Chase's Teacher

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Chase's Teacher Page 8

by Angela Franklin

  As she ate she thought about yesterday, she knew now how childish she had been. She never drank like that and after thinking about the bruises she had noticed on

  Chase, everything made sense. She remembered some of her dreams from last night. Most of them had been bad and revolved around the incident here in the kitchen yesterday, but a few had been amazing.

  She had dreamt of Chase. She could see him smile as he kissed her. Hear his voice as he whispered how beautiful she was. At the time it had even felt like he was there touching her. She even thought she felt him push her away or beg her to stop. When he did that he always said she was going to hate him for this. She didn’t understand what it meant.

  As she ate her third long john it hit her like a ton of bricks. Those weren’t dreams. She was remembering what happened. Just bits and pieces, but she still remembered it. Looking at her thermos’ she started crying remembering all the times he had told her he loved her. A man she accused of taking advantage of her really had tried everything to push her away. She had to fix this.

  “Hey, do you know if Luke is coming by today?” She asked as soon as Chasity picked up.

  “Um, I don’t know. If he works he’s usually here by ten.” She answered. “Are you feeling alright today?” Chasity asked her.

  “Yes and no. I got sick when I first got up, but I’m fine now. Thanks for the drop off. I have already eaten five of the long johns too.” Callie told her.

  “That means you have five left right? Are you going to work today?” Chasity fired off more questions.

  “I’m down to four now. These things are amazing. I called in to work when I woke up sick.” Callie told her. “I was thinking of coming over there in a little bit, is that okay?”

  “Of course. I will be open in about thirty minutes. We can get pretty busy in the mornings.” Chasity said.

  “Can you do me a favor?” Callie asked her.

  “Yes I will make you more long johns.” Chasity told her laughing.

  “Yeah that would be great too, but if Luke comes in before I get there, will you call me?” Callie asked her.

  “Sure. Is everything okay?” Chasity said and Callie could hear the confusion in her voice.

  “Yeah, I just really need to talk to him.” Callie said not wanting to tell her sister why.

  “Okay. I guess I’ll see you soon.” Chasity said hanging up.

  Callie hung up and finished her thermos. She rushed down the hall to shower and get dressed. She needed to talk to Chase too, but after the blow up yesterday she needed to apologize to Luke first. Maybe if he didn’t hate her it would put her nerves a little more at ease before she talked to Chase. She stood in the water letting the hot water wash away all the tension and sore muscles from sleeping on the floor. She was 28 years old. Her body wasn’t meant for the hard floor.

  Getting out she dried off with her fluffy towel before wrapping it around her and stepping out. She dried her hair but decided against makeup. If she cried again it would be a mess. She put on nice jeans and a button up shirt. She didn’t want to look like she was trying to hard. After grabbing the thermos’ she got in her car. She had washed the empty one and was going to send it back.

  “Hey what’s up?” Callie said as her phone rang.

  “He just walked in.” Chasity told her.

  “Great I’m already on my way” Callie said starting to feel nervous.

  Callie pulled into the parking lot and gathered the thermos’ and what she could of her nerves. Getting out she took a deep breath of the cold October air, glad she had worn a light jacket. She walked to the door and opened it, nodding at her sister before seeing Luke at the back corner booth.

  “Hey Luke. Can I talk to you please?” Callie said biting her lip.

  “Um, sure.” he said looking up and she gasped at all the bruises and cuts on his face.

  “I swear I didn’t drink any rum, so I didn’t do that.” Callie said hoping to break the ice.

  “Nope it wasn’t you.” Luke said laughing.

  “Are you okay? Do you need anything?” Callie asked concerned when he winced.

  “I’m fine. What did you want to talk to me about?” He asked getting serious.

  “I-I-I wanted to thank you.” Callie said stuttering.

  “For what?” Luke asked confused.

