Angel Sands Collection Books 1 - 3

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Angel Sands Collection Books 1 - 3 Page 54

by Carrie Elks

  “Shit,” Aiden said. “Brooke, you shouldn’t be in here. That thing might be small but it could hurt you.” His voice sounded tight.

  She raised an eyebrow at him. “She’s more likely to hurt you,” she said to the huge man standing next to her. “I know what I’m doing.” She glanced at Aiden and Brecken. “I want you to stay back as much as you can. You’re both big men and dogs can be scared of that. Especially if they’ve been badly treated in the past.” Grabbing a couple of things out of her bag, Brooke lay the blanket in front of her and knelt down, being careful not to make direct eye contact with the dog.

  “What are you doing?” Aiden asked, as she lay herself down on the dirty floor. Her scrubs already covered in dust.

  “I’m making myself as small as possible. Less of a threat to her. I want her to get comfortable with me before I try and call her over.” She pulled a few treats out of the pouch she was holding. “Hey sweetie,” she said softly, keeping her gaze to the right of the dog. “I bet you’re hungry, aren’t you? And scared, too. I don’t blame you. But I promise we won’t hurt you.”

  A shadow passed over, and she saw Aiden scoot down, mirroring her position as he laid down beside her. Brooke bit down a smile. Behind her she heard Brecken mutter something and he scrambled to the floor, too.

  “Shouldn’t you have a tranquilizer gun or something?” Aiden whispered.

  “Do I look like I want to shoot a dog with a dart?” she replied, keeping her body still. “If I missed she’d go crazy. It’s better to win her over.” Slowly, she pushed a treat across the dusty floor, before she pulled her hand away quick. The dog stopped barking, eyeing her warily, but refused to approach the food.

  “It’s okay. We’ve got as much time as you like,” she told her. “And there’s more food where that came from if you want it.” Brooke glanced at Aiden. He was staring at her intently, his brows pulled down as he watched her work.

  “You want me to make it worth your while?” she asked the dog, keeping her voice light and high pitched. “Okay, here’s another couple. Try them. I guarantee you’ll like them.”

  As she pushed another two treats across the floor, the dog tipped her head to the side, her big black eyes following Brooke’s movements. As Brooke let the treats go, the dog stepped forward, snapping at her. She quickly pulled back her arm, ignoring the adrenaline rushing through her.

  Take it easy. There’s no rush.

  “It’s okay. They’re yours.”

  The dog snarled again, and beside her she heard Aiden’s breath catch. “Don’t be scared,” she crooned at the animal, her heart beating fast. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

  It was almost a minute before the dog took a step, this time not barking at all. She took another until she was only inches away from the food. The pup dipped her head and sniffed again, before looking up with a wary glance.

  “Don’t panic,” Brooke reassured her. “I’m not going to touch you.”

  “You aren’t?” Aiden whispered. “How are you going to remove her?”

  “Don’t worry. She’s going to come to us.”

  With a final look at them, the dog dropped her mouth down to snaffle up a treat. Clearly liking what she tasted, she ate the other two in less than five seconds, her eyes widening as she hoovered them up.

  “You like that, huh?” Brooke said, her lips curling into a smile. “I got plenty more where those came from.” This time, she put the treats in the center of her palm, reaching out across the dusty floor until her arm was stretched right out. The dog hesitated, whimpering, before she padded over. Next to her, Brooke felt Aiden stiffen.

  “You’re going to let her get close?”

  “I need her to trust me. It’s okay, I’ve done this before.” She looked at Aiden, his eyes catching hers. For a second she felt herself shiver all over again.

  He smelled exactly the same as she remembered. Warm and woodsy, every inch of him enticing. How many times had she buried her face in that broad chest and felt safe in a way she never had before?

  Concentrate, Brooke. You’ve got a job to do here.

  The dog had reached her palm. Brooke felt the coarse hair of her muzzle tickle her palm and the warm lick of her tongue as she scooped up the treat. Even after it had gone, the dog was still licking her skin, and the sensation made her giggle with relief.

  “What’s she doing?”

