Chase's Teacher

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Chase's Teacher Page 6

by Angela Franklin

  “Oh my! These are amazing. I need another one.” Callie said gobbling up the first one.

  “Here you go.” Tina said giving her a third one.

  “When did you change how you made these things? These are so much better than they use to be.” Callie said looking like she was in heaven.

  “Maybe I should take that to Chase.” Luke whispered in her ear.

  “She has always hated them. I have no idea what’s going on.” Chasity told him.

  “You didn’t put rum in them did you?” Luke said smiling.

  “I would never.” She told him.

  “Hey Tina, can I get two of those to go please.” Luke said and walked to the counter. Chasity seemed really concerned but he didn’t know why.

  “Should we leave you alone with those?” He called to Callie.

  “Maybe, they are amazing.” She replied laughing. Crap there was a problem. She hadn’t been nice to him since that night. That was about a month ago now.

  “Well you enjoy it and feel better soon.” He said before going over to Chasity. “I know I have no right to ask, but would you call me if she gets sick again?” Luke whispered to her.

  “Of course.” She said nodding and he left.

  “Seriously Chasity, have you tried these today? This is my third one but I want more.” Callie said glowing.

  “Um, no I didn’t taste that one. Tina did you try one?” She asked the cashier.

  “Yeah I did, but it tasted like normal to me.” Tina responded.

  “How about I send a few home with you? I know you said you feel fine, but maybe you should go home and rest.” Chasity told her.

  “I’m not leaving without more of these! Give me more and I’ll happily go home and rest.” Callie said laughing.

  “Why dear sister I do believe that is blackmail.” Chasity said happy to see her laughing and joking.

  “As long as it gets me more, I’ll do what I have to.” Callie said as she stood up to get the box Chasity held out to her.

  “Call me if you need anything okay.” Chasity said and hugged her sister before she left.

  “Wow! She was glowing. I haven’t seen her smile in a long time.” Tina said then went back to work.

  “Yeah, me either.” Chasity mutter to herself confused.


  Luke went in search of Chase as soon as he got home. Something seemed off about Callie and he knew he would want to know. He went to the house first but he wasn’t there so he went to the barn, finding him with the new horses.

  “Hey Chase, you got a minute?” He asked as he got close.

  “Sure what’s up?” Chase asked him.

  “Can we go up to the house? I got you a snack and you can eat while we talk.” Luke said.

  “Okay? I guess that’s fine.” Chase said frowning but went to the kitchen and washed his hands.

  “I just picked these up at the bakery.” Luke said putting the box in front of him. Chase lit up at the mention of the bakery and opened the box.

  “So, what do you want to talk about?” Chase said as he ate the long john.

  “Do those taste any different to you?” Luke asked him.

  “Um, no. Should they?” Chase said confused.

  “I have no idea. Callie seemed to think they were magic today.” Luke said watching Chase.

  “You saw Callie?” Chase asked then looked at the clock. “Shouldn’t she have been at work?” He asked Luke.

  “She told Chasity she got sick so they sent her home.” Luke told him.

  “Sick how? Is she okay; does she need anything?” Chase was frowning now.

  “She said she thought she had a stomach bug. She was eating fine at the bakery though.” Luke told him.

  “Did she look pale or weak? Does she need someone to bring her food?” Chase said looking worried.

  “Listen to me. She downed three of those in one sitting. I have a feeling Chasity was sending more home with her.” Luke said trying to reassure him.

  “I’m glad she can eat but did she look pale or give any indication anything was wrong?” Chase asked again.

  “No, she looked perfectly healthy to me. Chasity looked worried though, she kept saying she had never liked those before.” Luke told Chase. “She offered to make her favorite but she said an apple is what made her sick.”

  “And Chasity seemed worried?” Chase asked Luke.

  “Yeah. She didn’t say anything but she promised to call me if anything changed.” Luke told him.

