Fate's Falling (Satan's Sinners MC Book 8)

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Fate's Falling (Satan's Sinners MC Book 8) Page 10

by Colbie Kay

  We hesitantly put our socks and shoes on before following them out of the room.

  "The fuck you goin'?" Storm jumps from his chair in the bar and stomps toward us.

  The women eye him up and down. Jacey says with attitude, "They're going with us." She isn’t scared of him at all.

  "They need to stay here," He argues in a deep, rough tone.

  Snake comes walking out of the hallway. "What the fuck’s going on out here?"

  "Hey, Dad!" Jacey skips over to him and hugs him tightly with a bright smile. Dad? So, he’s Hanger’s father and her father?

  "Hey, Princess." He glances at all of us. "What are you up to now?"

  Zoey beams. "Hey, Snake. We're taking them with us."

  "Have fun, but stay outta fuckin' trouble." His finger points to each of us. "All of you!"

  "But, Prez—" Storm speaks but is quickly cut off by Snake.

  "Sit down, Storm. They'll be alright. If it will make you feel better, you and Ace go with them."

  I subtly glance at Chapel, and her expression shows her hopefulness. Maybe she feels safer when he’s around, even if she’s upset with him. I believe they’ll work it out.

  "Fine," He grumbles. "Ace, let's ride!" He yells and the big muscle machine stalks toward us. His eyes locked on Chapel.

  The women grab our hands and rush out of the clubhouse. We pile into two SUVs and peel out of the parking lot. Jacey’s driving the one I’m in with Zoey in the front seat and Ever in the back with me.

  "Where are we going?" I ask as I stare out the window. I can’t see much since it’s dark out, but as we draw closer to the city, lights shine ahead. I never really paid attention before, but it’s a really pretty scene.

  Zoey turns in her seat. "To the Sinner’s clubhouse. We aren't doing anything crazy. We've heard a little about your story and felt you three could use some friends. We always get together when the guys are away. Usually, it's because we're on lockdown, but all of us are genuine friends. We love each other like sisters. All of our kids are with their grandparents for the night, so we're having a girls’ night."

  Jacey parks inside the gate of the clubhouse, and we all get out, marching into the bar. Haven and Chapel stick close to my sides. They haven’t adjusted to the outside world as well as I have and pretty much stay in their rooms, hardly speaking to anyone. It makes me wonder how Ace broke through Chapel’s barrier.

  Chatty strolls behind the bar while the three of us follow the lead of the others as they sit on the bar stools. She grabs a bunch of shot glasses and sets them down in a row on the counter. Then she takes a bottle of liquor and fills each glass. We all hold them up, and she makes a toast, "To our men, may they have a safe run." We drink the shots, the liquid burning as it slides down my throat.

  "Oh my God!” I grimace at the awful taste. She’s already refilling the glasses and didn’t even flinch at the burn. Chapel and Haven begin coughing while the others laugh.

  Zoey stands from her stool. “Don’t worry ladies, you’ll get used to it. The second one isn’t as bad, after the third, you’ll barely feel it, and the taste won’t matter.” She walks over to a stereo, switching it on, and instantly music blares through speakers which are located in every corner of the room.

  When she sits back down, we take our shot glasses and raise them again, but no toast is made. We throw back the shot…she lied! Oh my God, she lied! It burns as badly as the first, and the taste isn’t any better. My face screws up with disgust, and I shake my head.

  I’VE LOST track of how many drinks we’ve had. My body is way past the tingly stage, and it’s warm in here. My vision is beginning to blur, and I can’t stop smiling. I don’t even know why I’m grinning.

  “This is the best night ever!” Haven yells and takes another shot.

  Chatty stumbles over to us. “I see the way Ace is staring at Chapel.”

  I snicker. “Yep, they have issues.”

  “I got another rhythm.” She smirks evilly. “Ace should let Chapel ride his face. That would clear up a lot of that sexual tension they got going on.” She busts out laughing.

  Chapel gasps. “That’s not funny!”

  “It kind of was.” Haven drunkenly giggles.

  “Oh, I love this song,” Zoey squeaks. Her and Jacey climb onto the bar top and dance. Ever pulls money out of the pocket of her jeans to throw at them.

