Sunny Mates and Murders

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Sunny Mates and Murders Page 9

by Anne R. Tan

  So what? Sonny can afford to add another seat at the table. And Matthew either comes along for the ride or he can watch from the sidelines. If he can’t do either then he’s not the right man for you.

  We can’t tell him about Ah Gong’s journal. He’ll want to sneak into the office for us.

  He could do a better job at sneaking than we can. He has plenty of experience working for the Feds.

  But we can do it with style, Raina said. This probably wasn’t true, but she didn’t want her grandma getting

  ideas. Who knows what Sonny and his men would do to Matthew if they caught him? I can’t risk it. Better me than him. I can play the bimbo card.

  Her grandma gave her a doubtful look. Rainy, I don’t want to bust your bubble, but you’re not a good actress.

  I don’t need to be good. I just need to convince one person. Did Matthew say what time his flight arrives? I wonder if we have time to get him before the Kwans’ driver comes for us.

  Po Po pulled her cell phone out of her purse. He didn’t say. Let me text him, so he can get the message you’re alive and well once the plane lands. Her grandma tapped on the screen.

  Raina went into her bedroom to stuff clean underwear and a toothbrush into her purse. She logged onto her laptop and wrote an email to Matthew, explaining everything that had happened over the weekend. The time ticked by, but she couldn’t get rid of the uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach. She called Matthew, but the call went straight to voicemail.

  She popped back into her grandma’s bedroom. Did Matthew text or call yet? He should have landed by now.

  Po Po checked her phone. Nothing. She dialed his number, listened, and left a message for him to call her back. He must still have his phone turned off.

  Raina went back to the living room, pacing from the window to the door. With his phone off, would Matthew get their messages in time? What if he went straight to the Kwan mansion? With his connections, he could find the address easy enough.

  The Kwans’s driver came for them at a quarter to four. Raina directed him to swing by the airport before heading to Aurora. As they pulled up to the arrivals curb, she scanned the travelers waiting on the sidewalk with their luggage. No Matthew. She hadn’t expected to see him waiting, but she had hoped for a miracle.

  Raina leapt out the door. I’ll check inside, she called out over her shoulder and took off.

  She raced through the baggage claim area. No tall Chinese man with gold-flecked brown eyes. Her heart raced at the thought of Matthew confronting Sonny. Matthew normally didn’t act without meticulous planning, but when it came to her, sometimes he just acted. If anything happened to him...

  Raina ran back to the limo, jerked the door open, and threw herself back inside. To the mansion. As fast as you can, she said to the driver.

  Her grandma glanced at her with concern. Matthew isn’t stupid. We’ll get there in time to avert any disaster. And you’re over-thinking this. He might not even be heading in that direction. Maybe he’s looking up friends to get reinforcements before confronting Sonny.

  I hope so, Raina whispered, blinking back tears.

  The hour-long drive was a blur. Raina must have dozed off during the drive because the next thing she knew, the driver was standing next to the door and holding it open for her. The vehicle parked next to the steps leading into the mansion.

  Her right pinkie itched, and she scratched the little pink bump on it before climbing out. Fantastic. Now she had to deal with hives on top of everything else. She raced up the steps to the mansion.

  Cat opened the door, and Raina ran into Freddie Low. He caught her easily before she fell onto the tile floor.

  Whoa! Freddie said. Where’s the fire?

  Where is Sonny? Raina said between gulps of air.

  Cat pointed toward the library. Sonny is in there with a man claiming to be your relative. She raised an eyebrow. I don’t see any family resemblance.

  A relative? Raina echoed. The knot in her chest eased. Matthew hadn’t barged in with guns blazing. Of course, he would have a plan. He didn’t wing things.

  Who? Po Po said from behind Raina.

  Matthew, Raina said.

  He’s been part of the family for years, Po Po said, which was technically true. As next door neighbors, Raina and Matthew had grown up together.

  Don’t tell me you are planning to leave Sonny at the altar for your cousin, Freddie said with a hint of amusement in his voice.

  What about the altar? Myling said, stepping out from the house.

