s ‘Captain’.”

  “As in the military?”

  “As in Retired U.S. Navy. Roberts led an elite group of Seals, part of the Special Operations Forces, all of them hand picked by him personally, and all of them just as lacking in character. Roberts and his team were suspended from operations in the Middle East after it was discovered that they’d pirated several private vessels and even a few merchant ships.”

  “Was anyone hurt?”

  “Plenty. These men are pirates, Tori. Modern versions of people who kill indiscriminately for money and treasure.”

  “And Liam has money; what he took from those banks.”

  Monica nodded.

  “Why do then need me? They have him—”

  “They can’t kill him, Tori. If they do, then they’ll never find his money and their bounty from Treasury will be zero. My guess is they want you—to use as leverage.”

  “You mean they want to hurt me, to get him to talk.”

  “That’s exactly what they’ll do. And if I know Liam half as well as I think I do, he’ll sing like a songbird the moment anyone lays a hand on you.”

  “What if he gives them the location of the money?”

  “Then they’ll turn both him and you over to the Secret Service and collect the reward. And the Seven will waste no time in terminating you both.”

  “God.” Tori sat down on the living room couch of Monica’s home. Even with the strength of a goddess, she felt suddenly weak. Monica sat beside her, taking her hand and squeezing it tightly.

  “We’re not going down without a fight.”

  “But they’ll kill him!”

  “Maybe not.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I’m not going to try to fight Roberts on his own turf, Tori. I may be enhanced, but I’m not stupid.”

  “I don’t understand—”

  “You will. But you have to trust me.”

  “You know I do.” She squeezed her hand.

  “Good. Because tomorrow night, you’re going to have a boat to catch.”

  Tori nodded, swallowing hard.

  * * * * *

  “Damn quiet out there—” Roberts’ second in command, a slim but muscular man with a military build, a thick head of modern-styled wavy dark hair, and sea-weathered skin covering his still handsome features, flicked his cigarette ash over the side of the yacht into the gulf. He blew the smoke straight up into the night air.

  “It won’t stay that way.”

  “C-note says she won’t show by tomorrow.”

  “She’ll show. They’re attracted.”

  “Gods. Goddesses. It’s all bullshit.”

  Roberts looked at his friend.

  “Damned aliens if you ask m

  “And what if they are?”

  “Then the whole world’s fucked.”

  “You watch too many movies, Mac. Sinclair was born in Seattle. So was his family. He’s no more of an alien than you are.”

  “Yea, well, it doesn’t make any sense.”

  “Sure it does. They’re just a more evolved species, Mac. They’ve been around a lot longer than we have. Just another unsolved link in a long line of evolutionary changes.”

  “Yea. Whatever.”

  “You don’t believe in evolution?” Roberts smirked.

  “To tell you the truth, I don’t know what the hell I believe at the moment. Johnny’s tried beating the hell out of that kid for days now, it’s unreal. No one’s that strong. And the bruises are gone in a few hours.”

  “I’ve watched.”

  “I’m telling you, we need to let this one go.”

  “It’s a hundred-mill, Mac.”

  “Can’t spend it if you’re dead. What do you know about these Treasury people anyway? They’re just going to turn loose of a hundred million and say thank you? Like shit they are.”

  “We’ll take our cut and give them the rest along with the kid.”

  “And what if he’s already spent it? What then?”

  “I figured he’s already spent a good chunk of it. Invested it. We’ll track it down.”

  “And what if he doesn’t talk? Then what?”

  “With the goddess here, he’ll talk. It won’t take much. He’s just a kid.”

  “Nice. Two aliens aboard ship. As if one wasn’t bad enough.”

  “They’re not aliens.”

  “Suit yourself, Roberts. Mark my words: one of these days, their mother ships are going to show up in our skies, and then all hell’s going to break loose.” The XO flicked the last of his cigarette into the water.


  T ori stood on the inside deck of the huge yacht as it now sped quickly out to sea and away from the charter boat heading back to shore on the starless night. There were nearly a hundred and fifty men and a few women on the unusually sized luxury vessel, and right now, more than a dozen of them with very large automatic weapons surrounded her. The knot in her stomach was tense and her danger senses stirred like a hornet’s nest. But she could also feel him, below decks.

  “You shouldn’t have come, Tori! Dammit why did you come here?! You know it’s a trap!” she sensed him, barely. He felt cold. She didn’t answer him. “Tori!” he continued to call out to her feelings.

  “Miss Evenson—” Roberts offered even before he’d finished climbing the wide ornate spiral stairs that descended further into the hulls of the ship. His cheap detective’s clothes that she’d seen him in months earlier had now been replaced with well-fitting black combat fatigues adorned with more kinds of weapons and blades than she knew the names of.

  She flipped back her hair. “Captain Roberts.”

  “Been studying now have we?” he smiled handsomely, but what she felt from him was anything but handsome.

  “I do my homework.”

  “Apparently that’s not all you do. Monica keeping you up until all hours of the night as well?” Roberts watched her carefully. “Oh, yes, I’ve been keeping my eye on the two of you in her little bungalow on the beach.”

  Tori felt suddenly mortified. He’d been watching the two of them?! Still, she knew what he was doing. Unsettling her; knocking her off of her focus. She needed to stay calm. Not show any weakness.

  She smiled demurely. “Cats like to play.”

