Hawk Brothers Romance Collection

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Hawk Brothers Romance Collection Page 56

by Cami Checketts

  Then he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulled her flush against him, and kissed her as thoroughly and deeply as she’d ever been kissed.

  Avalyn dropped her bouquet, wrapped her arms around his neck, and returned the kiss wholeheartedly.

  When Bridger finally pulled back she registered the crowd laughing and cheering, the preacher muttering something under his breath, and Creed saying, “Did you expect anything less with Bridger?”

  Avalyn laughed and moved in to kiss him again. Bridger grinned against her lips and then he was kissing her and her traditional wedding and the disgruntled preacher would have to wait. This was their day and nothing about their life would be traditional so why should their wedding be?

  The kiss continued with joy, tenderness, passion, and a promise that Bridger would love and honor her always. No words or vows exchanged could say it as beautifully as his lips did.

  Keep reading for a short reunion of the Hawk Brothers set on the beautiful coast of Eastern Mexico.

  Hawk Brothers Reunion

  Avalyn Hawk reclined into the beach lounge chair, attempting to get comfortable, but she hadn’t felt comfortable in months so she didn’t have high expectations. Her abdomen protruded over her bare legs. She liked the maternity swimsuit she’d found for this trip to Cancun to be with Bridger’s family for the holidays, but anyone who claimed maternity clothing was flattering had never been pregnant themselves.

  “How far along are you again?” Cambree asked from the beach chair next to Avalyn’s, a hand protectively cradling her own baby bump. No, baby bump wasn’t nearly the right description. Cambree’s distended abdomen was a baby beach ball. She looked as miserable as Avalyn felt.

  Avalyn wrinkled her nose at her. Cambree knew how far along she was, they were due within days of each other in January. Cambree’s date was three days ahead of hers and Emmett and Bridger teased about whose baby would win the race.

  “Almost thirty-seven weeks,” Avalyn murmured. The baby pushed out a foot or elbow and she smiled, touching it from the outside. “You?” she asked Cambree, knowing there was a reason Cambree had asked.

  “Over ten months now.” Cambree grinned and then laughed at herself.

  Avalyn smiled back. She liked all of her sisters-in-law, but she and Cambree had grown close over the course of their pregnancies. They came from different worlds, but Avalyn loved the way Cambree phrased things and the way she was comfortable and confident with herself.

  “You know how stinking bad I wanted this little cutie, but I had no clue what pregnancy would do to my body,” Cambree continued. “I used to be in fabulous shape. I’ve done nothing but sit my too-large rear on this lounge chair since lunch and I think I deserve another virgin strawberry daiquiri and a nap.”

  “I’m with you, growing a baby is serious work.” Avalyn was excited about her baby as well but Cambree and Emmett had been married longer than Avalyn and Bridger and Cambree and Emmett had planned to have this baby. They had a beautiful nursery all ready in their equally beautiful and massive home in Texas.

  Avalyn and Bridger truly had no home, no landing spot. They had been happily traveling together, helping children throughout the world through their charities when she discovered she was expecting. They’d planned to have children, eventually, and settle down close to their parents, but neither of them had expected a honeymoon baby. They’d traveled back to the states for doctor’s appointments, but besides that hadn’t altered their lifestyle. Her obstetrician had demanded she stop traveling last month. She’d promised this trip to Cancun with the family would be the last of it, but she wasn’t ready to give up helping children throughout the world.

  The baby pushed out, distorting her stomach again and she laughed. She loved this little one, but she simply wasn’t ready for the future lifechanging event of her own child’s birth. The real problem was: she and Bridger hadn’t slowed down long enough to decide what they wanted to do and where they wanted to be.

  Kiera, Creed, Lexi, and Callum strode up to them on the beach. They were all in swimsuits and wet from taking their turn parasailing.

  “Hey.” Cambree lifted a hand in greeting. “How was parasailing over the ocean?”

  “I loved it! They said we went two-hundred and fifty feet up,” Lexi exclaimed, her blue eyes lit up and her blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail.

  Callum chuckled. “She’s braver than me. I was screaming like a child up there.”

  Lexi laughed. “He was.”