  I’ll tell you on the way home, Freddie said, guiding his wife toward the car parked in the driveway.

  Po Po strolled into the mansion. Where is Kwan Gong?

  He’s upstairs with Lily, Cat said.

  Tell the men to save some of the drama for dinner. I want to have a show with my wine. Po Po crossed the foyer and headed up the stairs.

  Raina stared at her grandma’s back. Her grandma wasn’t helping her? She blinked. Wait! Was her grandma using her wiles on Kwan Gong? If Raina could stop the men from duking it out until dinner, would she have an ally from the patriarch of the Kwan family?

  She took a deep breath. Fine. She could handle things until then. She strolled toward the library with Cat keeping pace with her.

  If you leave Sonny at the altar, he’ll flip out, Cat said. Last time we had to replace all the furniture in the house.

  I’m sure he can afford it.

  You hurt him, and I’ll have to hurt you.

  Raina stopped and swung to face the other woman. This is none of your business. She was taking her anxiety out on Cat, but she couldn’t stop herself. I’m here as a favor to Sonny.

  Cat ran a finger along the gun handle hidden underneath the shrug she wore over her red tank top. Her red leather completed the look. I’m the Nine Dragons Enforcer. When it comes to protecting Kwans, it’s my business.

  Oh, like how you’re protecting Lily? Raina asked. Did the woman only wear mono color?

  Cat stiffened. What the fu—

  What is going on here? Sonny called out.

  Raina spun around to find both Sonny and Matthew coming out of the library. Her heart stopped for half a breath and sped up at the familiar broad shoulders and tousled black hair. Her knight came to rescue her with nothing more than a gym-size carry-on bag.


  The Fallout

  Matthew’s gold-flecked brown eyes caught hers. The tension around his eyes disappeared. The white-knuckled grip on the handle of his carry-on bag loosened. He didn’t smile—as a matter of fact, he was scowling like he caught sight of an errant family member—but Raina knew he was relieved to find her alive and in one piece. She gave him a Miss America wave. It wouldn’t save her from a lecture, but it was a small price for the new white hairs on his head.

  The two men sauntered over—two frozen peas from the same bag. Tall, well-muscled, and surrounded with a layer of hard ice. And yet, once they thawed, there was a soft mushy side. Neither man would be happy with this assessment.

  Did you get my message? Raina asked Matthew.

  No, my phone ran out of juice, Matthew said. I heard congratulations are in order.

  Sonny slung an arm across Raina’s shoulders. I still can’t believe she said yes.

  Raina stiffened, but she didn’t shrug off his arm. What game was Sonny playing? Since he kept tabs on her, he knew perfectly well who Matthew was and what he meant to her.

  Matthew glanced at her hand. Since you didn’t put a ring on her, she’s still a free agent.

  We haven’t gotten a chance to go shopping, Sonny said, smiling and stretching the scar on the side of his face.

  Matthew held Raina’s gaze. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a half-carat diamond ring on a platinum band. The same one he had given her during their brief twenty-four-hour marriage in Las Vegas. He’d added rubies to either side of the diamond since the last time she’d seen the ring—three weeks ago.

  How about this one? Matthew said.
The rubies belonged to Raina’s other grandma.

  Raina couldn’t breathe, and her heart thumped painfully against her chest. The ring threw off sparks and danger. By other grandma, he meant his grandma, who was Po Po’s best friend. She swallowed the lump in her throat. He’d meant the proposal this time. He slipped it on her finger before she could react.

  Her fingers curled protectively around the ring. Did he just propose to her again? In front of Sonny and Cat? Did she say yes? She should take this ring off. She should hand it—

  Sonny’s hand tightened on her shoulder. You don’t want an old ring, do you, Rainy? I’ll take you shopping tomorrow.

  Raina glanced at Sonny, blinking away her dilemma with Matthew. This wasn’t the time or place for them to discuss their relationship. Sonny knew shopping for rings wasn’t part of their bargain. I know it’s rude, but I hope you don’t mind adding my cousin to your dinner table.

  It’s not a problem. Cat, go tell the cook, Sonny said. He didn’t even glance at his second in command.