  Roberts smirked. She was good, not great, but good.

  “So do the dogs. Strip her.”

  Tori felt several cold muzzles against her body and the side of her head. “Make any sudden move, my little goddess, and not only will these expert marksmen spray pieces of you all over the room, but your little friend down stairs will get it as well.”

  She didn’t move as her clothing was unbuttoned, unzipped, unlaced and slipped down and off of her by other men. She watched as her clothes were now tossed overboard.

  A smooth whistle left Robert’s lips. “My, if you aren’t a sight to behold—!” He feasted his eyes all over her curves. He moved right up close to her, violating her personal space. He lifted her long hair, letting it run like silk through his fingers before bringing it to his nose. The combination of goddess’ amazing curves, her feminine scent combined with her innate attraction felt—surreal, like a Siren’s call. He’d have taken her right where she stood, but he knew, she was also dangerous, in ways he didn’t know or could even begin to understand. He’d already read a number of the government’s classified intel briefs about these—Ra. He wasn’t sure how accurate the reports were, their abilities read like something from fiction. But here she was. Naked and dangerous. He didn’t need to be taking any chances with her.

  “Take her below. Put her in the brig with the other one. Make sure they can look—I don’t want them touching.”

  Shackled standing to a steel wall, Liam watched her being brought into the cold cell. It took only moments for her to begin to feel the effects of the sub-zero cold. Like Liam’s, her skin began to take on the look of light frost here and there around her body. The guards led her to the opposite wall of the small room, clasping chained restraints around her wrists and ankles.

  Ordinarily, the steel shackles would have been nothing for her to shatter. But after only minutes in the freezing cold, she was nearly Human again.

  Liam watched as the guards unnecessarily groped her body while fitting her with the chains. He glared angrily as one of the men spanked her hard on the ass with a leather-gloved hand and then gripped and slapped her breast just as hard, leaving a red mark. The guard looked directly at Liam while his fingered glove moved over her tummy. Liam jerked hard against the chains as the guard’s gloved hand now probed between her thighs while the other guards watched.

  “Leave her alone!” Liam glared angrily.

  Tori called out as the pirate’s gloved finger sank into her between her thighs. Liam fought furiously against his bonds, “STOP! STOP IT!” He shouted angrily.

  Liam continued to glare and fight furiously against the chains as the man worked his finger within her while others held her limbs against the cold steel wall. The guard finally withdrew his hand from her, then he approached Liam, the gloved finger he’d been touching Tori with now pointed right into his face. Liam’s glare softened as the still semi-warm feminine scent of her, even in this cold, lifted into his nostrils. Her scent—god, it was like, unbelievable. The guards watched as Liam’s sizable flaccid male began to grow and fill out in front of all of them. He—he couldn’t control himself; Tori’s scent, it just—

  “That’s it, god. Take a good long sniff.” Liam couldn’t help but draw a long, deep breath of her. The other sailors chuckled amongst themselves as her spell washed over him until his cock had fully gown tall and raging hard. “You’ll be smelling my dick next, with her all over it—if you don’t come up with the cash. We’ll give you the night to think about it. Sweet dreams.”

  All of them filed out of the small room, closing the bulkhead door and latching it tightly.

  “You shouldn’t have come, Tori.” His empathy at least kept their conversation private.

  “I didn’t have a choice, Liam. They’d have killed you.”

  “No they wouldn’t. They can’t get to the money. But now they’ll use you against me. Now I won’t have a choice. I won’t let them hurt you.”

  “You need to tell them where the money is.”

  “Yea, now that they have you, that’s pretty much going to happen,” he scowled.

  “We have a plan.”

  “What? Using you as a Trojan Horse? Some plan, Tori. You’re just as stuck as I am now.”

  “Liam, Monica and her people will be waiting for them when they show up to collect it.”


  She half smiled at him.

  “You mean—Monica knows where the stash is?”
  “She’s been following you for almost five years, Liam. She knows more about you than I do.”

  “Then, why didn’t she just take the money and return it?”

  “It’s a long story. The truth is she’s been using you. To keep herself and a small group of newbloods monitoring the U.S. government—and the Seven.”

  “I know. She told me. It’s one helluva dangerous game she’s playing.”

  “We’re playing, Liam.”

  “We’re—?” He frowned. “I guess she really has recruited you. For real then.”

  Tori nodded again.

  He sighed. “God, Tori.”

  “I want you to join us.”

  “I can’t join you. The Seven already know who I am.”

  “You wouldn’t be an actual agent. More like an operative.”

  “Listen to you,” he smirked. “You already sound like Monica’s people.”

  “I am ‘Monica’s people’ now.”

  “You know this is going to get us killed—”

  “Is that a ‘yes’?”

  “I don’t know yet. Right now it’s an ‘I don’t want to die’ answer.”

  “We’re not going to die, Liam.”

  “Says the goddess who’s barely two months old.”

  “—and been in training for most of that. With a spy that would make James Bond envious.”

  “Touché.” He knew at least some of what Monica was capable of.

  Several of the Special Forces unit had gathered around the monitors above decks.

  “They’re not saying anything. Just staring at each other.”

  “Idiot.” Roberts backhanded the big arm of the Seal. “Look at their faces. Their expressions. They’re talking. They’re both empaths.”

  “We can’t hear what they’re saying?”


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