  “For being brutally honest with me yesterday. I, ah, I had weird dreams last night, but I think they were memories. They were about what yall said, but there were things no one told me too. If that makes any sense.” Callie said running her fingers through her hair.

  “That does make sense to me.” Luke said giving her a little smile.

  “I didn’t handle yesterday well, but I wanted you to know I would have done the same thing if it was Chasity.” Callie said sipping her hot chocolate.

  “You really like that stuff huh?” Luke said watching her carefully.

  “Yeah it’s great and if you drink it with a long john, it’s heaven.” Callie said smiling happily.

  “Are you feeling better today?” He asked her sincerely.

  “I was sick when I first woke up, but I’m feeling better now, thank you.” Callie told him.

  “I really should have learned my lesson yesterday, but are you going to talk to Chase?” Luke said hesitantly.

  “Yeah. I will after I see my sister for a minute. Is he suppose to be at home?” Callie asked.

  ”Yeah he will be there somewhere.” Luke told her smiling. “I’m sorry but I have to get to work, but if you need anything call me.” He said before walking away.

  “Hey Callie. There was no crying or blood shed so that’s good. I really didn’t feel like cleaning today.” Chasity said wrinkling her nose as she sat down.

  “Yeah that went a lot better than I thought.” She answered her sister.

  “Want to talk about it?” Chasity asked her.

  “Nothing to talk about really. I thanked him for yesterday.” Callie said watching her sister frown.

  “For what, yelling at you?” Chasity asked her.

  “For being brutally honest. I know he was only trying to defend Chase. I would have done the same for you.” Callie said smiling.

  “What happened after I left yesterday?” Chasity asked still not understanding.

  “I cried a lot. I fell asleep on the kitchen floor. And woke up sick. Oh yeah and I remembered a few things from that night.” Callie said smiling.

  “Why did you sleep in the floor, and what did you remember?” Chasity asked.

  “I slept in the floor because I cried myself to sleep. I don’t remember much really, just snippets. I can remember some of the things ya’ll told me about, but I have a few more memories of Chase. Those are the more tender moments.” Callie said laughing.

  “For someone who slept in the floor, you sure are happy.” Chasity said.

  “I know, but the hot chocolate and long johns helped a lot.” Callie laughed.

  “Here are the others I promised you.” Chasity told her with a mock scowl.

  “I knew you loved me.” Callie smiled then continued. “How did you get the thermos’?”

  “Technically I didn’t. I got a text to tell you they were there.” Chasity said biting her lip.

  “From who?” Callie said noticing how nervous her sister was.

  “Ah, um, Chase.” Chasity said his name fast thinking Callie would be mad.

  “Okay, so when I go over I will be giving it to the right person.” Callie said smiling.

  “You’re going to see him?” Chasity asked confused.

  “Yeah, but I don’t want to talk about it yet okay?” Callie told her.

  “Okay. I’m here if you need me.” Chasity said smiling.

  “Thank you. Now I have to go.” Callie said grabbing the thermos’ and the bag that had the box of long johns and heading for the car.

  Chapter 9

  Chase had been in the barn since he dropped off the hot chocolate. He hoped it hadn’t upset her, but she said she wanted
it every morning and as long as she would allow it, he would make sure it was there waiting. The horses were doing great. That was both good and bad. Good because it meant they were healthy, bad because they didn’t require a lot of attention. He wanted to see her and make sure she was okay, but he knew she needed space.

  Hearing a car he headed toward the house. Luke had probably came home for lunch. They had been fine after the fight, well their relationship had. Chase was sore as hell and he hoped Luke was too. Rounding the corner he stopped seeing her step up on the porch.

  “Are you okay Callie?” Chase asked and watched her jump.

  “You scared the crap out of me.” She said breathing hard.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to.” Chase said looking down.

  “It’s fine, just let my heart decide to stay in my chest.” Callie said laughing.

  “That would probably be for the best.” Chase said smiling as he walked up to join her. “You want to come in?” He asked hesitantly.

