Hawk Brothers Romance Collection

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Hawk Brothers Romance Collection Page 45

by Cami Checketts

  Avalyn strode toward the line forming to greet Creed and Kiera. She’d express her joy for them and get out of here, away from the pull Bridger Hawk produced every single moment he was around her. If she got far away from him, maybe she could think like a mature, accomplished woman and not a hormone-filled teenage girl.

  Chapter Three

  Bridger kept a beat on Avalyn as Britney led him up to congratulate Creed and Kiera and then dragged him along in the line for food. Britney was clingy and it made him uncomfortable, but then he noticed that Avalyn’s gaze kept darting to them and he could feel the jealousy radiating off of her. It wasn’t the intense love he dreamt of seeing from Avalyn, but maybe it was a step in that direction. If she was jealous, she must have some feelings for him, right?

  Who was he kidding? He’d never had any woman resist him if he gave them that special look or kissed them. Only Avalyn seemed impervious to his charms. Yet she had kissed him back yesterday. That fact alone gave him enough hope to keep praying for a chance with her.

  He saw Avalyn talking to Lexi, Callum’s fiancée, and thought the two of them would be fast friends. He liked all of his new and future sisters-in-law. How perfect would it be if Avalyn became close friends with Lexi like she already was with Kiera and Cambree?

  Avalyn glanced his way as Britney’s arms slid around him from behind. Avalyn’s eyes narrowed, and Bridger shot her a grin and a raised eyebrow. Come over here and claim me, he hoped his look said.

  She glared at him and turned back to Lexi. Dang. How was he going to shake Britney and get another go with Avalyn before she walked out of his life again? He’d rarely seen her over the past eight years, since she’d graduated high school and left them all behind. He’d only been sixteen, and of course she hadn’t taken him seriously then. Her success and accomplishments made him proud and he knew she was out of his league, but why did she think they were so different? Every race, every crazy stunt he pulled was dedicated to some cause or charity. Everywhere he traveled, he tried to make a difference in the children’s lives, even if it was just a smile, a hug, or a picture. Couldn’t he and Avalyn change the world together?

  Britney slid onto his lap, startling him. “Whoa,” Bridger said. “You’re making it a little hard to eat this delicious food.”

  Britney’s lip came out in a pout. “I’ll give you something more delicious.”

  Bridger chuckled, but his stomach soured. Britney was nice, underneath the innuendos. If Avalyn had said the same line to him, he’d be ecstatic. He’d dated a lot of women like Britney, but she wasn’t his type, no matter what the media broadcast about him. Avalyn was his only type. He glanced back at where Avalyn and Lexi had been standing. They were gone. Panic fluttered inside him. They couldn’t have left completely. Maybe they’d just gone to use the restroom or get more food. He strained to see the buffet table but didn’t spot the dark flowing hair and perfect shape he would know anywhere.

  “What’s wrong, handsome?” Britney asked.

  Bridger put his hands around her waist and lifted her onto her own chair. “Nothing. I’m just starving. Do you like yours?” He took a large bite of an egg casserole to prove his point. It was delicious.

  Britney pushed her food around on her plate. “I can’t eat like you and look like this.” She gave him a forced smile.

  Bridger wasn’t sure what to say. He couldn’t imagine the pressures she must deal with to have the perfect physique. It was interesting how Avalyn’s shape was more much appealing when most of the world touted Britney Nolan as the most desirable body in existence.

  “Have you done shoots here in Cancun before?” he asked, taking a bite of watermelon and hoping he could distract Britney from climbing onto his lap again.

  “Oh, yeah, several times.” She started talking about the different resorts, yachts, and adventure parks where she’d had professional pictures taken of her.

  Bridger half listened as he ate and kept looking around for Avalyn. Maybe he should go look for her. No, that was stupid. She didn’t want him around, and if he did find her, all she’d do was tell him off or slap him again. He’d have to store the memory of yesterday’s kisses firmly in his mind. He doubted she’d ever let him have another taste of her perfect lips.

  Emmett and Cambree strode up to them. Cambree’s dark eyes looked troubled.

  “Hey,” Bridger greeted them. “Everything okay?”

  Cambree nodded too vigorously. Then she shook her head, and her eyes brightened like she was going to cry. “Lexi left with Ava. They said they wanted to go home and be with their families for Christmas. Nothing is working out right! Have you seen Callum?”

