Hidden Truths (Truths and Lies Duet Book 1)

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Hidden Truths (Truths and Lies Duet Book 1) Page 10

by Nikki Ash

  “Of course, Mamá.” Aris stands and offers his hand to his mother as she exits the booth. The three of us walk outside, and after Nora makes me promise to not be a stranger and reminds me that she’ll see me Friday evening, we part ways.

  Aris’s car is brought around by the valet. It’s a shiny gray two-door Porsche sports car. After opening the door for me, Aris walks around to the driver side and folds himself into the car. “It’s a nice evening,” he says. “How about the top down?”

  “Sure.” I shrug. Aris’s lips curl into a handsome grin as he presses a button that has the top lifting.

  “Buckle up, agapiméni.” Sweetheart. Aris winks, and a giggle bubbles up and flows out of me at his playfulness. Aris speeds through the streets just like his brother, wild and reckless, only it’s different, because Aris’s version is fun and exciting.

  Too quickly we arrive back at the hotel, and my mood immediately drops. Aris gives me a speculating look, and it’s as if he can read my thoughts because he says, “Why don’t we go for a swim? I heard Kostas is working late anyway…something about a business associate not cooperating.”

  A chill races down my spine at the last business associate of his I met.

  “A swim sounds really good,” I say, then remember I don’t have a suit. At least I don’t think I do. “Can we go by the shop so I can grab a bathing suit?”

  “Sure,” Aris says, placing his hand on my lower back. “I need to get changed, so I’ll meet you over there.”

  After finding a cute bikini and matching cover-up and flip-flops, I head out to the pool. Aris is already there, with a beer in his hand, sitting along the edge of the pool. “I got you your favorite,” he says, holding up a glass of lemonade.

  “Thanks.” I set the bag of my clothes next to a lounge chair, kick off my flip-flops, and take off my cover-up.

  When I catch Aris eyeing my body, my neck and chest both heat up. The bikinis were all super skimpy, and even though I picked the one with the most material, it still shows off all of my assets.

  After taking a sip of my lemonade, I glance around the area. The last time I was here I was upset and didn’t really pay close attention. On one side of the pool is the tiki hut and bar. On the other side, though, is a massive rock waterfall with something running through the middle of it. “Is that a waterslide?” I ask Aris, who laughs.

  “Yep, you want to go?”

  I haven’t been to a waterpark since I was a child. My mom and Stefano brought me, and we had a blast. “Sure!”

  Aris laughs some more. “C’mon, agipénos.”

  I can’t help my grin at his new nickname for me. Sweetheart. It’s not so different from what Kostas calls me, but when Aris says it, it feels sincere, sweet, genuine. He’s not trying to taunt me with his words, or scare me with his actions.

  We race up the rock steps to the top of the waterfall. I didn’t realize just how tall it was, until we’re standing at the top where the entrance to the slide is. My step falters slightly, and Aris chuckles. “You’re not getting cold feet, are you?”

  “No,” I sass. “But…you go first.”

  Aris throws his head back in laughter, and I find myself smiling hard. It feels good to smile. “Okay, fine,” he says. He drops onto the beginning of the slide. “Come here real quick. I want to show you something.”

  Stepping toward him, I lean down to see inside the tunnel, but it’s too dark. Before I can tell him that, he grabs my hips and throws me onto his lap. “Hold on!” he yells as we descend down the dark tube of flowing water. I scream and squeal the entire way down, and Aris laughs, holding on to me tightly.

  When we reach the bottom of the slide, we fall a foot or so into the water. Our bodies splash and sink, but Aris never lets go of me. We both ascend at the same time, and my laughter can’t be stopped. “You’re such an ass!” My hair is a mess, all over my face, and I’m sure my makeup is running. I probably look like a drowned rat, but I don’t care.

  “You liked it,” he says with a flirty grin. “You should see our other hotel on the other side of the island. It has an entire water park.” Aris runs his fingers through his wet hair.