  Cat opened her mouth to protest, huffed, and trotted toward the kitchen downstairs. The two men stared at each other, ignoring Raina. She shifted her weight from foot to foot at the silence.

  Kwan Gong came down the stairs half a heartbeat later to welcome them. Po Po clung to his arm, batting her eyes at him whenever he glanced at her. With her cone-shaped breasts and pimp cane, her grandma didn’t quite get the message she didn’t fit the image of a matron or sex goddess.

  Matthew stared at her grandmother’s outfit, but his expression gave nothing away. Raina bit her lower lip to keep from giggling. Well, if he wanted in on the family this badly, he would have to learn to roll with her grandma’s eccentricity.

  Are we ready to eat? Kwan Gong said, flashing the dentures in his mouth. He led the way into a smaller dining room. Her grandma sashayed next to him, or at least Raina assumed the swinging gait was a sashay.

  Sonny followed his grandfather, tugging Raina along with Matthew following in their rear. The servants came in with several courses, and at one point, Cat slipped onto a chair and ate like she hadn’t been MIA for the last half an hour. No one seemed to care that Lily Kwan was still hiding out in her bedroom.

  So you are Raina’s cousin? Kwan Gong asked Matthew, setting his fork down.

  Yes, from the Sun side of the family, Matthew answered. His voice was steady and even. He was definitely a much better liar than Raina.

  Getting engaged to your cousin is the smartest thing my grandson ever did.

  Matthew flicked a glance at Raina and returned to cutting his steak. Good luck with that. Raina and I were once married for less than forty-eight hours.

  Po Po choked mid-sip on her wine, spraying droplets across the table.

  Sonny jerked back on his chair but not before getting his face splattered. He grimaced as he wiped at it with a napkin.

  Married? Kwan Gong swirled his head between Raina and Matthew. I thought the two of you are related. The amusement left his face.

  I said we’re related by marriage. Matthew nodded at Raina’s direction. She’s still wearing the ring I gave her.

  Raina groaned inwardly at the twinkle in his eyes. She leaned back into her chair, hoping to disappear from the room.

  Kwan Gong rose from his chair and pointed a finger at his grandson. Is this some kind of joke? This is the last straw, Sonny. You killed your brother, and now you’re bringing a slut home!

  Po Po jerked away from him like he slapped her. Who are you—

  Sonny threw his hands up in the air. We’re not even engaged. I only put on this dog and pony show for Myling—

  Kwan Gong’s face turned into a shade of eggplant. You should have married her—

  And always be compared to my brother? I don’t want a marriage like Jerry’s.

  We needed an alliance with Lily’s family—


  You spoiled, ungrateful brat! It’s your duty to strengthen the Nine Dragons—

  Sonny jabbed a finger at the scar on this face. I have already done my duty for the triad. I didn’t ask for this life.

  But you sure enjoyed the money and power though. By this time Kwan Gong’s body quivered and swayed. You can’t have it without sacrifice.

  Sonny glared at his grandfather. His chest heaved with suppressed emotions.

  The room was dead quiet except for the heavy breathing from the Kwan men. Raina’s wide eyes met her grandma’s. Neither had bargained for this kind of dinner show. Po Po was shocked into silence for once. Matthew’s expression was stony, and he tightened his grip on the steak knife. Surprisingly, Cat continued to eat like this happened at every meal.

  Sonny gasped. His breath came out in a sharp swish and caught Raina’s attention. She glanced over in time to see his expression change from anger to confusion and fear. She followed his gaze and saw Kwan Gong clutching his chest. His forehead was covered in the sheen of sweat. He dropped onto his chair, and his head fell on Po Po’s lap.

  Her grandma cradled Kwan Gong’s head automatically. I don’t know how to help him. Her voice came out several decibels higher than normal.

  Sonny leapt from his chair. It crashed onto the floor when he ran to his grandfather’s side. He searched his pockets and pulled out a medicine bottle. His hands shook, but he managed to open the childproof cap. He grabbed his grandfather’s chin and popped the white pill into his mouth.