  Avalyn had really left? Bridger’s stomach felt sick, and he wished he hadn’t pounded his food so quickly. “He was going to California for a deal. I thought Lexi was waiting here for him.”

  Cambree lifted her shoulders. “I don’t think she was too happy at being left behind.”

  Emmett wrapped his arm around Cambree’s shoulders. “They’ll work it out, love. You don’t have to take care of everybody.”

  “Oh really?” She pushed at his chest. “And who do I have to take care of?”

  “Only me.” He bent down and kissed her.

  Bridger had to look away. He didn’t need to see another passionate display. It wasn’t fun being the only Hawk brother left standing. If Avalyn would only give him some indicator, he’d be begging her to marry him. He rolled his eyes. Avalyn Shaman couldn’t settle for a man who wasn’t a superhero. Bridger shouldn’t have kissed her like that yesterday, but she was just too irresistible to him.

  “Aren’t they cute?” Britney snuggled against his side. “Do you think you’ll ever settle down, Bridger-boo?”

  “Bridger-boo?” Emmett snorted. Apparently he was done with his public make-out session.

  Britney grinned. Bridger needed to explain to her they weren’t dating. Women always hated when he explained that he wasn’t the guy to settle down, but they had to know it was inevitable. His reputation was to never have a relationship, even a short-term one.

  Cambree steered Emmett away. “Have fun, you two. I’m going to try to find Lexi.”

  Fun? Bridger had fun when he leapt off a cliff in a wingsuit or executed a double backflip on a wakeboard. Sitting next to Britney as she tried to corner him into something more intimate than he wanted was not any kind of fun in his book. He’d dug his own grave by flirting with her the past few days.

  He forced a smile at Britney and wished there was more food on his plate to keep him from having to focus on her. Luckily, Creed’s SEAL buddies started roasting his brother with their versions of toasting the groom. It was entertaining and almost distracted his mind and heart from the pain of Ava rejecting him yet again and leaving without saying goodbye.

  Callum rushed up to him and Britney. Apparently he hadn’t left for California yet. “Where’s Lexi?” he demanded.

  “Excuse me,” Bridger muttered to Britney. He stood and walked away with Callum. “I saw her with Ava Baby.”

  “Where are they now?”

  Bridger clenched his fists. “They didn’t say anything to me, but Emmett and Cambree said they told them goodbye and that they were flying home to be with their families for Christmas.”

  “What?” Callum looked a little pale.

  “Stupid woman anyway,” Bridger muttered.

  Callum grabbed a fistful of Bridger’s shirt. “Don’t you ever talk about Lexi like that.”

  “Lexi?” Bridger stared at him and then let out a dark laugh. He pushed Callum’s hand away. “Not Lexi—Ava Baby.”

  “What is the deal with you and Ava?”

  “Nothing.” The muscles in his shoulders bunched around his ears. “No matter what I do, she barely gives me the time of day. I thought maybe Britney would make her jealous.”

  “Bro.” Callum shook his head. “You’re the one that has all the experience with women, but you’re acting like a complete … doofus.” He smiled suddenly, looking like
a doofus himself. What had happened to his perfectly professional brother? A woman, that’s what.

  “A doofus?” Bridger glared at him. “You want to throw down right here?”

  Callum rolled his eyes. “I haven’t got time for this. I’ve got to find Lexi, but you need to listen up. Never use another woman to make a woman jealous. It’s disrespectful to both of them. If you like Ava Baby …” Callum paused and looked him over like he wasn’t worthy of Avalyn. Bridger knew that was true. “Be a man and tell her.”

  Bridger stared at him. Hadn’t he told her yesterday when he kissed her? But maybe he needed to really spell it out and keep the physical desires out of it so she knew it was from his heart. This wasn’t some temporary crush. He’d loved her for as long as he’d known that boys and girls were different.

  “I’ve got to go,” Callum said impatiently. “Do you know what airport Ava’s jet was at?”

  “No clue, but I’ll come with you.”

  “Let’s go, then.”

  Bridger matched his brother’s strides. It was a braver move than climbing Mt. Everest without assistance, but he was going to find Avalyn and he was going to tell her exactly how he felt about her. If she turned him down, then … well, somehow he’d have to find a way to live with that.