  I don’t mean to, but my eyes linger on his face. On his brown eyes, that are darker than Kostas’s, yet seem so much lighter. The water drips down, and his tongue darts out to lick the liquid that’s landed above his lip. His sweet lips that curl into a playful smile.

  My heart pounds against my ribcage, and I have to force myself to look away. I can’t be crushing on Aris. He’s Kostas’s brother. He’s going to be the best man at our wedding in five days. I’ve seen what Kostas has done to a man who wasn’t loyal to his family. What would he do to me if he even thought I had feelings for Aris?

  “I need to go,” I blurt out, and without waiting for a response from Aris, I swim over to the stairs and get out. I grab a towel and wrap it around myself. When I turn around, I find Aris standing in front of me.

  “Did I do something?” he asks, his brows furrowing in confusion.

  “No.” I shake my head to emphasize my answer. “I just…I should probably get home.”

  “Okay.” He nods in understanding, only he doesn’t really understand. “Just let me grab my stuff and I’ll walk you back.”

  “Oh, you don’t have to do that.” The last thing I need is Kostas to spot the two of us together. Something I probably should’ve thought about before I agreed to go swimming with Aris.

  “It’s no problem.” Aris shrugs. “My villa is right next door.” He winks, and I flinch. He’s not implying what I think he is, right? He’s just being his usual playful self. He doesn’t mean anything by it. It’s all in my head.

  We grab our stuff, and I throw my cover-up over my still wet bikini. We walk in silence until we reach the door to my villa.

  “I’m assuming my brother told you the code,” Aris jokes.

  “Yeah.” I type it in, then turn around. “Thank you for…” I wave my hand toward where we came from. “I had a good time.”

  “You’re welcome,” Aris says back. He steps forward and into my space. Several long seconds pass as we stare at one another, neither of us saying a word. My breathing becomes labored. Heat radiates from him, nearly luring me closer. If it weren’t for the chill of worry creeping over me that my fiancé might show up, I might just chase that warmth. But just as quickly as it came, the heat disappears as Aris takes a step back. “Anything you need…I’m here,” he says before he turns and walks away.


  I roll over from my side onto my stomach and see Kostas’s side of the bed is empty. My hand brushes along the sheets, feeling the coolness. Every day this week it’s been the same thing. He comes home after I’m asleep and leaves before I wake up. I spend my days walking the property, swimming, and hanging out with Aris when he’s not working. But today is different because today is Friday. Our wedding rehearsal and dinner. A smile stretches across my face at the thought. Not because I’m going to have to walk through the steps of marrying Kostas, but because I’m going to get to see my family, specifically my mom. At that thought, I throw my covers off my body and stretch my legs, ready to get the day started. Kostas told me I could drive with Adrian to pick them up at the airport.

  After taking a shower, I head over to Aphrodite’s, a restaurant on the hotel property that serves the best breakfast and coffee, and eat by myself. Then I take a stroll over to the library—yes, the hotel has an actual library where one can read, and the shelves are filled with every type of book imaginable. I get comfy on the couch, reading The Scarlet Letter until Adrian lets me know it’s time to go. I never tell him where I’m going, but somehow he always knows where to find me.

  Freaking Kostas. He couldn’t care less about me, yet he still has to make sure he’s always in control of my life. Stupid, possessive asshole.

  When we pull up to the front of the airport, it’s just after two o’clock, and their flight has already arrived. Adrian insists we wait in the car, but I can’
t help myself, so I get out and wait on the sidewalk. Several people are exiting at the same time. My eyes dart all around in search of her, my feet bouncing in place in anticipation, and when they finally find her, tears fall.

  “Mom!” I throw myself into her arms and nuzzle my face into her neck. I can smell her signature perfume she’s been wearing for as far back as I can remember. It’s sweet and comforting and smells like home. The bag she was carrying hits the ground and she wraps her arms around me.

  “Oh, cara mia,” she cries. “Let me see you.” She pulls back slightly, but still keeps her hands in mine. “You’ve gotten a tan.” She smiles, but it’s not real. It’s her version of making the best out of things. “The sun agrees with you.”

  “I missed you, Mom.” I pull her back into a tight hug.