  “Sure.” She replied happily. At least she was happy again for now.

  Chase opened the door and walked over to the couch sitting down. She sat beside him and he watched as she opened one of the thermos’ to get a drink.

  “Thanks for this by the way.” Callie said shyly.

  “No problem.” He said trying to be patient. “Callie are you okay? I don’t mean to push you, but I really don’t think you miss work very often.” He said unable to wait anymore.

  “Your right, I don’t. I woke up sick, but I’m feeling great now.” She told him smiling.

  “Good, I’m glad your feeling better.” He told her.

  “Do you have time to talk to me? I can come back later if you are busy.” She said fidgeting.

  “It’s fine. I really didn’t have anything to do today. Jimmy keeps everything running smooth. I’m just about useless.” He said smiling at her.

  “I will tell you the same that I told Luke. I didn’t drink rum last night and I’m not responsible for all of that damage.” Callie told him and he laughed. “Oh crap I am responsible for this aren’t I. Why?” Callie said looking heart broke.

  “This was between me and Luke. You didn’t do this.” Chase said stroking her cheek before he remembered he wasn’t suppose to.

  “But it was over me wasn’t it?” She said leaning into his hand.

  “Don’t worry, we are fine. I’m alittle sore, but we aren’t fighting anymore. Your sister should be a firefighter the way she was with the water hose.” Chase said chuckling.

  “What does Chasity have to do with this?” She asked putting her hand on top of his.

  “She came by to fuss at us. When she saw us fighting she turned the hose on us.” He told her thankful she hadn’t pulled away. He rubbed his thumb back and forth slowly.

  “I’m the oldest but she acts like a mother hen sometimes I swear.” She said smiling.

  Callie pulled away and leaned back on the couch. He wanted to keep touching her but he would be happy with this. He hadn’t been sure he would ever see her again. He studied her face as she looked away. It seemed like she was trying to get her courage up for something so he would wait. Chase leaned back and rested his arm across the back of the couch.

  “Chase, I came here to talk to you about that night.” Callie said biting her lip as she looked up at him.

  “Alright.” He said watching her close.

  “Last night I had dreams about it. Some of it was things ya’ll told me, but others were memories of you.” Callie said looking down. “I think they were memories anyway.” She finished suddenly fascinated by her hands.

  “Callie girl, if you tell me what it was I can tell you if it happened. I can fill in any blanks you might have too.” Chase said honestly. By the end he would tell her all of it.

  “I remember that.” She said looking up at him.

  “What?” He asked.

  “You calling me Callie girl.” She told him.

  “That could be from that night, or any other time you have been close to me.” Chase said honestly.

  “I know it was that night.” She said looking down again.

  “If your sure that’s great.” Chase said. He had picked up a lock of her hair off the back of the couch and was playing with it as she talked.

  “Most of the things I remember are more intimate.” Callie said blushing.

  “You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to. If you have any questions I will be happy to answer them, but I won’t push you.” Chase told her.

  “I remember the feel of your hands on my body.” She whispered. “I remember you pushing me against the door.” She said and bit her lip.

  “Yes, those things happened.” He said hearing the desire in his voice.

  “I remember you trying to push me away and saying I would hate you in the morning.” She murmured looking in his eyes.

  “I did that a few times too.” He replied.

  “I remember the feel of your lips against mine.” She said looking at his lips.

  “Yes.” He said watching as she licked her lips.

  “I want to feel it again.” She said and he leaned down to capture her lips.

  He was gentle, giving her time to pull away. She moaned and he took the kiss deeper. Slowly he licked the seam of her lips. She opened to him allowing him to move his tongue along hers. He hadn’t put his hands on her afraid he would scare her, but when she sucked his tongue that ended. He put one hand in her hair to angle her head, and the other on her cheek as he devoured her lips. She started running her hand up his leg but he pulled back.

  “Callie girl, I want you so bad.” He groaned seeing the lust in her eyes.