  “Thank you for letting me know, and thanks for these. They are good, but I don’t think they are anything really special.” Chase told him. “I’m going to go to town for a while. I’ll grab dinner at the diner.” He said before standing to leave.

  Luke knew he would show up at the bakery, and maybe Callie’s. Chase was in love with her. It was easy to see, but they had to give in and tell the truth before they could get passed it. He understood that Chase didn’t want her mad at herself, but the marks were gone and Chase needed her.

  Chapter 7

  Chase went straight to his truck. Callie being sick had him worried. He loved her and couldn’t stand the thought of her in pain. He had already been thinking about trying to call her. He needed her more than he could have ever imagined. Everyday without her got harder. He was driving over the speed limit but didn’t care. He went to the bakery first.

  “Tina, I’m getting the feeling I might be leaving early.” Chasity said when he walked thought the door. “Come on we can talk over here. Do you want anything?” She asked.

  “No Luke brought me something.” Chase told her following her to the table.

  “Luke needs to keep his mouth shut. I’m assuming that’s why you’re here.” She said.

  “Yeah. Please tell me she’s okay.” Chase said watching her close.

  “She’s fine just a stomach bug.” Chasity said fidgeting.

  “The way you’re squirming tells me that’s a lie.” Chase said narrowing his eyes.

  “Fine! She seems to be okay healthy wise, she just isn’t acting right. She suddenly loves her least favorite food and hates her favorite.” Chasity told him glaring. “See no big deal her tastes have just changed.”

  “I don’t think you really believe that. I need to tell you something, but don’t scream okay.” Chase began. When she nodded he continued. “That night what you saw here was only the tip of the iceberg. I did everything I could to stop her.” Chase said looking up.

  “Luke told me about him running out of the house.” Chasity said giggling.

  “Yeah that was kinda funny. Has Callie remembered anything for that night?” Chase asked her.

  “No. She knows yall slept together, but that is it.” Chasity told him.

  “Look, I really don’t want to tell you everything, but I’m going to need back up on this.” Chase said frustrated.

  “What makes you think I will back you up?” Chasity asked him.

  “You saw her that night. You know how she was acting and can convince her I’m not lying to her.” Chase said with hope in his voice.

  “I reserve my right to sell you out if you say anything to hurt her.” Chasity told him.

  “I think it’s a little late for that now.” Chase said frustrated.

  “Why don’t you just spit out whatever you want to say.” Chasity said getting annoyed.

  “She managed to get out of her seatbelt before I got home.” Chase started and told her everything. “When I went to clean up, I realized I had forgotten a condom. I was sure she wasn’t on birth control because she was a virgin. I have wished a hundred times I would have left her here. I love her, and that won’t change, but I need to be honest with her now.” Chase finished staring at his hands.

  “Oh no! How could you forget that?” Chasity sounded furious.

  “I have no excuse and I know she will hate me. I didn’t know until it was too late she was a virgin or I would have brought her back.” Chase said the anguish clear in his voice.

bsp; “I didn’t know either. Had I known I would have kept her here. You need to tell her everything.” Chasity told him quietly.

  “I plan on going to her when I leave here. I was going to stop by the diner and get her something to eat, then head over.” Chase said looking out the window. “I don’t want to drag you in this, but I don’t think she will believe me otherwise.” He said looking back at her.

  “You’re probably right. She is very stubborn. I can help you with what I know. I think I need to make a stop before I meet you at her place.” Chasity said walking to the counter.

  “Thank you. I know she will feel better with you there. Do you know what she likes at the diner? Should I get her more of your long johns?” Chase said wanting to make sure she had everything.

  “Here’s her favorite at the diner, but I sent a whole box with her. She refused to leave without them.” Chasity said smiling and handing him a piece of paper.

  “Thanks. I will see you there soon.” Chase said leaving.