  Avalyn loved how Lexi had softened Callum. He used to be a workaholic. Now he was fun and deeply in love with this wife. He’d do anything she asked, even go up in a parasail over the ocean.

  Out past the no-wake zone for their beach area, the boat was getting ready to take their next victims for the day: Bridger and Emmett. The sail filled up behind them as the boat took off and Bridger and Emmett floated up into the sky together. Avalyn could hear Bridger’s whoop from here. Oh, how she loved that man. Her crazy, irresistible, daredevil, and fun-loving husband who was also deeply committed to her and her causes. The past eight and a half months together had been incredible. The baby shifted and Avalyn’s stomach seemed to contract in response. It was probably just another Braxton-Hicks contraction but the reality was this baby was coming no matter if her parents were ready or not.

  “Sorry you two didn’t get to parasail,” Kiera said, sinking down on a chaise lounge close by.

  Creed straddled the chair behind Kiera and pulled her back against his chest. She smiled sweetly up at him. He gave her a soft kiss then said, “I’m sorry too. It was an incredible view.”

  “And a pretty good rush,” Callum said, holding Lexi’s hand. He signaled the waiter and everyone ordered drinks. Avalyn asked for a bottled water.

  “I didn’t want to go up in that fool thing anyway.” Cambree pushed a hand at them. “You all are crazy-trains.”

  Everyone laughed and watched Bridger and Emmett float higher and higher into the air, moving away from them in the open ocean.

  “What about you?” Lexi asked Avalyn.

  “I’ve had plenty of high-intensity thrills,” Avalyn said.

  The laughter this time was a bit uneasy. Avalyn and Bridger’s extreme competition for her life last year had left its mark on all of them.

  “And these two need to protect my grandbabies,” Bridger’s mom, Caroline, said.

  Avalyn blinked up at her. She hadn’t heard Caroline and Thomas approach. She’d known Bridger’s parents most of her life and was comfortable with them, even though they were more proper and wealthy than her own family.

  “Oh, he’s moving,” Caroline said in awe, staring at her rippling abdomen. “Do you mind?”

  Avalyn didn’t correct her mother-in-law, in her heart she was certain her baby was a girl, despite Bridger and his mother’s insistence otherwise. “Not at all.” Her little one was moving around again and her stomach was pushing in different directions. A pregnant belly was definitely not round or even.

  Caroline put her hands on her abdomen and oohed and aahed over the baby’s movements.

  “That one’s going to be a dancer like her Auntie Kiera,” Kiera said as she cuddled back against Creed on the chair.

  Avalyn smiled at her. “I would love that.”

  “Yes, an amazing boy dancer.” Caroline winked at Creed.

  It was a commonly discussed topic, the sex of these two babies. Neither of the couples had found out what they were having and Caroline had expressed her frustration a few times that she wasn’t able to shop for her grandbabies yet, not knowing which colors to buy, and refusing to buy generic yellows or greens. Avalyn was certain Caroline would make up for any lack of shopping as soon as the babies came.

  Her stomach tightened again and discomfort radiated around to her lower back. Her breath caught and she shifted. Caroline focused in on her, her hands still feeling the baby’s movements. “Your stomach is hard as a rock.”

  She nodded in agreement.

you okay?”

  Avalyn took a slow breath and the pressure gradually receded. “I’m fine.”

  “Did your mom come early with her babies?” Caroline’s dark eyes were filled with concern.

  “I don’t think so.” Avalyn shrugged. “Plus it’s my first. I’m sure I’ll be a week late.” She smiled at her mother-in-law then let her gaze drift to where her husband floated above the ocean. The parasail was dipping lower and his ride was almost over. Good. She couldn’t wait to have him close again. She loved his family, but there was nothing as comforting or exciting to her as having Bridger by her side.

  The waiter brought everyone’s drinks and they all sat and waited for Bridger and Emmett to return as they sipped their drinks and talked about the next adventure on the agenda—scuba diving off of the nearby Isles of Mujeres. Again, Avalyn and Cambree would be left waiting with Tom and Caroline. It was fine. She’d go take a nap or maybe get a massage or facial. She didn’t mind not scuba diving, but she did mind not having Bridger close.