  “Then take me.” She whispered back.

  “No. We need to finish this discussion. There is more you need to know.” He told her leaning back on the couch.

  “It doesn’t matter. If you can forgive the way I behaved, I want to be with you.” Callie told him.

  “Callie, what I need to tell you could change your mind. Were you on birth control?” He asked and watched her frown.

  “I was a virgin. Why would I have been on it?” Callie asked him confused.

  “I need you to listen very carefully okay.” He said and waited for her to nod before be continued. “Some women use them to keep regular to answer your question. Please don’t hate me Callie. I forgot to wear a condom that night.” Chase said looking away.

  “It was only once. It will be okay.” She told him with her hand on his arm.

  “Callie, have you had your period since then?” Chase asked realizing she hadn’t put the pieces together.

  “No, but its only be a couple weeks.” She said frowning.

  “It’s been over a month.” He said watching her as her eyes widened.

  “No that can’t be right. Maybe you have your days mixed up.” Callie said nodding at him.

  “Callie, how late are you?” Chase asked needing to be sure she understood.

  “Um, I have never talked about this before. It’s not a very comfortable subject.” She said looking embarrassed.

  “Callie girl, I’m not judging you. We need to get a time line please.” He said to her.

  “Okay. I guess I’m about two weeks late.” She said frowning.

  “Is that normal?” He asked his heart beating double time.

  “No. Oh no and I have been sick.” She said tears pooling in her eyes. “I have screwed up your life. I’m so sorry Chase.” Callie said falling apart.

  “Callie, you didn’t ruin anything. I forgot, not you. If you are pregnant we just skipped a few steps. Would you like me to call the doctor to have a test run?” He asked. She looked so lost, but she nodded and he pulled out his phone.

  “Callie, he has an appointment in an hour, is that okay?” He asked her and she nodded.

  “Can I go with you, or would you rather have Chasity?” Chase asked when he hung up.

  “Please don’t leave me.” She whispered.

  “I will b
e right by your side always.” Chase said kissing her forehead. “It’s okay Callie. You may not be pregnant.” He said with his heart breaking at the thought.

  “Chase, can I ask you something?” Callie said looking up at him.

  “Anything Callie.” He answered her.

  “Would you be mad if I was pregnant?” She said more tears spilling over.

  “Never. I had hoped to fill this house with kids.” Chase told her smiling.

  “But then you would always have a link to me.” She said looking down.

  “Callie girl I love you. I will always have a link to you with or without a baby.” Chase said lifting her chin and placing a gentle kiss to her lips.

  “Would you like to call Chasity?” He asked her.

  “I would rather wait and see what he says.” Callie told him and he nodded.

  An hour later they were at the doctors and he was pacing the exam room. He had stayed by her side as promised, but he was nervous. What if this wasn’t what she wanted? What if she never spoke to him again? He heard her giggle and turned to look at her.

  “What’s so funny?” He asked running his hand through his hair.

  “You’re such a worry wart. If you keep pacing I may have to tie you down.” She said laughing again.

  “I don’t like waiting.” He said honestly.

  The doctor came in a few minutes later and asked her questions. He checked her over. Chase was getting impatient. Maybe they should have called Chasity. He was a nervous wreck waiting for the test results. Callie looked over and smiled and he smiled back.

  “Before he climbs the walls, how about I read the test results.” The doctor said smiling. Chase was by her side in an instant with his arm around her. “Congratulations. You are pregnant my dear.” The doctor said finally.

  Chase scooped her up and kissed her as the doctor left laughing as he shut the door. Chase was squeezing her tight and she turned her head. Undeterred he kissed across her cheek and down her neck.

  “Um, Chase? Can’t breath.” She said breathlessly.

  “I’m so sorry, did I hurt you?” Chase asked studying her.

  “I’m fine.” She told him.

  “Are you happy about this Callie?” Chase asked worried she wouldn’t want it.


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