Hawk Brothers Romance Collection

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Hawk Brothers Romance Collection Page 8

by Cami Checketts

  Emmett brought the woman in front of everyone and beamed down at her. “This is Avalyn Shaman, acclaimed psychiatrist, author, motivational speaker, and creator of Health for All.” He smiled so proudly at her, Cambree’s stomach felt sour and her neck tight. “You can just call her Ava Baby for short.”

  Avalyn swatted at his shoulder playfully and laughed. “Please don’t let that nickname get out.” She turned to all of them with a full smile. She was an exotic beauty, definitely from some Arabic background with her high cheekbones, full lips, creamy brown skin, and silky dark hair.

  “I don’t think any of us needed the introduction,” Gunner murmured. When Avalyn turned her smile on him, he added, “Forgive us if we stare, ma’am. We’re all a bit starstruck.”

  “Can I get a selfie right now?” Lucy asked. “You’re my hero!”

  “Thank you so much,” Avalyn said smoothly. Everything about her was smooth—her hair, her skin, and her red silky dress.

  Cambree couldn’t really process that Emmett still had his hand on this woman’s lower back and was grinning at all of them like he was displaying his top prize. He caught Cambree’s gaze and winked at her. Cambree pasted on her own smile, but jealousy ripped through her, making her hands clammy and her throat ache. Emmett and Avalyn looked perfect together—exquisite, really. As soon as she thought that, she realized she had seen them together on some magazine cover. If she remembered right, they’d been promoting Avalyn’s world health incentives for clean water and healthy food for children.

  She wanted to get out her phone and Google their names. Were they dating? It couldn’t be possible. Emmett wouldn’t be kissing Cambree if he was dating someone else. Would he? She’d heard many Hollywood stars paired up with whoever they were on set with, and then after filming went back to their spouse or partner without missing a beat. Just another reason she would never want to be part of some immoral, high-society world. She couldn’t imagine Emmett was like that, but did she really know him well enough to know?

  “You’ve all worked so hard this week,” Emmett was saying. “But come next week, you’ll be working out without your favorite trainer.”

  “I’ll cry for you, Mark,” Lucy called out.

  Mark made a heart with his hands.

  “We want you to go home motivated to keep giving every day, every workout your all. Avalyn is here to keep your head in the game.”

  “Thank you, Emmett.” She beamed at him, then clapped her slender fingers together. “Let’s get started.”

  Emmett walked away from her and sat next to Beau.

  “Isn’t she amazing?” Beau murmured.

  “Yeah, she is,” Emmett returned.

  Cambree kept her eyes facing forward, but her cheeks were burning and her stomach was swirling. Emmett and Avalyn. It made so much sense. Cambree couldn’t help but look down at her sweat-stained tank top and workout shorts. She had not a smidgeon of makeup on, and though she’d applied her clinical-strength antiperspirant and extra body spray this morning, she’d worked out too hard to not stink like sweat. The disparity between her and Avalyn Shaman were so glaringly obvious. Avalyn glowed with confidence and poise. That was the type of woman who should be on a Hawk brother’s arm. It was humiliating that Cambree had ever imagined she could have a chance with someone like Emmett Hawk. The vision standing in front of their small group was the perfect complement to Emmett.

  Avalyn was talking excitedly about goals and motivators and the keys to success. The words whirled around Cambree’s head, not really sinking in at all. She pretended to take notes on the pad of paper in front of her. Maybe someday the words would help her, but right now it was a way to distract her from looking at Emmett. If he caught a glimpse of her eyes, he’d see that she was acting like a green-eyed monster, and she was terrified for what Avalyn’s appearance here meant to their fledgling relationship. No, they didn’t even have a relationship. She bit at her lip to keep from crying out and scribbled away on the pad of paper, hating that her pen scratches swirled before her eyes as tears of frustration stung her eyelids.