  The boat dropped Bridger and Emmett off in waist-deep water. They both pushed through the water toward the beach. Avalyn’s breath caught at the sight of her handsome husband. His dark hair was wet and water glistened on his muscular chest. The sun lit him up like the perfect creature he was. Oh, how she loved him.

  His dark gaze found her and his eyes sparkled. His lips curved in the irresistible smirk she loved so much. The handsome, talented, and impossible to resist Bridger Hawk was all hers.

  Her stomach tightened and the pressure felt like a band of steel around her abdomen and into her lower back. She took in some quick breaths and pushed them out. The pain eased right as Bridger reached her.

  Standing, she teetered toward him.

  “There’s my love.” He grinned and wrapped his arms around her lower back. “How are you beautiful?”

  “I’m huge. How are you?”

  He laughed and nodded. The baby between them made it impossible to get as close as she wanted. Bridger touching her could still make her legs weak. She hoped the joy of being held by him would never diminish.

  “This little guy does make it hard to hold you close.”

  “Girl,” Avalyn corrected.

  “Come on, Ava Baby, you know I’ve never been wrong about anything before.”

  Avalyn laughed. “Besides fighting so hard to marry me, I don’t think you’ve been right about anything before.”

  “That was low, beautiful.” He winked and then swooped her off her feet and against his chest.

  Avalyn wrapped her arms around his neck, snuggling in close. “You’ve got to stop doing that. I’m so heavy you’ll probably drop me and hurt the baby.”

  “You hardly weigh anything.” Bridger shook his head. “And I would never risk you or our baby boy.”

  “Girl.” Avalyn felt light and happy in his arms. She adored him and knew he would, and could, protect her and their child from any harm.

  Bridger settled into the reclining beach chair, holding her on his lap. Avalyn trailed her fingers across his shoulders and splayed her palms on the warm flesh of his chest. He let out a low groan and captured her mouth with his, kissing her with an intensity and desire only Bridger could possess for her. The kiss deepened and Avalyn savored the pleasure of his lips and the heady sensation of being close to him.

  “Do you two ever stop kissing?” Callum asked.

  They both ignored him and kept on kissing. Avalyn loved that Bridger still treated her like she was the most desirable woman in the world, no matter how ungainly she felt.

  Pain ripped through her abdomen and the pressure in her lower back felt like a steel clamp. Avalyn gasped and Bridger pulled back. “What’s wrong?”

  She put a hand on the top of her abdomen, breathing slowly in and slowly out.

  Bridger’s brow wrinkled with concern and he held her gently, as if she would break. “The baby? What can I do?”

  The contraction passed and she leaned against Bridger’s strength. He tenderly covered her hand with his larger palm. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine.” She smiled bravely up at him. “Just Braxton-Hicks.”

  “Are you sure?”

  She nodded. “Yes. Don’t worry, love.”

  “I’ll always worry about you, Ava.”


  She glanced up to see his three brothers standing over them. They were all extremely handsome men with nice builds, dark hair and eyes, most of them had short facial hair like Bridger. Bridger was the best-looking of any of them, but Avalyn suspected Kiera, Lexi, and Cambree felt the same about their husbands.

  “You good to come scuba dive with us?” Creed asked.

  Bridger glanced at Avalyn. “I don’t know. Probably not today.”

  Avalyn shook her head and slid off Bridger’s lap. “Don’t be like that, of course you’re going.”

  “Ava, you look kind of pale and you just had a contraction. I don’t want to leave you.” Bridger was a wanderer at heart but he’d told her many a time that he’d buy her any house and settle down if that’s what she wanted. She didn’t think she was ready for that, but it was a weird pull with having a baby and not having a place to call your own. The only crib their baby had was at Thomas and Caroline’s house.

  “I feel great.” She wasn’t going to tell him she’d been having contractions all afternoon. “You’ll only be gone a couple of hours. I’m going to go with Cambree and get a massage. Right Cam?”

  Cambree gave her a thumbs’ up. “That’s right, baby. We won’t even miss any of you healthy people who can walk without tipping over.”

  “We’ll miss you,” Emmett said.

  Cambree gave him a saucy wink. “That’s cause I’m the life of the party, baby!”