  This night has been so much fun, and I think it’s what Chapel and Haven needed. They needed the push to escape the comfort of their room. I’ve never seen them smile and laugh as much as they have tonight. I think the three of us have found great friends in these ladies. I know Chapel and Haven should go home, but selfishly, I wish they would stay here.

  We meet at the auction location dressed in these uncomfortable ass suits, and I feel naked without my cut. We break into groups with me, Hanger, Writer, and Spike in one group. The rest of our brothers split into several other groups with a few going solo so no one gets too suspicious of the size of our group. The security guy, who rivals Bear in size, and asks in a deep baritone voice, "Name?"

  Spike answers with the fake name he’s been given, "Haynes."

  "You're good to go through. Take your seats, the auction will begin shortly."

  We stroll down the dark hallway until we come to another door. Opening it, the huge space also dark, but there are rows of chairs set up. Some are already occupied, however, those are mostly the ones up front. We take our seats, our brothers taking position close to each entrance to prevent anyone from leaving. My group sits in the middle, and I stare at the front of the room.

  A stage is set up with spotlights to showcase the girls while they are on stage. My gaze drifts around the room as more seats fill. Minutes tick by, and soon not one fuckin’ seat is empty. My eyes continue to travel the room, ensuring everyone is in position. Spike sits next to me. We are following through with the plan for him to buy Belle.

  "Gentlemen, thank you for coming out tonight." The man speaking into the intercom is dressed to impress in a black tux and crisp white shirt. His hair is slicked back and a gold watch glows against the bright lights on the stage.

  He reads from a set of notecards he has in his hand, “First up, we have Camille. She's one of our older girls, seventeen, dark hair and eyes, and still a virgin." The girl slowly appears on stage with her hands laced in front of her, her head down. They have her clothed in a short tight dress that barely covers her. "Look at the audience, Camille." My eyes dart around the room as she lifts her head. Men shuffle in their seats, anxiously waiting to bid. "Starting bid $25,000."

  My stomach rolls with nausea. I gotta keep my shit together until we get Belle. I keep telling myself this, but these fuckin’ perverts have me itching to draw blood.

  One man lifts his hand and shouts, "Twenty-five."

  Another man, "Thirty."

  It goes on between the two until the first man wins at fifty thousand.

  My stomach tightens and my hand twitches in my lap.

  More girls are introduced, all younger than Camille, but none as young as Belle. All are sold and bought.

  "Next up, we have Belle. She is our youngest and prettiest. Eight years old, blonde hair, blue eyes. I have no doubt she will make someone very happy. She’s young enough to easily train for your personal use. Starting bid, fifty thousand."

  I run my hand down my face. They have her in a short as hell schoolgirl skirt, a white top that doesn’t even cover her stomach, and hair in pigtail braids.

  Spike lifts his arm like we planned. "Fifty."

  Someone else, "Sixty."

  Spike, "Seventy-five."

  Another calls out, "One-hundred-thousand."

  A bidding war has begun for this little girl. I can’t take my eyes off her. She stares straight ahead, blinking, her eyes shining with unshed tears. I know we are going to save her, but God damn it, I want to wrap her in my arms now and promise her she’ll never be hurt again.

  The bidding war continues until Spike finall
y wins at half a million. This was our plan, to keep bidding until we won, and once she is in our possession, the blood begins.

  Spike stands and walks to the stage to claim his property. He walks her back to his seat and pulls her onto his lap. Her body is trembling, she keeps her head down, but I see the tears streaming down her cheeks.

  Leaning over, I act like I’m going to speak to Spike, but I whisper, “Belle, you’re safe.” Her chin quivers and I can tell she’s about to lose it, but she is trying hard to keep it in. “You’re safe.” I repeat and add, “We aren’t going to hurt you.”

  Spike holds her closer. “I need you to do me a favor, okay?”

  She nods.

  His tone is calm and his voice is low so no one else hears him as he speaks, "I need you to close your eyes and keep them closed. No matter what, keep them closed. Understand?"

  She nods again.

  "Good girl. Close them now."