  “Tickling me.” With caution, Brooke turned onto her side and reached her other arm out. She waited for a minute to check that the dog was okay, before Brooke touched behind her ears, where she knew the skin was sensitive. The dog closed her eyes as Brooke stroked her, still nuzzling against her palm. “There’s a girl,” Brooke whispered. “Such a good girl.”

  Still stroking her, she softly spoke to Aiden. “Can you pass me the collar?”

  “Sure.” Like Brooke, he rolled forward slightly, handing her the blue nylon collar. Still stroking the dog, she slipped it over her head, and curled the leash in her hand. “Good girl,” she whispered again, pulling out another treat and feeding it to the dog. “Okay, sweetie, let’s see if we can get you out of here.”

  Aiden lifted the trunk of Brooke’s car open and unhooked the cage door inside, standing back as she loaded the dog into it. The animal was calm as Brooke leaned forward and fed her another treat, stroking her head as she whispered to her softly. “We’re gonna take you to the vet,” she told the dog. “Get you checked out. And after you’ll get a nice big dinner.”

  It was weird seeing her again – this wasn’t how he’d pictured it at all. He’d assumed she’d be married by now, wearing designer clothes and holding court at the Junior League the way her mom did. Not dressed in scrubs and covered in dust.

  He felt his body react to her and he hated it. He’d wanted to hate her, too, but it was almost impossible. Who could hate a woman who saved a dog the way she had?

  Brooke closed the cage, and the trunk, turning to look at him. Her face was smudged with dirt, as was her hair, strands falling out of the pony tail she’d fixed behind her head. “I should head off,” she said, her sparkling eyes meeting his. “I want the vet to look her over. After that, I’m pretty sure she needs a bath.”

  “You look like you need one too.”

  She laughed. “It’s an occupational hazard.” She looked down at her grubby clothes. “This is good compared to how I usually look.” She bit her lip, her teeth digging into the plump flesh. “It was nice to see you again. And I’m really sorry about your mom. She was really special to me.”

  It was like she’d slapped him. All those soft feelings evaporated, replaced by the hard shell he’d been wearing for years. “I should go back to work,” he said, his voice sharp.

  Brooke frowned, confused by his sudden change. “Um. Okay.” She reached down and laced her fingers together. “Thanks for your help back there.”

  “No problem.” He willed her to get in the car and get the hell out of there. Since the moment she’d stepped on site she’d put him at a disadvantage. And wasn’t that exactly like a Newton? So she was good with animals, but she always had been. That didn’t change anything.

  Nothing at all.

  She reached up to wipe the dirt away from her cheek, but only succeeded in smudging more on. He had to curl his hands into fists to prevent him from reaching out to wipe it away. “Thanks for taking the dog. Goodbye, Brooke.” His voice was firm, though he wasn’t sure who it was for – himself or her. Either way, as she climbed inside the driver’s seat of her car and pulled the door closed, he had to grit his teeth to ignore the emotions swirling inside of him.

  She was staring at him through the windshield, hurt painted all over her expression. He took a deep breath in, telling himself it was okay. He wanted her to hate him, the way he hated every single Newton in Angel Sands.

  Including the girl he’d once loved.

  And if it felt as though his body was alive in a way he hadn’t for a long time? Well, that was hormones and memories. Nothing more
. She pulled her gaze from his and started up the engine, backing her car out of the lot and turning it around, before pulling away, dust dancing in her wake.

  He continued to stare long after the dust had settled back down, and her car became a spot in the distance, his jaw twitching as he clenched his teeth tightly. Finally, he turned around and headed back inside the site, pulling the gate firmly shut behind him.

  It was time to get back to work and forget about Brooke Newton.

  Hah. As if it was that easy.


  Aiden turned his car left at the intersection, making his way to the east side of town, passing the boarded up shops and overgrown front yards that signaled he wasn’t in the good part of Angel Sands any more. He was in the streets he’d grown up in – the ones he’d fought to escape from. Yet, looking at the peeling townhouses, all huddled together as if to shelter from the wind, he felt a pang of nostalgia.