  Emmett enjoyed listening to Ava speak, as always. She’d been his friend since they were small children, and he was proud of all she’d accomplished. It was great of her to come and share with their small group her insights on goals and motivation, and it was fun to see how excited Gunner, Lucy, and his trainers were. Britney listened intently but seemed a little standoffish. She kept glancing at Cambree. Cambree was taking notes … diligently. He couldn’t catch her eye, but he’d be able to chat with her soon.

  After the speech, he walked Ava out to her car, thanked her, gave her a big hug, and told her he’d see her soon. He hurried back inside to find Cambree. She was sitting in the same spot, but glanced up as he approached her.

  “Hey,” he said, leaning against a table. “Wasn’t Ava great?”

  “Yeah. She’s amazing.” Cambree bent to write some more.

  “I can have her email you the notes,” he suggested.

  “Thanks, that would help so much.” Cambree stood. “You two are close.”

  “Oh, yeah. Our whole lives we’ve been close.”

  Cambree pulled in a breath and then muttered, “That’s … great. You ready to go?”


  She hurried in front of him, then stopped abruptly outside. “Where to first?”

  Emmett stared at her. She usually followed that question up with “bossy man.” Had he said something wrong? “Well, let’s lift first, and then we’ll focus on obstacles.”

  “Okay.” She practically ran for the gym.

  Emmett followed more slowly, confused and a little frustrated. He’d been so excited with his surprise of Ava coming here and had gotten really stoked to talk all her points through with Cambree, but Cambree was acting really weird. Maybe she was just upset that their time together was dwindling, but they’d keep seeing each other. He wasn’t going to let someone as unreal as Cambree out of his life.

  Chapter Nine

  The afternoon had passed awkwardly for Cambree. Emmett kept saying things about how great “Ava” was and wanting to chat about different points she’d brought up. Cambree tried to agree and discuss enthusiastically. She didn’t want Emmett to see her jealousy, but she had no clue how he was oblivious to it.

  Their time together was almost over. Cambree wished she could stay in this week forever, but that was silly. Emmett would go on with his ritzy life. He’d find happiness with Avalyn, or someone like her, and Cambree would pray she could someday forget his kindness, his teasing, his kisses. It wasn’t going to be easy, but that was life.

  After dinner, she and Britney were headed toward the swimming pool together. Britney had shown up for their morning run with no makeup on, and Cambree had noticed she’d pushed herself harder than ever today and cheered everyone else on.

  “I’m super proud of you,” Cambree said.

  “Thanks, friend. I’m proud of myself.” Britney grinned. They walked into the pool area, the first ones to arrive. “What do you say we cheat and soak in the hot tub first?”

  “I’d love that.”

  They shed their cover-ups and flip-flops and slid into the warm water. Of course, it reminded Cambree of kissing Emmett in this bubbly water and touching his beautifully formed chest. Why did “never again” have to hurt so much?

  “So, ‘my friend, Emmett Hawk,’ huh?”

  Cambree sighed. She wished she and Emmett Hawk had something together, but it could never be. “He’s one of the best guys I’ve ever known.” And soon that’s how she’d remember him.

  “He is a great guy.” Britney smiled, but then she turned serious. “I don’t know how to say this, but … I saw him walk Avalyn out.”

  Cambree felt a stirring of unease in her gut. She leaned closer. “Are they together, Brit?”

  Britney shrugged her lean shoulders. “Ah, sweetie.” She pushed water around with her hands. “It sure seems like it.”

  “I want to go Google them, bu
t I haven’t let myself.”

  “They’ve been photographed together a lot and he supports her charities,” Britney said quietly.

  Gunner and Beau walked into the pool area, but they were still far enough away they wouldn’t overhear them. Gunner raised his hand and called out, “Hey, pretty ladies.”

  They both waved.

  “The thing is, Brit … Didn’t they look perfect together?”

  Britney stared at her. “Do you love him?” she demanded to know.

  Love. What a word. Cambree had loved once, and it had devastated her. Why was she destined to love men who didn’t fit her? “I hardly know him.”

  “But you two get along so well.” Britney sighed and then said, “You told me that you were uncomfortable with high society. Is that a serious issue, or something you can get over?”