  She does without hesitation. I nod to Hanger, and he gives the signal. Each of my brothers pulls their blades, including myself, and we stand with Hanger. Spike sets Belle back in the seat.

  I snatch the hair of the man in front of me, yanking his head back and let my blade slide across his throat. Just as blood pools onto his expensive ass suit, the color drains from his eyes. I move to the next person, but people are realizing what’s going on they scream and run, trying to escape, but there is none. My brothers are standing guard at each door. Gunfire ensues, and there’s no time to play games. It’s chaotic as we work our way through the sick bastards.

  Men continue to run, and they try to fight, but there is no escaping us. Bodies lie, littering the room with more dropping by the second. It’s a fuckin’ massacre, and as the dead multiply, it’s time to get Belle out of here. I rush back to the seat where Spike is still standing close and keeping watch over her.

  I take Belle's hand in mine and pull her along. We get to the second door when the security guard tries to stop me from leaving. I pull my gun from the holster and quickly flip the safety off before pulling the trigger and shooting him between the eyes. Belle jumps and screams, but when I glance down, her eyes are still closed.

  Scooping her up, I carry her in my arms. I pick up my pace, and we run out the door. We don't stop until we’re at the van. Banging on the door, Doc opens the back with a gun trained on me. He lowers it as soon as he realizes it’s me.

  I set Belle down inside the back of the van. "You can open your eyes now."

  Slowly, her eyes flutter open. She stares at me as if she's trying to figure me out. "Where are you taking me?" Her voice is quiet.

  "I'm taking you to Rowan. We're here to save you, Belle. Just like I promised in there, you’re safe now."

  "Rowan?" Her eyes fill with tears. "She kept her promise." Tears cascade down her cheeks as loud wailing sobs rip from her.

  "She did." I smile. "She's going to be so happy to see you. Haven and Chapel will be too."

  Her water filled eyes widen. "Haven and Chapel are with you too?"

  I grin and tilt my head side to side. "Not exactly, but they are close, and Rowan sees them often."

  "Thank you." She continues to cry, big happy tears. I climb into the back of the van with her and pull her into my lap, soothing and comforting her.

  My brothers and a group of girls come rushing toward the vans. They split into two groups, and once both vans are full, we close the doors and race away. I release a deep relieved breath of air. We’re going home. We saved Belle and killed those disgusting cunts.

  Looking up at Doc, I see the same disbelief in his eyes at seeing how many girls we rescued as I had when I saw all those seats fill up. "Shit's fuckin' crazy."

  "All of them were sold?"

  I nod. "Yeah."

  He shakes his head. "How many before them? How many fucking children?"

  "A lot."

  Me, Haven, and Chapel stand outside the clubhouse as the van pulls in. The back door opens, and Bam Bam slides out with a sleeping Belle in his arms. I cover my mouth with my hands as tears stream down my cheeks.

  "Belle!" The three of us shout as we take off running.

  Her eyes open quickly, and she practically jumps out of his arms. He sets her down, and she runs toward us. In one big group hug, the four of us hold each other close. I glance over to the van as the rest of the girls begin to exit one by one.

  Standing up, I throw my arms around Bam Bam. "You saved her, and them."

  He responds by grabbing the nape of my neck and smashing his mouth against mine. “I missed you so fuckin’ much.”

  "I missed you too," I murmur against his lips before his tongue slides along mine.

  Pulling back, he smirks. “Did you have fun at your girls’ night?”

  Laughing, I nod. “I did, but I’m never drinking again.”

  He chuckles. “Don’t hold your breath on that one. They’ll get their claws in you again, but watch out ‘cause they’ll get you in trouble.”

  “I can definitely see that. I like them though.”

  LATER THAT NIGHT we take Belle with us to Bam Bam's clubhouse. I lie down with her in the bed I have been sharing with him. "Where are you from, Belle?"

  She answers while yawning, "Texas." The word comes out jumbled, but I understood.

  "Bam Bam says we’re taking you home tomorrow." I run my hand over her long blonde hair. The gentle strokes begin to lull her to sleep. “I’m happy you get to go home.”

  A tear rolls down her cheek as she whispers, "I want to see my mom."

