Chase's Teacher

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Chase's Teacher Page 3

by Angela Franklin

  “I will let him know you’re interested.” Callie said and could hear the anger in her voice.

  “Oh come on Callie. You know a man like that isn’t interested in you. Stop setting yourself up for heartache. It’s pathetic you would even think it.” Miss Jenkins said and walked out of the room.

  She was right. Callie knew he couldn’t really want her. If he showed up tomorrow she would give him Miss Jenkins number. Callie’s day seemed to crawl by after that. How could she have been so stupid? No one would ever want her. She was destined to be a lonely old cat lady. Well she would be if weren’t allergic to cats anyways. She would be a dog lady. She loved dogs.

  She went home and put on old jeans and a baggy t-shirt before going to the liquor store and getting rum. Wine just wasn’t going to cut it tonight. As she pulled up she noticed someone was still at the bakery. She walked toward the door and Chase stepped out wrapping her in a hug.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” Callie asked still jealous and hurt over today.

  “I wanted to see you, and your sister said it was okay until everyone got here.” Chase said not sure of her mood change. She was fine when he left.

  “Stop playing your damn games Chase.” Callie said pulling the number out of her pocket. “Here this is Miss Jenkins number. She is the teacher you met today. She is waiting for your call so go have fun. I’m sure she will sleep with you right now.” Callie said pushing it in the front pocket of his jeans before slamming the door to the bakery open. She barely walked five feet when it slammed open again.

  “What the hell happened after I left Callie girl?” Chase said trying to stay calm.

  “Just go away. The skinny girl is waiting. Her legs are probably already spread for you.” Callie said putting the rum on the table and opening it.

  “What on earth is she talking about?’ Chasity asked him looking confuse and mad.

  “I have know idea.” Chase said looking back at Callie.

  As they talked, she had tipped up the bottle of rum and was drinking away. This was the worst day ever. Miss Jenkins could have him. She had been telling Callie what a loser she was her whole life. Who cared. Callie didn’t, she was done with the games. They stopped NOW!

  “Callie slow down. You never drink that stuff.” Chasity said trying to take the bottle. Callie pulled out of reach and threw her keys at Chasity.

  “I’m going to sleep here tonight.” She said and turned it up again.

  “What did you do?” Chasity asked Chase grabbing a knife off the counter.

  “I have no idea.” He said again. “When I left the school she was fine.”

  “Don’t hurt him. Let him run to Miss Jenkins. Skinny bitch is ready and waiting.” Callie shouted turning the bottle up again.

  “Why did you come here if you’re with Miss Jenkins?” Chasity asked waving the knife at Chase.

  “I’m not with her. I don’t even know her.” Chase said getting frustrated.

  “Sure you do. The number in your pocket is hers and you could be having sex with her within minutes. Run along lover boy.” Callie said her words slurring bad. Good thing she was too drunk to care.

  “Why do you have another girls number in your pocket?” Chasity asked him glaring.

  “Cause Callie girl put it there.” Chase said pointing at her.

  “Don’t call me that.” Callie said swaying. Looking at the bottle it looked about half empty if she closed one eye and concentrated. Turning it up she downed more. She needed the pain numbed.

  “Callie stop. You are going to hurt yourself.” Chasity said walking toward her.

  “No you stop!” Callie shouted and tipped forward. The knife went across her arm. Looking down she burst out laughing. “Look I can make ketchup!” She said swinging her arm around slinging blood everywhere.

  “Oh no. Callie I’m so sorry!” Chasity said dropping the knife to the ground.

  “Wee this is so cool. Look. Isn’t that awesome!” Callie said smiling like the Cheshire cat.

  “Callie enough. You need to be still so we can clean that up and see if you need stitches.” Chase said getting scared.

  “Oh shut up. Go call her and leave me alone!” Callie said moving forward. She was too drunk to have balance and started to fall, Chase ran and tackled her twisting so his body took the impact instead of hers.

  “You man whore let me go.” Callie said struggling against him.

  “Callie please stop, you’re going to make it worse.” Chase said pleading with her. She went limp and he thought she had given in until he felt her hand in his pocket. Standing up with her he saw she had the number. “Callie let’s go throw that away ok.” Chase said slowly moving her toward the trash can.