  Chase drove to the diner his head spinning. He really needed Callie to believe him. He would gladly marry her today if she would let him. After talking on the phone to her coworker, he now understood how she could be so closed off. The woman was evil on the phone. Callie was gorgeous inside and out. He would have spent his whole life fighting in her shoes.

  When he got to the diner he placed his order and gave them the paper for Callie’s.

  He decided to get a normal cheese burger for Chasity. He had forgotten to ask her what she wanted. He sat at an empty table as he waited for his order and tried to think of what to say. It was no use. He had no clue how to handle this.

  The waitress gave him their food and he got back in the truck. It was going to be a long evening and he wasn’t leaving until he knew she truly understood what happened that night. Pulling up to her house he got out and went to the door. She answered immediately.

  “Hi. I’m sorry I wasn’t expecting company. What are you doing here?” Callie asked looking confused.

  “I wanted to check on you. I even brought your favorite from the diner.” Chase said smiling at her.

  “Luke tattled didn’t he? Come on in.” Callie said scrunching up her face at him.

  “If you’ll give me a second I will go change.” She told him.

  “You don’t need to change unless you are uncomfortable.” Chase said looking her over.

  “I’m wearing pajamas and my hair is a mess.” She said cocking an eyebrow at him.

  “You are beautiful Callie girl. Don’t worry about changing, just lead the way to the kitchen and we will eat.” Chase told her holding up the food.

  Callie shrugged and headed for the kitchen. Chase followed watching the sway of her hips. She looked adorable in that outfit. He wished he could see her in this everyday. She even had fuzzy slippers to complete the look. She poured them both some tea as he pulled the food out of the bag.

  “Why do you have more food in the bag?” Callie asked leaning her head to the side.

  “Well your sister is coming by in a little bit and I wanted to make sure she was fed too.” Chase told her.

  “You saw my sister? Of course you did, that’s how you knew my favorite. Why is she coming over? Oh! Is she bringing more long johns.” Callie said getting excited.

  “Yes I saw her, but she said she sent you plenty. She is just coming by to check on you,” Chase said lying again. Today would be the end of that.

  “I could never have to many long johns.” Callie said looking at the box on the counter.

  “Are you out?” Chase asked frowning.

  “No, but I only have four left!” Callie said eyeing it carefully.

  “Just eat your dinner and then we will worry about making sure you have plenty of dessert okay.” Chase said texting Chasity under the table.

  “Fine, but I’m not a child I can have dessert first if I want to.” Callie said sullenly.

  “I know. I’ll make sure you have plenty okay?” Chase said grinning at her.

  She reminded him of a toddler right now. Chasity texted back she had sent ten. He sent back she only had four left and was eyeing the box. He even promised to pay a hefty fee for them. He would do whatever it took to keep her happy, even bribing her sister. She texted back fine!, and he looked over at Callie. She had unwrapped her food.

  “Just so you know, I’m not sharing them with you.” Callie said dead serious.

  “That’s fine. You can keep them all to yourself.” Chase told her smiling.

  They ate their meal in peace. Callie, thankfully, ate all of hers and seemed to be fine. She was acting a little different, but it could just be the mood she was in. She was almost playful, which didn’t make sense given she was mad at him. He got up and got the box off the counter and that was a really bad idea.

  “Hey that’s mine! Put them down NOW!” Callie said her face turning red in her anger.

  “Callie girl, I was just going to bring them to you, see?” He said setting them down beside her.

  “Okay. Thanks.” She said to him happily.

  “No problem sweetie. Would you like a glass of milk with them?” Chase asked her.

  “Hot chocolate would be amazing!” Callie said clapping her hands.

  “Do you have that here?” Chase asked pleased with how happy she was.

  “Yeah. It should be in the cabinet.” She told him turning back to her box.

  He rummaged through her cabinets looking for the mix and a mug. He also found a bag of Hershey kisses in the cabinet. He made it quickly wanting to keep her happy. When he took it out of the microwave, he dropped a kiss in and stirred it until it had completely melted. He sat the mug beside of her and sat back down. She picked it up and took a sip moaning loudly.