  “We must go,” Adrian points out, and I mentally roll my eyes.

  After my mom and I separate, I give Stefano a hug. Nonno and Nonna each take turns giving me a hug, but it’s awkward. Everything has changed. My grandfather used to be a man I thought was invincible, but not even he could save me from this forced marriage. And our last conversation ended with him yelling at me. Something he’s never done before.

  “I spoke with Phoenix,” Mom says as we all climb into the limo. “He and your father will be arriving shortly and will meet us at the church.”

  I still at her words. I didn’t even think about him coming.

  “He’s not my father,” I hiss. “And he’s not welcome anywhere near me, especially at the wedding he’s forced me into.”

  My mom’s brows rise in concern, but she doesn’t argue.

  Pulling my cell phone out, I send a text message to Kostas. I’ve had his number but have yet to call or text him.

  Me: I don’t want Niles at the wedding.

  Not even a minute later, he replies.

  Kostas: None of this is about what you want.

  Ugh! He’s such an asshole. I don’t even bother to respond.

  “Is everything ready for tomorrow?” Mom asks. She pushes a wayward strand of hair behind my ear and gives me her motherly smile. I hate that Niles will be at the wedding, but I’m so thankful my mom will at least be there.

  “Yes, Nora and I got everything done. The seamstress will be available at the church in case any of the bridesmaids’ dresses don’t fit.” I’ve spoken to my mom every day on the phone, so she knows how nice Nora has been to me. Nora came to the hotel yesterday and we had lunch to go over everything.

  “I’m sure it will be a beautiful wedding,” Mom says. “Have you spoken to Kostas about finishing school in the fall?”

  I shake my head. My goal these past few days has been to speak to him as little as possible. I imagine once we’re married tomorrow, everything will continue as it has been. He probably won’t even notice if I go to school as long as I’m in bed at the end of the day.

  Forty minutes later we arrive at Saint Nicholas’s church. Several vehicles are parked in the parking lot, including Aris’s Porsche and Kostas’s Maserati. My stomach roils in fear and anticipation. I can’t believe this is really happening. This time tomorrow I am going to be Mrs. Kostas Demetriou. The thought has me wanting to highjack this limo and take off in the other direction.

  My mom must notice the sudden shift in my mood because she wraps her arm around me as we all walk toward the entrance to the church. The moment we’re inside, I spot Nora. She’s dressed in a simple yet elegant cream-colored dress with nude heels. When she sees we’ve arrived, she comes over to us.

  “Talia, my darling girl, you look beautiful.” Her eyes run up and down the simple floral dress and heels I’m wearing. And then her eyes look just past me and her smile falters slightly.

  “Nora, this is my family,” I say, making introductions. “This is my mom, Melody, my stepdad, Stefano, and my grandparents, Emilio and Vera.”

  “Yes, of course,” Nora says. “Your grandparents and I have met at the occasional dinner. It’s nice to see you both again.” She gives each person an air kiss to their cheeks and a hug. “Everyone is waiting to begin. Victoria, Paulina, and Jacqueline have all tried on their dresses and they fit beautifully.”

  Nora guides us inside where the ceremony will be held. We’ve already gone over the details with the priest when we were here earlier this week, but she goes over it all again.

  “Your family will sit on the left.” Nora points out. “If you would like to have a seat, Father Nicholas is just going to go over what to expect during the ceremony tomorrow, and then we’ll head over to Hēdonē for dinner,” she says to my family, who all have a seat where she’s pointed.

  When I step up onto the altar, my eyes first find Aris’s. He’s standing next to his brother and three other men I’ve yet to meet. They must be family or friends of Kostas’s. Aris gives me a small nod, and his lips curl into a half-smile half smirk. The familiarity and comfort his smile brings helps me to breathe just a little easier.

  My eyes next land on Kostas. His eyes are gleaming and his wicked smirk does nothing to calm my nerves. He steps forward, and I almost take a step back but quickly stop myself.

  He pushes a strand of hair behind my ear and whispers, “If you’re done eye-fucking my brother, I’d like to get this over with so I can once and for all make you mine.”