  Chapter Four

  Avalyn made it home to Long Island in time for Christmas Eve dinner. Her three older brothers had beautiful wives and six adorable children between them. She enjoyed being around everyone and shoved all the drama with Bridger to the back of her mind. Britney was probably thoroughly enjoying her Christmas with him. She liked Britney, but the image of her on Bridger’s lap … Ugh!

  The adults had tucked the children into bed and set up the Santa presents, and they were enjoying Mama’s homemade chocolates and talking when there was a pounding at the front door. Avalyn’s parents did well financially, but they weren’t to the level of the Hawks, and they didn’t have round-the-clock staff. Avalyn preferred living that way; it was a lot more comfortable and intimate with just her family. Especially since most of her days were spent as a wanderer and a guest.

  Avalyn’s brother Abraham lumbered to his feet. “Don’t worry. I got the door.”

  They all smiled. He was always rushing to do things or pay for things and then tell them not to worry because he had it. He was such a great guy. Avalyn hoped it was carolers or a neighbor visiting on this cozy Christmas Eve. She was glad she’d come home instead of staying in Cancun. The sun and the beach were fabulous, but nothing was like family and a warm fire at Christmas, and though she was still the only single one, it didn’t hurt like it did watching the Hawk brothers’ romances and having Bridger right there but completely unattainable for her.

  Abraham sidled back into the room with none other than Bridger Hawk by his side. Avalyn’s heart raced, and her palms started sweating. She couldn’t quite computer Bridger being in her parents’ living room like some perfect-looking ghost of Christmas past.

  Bridger had come to Long Island instead of stay in sunny Cancun with Britney. Come for her? No. This had to be some mistake or crazy dream.

  Bridger went around the room, shaking everyone’s hands and being his usual charming self. Avalyn watched with her hand to her throat. Why was he here? Why? Why? He looked fabulous in dark gray chinos and a fitted long-sleeved shirt. His dark eyes sparkled as he teased with her family members. Why couldn’t she just stare into those eyes as he teased with her?

  He circled the room and finally stopped right in front of her. “Ava Baby.” He gave her that irresistible smile, and she wanted to kiss him and smack him. She wasn’t sure which one first.

  “Why aren’t you in Cancun with Britney?” She shot to her feet to face him.

  Her family gave her confused looks. “Now, Ava, that’s no way to greet your friend,” her dad admonished her.

  Avalyn didn’t have the strength to pull her eyes from Bridger and explain to her dad that this man was no friend of hers.

  Bridger reached out and took her hand. Avalyn’s stomach tumbled. She should’ve pulled her hand free, but it felt so cozy and nestled perfectly in Bridger’s larger palm.

  “Would you excuse us for a moment?” he asked her parents.

  Her mom’s eyes lit up. Avalyn knew she’d prayed for most of Avalyn’s life that she would marry a Hawk brother. Seeing how all the other ones were taken, this was probably a last-ditch hope for her mother. “Of course, Bridger. No one’s in the study.” Her mom gave him a warm smile.

  Bridger guided Avalyn that direction with their hands clasped as if they were a couple or something. No. They weren’t anything. The walk to the study seemed to take forever and pass too quickly at the same time. What was he doing here? What was he going to say? What if he kissed her again? How was she going to stay strong?

  They walked into the room, which was softly lit with lamps and the glow of the gas fireplace. Bridger shut the double doors and guided her to a leather sofa. They sat side by side. She turned so she could see his handsome face and get a read on this situation.

  “Why are you here?” she demanded.

  Bridger squeezed her hand. “Ava.” He took a slow breath and said, “I haven’t seen you in years, before yesterday.”

  She acknowledged this with a lift of her chin.

  He searched her face, his dark eyes warm, imploring. “Did the kiss yesterday mean anything to you?”

  Her fingers involuntarily went to her lips. “You mean kisses?” she murmured.

  Bridger smiled. “Yes, kisses.” He leaned closer as if he would initiate that lovely sequence again.

  Avalyn was in so much trouble right now. How could her family be a hundred feet away in the living room, oblivious to the current that threatened to sweep her away? Avalyn closed her eyes and prayed for strength. She opened her eyes and steeled her spine. “The kisses were … very nice, but they didn’t mean anything.”