  “Oh wow! This is amazing. I need a cup of this every morning.” Callie said between sips.

  “I would be happy to make it for you anytime.” Chase told her seriously.

  Callie got quiet again as she ate her dessert and drank her hot chocolate. Seeing her mug was low he got up and made her another before taking the empty one to put in the sink. She sighed happily and kept eating. He heard the knock at the door and turned to her.

  “Want me to get that? I’m sure it’s your sister.” Chase asked her and she nodded.

  “Why are you answering the door?” Chasity asked as she came in.

  “Callie is finishing the long johns and her hot chocolate.” Chase said shrugging.

  “You mean she ate them all! Did she even touch her dinner?” Chasity asked sounding worried.

  “She ate every bite. Did you bring her more?” He asked hopeful.

  “Of course, but I don’t want her getting sick.” Chasity said and walked to the kitchen.

  “Yay! You’re here. Come try this its amazing.” Callie said when Chasity walked into the kitchen.

  “Um, okay.” She said looking back at Chase before walking over.

  “Wow that really is good. How did you make it?” Chasity asked her sister.

  “I didn’t, Chase made it for me.” Callie replied smiling. “This is my second cup.”

  “That was nice of him.” Chasity said looking back at him.

  “I got you a cheeseburger. I forgot to ask what you wanted so I went simple.” Chase said handing her the bag.

  “Thanks. Could you put this on the counter for me?” She said handing him a bag.

  “I smell long johns!” Callie said reaching for the bag.

  “Callie wait a little while. Your gonna upset your stomach.” Chasity said laughing.

  “Fine. How did you know I needed more?” Callie asked confused.

  “Some crazy guy texted me promising me everything but the moon if I would bring you more.” Chasity said giving Chase a fake glare.

  “If the moon is what it took, I would have found away.” Chase said shrugging as they laughed.

  “So have you guys had time to talk?” Chasity asked in between bites. Callie looked confused and Chase hung his head. “I’ll
take that as a no.” She said kicking Chase under the table.

  “Wait, did you come to tell me yall are dating?” Callie said glaring at both of them.

  “What? No Callie, I only want you!” Chase said staring in her eyes.

  “Why would you even think that?” Chasity asked her.

  “Well he said he talked to you before coming here, and he had your number. Then there is the way yall keep looking at each other like you have a secret.” Callie said watching them.

  “Chase talk to her before she gets anymore crazy ideas.” Chasity told him sternly.

  “Okay.” Chase said nodding. “I know you don’t want to talk about this, but I have waited too long already. Have you remembered anything from that night?” He asked Callie.

  “No. Look we don’t have to talk about that. It’s in the past and we can both move on.” Callie said looking away. Chasity shot him a glare.

  “I need you to listen to me. Chasity is here to confirm the things she saw and help you understand okay.” Chase said and watched her look to her sister. When she nodded he continued. “Remember how I told you about you making the phone call? Well you actually told me she was waiting with her legs spread. Yeah” he said watching her cringe. “Then I took the phone and she told me what she had said and I told her if she ever said another word to you, I would sue her. Then you stumbled into Chasity and she accidentally cut you. When we went to clean it, I told Chasity I would distract you so you wouldn’t scream. You had kept saying it hurt. I kissed you while she cleaned it up to see if you needed stitches. Are you following me?” He asked her. Callie nodded and he started again.

  “Chasity went to get band aids and the liquid band aid too…..” Chase said continuing only glossing over a few small details of Chasity threatening him.

  “Here’s where it gets bad are you ready?” Chase asked her. “Remember I told you why you came home with me. On the way to the truck I carried you. As your sister opened the truck door you bit me.” Chase stopped seeing the shock on her face.

  “I would never do that.” She said mad he was lying to her.


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