Lucifer Reborn 2

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Lucifer Reborn 2 Page 19

by Dante King

  “As long as we can do that again,” I said, idly playing with Eiko’s breasts. The mature teacher didn’t mind a bit—as my fingers quested, she arched her back, giving me more to play with. “In fact, can we do it again now?”

  “I’m pretty beat,” Maddie said with a smile, “but I’d love to watch.”

  Eiko looked to be on the verge of agreeing when a rumble passed through the mattress. Her dark eyebrows furrowed together as she searched for the source of the noise, her gaze settling on a bunching up of fabric near the foot of the bed. “Something’s shaking,” she said with a frown.

  I reached under the blanket to find my discarded pants. My cell phone buzzed in the front pocket. From the number of notifications on the screen, I gathered it had been going off for some time. We’d been so busy that I hadn’t noticed.

  At a glance, all the calls were from Christina and Mareth. The phone informed me that I’d just missed a call from the latter. As soon as I read it, a new call came in from the former. Holding up a hand to quiet both women in bed with me, I held the phone against my ear.

  “Hey,” I said, trying to sound casual. “What’s up?”

  “Luke!” Christina’s relief was palpable. “Baby, where the fuck have you been? Mareth and I have been trying to get in touch with you for like a half-hour now!”

  That’s right when Judyth had to bail on us, I thought, putting two and two together. “Maddie and I are just finishing up our tour of the Celestial Academy,” I said, giving my angelic girlfriend a thumbs-up. “Apparently the two of us are really good at psychic stuff.”

  “Uh huh?” A teasing lilt entered Christina’s voice. “Then why don’t you tell me why I’m calling you?”

  “Isn’t it obvious?” I ran my fingers through my hair as I looked the topless bodies of Eiko and Maddie up and down. “You got lonely and wanted some phone sex.”

  I could hear Christina rolling her eyes through the other end of the phone. “Duh, always,” she purred. “But that’s not the only reason. Shit’s going crazy over here, Luke!”

  I sat up straighter. Something about Christina’s tone of voice told me I needed to hear this.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked, all business now. Maddie noticed the change in me immediately and began to dress. The fun was over for now. “It’s Karl, isn’t it? That bastard decided to strike back against me?”

  “No, Karl’s been quiet,” Christina said, sounding a little unsure of herself. “The truth is, Mareth and I aren’t exactly sure what’s going on. The Infernal Academy is abuzz with rumors. The only thing we’re really sure of is that Lilith came tearing out of here like a bat out of hell—pun intended—along with a couple of the faculty’s strongest demons. Heavy hitters, Luke!”

  A sinking feeling spread through my stomach. “Let me guess,” I said, putting on my pants. “Lilith left the Infernal Academy a little over a half-hour ago?”

  There was a pause on the other end of the line. “Yeah. How’d you know?”

  I pulled the fabric up one leg, hopping on the other. “The Headmistress over here bailed on our tour at the same time. And she took the biggest, baddest angel in the whole place with her wherever she went.”

  Christina gasped. “You think it’s connected?”

  “Gotta be. For both Academies to work together on something, it’s got to be major.” I thought things over quickly, planning my next move. I was grateful that I’d just had some amazing sex with Maddie and Eiko—it meant my head was clear and I could look at things from every angle. “Some kind of ‘all hands on deck’ situation, if it could get Lucifer’s ex-wife and the top angels past the Pearly Gates in the same room together.”

  Christina didn’t hesitate. “Mareth’s already on her way here, babe. Tell us what to do.”

  That’s my girl, I thought with a grin. “Find Oni,” I told her, making a mental list of the most likely places to find out what the hell was going on. “We’ll need the muscle. Then get ready to meet me and Maddie. As soon as we get our clothes on, I’ll use my subspace to bring us back to the dorms in the Infernal Academy.”

  I heard Christina snicker. “Your clothes? Just what are you doing over there, stud?”

  “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you,” I said with a grin, devouring Eiko’s breasts with my eyes. “But I will tell you—in great detail. Soon.”

