Hawk Brothers Romance Collection

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Hawk Brothers Romance Collection Page 18

by Cami Checketts

  Then he was kissing her, and her brain couldn’t process anything but the pressure of his lips on hers. They’d been made to kiss each other. There was nothing on Earth she loved more than dancing except this. Creed always had a rhythm to his kisses, a natural and instinctive choreography, and tonight was the perfect arrangement for her. He started hard and fast, capturing her lips and conveying how he’d hungered for her. How they’d been apart for far too long. She returned the hunger and then some. This kiss was the kiss of a warrior who had won the battle and was back to claim what was due to him. Kiera should’ve protested that she wasn’t the girl waiting for the hunky hero anymore, but there was no strength in her to protest, only to savor and fully return his mind-blowing kiss.

  After several blissful, heat-filled minutes, he slowed the kisses down and took his time exploring her lips and mouth. It was like he was tasting her and savoring her and couldn’t get enough. Kiera’s body hummed with awareness and desire from her mouth out. She could never get enough of him. Finally, the pain of separation, the waiting to be together was over. She was right where she was meant to be—in Creed’s arms and being swept away by his kisses.

  Kiera’s head was so cloudy and full of Creed that she couldn’t stand on her own two feet. Luckily, she didn’t need to with his strong arms holding her close, burning fire through her thin robe. She held on tight to his broad back and let him work his magic on her mouth.

  His lips left hers and slowly trailed down her neck, leaving fire in their wake. He was working his way back up to her lips, and she could hardly stand the wait, but then he broke away and straightened, muttering, “I can’t do this.”

  Kiera blinked at him, confused and wanting him to keep kissing her. He couldn’t do … what exactly? He stepped back, released his hold on her and shoved a hand through his hair, staring broodily down at her.

  He said nothing, and Kiera was chilled and shaky, swaying on her feet. She’d been ripped too quickly from his heat and touch. It was like being in a steam room then jumping into an ice-cold pool. Her head cleared bit by bit, and she thought of what he’d said right before he kissed her. “Why are you going to regret kissing me in the morning?”

  Creed blew out a breath, and now instead of broody, he was openly glaring at her. “You need to put some clothes on.”

  Kiera reared back and glanced down at her robe. It covered her, going clear down to her knees with double sashes at her waist that were both tied tight. Most of her stage costumes were more revealing. She folded her arms across her chest and glared at him. “No. Right now, you need to explain … lots of things.”

  Creed glanced at her robe before meeting her gaze. “I need to explain?” He put a hand to his chest. “That’s exactly what I was thinking. I’m the one who needs to explain.”

  The sarcasm dripped from his voice, but she wasn’t about to back down. “Exactly,” she said, not giving an inch. “You can start with why you ‘can’t do this,’ said right after we kissed. Then explain ‘I’m going to regret this in the morning’ being said right before we kissed. Then we can go back to hmm, I don’t know, you being not dead and never coming for me, and making me wish you were dead!” She pushed out a frustrated breath, clenching her fists when she wanted to pound on his chest. Yet she didn’t trust herself to touch him right now. Too much risk of getting lost in him again and losing her well-deserved anger.

  “Why are you even here?” she shot at him.

  Creed gave her a dry chuckle. “I’m not here to talk to you Kiera, and I’m definitely not here to kiss you. I’m here to give you a warning.”

  Kiera’s heart had already shriveled and died when he was confirmed dead, but when he came back to life and never came for her, her heart turned into a rock. Somehow, miraculously it could still hurt though. This wasn’t him coming for her. Of course, it wasn’t. He regretted even kissing her. Why was she even surprised?

  “I’m a big girl. I can take care of myself without Mr. Bad-A Navy SEAL taking pity on my sorry self and coming to watch out for me.”

  Creed took a step closer to her. Kiera stood her ground. The man who used to love and adore her was now trying to intimidate her. Why had she loved this cretin so desperately? She glanced over his beautifully-sculpted face and body. Besides his irresistible looks, he used to be fun, smart, charming, and nice. Now, he was simply the man who had never cared about her enough to return to her. The man who had killed her heart.