  “Chase please let me do this on my own.” Callie told him. She had a plan now.

  “Okay Callie girl I will be right here. Put it in the trash where it belongs.” Chase told her and she nodded.

  She moved very slowly. The rum was making her feel a bit woozy, but she knew what she had to do. She kept one hand out of sight and dialed the number. It rang a few times and she was afraid she wouldn’t answer. On the fourth ring she answered.

  “Hi Miss Jenkins. Come to my sisters bakery. He’s waiting for you.” Callie got out before the phone was jerked from her hands. Callie stumbled forward and Chase’s arm wrapped around her holding her up, then he was talking.

  “Hi Miss Jenkins. Yes it was nice meeting you today too. Wait what? You told her what?” “Oh Callie girl.” He whispered to her before going back to the phone. “I have no idea who you think you are, but I’m in love with Callie. You could never compare to her. I suggest you never make the mistake of crossing me again. No that isn’t a threat. I am Chase Collins and I can have you tied up in law suits for slander until you are old and gray. Yes I am THE Chase Collins but I could never want anyone but my Callie girl now leave us alone. If you ever say anything to her again my lawyers will be in touch. Have a pleasant night.” Callie heard him cussing under his breath.

  “Hurt” Callie said starting to feel something.

  “Baby she will never bother you again. I promise.” Chase told her.

  “Arm. Hurt.” She slurred.

  “Shit! Come on lets get a look at that arm.” Chase said swinging her up in his arms.

  “Chasity, where can I take her to clean it up the easiest?” Chase asked a shocked Chasity.

  “The kitchen, there is a spray nozzle, that should be the easiest.” Chasity said leading the way.

  “It’s okay Callie girl I got you always.” Chase said kissing her lips gently before sitting her on the counter near the sink. It was her right arm that was cut so they moved it carefully over the sink and turned the water on.

  “Chase hurt.“ Callie said whimpering.

  “Baby we have to see how bad it is and the water will hurt. Chasity can you spray it off while I distract her?” Chase asked hoping for a miracle.

  “Sure, but she’s going to scream.” Chasity said grabbing the spray nozzle.

  “Okay don’t pay attention to us, just clean it off please. On the count of three ready? One, two, three.” Chase had his lips crushed to hers as he said three and she gasped at the first hit of the water on her.

  Using that to his advantage he slid his tongue in her mouth and devoured her.

  She whimpered and he was afraid it was in pain until she wrapped her legs around his waist trying to pull him closer. He went willingly trying to keep her attention. He was a sick bastard for being turned on right now, but she was so hot. Callie started trying to pull her arm away from her sister and he rocked his erection against her. He was going to hell. There was no amount of hale Mary’s or charity work to fix it.

  “Hey no sex on my counter. Blood is really bad. I don’t need that too.” Chasity said sounding annoyed. “The cut is clean.” She told him. Chase broke the kiss and gave her a gentle kiss on the lips before stepping back to look at her arm.

  “It looks deep, but it’s a clean cut. Do you
have any butterfly band aids or liquid band aid would be better.” Chase asked looking at Chasity. Callie was rubbing his chest, but he was doing his best to ignore her. He had to focus on her health, not the desire he felt for her.

  “Yeah I have both. Don’t do anything nasty on my counter while I’m gone.” Chasity said giving him the evil eye and he chuckled.

  “Hot.” Callie said. Chase looked back to see her trying to pull her shirt off. Damn!

  “Callie baby you need to keep your clothes on. Chasity said we had to be good. Did you hear her?” Chase asked her. She was totally hammered.

  “I’m older. Don’t listen her!” Callie said and he laughed. She understood that part. Chase stepped back to remove his button up shirt and she tried to grab him.

  “It’s alright Callie girl. I’m not going anywhere. See? You can watch me. My shirt will be cooler so I’m going to put it on you.” Chase said unbuttoning the shirt and pulling it off. Her eyes were glazed with passion. If only she wasn’t drunk. He would give his whole fortune to see her look at him like that when she’s sober. He pulled the sleeves off of the shirt, then reached for hers.