  “You’d better,” Christina said, hanging up.

  As the call disconnected, Eiko stretched and sighed. “I take it the two of you are needed for something urgent?” the instructor asked, yawning into her hand. Now that Maddie and I had given her a hard, primal fucking, she was all sleepy.

  An awkward flush spread over my cheeks. “Sorry,” I said, glancing back at the bed. The sheets were so warm, and Eiko so fucking gorgeous. It would’ve been the nicest thing in the world to crawl back in with her and spend the rest of the evening banging each other’s brains out. “I hate to leave so soon, but…”

  Again, that enigmatic smile spread across the instructor’s face. “It’s alright,” she said, rising from the bed and reaching for her robe. “It sounds important. Besides, you and I will have all semester to get to know each other better.”

  I was sad to see her nudity leave, but Eiko looked almost as good in her robe as out of it. Its rumpled appearance combined with her messy hair to give her a ‘freshly-fucked’ appearance that was damn near irresistibly cute.

  “Tell me something,” I asked. “If the Headmistresses of the Infernal and the Celestial Academies wanted to meet somewhere, where would they go?”

  Eiko’s face was a mask of shock. “Lilith has disappeared as well? That can’t be good.”

  Maddie had just finished reassembling her wispy silk robe, wrapping it around her body like a bandage dress. “We’d really appreciate the help,” she said, flashing the smile that had gotten her so many big tips as a waitress.

  It charmed Eiko for sure. “If I knew, I’d gladly tell you,” the instructor said with a shrug. “But I don’t. I would suggest checking with the highest-level demon you can find in the Infernal Academy. If there’s an equivalent position there to what Holofernes does for us, that’s where I’d go.”

  There wasn’t, as far as I knew, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t start searching. “Thanks,” I said, giving the instructor a kiss on the cheek. “I’ll call you?”

  Her lips twisted in a smirk. “Young man, I will call you when I want some more of that,” she purred, giving my junk a squeeze through my pants. “Don’t you worry. You just focus on keeping up with me this semester—in the classroom and the bedroom.”

  With that thought to leave me with, I grabbed hold of Maddie and summoned my subspace. I couldn’t wait to see Eiko again, but first I needed to find out what could possibly make the leaders of the Infernal and the Celestial Academies join forces.

  Chapter 14

  In subspace, I had just enough time to brush my teeth and apply a new coat of deodorant before Maddie dragged me through the front door and into the hallway of the Dormitories. The place buzzed with activity—the name Lilith was on everyone’s lips, along with various theories about why she’d flown the coop so suddenly. Most people seemed to think it revolved around Lucifer: that either he was closer to death than he’d let on, or he’d given Lilith the impression that she might have a chance to get back with him. As a result, the demonic students we saw were either on the verge of tears or holding back laughter, depending on which theory they believed.

  No one knew about the similar chaos erupting at the Celestial Academy. If they had, it might have shocked the student body into silence.

  The elevator carried us past the clubs and arcades, the amenities of the Demonic Dormitories calling out to me as we descended. If I ever get a moment to have some fun, I told them mentally, then let my hand slide to Maddie’s ass. Hell. I was having plenty of fun already.

  Christina and Mareth were waiting for us in the student commons. Mareth wore her ever-present schoolgirl outfit, cut especially low
in the front today since she knew I’d be coming back to school, while Christina walked around in her demonic, ‘transmog’ form. Plates of armored scales covered the sections of her anatomy a bikini would in the real world, but other than that, my formerly-human girlfriend was pretty much naked. That’s how Christina liked it, though—it made her two favorite pastimes easy. Fighting and fucking.

  After a few hugs, a couple deep kisses, and a spank on each girl’s demonically enhanced ass, I got down to business.

  “Where’s Oni?” I asked, glancing around the common area. The big demon wasn’t the brightest candle on the birthday cake, and he tended to get pulled into other people’s games of whack-a-mole and skeeball at the arcade. “Did you manage to find him?”

  Christina sighed and spread her hands. “He’s gone missing, too,” she said, making a face.