  We need an ambulance. Give me your phone, Matthew said. His voice sounded calm, but Raina knew he was worried by the way he kept perfectly still.

  Raina pulled out her new cell phone from her purse and handed it over. Was the elderly man having a heart attack? She prayed this wasn’t the case. The Kwan family didn’t need another death.

  Cat froze in her chair with the fork suspended midway to her mouth. The henchwoman was clearly useless in an emergency that didn’t require a gun.

  The medication kicked in, and Kwan Gong’s face lost its pinched, ashen look. Po Po wiped the sweat off his face with a napkin.

  The ambulance arrived and checked out Kwan Gong. Her grandma ended up with a bruise on her thigh and had to use the pimp cane to get up from the chair. Sonny insisted his grandfather go to the hospital for a more thorough examination. Kwan Gong didn’t even protest and asked Po Po to keep him company.

  Sonny watched the ambulance drive away from the front door. "I can’t believe he’d rather have your grandma

  with him than me."

  Raina patted his shoulder. It’s not you. People just love my grandma. Do you want me to drive you to the hospital? You should be there.

  He glanced down at her, covering her hand with his. The chauffeur can do it. You might as well get some sleep until your grandma comes back. Just ask the housekeeper for a couple guest rooms.

  Raina nodded. She would have the run of the mansion with both Sonny and Kwan Gong at the hospital. She lowered her eyes so he didn’t see the excitement in them. Sneaking into his office had just gotten easier. I’ll tell Lily what happened.

  Sonny left a few minutes later, and Raina found herself alone with Matthew for the first time.

  * * *

  When Raina returned to the dining room, the servants were clearing away the last of the dishes. She peeked into several living rooms—or maybe the correct term was sitting rooms—but didn’t see Matthew or Cat.

  The mansion was too big to go looking for them room by room. Besides, did she really want to be alone with Matthew right now? She wasn’t ready for the lecture anyway. This was the perfect time to have a little chat with Lily Kwan though.

  Raina headed downstairs toward the servants’ workrooms to look for the housekeeper. When she found the lady, the housekeeper showed her to the door of Lily’s bedroom suite and left. Raina knocked, but there was no answer.

  Lily? This is Raina Sun, Sonny’s, uh—now that the truth was out, there was no point in pretending—friend. I want to make sure you’re okay, Raina said to the door.

  No answer.

  Raina knocked again. Tap. Tap. Tap.

  What are you doing here? Cat called out from behind her.

  Raina spun around. The Nine Dragons Enforcer looked even fiercer today with her blood-red clothing. The rich chestnut hair was pulled back into a side braid with a red ribbon woven through it. Raina couldn’t tell if Cat disliked her because of her role in the recent events, or if Cat took a personal dislike to her.

  I’m concerned about Lily. No one has seen her in the last two days. Don’t you find this strange? Even if she had food hidden in her bedroom suite, she would have run out by now, Raina said.

  She’s probably grieving, Cat said.

  Raina couldn’t believe Cat said the statement with a straight face. She was truly a much better actress than Raina was. Lily might not be dancing on her husband’s grave, but she’s not grieving. Before Jerry’s death, weren’t you two planning to run off into the sunset together?

  Cat raised an eyebrow. Why would I run off with Lily?

  Aren’t the two of you lovers? As soon as the question left her mouth, Raina felt ridiculous. She blamed it on her grandma’s influence.

  Cat studied Raina, weighing her intentions. I was trying to help Lily leave the family. If Kwan Gong found out about our hare-brained scheme, he would put me back into the life Jerry had rescued me from.

  Raina glanced around the hall. There was only the two of them. She didn’t have to ask what life Cat meant. The way she said it, it could only mean one thing—human trafficking. But Jerry didn’t seem like the type to help a woman without strings. Why are you helping her? Why risk losing your position in the organization?

  If you laugh—Cat's hand reached for the gun in her shoulder holster before she caught herself in time. She cleared her throat, pretending like nothing had happened.

  Raina shook her head and hoped her expression invited the confidence. They were on the brink of a breakthrough in the murder investigation, and she didn’t want to blow it. She crossed her fingers behind her back.


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