  Cambree pulled in a breath. The way Nolan had shredded her confidence and her heart wouldn’t easily be erased. “It’s pretty serious.”

  Britney eyed her compassionately. “Have you seen Emmett’s family? The great Hawk brothers?”

  Cambree knew exactly what Britney was talking about. “I have Googled them.”

  Britney nodded. She’d proven her point. “I hope you can get over your issues. You two really are great together.”

  No, he and Avalyn were great together. Emmett and Cambree were not a match and never would be. Even if Emmett wanted to date Cambree outside of this camp, she couldn’t simply “get over her issues” when she was the issue. Nolan had destroyed her, but he hadn’t been wrong. She was bluntly honest and had never learned social skills, and her mama was twenty times worse. Cambree didn’t want to hurt Emmett or his family, even if it was unintentional like the way she’d messed up Nolan’s job opportunity before he dumped her.

  Emmett and then Mark, Tracy, and Lucy walked into the pool area. Cambree’s stomach swooped with anticipation and excitement when she saw Emmett, but then it dropped like a tractor driven off a silo. She wasn’t right for him, no matter how amazing he was and how she’d felt when they kissed.

  “Hey!” Gunner yelled at Emmett. “Hit me!” He tossed a football to Emmett, then took a stance on the diving board.

  Emmett grinned. “Let’s see how far you can jump.” His eyes sought out Cambree, and his grin grew.

  Cambree returned his smile, but the worry she’d had about fitting into his high-dollar life hit her full force. Britney hadn’t asked in order to make her uncomfortable; she was honestly concerned about her. Cambree was concerned, too. It seemed this carefree, happy time was going to end faster than she’d even dreaded.

  Emmett had looked forward to a night of kissing Cambree in the hot tub or out on a walk through the woods—really, he didn’t care about the location as long as she was in his arms. But she was stiff and awkward with him throughout the swimming time. After it was over she slipped away with Britney, and he ended up chatting with Gunner about recruiting and what to expect. When he finished, he hurried to his cabin to shower, then went to knock on Cambree’s door.

  She swung the door open and smiled, but there was something in her eyes that he didn’t like.

  “Walk?” he asked.

  “Can you come in?” she asked at the same time.

  “Sure.” If she wanted to kiss and/or snuggle on the couch, he was all in.

  They sat side by side on the couch. He scooted closer so their bodies were pressed against each other. She turned and brought her knees up underneath her, creating some distance between them. Emmett wanted to curse. What was happening?

  “So, um, I like you … a lot,” she said.

  Emmett forgot all about wanting to curse. She liked him, a lot. Yes! Of course his bold, too-honest Cambree would be the first one to initiate relationship talk. He was smitten with her.

  He tried to move closer, but her knees were in the way. He gave up on the scooting and simply wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her onto his lap. Ah, much better. “I like you a lot too.” He leaned close, ready to seal all this “like” between them with lots and lots of kissing.

  Cambree gave him one delicious taste of her lips, but then she shook her head free and pushed against his chest. “Emmett … no.”

  He blinked, not sure what was “no.” There was nothing “no” about that kiss, unless she was interpreting it vastly different from what he’d intended. Why she was saying his name all stern like she was a schoolteacher or something? Wait, she was a schoolteacher. But he wasn’t some naughty student. He was her boyfriend, or at least hoping to be.

  Cambree scooted off of his lap and back onto her own couch cushion. Emmett’s shoulders rounded. What had he done wrong? “What’s going on, Cam?” He clenched one fist and tried to keep his face neutral.

  She swallowed before saying, “A lot of your life is about image, social rank, looking the part.”

  He shrugged. “Yeah. Why?”

  Cambree took in a long breath, then pushed it out. “That’s not me, Emmett. I hate social posturing. I can’t do it.”

  Emmett blinked at her. Did she think he’d expect her to be some society princess to date him? He didn’t want a Barbie doll like Britney. He thought he’d made that pretty clear this week. “I don’t care if you want to be a hermit. I still want to date you.” Admittedly, if things progressed beyond dating, she’d have to deal with some media scrutiny and some high-profile parties with his parents, but he’d be by her side through it all. It wasn’t that hard.