  “And more.” Emmett gave her a deep chuckle and a kiss.

  “I’ll stay right with them,” Thomas said, smiling at his daughters-in-law.

  “Yes, your dad and I will get massages as well.”

  Thomas arched his eyebrows. “My favorite thing.”

  Everyone laughed because Thomas was pretty stuffy and only recently had his first massage. He hadn’t loved it and had complained that he couldn’t relax.

  Kiera and Lexi had small beach bags slung over their shoulders and were waiting with their husbands. Everyone watched Bridger expectantly.

  “Come on, bro,” Creed said. “Pretty soon you’ll have a baby and you won’t want to spend any time with us.”

  “I’d rather be with you,” Bridger whispered against Avalyn’s cheek.

  She smiled, knowing it was true. She pushed at his muscular arm. “Go have fun. I’ll get a massage then get ready for dinner. Love you.”

  He bent in and kissed her tenderly. The kiss grew in intensity and left her wanting more. Bridger drew back and smiled. “Just wanted to make sure you won’t forget me.”

  “Oh my giddiance,” Cambree exclaimed. “You two are the biggest saps. Save the making out for tonight in your room.”

  “We’ll do that too.” Bridger gave Avalyn a smoldering look that had her blood heating up.

  “Come on,” Creed called. “The boat’s waiting.”

  “Love you.” Bridger gave her a quick peck and jogged after his brothers, Kiera, and Lexi.

  The band of pain and pressure was suddenly back around her abdomen and lower back. Avalyn bit down on the cry that almost escaped. She didn’t want to be the reason Bridger missed out on time with his brothers.

  “How about those massages?” she heard Thomas ask.

  Avalyn watched the Hawk brothers and two of the wives climb into the boat through a haze. She couldn’t catch a breath. The pain lessened just as Bridger turned back and raised a hand to her. Avalyn was able to force a smile onto her face and wave back.

  She stood on shaky legs and picked up her coverup and slid into flip flops. Cambree and Caroline were chatting about Cambree’s favorite baby names. The group made their way across the beach and up the stairs to the sprawling pool area in
the middle of the luxurious resort. The rooms made a horseshoe around the numerous pools and patios. They meandered past pools and toward the spa area.

  Avalyn felt nauseated and weak. “I think I’ll go lie down instead of get a massage,” she murmured.

  Thomas turned to her with concern in his dark eyes. The blue pools and lush greenery spun before her eyes and that invisible clamp had her in its grip again. It was terrifying and much more intense than anything she’d felt before. Avalyn cried out and would have sunk to the concrete walkway, but Thomas caught her and held her up with his arm around her lower back. She hurt so much, even the touch of his hand was too much.

  Warmth leaked from between her legs and the pain of the contraction intensified.

  “She’s bleeding,” she could hear Cambree yelling. “Help! Someone help her!”

  Avalyn couldn’t breathe or speak. The pain gradually receded and she gasped for air.

  “Are you all right?” Caroline’s concerned face was close. “Call Bridger,” she directed her husband.

  Thomas already had his phone out but he shook his head at his wife. “I’m getting an ambulance here first.”

  Avalyn just wanted Bridger. She didn’t want to go to the hospital.

  Caroline pulled a face. “She doesn’t want to have her baby right now.”

  Avalyn didn’t want to have her baby three weeks early, in a foreign country, but especially not without Bridger.

  Thomas still had his arm around Avalyn’s waist and she realized she was leaning heavily into him. “It’ll be fine,” he said. “Their private sector has very good health care.” He spoke into the phone for a few seconds then pocketed it. “Can you walk?” he asked her.

  She nodded and they shuffled toward the front entrance. More warm fluid was rushing out. “Bridger,” she squeaked out.

  “I’ll call him,” he reassured her, but he didn’t pull his phone back out as quick as she would’ve liked.

  Some employees came running at them with a rolling bed. They got Avalyn settled and rolled her through the reception area and onto the front sidewalk. She could hear the sirens of the ambulance approaching. Another contraction caught her in its grips and she tried to pant through the pain like she’d seen people do on shows. She and Bridger had been so busy they hadn’t stopped to take Lamaze class.


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