  “We can’t find him anywhere,” Mareth added. “We even got a phone to give him when we found him so you can keep in touch, but if he’s on campus, he’s doing a damn good job of hiding.”

  Mareth pulled a black cell phone out of her skirt pocket.

  Maddie’s face lit up. “Say,” Maddie said, “you wouldn’t mind letting me use that instead, would you?”

  Mareth gave a little start. “You don’t have a cell phone already? Correction: Luke hasn’t bought you a cell phone already?”

  “We were going to visit the angelic markets after our tour,” I explained. “But then all hell broke loose, and we decided we needed to book it.”

  Mareth glanced down at the black cell phone and shrugged. “Might as well. Oni’s big oven-mitt fingers probably couldn’t work the touch screen, anyway.”

  Maddie caught the wedge of plastic, her eyes shining with excitement as she flipped through the initial setup options on the phone. “Thank you so much! I wanted to get in on everyone’s group chats—I didn’t really feel like I was a part of the group without the ability to talk to you guys whenever!”

  “If I’d have known, I’d have gotten you one sooner,” Christina said, putting her hands on her hips. “Are you sure you’ll be okay with that one, though, Maddie? It’s kind of... you know.”

  “Black and red,” Mareth said with a giggle. “Not really the color scheme they use upstairs.”

  Maddie scoffed. “That’s why it’s perfect,” she said, taking a quick selfie to test the camera. “Don’t get me wrong, I love the Celestial Academy already, it’s just... a girl could use a little more excitement, you know? Besides, one look at this phone and they’ll all know that I’ve got a dangerous bad boy for a boyfriend.”

  Maddie said this last part with a little grin. I liked the idea of her carrying around a reminder of her allegiance to a demon all the time, as well. I wouldn’t always be able to attend class with Maddie, or spend as much time in the Celestial Academy with her as I’d like. Not only would our calls, texts, and dirty snaps keep us together when we were physically apart, the phone itself would be a reminder of her bond with the Infernal Realm.

  She’s right, I thought. It is perfect.

  “Alright, cool,” Christina said, pulling her own phone out of a scaled pouch against her hip. “Got my first text from you, angel girl. You can tell me about you getting your halo and I can gush about all the demons whose asses I’ve kicked this week. Now how the fuck do we find out where Lilith’s gone?”

  “We could ask Lucifer,” Mareth suggested. The name made several heads turn, stopping a pair of demons in sweats adorned with the school’s crest as they made their way into the arcade. “Assuming whatever this is isn’t so big that he’s busy dealing with it, too.”

  All of us turned to stare at Mareth. “You’ve got a direct line to Lucifer?” I asked.

  The succubus turned defensive. “He is my Dad, you know,” Mareth retorted, her long tongue darting angrily from a corner of her mouth. “Despite what they say about him, the Prince of Darkness is anything but a deadbeat. He sees me as often as he’s able, and I know I can pick up the phone to talk to him whenever I need to.”

  That was one interesting thing to keep in mind. If we ever had a situation that couldn’t be dealt with in any other way, we could always make a saving throw and have Mareth call home to Daddy. I got the impression such a tactic would only work in our favor once, though. As soon as Lucifer realized Mareth had used their parent-child connection in my benefit, he’d probably start screening his calls.

  “I’m going to remember you’ve got a direct line to the Devil,” I told Mareth. “But we don’t have to bug your Dad just yet. I’ve got another idea.”

  Mareth let out a relieved sigh. “Good,” she said, tucking her cell phone into the pocket of her schoolgirl outfit. “The last time I asked him for a favor, Aunt Lilith was up my ass about it for an entire month. I swear, that woman’s got that ‘crabs in a bucket’ mentality—she can’t stand to see anyone have a better relationship with her ex-husband than she does…”

  Having known more than a few people exactly like that during my human life, I nodded. “Good to know. I won’t get you in trouble unless it’s absolutely necessary.”

  Suddenly, all three of my girls were giggling.

  Mareth grinned. “Oh, you get me in plenty of trouble, Luke. Only it’s the good kind.”