  “Stay away from the older blond guy. The one with the lame English accent.”

  It was easy to know who he meant. There’d only been a few blond men at the show tonight, only one she’d danced with, and only one who had an accent.

  “Didn’t seem much older to me, pretty hot and fit actually.”

  Creed’s jaw clamped tight, and a muscle worked in it. Kiera wanted to reach up and touch his jaw. Tell him she’d do what he asked if only he’d hold her again. She clamped her arms tighter around herself.

  “Don’t you dare, Kiera. You just try and date him, and you’ll see what kind of a bad-A Navy SEAL I am.”

  If she wasn’t so ticked at him, he would be inspiring to behold right now. All that muscle and raw determination. She could feel the strength radiating from him. She’d never been afraid of Creed, never would be, but she could imagine if someone was on his wrong side they’d be in peril.

  Yet he had no desire to be with her, and the blond guy seemed to tick him off. Hmm. She wasn’t above using that to tick him off more. Turnabout was fair play. She’d been broken since he rejected her without having the guts to actually do it face to face. Simply sending her some Dear Jane letter that she’d wrongly assumed meant he loved her and wanted her happiness above all else. Now, she realized it was just a cop-out. Go live your life, go be happy. Then the dream-ruiner had been brought back to life and run away on his “missions.” He’d left her with nothing, her and her stone of a heart.

  A rap came at the door, and Creed glowered at her. “Expecting someone?”

  “Actually, I was.” She raised an eyebrow and watched the emotions race across his face—anger and jealousy warring with one another. Maybe there was something left in him that cared about her.

  She pushed around him to get the door. Creed caught her arm and pulled her back against his chest. The breath rushed out of her. She molded to his body perfectly. His arms came around her waist, and Kiera couldn’t help but sigh with longing for him. The thin robe wasn’t nearly enough to protect her from the heat and possessiveness of his arms. The exquisite strength of his chest muscles pressing against her back.

  He bent close and whispered in her ear, “Who’s at the door, Kiera?”

  Kiera tilted her head to meet his dark gaze and gave him a look full of challenge. Let him think she’d invited a room full of men over for all she cared. “Something I’ve been craving all day,” she whispered.

  His eyes darkened to almost black, and his arms tightened around her. If she wasn’t so ticked off, she would’ve loved every second of being this close to Creed. The protectiveness and desire in his embrace were so familiar yet thrilling. She’d been without him, craved him, for too long, and she was in danger of falling for him all over again.

  “You’d better ask him to leave unless you want to watch me decimate the man on your doorstep,” he threatened in a low growl.

  “I don’t think you even understand who you’re competing with.” She gave him a condescending glare.

  “No one stands a chance against me.”

  Kiera thought that was probably true. The knock came again.

  “Who is it Kiera?” Creed’s eyes were narrowed and full of protective intent. Kiera wanted to tell him that he had no right to be protective of her anymore, but she worried about pushing him too far, afraid for the poor room service attendant on the other side of the door.

  She looked into Creed’s gaze and whispered back, “Room service.”

  Creed stared in disbelief. Then he started laughing. She loved the rumble of la
ughter in his chest pressing against her back. Kiera couldn’t help but laugh along with him.

  “I thought …” He shook his head and released her.

  Kiera’s laughter died quickly. She wasn’t sure she wanted to know what he’d thought, and she hated that him touching her again was a craving she would never be able to satiate.

  She went and opened the door. A smiling young man rolled the serving dolly in and unloaded several trays onto the table.

  “Gracias,” Kiera said.

  Creed palmed him a twenty, and the young man walked out the door grinning.

  “You’re not supposed to tip them. They were very specific about that when I checked in.”

  “None of them have complained yet,” Creed said.

  “You don’t need to act like a billionaire.”