  She shook her head. “Think about it for a minute. It wouldn’t work. The media’s always after you, and not just because you’re an NFL star. It’s your family, your money, the way you look.” She gestured to him. “It’s your life. You’re a Hawk brother.”

  She said that like it was a bad thing. He was proud to be a Hawk brother. His brothers were some of the best men he knew.

  “I like you, Emmett, you’re a great guy, but this can’t go any farther. I’m not willing to put myself in the limelight for you.”

  Emmett couldn’t do anything but stare at her. She didn’t say any more. He stood, suddenly angry and hurt. So he was great, but not great enough for her to handle a little media heat, a couple of snooty parties? Really? “You’re already in the limelight with your Warrior races.”

  She stood too. “Not really. We have a few fans, but it’s nothing compared to your life. I can’t be a part of your world. No interviews, no media coverage, no paparazzi following me, and especially no chance for me to say something I shouldn’t.” She shook her head. “I’m so sorry, Emmett.”

  He clamped his jaw shut. How could the bravest woman he’d ever met not be brave enough to deal with the limelight, with society and paparazzi? It didn’t fit. “So you won’t be a victim and you’ll stand up to sleaze balls like Troy, you’re braver and tougher than anyone I know, but you won’t stand up to the media for me?” So it was him. He wasn’t enough for her.

  “I wish I could explain it.”


  Cambree looked him over. Then she glanced down and said quietly, “I was engaged not that long ago.”

  Emmett’s stomach tumbled at the thought of her in another man’s arms.

  “I loved him, would’ve done anything for him, and he claimed he was crazy about me, didn’t care about my background or the way I phrase things sometimes.” Her shoulders rounded. “But I screwed it all up, really bad. I humiliated him and the governor and the governor’s wife. I ruined his hopes to be appointed to the governor’s staff. He dumped me and broke my heart. I can’t walk on eggshells all the time, terrified that one wrong word will ruin the life of someone I … care for. I can’t live like that.”

  Emmett stared down at her. “He was an idiot, Cambree. I would protect you from situations like that. I wouldn’t put you in situations you didn’t want to be in.”

  She lifted her shoulders but didn’t give him an inch. “You couldn’t protect me from every situation. I want to stand on my own, Emmett, and I don’t want to be scrutinized for being
a redneck if I say something your type of people would say is wrong.”

  “You don’t even know my type of people. You’re judging me and my family off of some idiot who dumped you because you said something wrong?”

  “I say things wrong all the time.”

  “You’re brutally honest, but I love that about you.” He wished he would’ve had time to let Ava and Cambree get to know each other today. Then Cambree would’ve understood that one of his closest friends was amazing and in the limelight, but she didn’t care about “social posturing,” as Cambree called it; she cared about helping others, especially children.

  “I’m sure your family are great people, but will all your fans, sponsors, and family like the way I talk? My background?”

  “I don’t care if they don’t.” Why was she being so pigheaded about this? He was a grown man and could choose who he dated.

  “You should. Your life is important to you.”

  “My family is important to me, but they would love you.” Emmett shoved a hand through his hair. So his dad and Callum might struggle with where she’d come from and some of the ways she phrased things, but they’d learn to love her quickly. “You’re right that the media is tough and being in the limelight sucks. I understand. Believe me, I do. My agent is forcing me to keep my early retirement under wraps and I hate that I’m basically lying to America, but you do what you have to do to keep everybody happy …” His voice trailed off at the way her blue eyes darkened.

  Half a second passed as she blinked up at him, then finally said, “You’re retiring?”

  Emmett clamped his lips together. He liked Cambree more than he should, but she was basically dumping him right now and he was spilling all his secrets. “We’re waiting to announce it.”

  “Is that what you want?”

  “No, but I have no choice.” He pointed to his knee angrily. Why would he want to give up the sport he’d loved since the day he started playing catch in the backyard with Creed? “I’ll never be back to a hundred percent.”


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