  "I know you do. Go to sleep, and when you wake in the morning, we can leave. I’m going to miss you, but I know you will be safe."

  She yawns again. "I’m going to miss you too, Rowan. Thank you for not forgetting about me.”

  “I could never forget you.” A tear of my own trickles down my cheek.

  “Hey, Rowan?”

  “Yes, Belle?”

  Her head shifts, allowing her to peer at me. “I was supposed to keep my eyes closed, but I saw them hurting people. Are they bad guys too even though they saved me?"

  I bite my lip as I contemplate how to explain. "No, Belle, they aren't bad men. They might do bad things, but they’re good. They are kind and they care."

  "I will never forget them."

  "We'll never forget you either." I kiss her forehead and blink several more times to keep more tears from falling even though they are threatening to. "Goodnight."

  "Goodnight, Rowan, I love you."

  "I love you too, little Belle."

  I lay with her until she's sound asleep, and then I go in search of Bam Bam. He's sitting at the bar with a glass of brown liquid in his grasp. "She asleep?"

  "Yeah." He swivels on the bar stool, and I stand between his spread thighs. "She's ready to see her mom."

  He wraps his arms around my waist. "She's been through so much. Way more than any eight-year-old should."

  I lower my gaze, dropping my head to rest on his shoulder and run my fingers up and down his jean covered thigh. "I'm going to miss her. I feel like I just got her back, and I'm having to let her go again."

  He kisses the crown of my head. "But you saved her, and it's a good thing she's going home. Too many fuckin' kids don't get that chance."

  "I know. It's sad."

  "I love you, Ro."

  My tear-filled eyes meet his. "I love you too."

  His hand cups my cheek as his thumb caresses my flesh. "I've been doing a lot of thinking on the way back, and I realized I wouldn't survive if I lost you again. I never want to be without you. I tried to do the right thing by giving you the chance to leave, but you’re still here. Your time to walk is up, Ro."

  My eyes widen, and my lips part. "What are you saying?"

  "I'm saying I’m claiming you. You’re in this for good as my Ol’ Lady. Can you handle that? Can you handle wearing your own cut that says Property of Bam Bam?”

  "Yes! A thousand times, yes!” I throw my arms around him, slamming my lips against his.
  He pushes me away. “Fuck!” He blows out a deep breath.

  My brows knit in confusion. “What’s wrong?”

  “Belle’s in our bed, and there are no spare rooms with all of the other girls here too.”

  I shrug my shoulder. “There’s a shower.”

  His smile widens. “Let’s go!” He grabs my hand and drags me down the hall.

  WE FOLLOW the directions on the GPS based on the address Belle gave us, and we pull into the driveway of a two-story home. It's in a rich suburbia community, and the home is huge. "Belle, are you sure this is your house?"

  "Yes." She giggles.

  We step out of Bam Bam's Camaro, and a woman comes out of the door to stand on the porch. She cautiously descends the steps. "Belle? Oh my God! Belle!" Suddenly, she's running toward us.

  "Mommy!" Belle rushes to meet her mother halfway.

  Falling to her knees, the woman holds her arms out for Belle to run into them. They both cry and hug each other tightly. I’m happy for Belle but sad at the same time because my own family wasn’t this welcoming.

  Belle's mom stands while holding onto Belle's hand, and they approach us. “Who are you?” Her eyes narrow in suspicion.

  I speak up, "Do you mind if we go inside? I will explain everything. Maybe you could tell me about the day she went missing?"

  Her mom nods. "Please, come on in."

  We sit down on the huge sectional and Belle's mom tells us what happened, “I took Belle shopping at the mall the day she went missing. It was busy, and I had told her to stay right next to me, but somehow we got separated. It was only a second, but she was gone. I had one of the store clerk’s call security. For hours we searched for her, but she was never found. There hasn’t been a day that’s gone by in six months that her father and I stopped looking for her.”

  Belle cries, “I’m sorry. I should have listened. I was bored looking at the clothes, and there was a toy store across the way. I thought I could go look for a minute and come back, but I never made it to the toy store. The man that took me told me I had to be quiet or he would hurt me and my family.”


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