  He didn’t even respond. He stared over the various plates of food with a furrowed brow. The anger was back in his eyes, and she wasn’t sure why. Hadn’t they just laughed together? It didn’t change anything, couldn’t fix the pain of him not wanting her, but couldn’t they somehow, someway talk this out? No. Nothing he could say would make up for the way he’d deserted her. Him dying had been horrific, but she’d never blamed him. Him being brought back to life but not coming for her? That she blamed him for aplenty. Yet what if he’d been tortured so horribly it had ruined his mind and his ability to love? Maybe that was why he didn’t want her anymore. Being around him right now, he seemed like the old Creed. Her Creed. No. She couldn’t think like that ever again.

  Creed uncovered platters, and a ghost of a smile touched his lips. “You and your sushi.” Then the smile was gone. “Who are you expecting, Kiera?”

  She stared at him. “What?”

  Creed strode away from the table and got right in her space. Kiera did back away this time. Creed kept coming until she was backed into a wall.

  “The Kiera I knew would never order this much food, knowing she could only eat a fraction of it. The Kiera I knew hated to waste. She was too worried about those who didn’t have enough food. Taught well by her philanthropist mama.”

  He didn’t know her anymore, and even though her breath was coming in fast pants from his nearness, he was ticking her off. She wished her body didn’t respond to him so readily, like muscle memory. It reminded her of dancing the merengue, so easy a drunk person could do it and so natural as soon as the music started playing you couldn’t help but dance along. Creed came near, and her body immediately flooded with heat and wanted to touch him and move in rhythm with him.

  “You don’t know me anymore,” she whispered, getting caught up in his dark, stormy gaze.

  Creed swallowed, and his body brushed against hers. “That’s for sure.” He stepped back and glowered at her. “I’m only going to ask one more time. Who were you expecting … wearing that?” His eyes traveled over her robe.

  “I’m only going to ask once. Get out.” She pointed at the door. Unfortunately, her hand was shaking. Why was Creed acting like she was some loose woman? They’d made a pact in high school to never let the fire of their love get out of control, to save themselves for marriage. He’d tried a few times to push farther than they should, and she’d helped him stay in control. The night before he left, it was her that had tried to get him to break the pact, and he’d stayed strong. Their love was stronger than a mere physical bond. That’s what he always said when they were tempted. Creed had to know she wouldn’t be waiting for someone in her suite in nothing but a robe.

  Creed blinked at her and bent down close again. “I thought what we used to have was special to you, but obviously, you aren’t the Kiera I fell in love with.”

  Kiera slapped him across the face. The slap rang through the room, and neither of them moved. Creed finally gave her his sarcastic smile. The one he gave to people he hated. “This isn’t over, Kiera. I’ll be watching you, and I’ll protect you. Even if you don’t care about protecting yourself any longer.”

  Kiera’s stomach felt sick, and she knew all this food was going to go to waste. Her mama would be disappointed in her right now for more reasons than that. “Do I need to slap you again? Or are you leaving?”

  Creed stormed to the door and threw it open. He turned and threw verbal daggers back at her. “I despise what you’ve become, Kiera, but if you ever cared for me at all, stay away from the blond guy.”

  Kiera hurried to the door and pushed at him. He didn’t budge an inch. “Get out!” she screamed.

  Creed smiled at her. “I’ll get out, but if any other man tries to come through this door, I’ll tear him apart. Sleep tight.” He waved and stepped out onto the wide patio.

  Kiera slammed the door shut and screamed a gargled, “Argh! I hate you Creed Hawk!”

  She could hear his laughter on the other side of the door. Running to the bedroom, she threw herself down on the bed. Anger still rushed through her, but the sadness wasn’t far behind. Creed was here. He hadn’t come for her. He didn’t care about her. And now, for some reason, he thought she was a floozy. There had been those rumors of her and Milo living together, but Creed wouldn’t believe that kind of smut. At least, her Creed wouldn’t. He’d really said that he despised what she’d become. What kind of rotten thing was that to say? Why had he kissed her like that? Just to torture her and make her see all she was missing not being in his arms? Tears wet the pillow beneath her face. She had loved him for so long and so deeply, he’d been her inspiration and her every dream. Now everything they’d once shared was tainted and ugly.