  “Callie I’m going to take it off your left arm and over your head before the right arm. We need to keep it still okay.” Callie nodded and he began working the left arm out. She was trying to help him, but it wasn’t working. Finally the arm was out and it lifted over her head pretty easy. Slowly he began to work it off her right arm, being careful not to hit the cut. He had just gotten it off when Chasity returned.

  “I swear I’m gonna cut your balls off. I told you none of that. She’s drunk and hurt and you are basically raping her.” Chasity said fire flashing in her eyes.

  “He not. Hot. His cooler!” Callie was shouting.

  “She’s trying to tell you I was putting my shirt on her to keep her cooler. I tore the sleeves off and was going to tie it up so her stomach could get some air too.” Chase said annoyed she would believe that of him.

  “Oh no! I’m so sorry. This has been the night from hell and I should have trusted you.” Chasity told him. He could see the tears welling up in her eyes.

  “Don’t worry about it. I know it looked bad, but I would never hurt her.” Chase told her.

  “Do you have everything?” He asked her.

  “Yeah. The liquid stuff hurts bad. You may want to distract her again.” Chasity told him. He glared at her not liking her implications. “I’m serious. That’s deep and it hurts if I knick my finger, so she will scream.” She told him honestly. Chase nodded looking down at Callie.

  “I’m sorry baby. We are almost done. Are you ready?” He asked Chasity.

  When she nodded he leaned in to kiss Callie again. She was more willing and moved with him. Her whole body jerked when the liquid band aid started seeping in the wound and Chase pulled her as tight against him as he could. He was trying to lock her in place so she couldn’t jerk way, but her legs wrapped around his waist again and his good intentions went out the window.

  “Almost done.” Chasity said and Chase groaned. He was going to die tonight. Between Chasity’s knives and Callie’s curves he was dead.

  “There done.” Chasity said and Chase jerked back like he had been shot.

  Callie whimpered and he turned his back trying to will his erection away. Stubborn ass thing just wasn’t listening. It wanted Callie period. Even worse his heart did too. He turned back to look at her when he was as controlled as possible and saw that Chasity had put his shirt on her. That should have helped but her wearing his shirt was so hot.

  “Chase” Callie said holding out her hand to him.

  “Right here Callie girl.” He said taking her hand. He couldn’t make himself turn way from her. No matter how much he knew he should, he couldn’t.

  “Sleep.” Callie whispered.

  “Hey Chasity. Where do you want me to put her? I don’t feel comfortable leaving her alone under the circumstances.” Chase said letting Callie lean against him.

  “I have no idea. I called a while back and told the other girls not to come, and I will be here all night trying to clean. Can you take her home with you?” Chasity asked a pleading look in her eyes.

  “Chasity we both know that’s a really bad idea. She is all over the board right now. What am I suppose to do, chain her to the bed?” Chase said and he could feel Callie’s hands begin to roam his body. She started snaking it toward his waist band and he grabbed her hand to stop her. “SEE!” He said.

  “She will probably be asleep before you get home. Just make sure you set water by the bed.” Chasity told him trying to start cleaning up.

  “I only have one bed in my house.” Chase protested weakly.

  “And your point would be? If you leave her here I’m going to put her in the clean corner of the floor and she will stay there all night.” Chasity told him.

  “Damn it! Fine she will come with me.” Chase said annoyed.

  “Why are you fighting? I heard you tell Miss Jenkins your in love with Callie. If that’s true why not take her with you?” Chasity asked him truly not understanding.

  “Not to be too crude, but I want her too bad. I don’t think I can fight her all night. Her hands are bad enough now and your standing in front of us. Do you think she will stop when we are alone?” Chase said catching her hand trying to work the button of his jeans. “Baby please. I don’t want you to hate me in the morning.” Chase said turning to

  Callie. He prayed she could understand.

  “I want you now!” Callie said sucking on his neck. Chase pulled away again.

  “I know what you are saying and I can see you are trying really hard, but we don’t have an option now.” Chasity told him.

  “Fine. I will carry her if you open the door to the shop and my truck door.” Chase said scooping her back up.

  “Oh yeah. Such a strong man. Will you be as strong inside me Chase?” Callie asked licking his ear.