  Glancing at the clock on his dash, he saw it was a few minutes after three. He’d spent all of Saturday morning in the office, replying to emails and writing reports he hadn’t had time to do all week. He’d taken an hour to stare at the plans he’d already agreed with Miller Construction on, trying to work out if there was anywhere they could save some money.

  In the end, he’d pushed the blueprints away and walked outside, feeling the hot sun beating down on his neck. He climbed into his car, determined to find some peace with his hands on the wheel, as the California air breezed past him, the soft top down.

  And now he was pulling up outside a two bedroom house that had seen better days. Even when they’d lived here, it had been well past its prime. He could remember the hours spent repairing the creaking pipes, banging new planks into holes on the decaying deck. There was always something going wrong at 1733 Parkman Place.

  Climbing out of his sedan, he slammed the door shut, leaning on it as he scrutinized the house. There was a child’s bicycle chained to one of the fence posts, and a small kid’s pool filled with an inch of dirty water. The grass was high – where it grew at all – and for some reason the sight made Aiden wince. His mother may have been dirt poor, but when she lived there she had rules and pride. The grass was cut every Saturday, the pathway swept on a Monday morning, and she would never have hung her wet underwear out on a line strung up along the front of the house.

  “When you have nothing, you can’t get away with anything,” she would tell him. “You have to try three times as hard and you still won’t match up.” Maybe that’s why he’d pushed himself until he scored a 4.0 in his GPA, and ran track until he managed to get a partial scholarship to the University of California. He’d pushed himself some more, determined to get himself and his family out of this place. To find something better than the life they’d had here.

  Yes, they’d left this house. But their reasons for leaving had all been wrong. And as such, it took its toll on his mother. He’d seen her wither and waste until she was only a shadow of the woman who’d brought him up.

  Christ, he missed her.

  A loud bang to his left brought him out of his thoughts. For the first time he realized how out of place he must look here. With his expensive car and tailored shirt – no suit today, it was a Saturday after all – and the sunglasses that would have cost him half a summer’s wages back when he toiled over at Paxton’s Pier.

  “You looking for someone?” An older man walked down the stairs, a wife beater pulled tightly over his rounded belly. His hair was thick and curly, long enough for the ends to reach his shoulders. “You from the bank or something?”

  The man reached the end of his yard, and pushed open the half-hanging front gate. There was something familiar in the way he walked. Aiden frowned for a moment, trying to place him. “No, I’m not from the bank.”

  The man looked him up and down. “So why are you here?”

  “I used to live here.” Aiden lifted his glasses from his eyes, trying to get a better look at the guy. He looked like he was in his late thirties, maybe early forties.

  “No you didn’t. I’ve lived here all my life, and I don’t recognize you at all.” The man crossed his arms over his chest, resting them on his gut. “If you’re one of those loan sharks, you can get out of here now. We don’t deal with people like you.”

  Finally the recognition set in. The guy in front of him wasn’t in his late thirties at all. He may not have even reached his thirties yet. No wonder the walk was so familiar, Aiden had seen it every day of his childhood. “Paul?” he asked. “Paul Thurso?”

  “Who wants to know?” The man shifted from side to side. His tone was suspicious.

  “I used to live here,” Aiden said again, pointing at the yard in front of him. “My mom rented that house for years.”

  Paul shook his head, his dark curls lifting as he turned. “You know Joan Black?”

  “She was my mom. I’m Aiden. I used to catch the school bus with you.”

  Paul’s mouth dropped open as he took a wide eyed look at Aiden. “No shitting, you’re really Aiden Black? Jesus, I didn’t recognize you. What are you doing driving around in that thing?” He pointed at Aiden’s Audi. “Did you steal it or something?” The questions came out in a rush.

  Aiden wanted to smile, but it felt wrong. He’d bought the car with cash. “No, I didn’t steal it. It’s mine.”

  “It’s beautiful,” Paul whispered, taking a step toward it. “Christ, a car like this must cost a fucking fortune.” He looked back up at Aiden. “How’ve you been, man? I haven’t seen you for years. I haven’t seen any of you, not since that summer Jamie came back.”