  His brow furrowed. “I’m sorry to hear that, because I’ve never been so affected by any kiss.”

  Avalyn’s eyes widened. Bridger was a smooth talker, but would he outright lie to her? The Bridger she’d known never would, but they’d hardly spoken since she’d left home at eighteen. She latched on to the way he’d phrased “any kiss.” That was her out. His playboy ways. “You’ve kissed hundreds of women. Thousands! Don’t try to act like I’m something special.”

  Bridger leaned closer. His breath brushed her cheek as he ran his hand along her jaw. “You are special, Ava. To me, there’s no one as special as you.”

  Avalyn’s breath caught. Oh, he was good. Too good. He was a professional playboy in every sense of the phrase. Stay strong, stay strong. “Why did you come here?” she demanded again.

  “For you,” he said as if the answer was that simple.

  Avalyn pulled from his tender touch and stood. He slowly stood also, facing her. Every movement he made was glorious, sexy. But she didn’t live her life for cheap thrills like Bridger Hawk. “I’m sorry you wasted a trip, Bridger, but you should go be with your family for Christmas.”

  He shook his head. “You don’t understand, Ava Baby. I only want to be with you.”

  Avalyn backed up, clenching her hands behind her. “No. You live for the challenge, Bridger Hawk. I am not your next conquest.”

  His eyes darkened, determination evident in every line of his face and body. “I live to succeed. I won’t give up on you, Ava.”

  She wanted to scream, Ha! Exactly! He only wanted to succeed. It wasn’t about her. It was about the fact that she had slapped him and told him not to kiss her. “Go back to your family and Britney. I’m sure she’d be thrilled to be your Christmas girlfriend.” Even as she said the words, her stomach soured. She hated seeing Bridger with any other woman on his arm.

  “I don’t want Britney,” he said in measured tones.

  “Well, she wants you.”

  His eyebrow arched up. “And what does that mean? You don’t want me?”

  Avalyn jutted her chin out.
“That’s right. I don’t.”

  Bridger’s eyes swept over her carefully. Avalyn thought he might argue with her some more. The man didn’t know how to lose, and she was more certain than ever that was the reason he was pursuing her.

  “I’m sorry to have interrupted your Christmas Eve,” he finally said.

  Avalyn tilted her head, folding her arms across her chest so she didn’t reach for him. “It was nice of you to stop by.”

  Bridger shot her his patented smirk, and its cold mockery was worse than a slap in the face. “Hopefully it won’t be another eight years before I see you again.”

  Avalyn had no answer for that.

  Bridger stormed through the study door. Avalyn followed him when she should’ve stayed safely in the study. He yanked the front door open. The cold air rushed in, but it wasn’t nearly as cold as the look in his eyes as he glanced back at her. “Goodbye, Ava Baby.”

  Avalyn couldn’t say goodbye. Not to him. He stared at her for a few beats, and she couldn’t breathe as his dark eyes seared through her. Finally, he walked out into the crisp winter night. Avalyn pushed the door closed and leaned against it. Hopefully it would be longer than eight years, or she wouldn’t survive the next encounter with Bridger Hawk.

  Chapter Five

  Avalyn loved being with her family for Christmas break. Her nieces and nephews were the perfect distraction and almost kept her from pining away for Bridger. Almost. She still couldn’t believe he’d followed her back to Long Island. It was insane and a bit surreal. She sometimes wondered if she’d imagined it all. Then one of her family members would tease her about dating Bridger Hawk, and she’d have to draw on all her acting skills from high school drama class to pretend she didn’t care one bit about the man.

  New Year’s Day she said goodbye to everyone and flew to Belize City in one of Callum Hawk’s private jets. He’d donated it to her foundation last year so she wouldn’t have to deal with commercial flights. The Hawk brothers had given more to her and her causes than anyone in the world. Avalyn made decent money herself with the books she’d authored and the fees her agent negotiated when she spoke at various conferences, dinners, and auctions, but she couldn’t have afforded a fraction of her humanitarian projects and especially not luxurious perks like her own jet and pilot without the Hawk brothers. They were good men. They just weren’t the right men for her. At one point, she’d thought maybe she and Emmett would try dating—they attended enough benefits and auctions together—but there just wasn’t any spark there. Why did there have to be spark with the crazy, youngest Hawk brother?


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