  “Shit! Chasity hurry up. I can’t take much more.” Chase told her rushing her through the door.

  “I’m hurrying I swear!” Chasity said. “Trust me I’m going to need therapy if I hear any more.” She shuddered.

  “Oh fuck! Callie baby you have to stop!” Chase almost fell that time.

  “What now?” Chasity asked and stepped back after opening his truck door. “Oh no, did she bite you? It’s already bruising.” She said looking horrified.

  “I swear if you ever let her have rum again I will take her away, do you understand me?” He asked trying to get her in the seat. He leaned over to buckle her in and she grabbed his dick through his jeans. “Oh Shit!” He said trying to breath.

  “Chasity I need something to tie her hands together. NOW!” Chase said as Callie turned him so she could reach the button of his jeans.

  “No I won’t let you tie… Oh shit! Be right back.” Chasity said running back inside.

  “Callie girl I love you and I don’t want to do this, but you aren’t giving me a choice. I’m so sorry. Please let go so we can make this easy.” Chase said leaning forward to keep the pressure off where she was squeezing him. Lightning fast Callie leaned forward and bit his lip hard.

  “Son of a bitch!” Chase said tasting blood.

  “Oh no. Is her arm bleeding again?” Chasity asked but stopped dead when she saw Chase’s lip. “Oh Chase if she keeps it up, you may have to sleep with her to settle her down enough not to kill you.” Chasity said using the clothe to wipe his mouth.

  “You whore he’s mine.” Callie yelled!

  “Did she really just call me that?” Chasity asked fury in her eyes.

  “Remember she is really drunk, and won’t remember any of this tomorrow.” Chase said looking at Callie hoping to keep her calm.

  “One look at you and she will know it was bad.” Chasity said horrified.

  “I will tell her I was in a fight and got my ass kicked.” Chase said taking the clothe and trying to wrap it around her arms so he could get free.

  “Why would you do t
hat?” Chasity asked him confused.

  “She will never forgive herself if she thinks she did this. I would rather her think I’m a monster than to know what happened.” Chase said finally getting her tied down. Callie leaned forward and kissed him gently this time smiling at him. “Love you Callie girl.”

  “What if she never speaks to you again?” Chasity said. It sounded like her heart was breaking.

  “Then at least she will never feel the pain of self loathing she would if she knew about tonight.” Chase leaned back and closed Callie’s door.

  “I’m so sorry. I never should have sent you to the school.” Chasity said crying now.

  “It has nothing to do with you. If she hates me tomorrow, please don’t tell her. She deserves to be happy.” Chase said looking away. He knew he only had tonight.

  “What about you; shouldn’t you be happy?” She asked him.

  “I will be as long as she is. I can stay out on the ranch and only come to town for emergencies. She won’t have to see me again.” Chase said then jumped in the drivers seat.

  Callie tried to wiggle and get in his lap, but the seat belt and clothe on her wrists stopped her. The closer he got to home, the more his heart broke. He had hoped she would one day be coming here to live, but after tonight she would never speak to him again. About a mile from the ranch she twisted enough to get her hands on the seat belt buckle and unlatched it, then she was crawling over to him.

  “Shit! Callie, please sit in your seat till we get home. I have to drive baby.” Chase pleaded with her. “Just five more minutes okay baby.” He said reaching over to rub her thigh.

  Callie stilled watching his hand and then she leaned back. Chase thought this was a good sign until she popped the button on her jeans and pulled the zipper down. Then she tried to grab his hand and pull it up. The wrist binding was making her clumsy and slowing her down at least.

  “Please baby two minutes. Look ahead. See those lights, they are my house. Getting closer by the second just hang on okay. I’m not going anywhere. It’s just you and me okay. I will hold you all night. I will even help you get a bath.”

  Chase said thankful he had calmed her down some. He was in the drive way now so they would be okay. He would have to carry her and try to make her drink some water. He was sure Chasity was right and he would have no choice but to sleep with her to keep her from getting anymore violent. That is why she would hate him tomorrow. He pulled the truck to a stop and put it in park then opened his door. Here goes nothing he thought to himself.


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