  Aiden felt a chill wrap around his neck.

  “After you all left so suddenly, we didn’t think we’d see any of you again. Then Jamie came back the following summer, spent some time with the Grant brothers. The next thing I knew he was arrested for something and that was the last we saw of him.” Paul looked up. “Is he doing okay?”

  Aiden shrugged. “He’s in jail.” He swallowed, remembering the way his brother had looked at their mother’s cremation. Wiry, muscled, eyes full of hate. “I don’t keep in touch with him.” He smiled, though it didn’t reach his eyes. “And how about you?” he asked. “You doing okay?”

  “Can’t complain. I got a job at Newtons. And I’ve got two little girls – the light of my life.” For the first time, Paul grinned. “They’re with their mom this weekend. My ex-wife.” He looked around again, nodding toward his house. “You want a beer or something?”

  There was a squeal of brakes as a kid rode his bike down the center of the road, pulling up on his handlebars until he was balancing on the rear wheel. A little girl playing in the front yard of the house on the corner started laughing, clapping her hands together with glee.

  In his mind’s eye, Aiden could picture himself as a young boy, carrying his books in his hands because his mom couldn’t afford to replace his bag until the following school year. His hair was cut short at the collar – courtesy of his mom’s kitchen scissors – and his pants were flapping around his ankles, thanks to too many growth spurts, none of which they could afford. And yet, as he used to turn the corner into the road, and kick the front gate open with his sneakered foot, he always felt a sense of warmth suffuse him, warming him from the inside the same way the sun heated up his skin.

  Looking at it now, the house he’d grown up in had been too small, too run-down, and too expensive for them to afford. And yet it had been full of love.

  It was home, and that was somewhere he hadn’t visited for a long time. Not for ten years.

  Bringing his gaze back to Paul, he felt his mouth lift into an unexpected smile. “Yeah, sure. I’d like that a lot.”

  “There they are!” Nick pointed toward a blanket about ten yards ahead of them. He ran off, kicking the sand up beneath his bare feet, and breathlessly apologized to a woman who somehow got a faceful of grains. Brooke followed behind him, weaving her way through the maze of chairs and towels the sun lovers had placed on the beach, a backpac
k full of towels and toys on her back, the food and drink cooler in her hands.

  It was a beautifully sunny day. The ocean was still, much to the disgust of the surfers who were gathered around the boardwalk, their boards leaning against the side of the surf shop. She looked out across the expanse of green-blue water, topped in the distance with barely-there white foam. Sometimes, when the conditions were right, you could spot dolphins blowing water out of their spouts.

  “You made it. Come here, you gorgeous boy.” Ally stood up and ran over to them, lifting Nick in the air and swinging him around. The soles of his feet were covered in sand, the rest of him pale from a liberal application of sunscreen. “You wanna come get a soda and cake?” She pointed over at the coffee shop. “Nate’s inside. I’m supposed to be working, too, but I wanted to see you first.”

  With her fiancé, Ally ran the coffee shop, along with overseeing the chain of Coastal Cafés Nate was slowly developing. The two of them, along with Nate’s sixteen-year-old daughter, Riley, were disgustingly happy. It made Brooke so pleased to see.

  “Can I, Mom?” Nick looked at her with puppy dog eyes.

  “Sure. But make sure you keep your hat on if you sit outside.” She threw him the LA Galaxy cap. “Are you sure you can keep an eye on him?” she asked Ally, who was pulling the cap down over Nick’s dark hair. “I can come over too if it helps?”

  “I’m sure. And if I get busy, Nate will be there. Now go and talk to Ember. She’s stressing about what to get Lucas for his birthday. She’s been driving me mad for my entire break.”

  Waving goodbye to them, Brooke closed the gap between herself and Ember, who was laying on a blue and yellow checked blanket, her hair twisted in a top knot. Two thin wires connected her to the phone she’d propped on the towel beside her. “Hey, sleeping beauty,” Brooke said, flopping down beside her. “What are you listening to?”


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