  She brushed the tears off and made a promise to herself. Next time the blond English guy asked her to dinner, she was going. She could only pray Creed would go insane with jealousy. He obviously didn’t love her anymore, and she had no clue why he was treating her so horribly, but she could see the jealousy on his face, and he’d kissed her like he still wanted her. Even if all she had was the ability to make him hurt like he’d hurt her. She would take it.

  Chapter Seven

  Kiera woke early to go lift weights at the gym. Even though her career had taken a nosedive in the past two months since Creed had returned from the dead and she’d given up on life instead of fighting for herself and her reputation, she still loved to move and exercise. Maybe someday she would get back to television or Broadway, but neither appealed to her anymore. Right now, she was taking one day at a time. One day at a time might be asking too much of herself with Creed appearing last night. Why was he here? He’d explained nothing last night besides warning her away from the guy with the English accent, kissing the dickens out her, and breaking her heart all over again. When a stone heart shattered, could it ever be repaired? She doubted it.

  She was doing a bent-over row in the free weight area when she sensed his presence. Straightening too quickly, she felt a little lightheaded and had to hold on to the weight rack for a second. She searched the large gym area and saw him. Creed was using the cable machine and wearing a blue tank top and gray shorts. The muscles in his back and arms rippled as he pulled the cables into his chest. Kiera sucked in a breath, feeling more lightheaded than she had when she’d stood too quickly.

  She forced herself to face forward, grab lighter weights, and do a bicep curl. Her eyes kept straying to Creed though, and it was a struggle to keep good form. His gaze met hers a few times in the mirror, and he gave her his trademark grin. Her stomach would swoop predictably, and her face would get all flushed and hot. She cussed herself. She used to be a professional, world-renowned dancer. Her life was about self-control and discipline. Why couldn’t she find an ounce of self-control anytime that man came within a hundred yards of her?

  She re-shelved the fifteen-pound dumbbells and walked to the juice and water station. Maybe something cool would quench the fire for Creed that she couldn’t seem to tamp down. Glancing in his direction, she saw he was moving her way quickly. She turned to avoid him, but he was too fast. He brushed against her and wrapped his arms around her elbows as if to steady her. Her eyes narrowed. He’d done
that on purpose. He had no right to touch her anymore.

  “Excuse me,” he murmured, a slight smile decorating his handsome face. “I couldn’t help but notice you.”

  “You noticed little old me?” She put a hand to her heart and gave him a fake Southern drawl. She wanted to yell and scream, but fake sugar, like the nasty aftertaste of saccharin on her tongue, would be almost as effective. Especially in a public setting.

  He leaned closer and murmured, “Always.”

  Kiera’s heart raced, but she folded her arms across her chest and scooted away from his touch and smell. What game was he playing this morning? Acting like he didn’t know her then making her want to throw herself against that beautifully-formed chest of his. She wasn’t falling into his trap. She was done with Creed Hawk. “You seem to know your way around a weight room.” She fluttered her eyelashes and then let her gaze travel over him slowly. It was torture checking him out, knowing he’d never be hers again, knowing her head would never fit in the perfect crook of his neck while his strong arms surrounded her. It was worse than being denied chocolate for life and living in Hershey, Pennsylvania.

  “Would you like some help lifting?” he asked.

  “Oh!” She placed a hand over her mouth. “What a sweetie. Are you a personal trainer or something?”

  He chuckled. “Or something.”

  “I’d love some help from a big, buff stud like you.” She ran her tongue over her lips, wondering if she was putting it on too strong, but Creed deserved every second of crap she could dish out. He was the one who’d killed her heart, and now, he was pretending he didn’t know her. She knew he’d easily read through her sugar answers to the deep-seated sarcasm. She didn’t need help from anyone, and she especially didn’t need help from him. She thought of a way to tick him off even worse. “Wait a minute. I know you!”

  His face froze. “Do you now?”

  “You’re one of those famous Hawk brothers. You all are so handsome and look just alike.”


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