  I led the trio out of the student commons and toward the front entrance of the Infernal Academy. To get there, we had to cross the green, which was absolutely packed with demons. Hell was even hotter than normal that afternoon, and the emergency with the Headmistress caused most demonic teachers to cancel class early. As a result, it looked like every student on campus was out and about today, playing games or sunbathing or just drinking and gossiping about Lilith.

  A cute succubi laying topless on her belly pulled down her sunglasses and winked at me as I walked by. She gave herself a smack on the ass with her forked tail, rising onto her knees and making an arch of her back.

  “Hey, you’re the guy who took Karl down,” she purred, taking in my entourage with a glance. “Where are you going in such a hurry?”

  Normally, I would’ve gladly given this girl a good half-day of my attention. At the moment, however, I had no time to waste.

  “Special errand for the Headmistress,” I said, glancing at the wrought-iron gates leading to the parking circle.

  The succubus sat up. Short horns protruded from her forehead, twisting into curlicues like the flourishes on a girl’s cursive writing. Christina let out a little gasp as the demon girl’s arm dropped, leaving her breasts exposed to the student body.

  “You’re involved with that?” Her jaw dropped open, her nudity forgotten for the moment. “What the hell happened to Lilith? The whole damn campus is talking about it—”

  “We’ve really got to go,” Maddie said, smiling at the succubus like an unreasonable customer back at her diner. “Thank you so much for the view, though!”

  As we rushed off, the succubus pulled a slender phone of her own out of her pocket and snapped a quick picture of us. When I glanced over my shoulder, she was already talking to someone else about what she’d heard—no doubt embellishing it to make even more juicy gossip.

  “Great,” I growled. “Now the entire school’s going to think we’re involved with Lilith’s disappearance.”

  “That’s not a bad thing,” Christina replied, dodging out of the way as a football tossed by a big goat demon soared just past her head. “Makes you look like an even more important demon. Not to mention a total badass.”

  “Yeah, but if Lilith doesn’t come back, it also makes us look like murderers,” I said ruefully. “So, whatever’s going on, we’d better find a way to fix it.”

  Once we got past the green, the crowd thinned out considerably. Other than a few teachers lounging near the doors of their buildings, steam rising from the cups of the bitter coffee they all drank (Lilith’s specialty), the front of the Infernal Academy seemed almost deserted. My heart sank. I scanned the parking circle, which was empty of cars, telling myself there had to be at least one
attendant here this afternoon. They couldn’t have all fucked off when the trouble started, could they?

  “You know, it might be easier for us to help if you explained what you’re doing,” Mareth said, noticing my intense look. “We’re your harem, dude. You don’t need to keep us in the dark.”

  She was right. I certainly didn’t. “Maddie,” I said, making the angel girl jump. “Tell them what you told me about the diner and the car.”

  A little surprised, Maddie related the tale. Christina listened to the waitress tell her about climbing into the trunk of my enchanted car with interest, but more than a little confusion. Next to her, however, Mareth’s expression hardened into certainty almost as soon as Maddie began her story.

  “I don’t get it?” Christina said with a frown as Maddie finished. “Luke’s car can talk?”

  Mareth punched her open palm with a fist, looking as excited as if I’d just invited her to spray paint the walls of the Celestial Academy with naughty graffiti. “Luke’s car isn’t a car,” Mareth surmised, scanning the parking circle even more thoroughly than I’d been doing. “It’s some kind of demon. One that’s not only smart enough to see Maddie’s potential, but clever enough to trick her into sneaking down into Hell with us.”

  “Hey, it didn’t have to trick me,” Maddie protested. “I wanted to come with you guys! I gave Luke my panties and everything…”

  Christina grinned wickedly. “Just be glad you got in early, while the getting was good,” she purred, wrapping an arm around Maddie’s shoulders. “Now that he’s got us, girls are going to have to try way harder to get into Luke’s bed. I mean, did you see how hot that succubus was? Pre-harem Luke would’ve howled like a wolf and started drooling all over himself when that demon girl showed him her tits. Now he’s still able to focus on the mission and everything!”


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