  The nerve of this woman. She may be marrying me tomorrow, but it’s my younger brother whom she smiles for. It’s fucking Aris who she’s been spending all her time with. Maybe no one else sees the way she looks at him, but I certainly do. And it pisses me right the fuck off.

  Her face blanches at my words. “Kostas…”

  “Yes, my bride,” I say lowly, a hint of danger in my tone. “What do you have to say for yourself?”

  All eyes are on us, but our voices are low enough only for us to hear.

  “I, uh, you’re being ridiculous,” she murmurs. “I wasn’t eye-fucking him.”

  It’s like she’s already forgotten what happened to the last person who lied to me. A hard look from me to her passes between us, making her tremble. Looking down, I nod at her strappy sandals.

  “Lovely shoes. Did you get your toes done?”

  She snaps her eyes to mine, her blue eyes flickering with horror. “I’m not a liar,” she chokes out, understanding dawning on her. “You’re just a jealous fiancé.”

  I reach up to cradle her cheek with my palm. “Perhaps.”

  “And an asshole,” she hisses, earning a chuckle from me. “Let’s get this over with.”

  I smirk at her. “So I’m not the only one looking forward to the honeymoon it would seem.”

  “Go to hell,” she growls.

  “Of course, Talia,” I say, stepping closer, our mouths nearly touching. “But you’re going with me.”

  The rehearsal was boring as fuck. Wedding shit always is. It doesn’t matter if it’s my wedding or one of my several girl cousins I’ve chosen for bridesmaids. Weddings are a fucking snooze. What’s entertaining, though, is watching my fiancée squirm now every time Aris tries to talk to her.

  That’s right. I’m watching. Always fucking watching.

  He finally gives up and walks over to talk to our father, who as usual, barely acknowledges he exists.

  After we finished at the church, we came back to Hēdonē for a private dinner. According to Mamá, it’s all part of the tradition. The two families breaking bread before the big day tomorrow. While we wait for dinner to be served, everyone enjoys a drink while they socialize amongst each other.

  I watch as my father’s gaze darts between Niles and Melody, as if bringing the two exes into the same room to watch their daughter be forcefully married off is the most entertaining thing he’s ever seen.

  It shouldn’t be.

  That’s what has me on edge.

  My marrying Talia should please Father because he loves revenge, but that’s it. It shouldn’t be ongoing like this. I’m pissed that I feel in the dark about the whole situation.

p; My eyes zero in on Mamá. At the rehearsal she seemed so happy, but right now as she sips on her cocktail and speaks to Melody, something is off. Sure, she’s wearing her signature Demetriou good wife smile, but the light that’s usually in her eyes is snuffed out.

  Melody is probably tattling to her about how her daughter was forced to marry a horrible Demetriou man. Unfortunately for Melody, my mother knows all about bad men. And she loves her son. If she thinks she’ll sway my mother, she has another thing coming. Mamá’s gaze darts my way, a pained expression on her face.


  I stalk over to them and Mamá’s face brightens. Melody is polite enough to end whatever line of conversation she initiated.

  “Would you know I forgot my gift for Talia in the car?” Mamá says, her features tight. “I’m going to just run out and grab it real quick before dinner begins.”

  “What about my present?” I tease, smiling at her.

  She laughs and kisses my cheek. “You’re spoiled, son.”

  As soon as she rushes off, Melody clutches my bicep. “Kostas.”


  “It’s not too late.” Her lips purse together.

  Irritation burns in my gut. “Not too late for what?”

  “To back out of this,” she utters. “You have to know you’re making a mistake.”

  I grit my teeth. “We both know what this marriage is.”

  “Yes,” she bites back. “Punishment against my ex-husband for screwing your family over.” She lets out a heavy sigh. “Please, Kostas, I know you’re a good man. Don’t make her the consequence of her father’s actions.”

  Stepping away from her, I shake my head. “Sorry, Melody, but I’m not a good man. I’m marrying your daughter and it’d be in your best interest not to intervene.”


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