Heart of Eon: Eon Warriors #3

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Heart of Eon: Eon Warriors #3 Page 15

by Hackett, Anna

  “Sir, there is a Kantos kill squad on the hull of the Terran ship,” Sabin called out.

  Cren. “Let’s see.”

  The viewscreen image zoomed in. Instantly, he saw the Kantos kill squad on the Divergent’s hull, trying to cut their way in.

  Wren gasped. “Those fuckers.”

  “Can we fire on them?” Malax asked.

  Sabin shook his head. “Not without a high risk of hitting the Divergent.”

  “Captain Borden,” Malax said. “You have a Kantos kill squad attempting a breach.” He waved a hand at his comms team. “Send her the images.”

  “We see them, War Commander.” The captain sounded like she was preparing for a meal, calm and unruffled. “Lieutenant Park, engage the kill squad.”

  “About time,” a deep, melodic female voice answered.

  On screen, Malax watched an airlock on the Terran ship open. Several bodies streamed out, all wearing high-tech space suits and helmets.

  “Space marines,” Wren said.

  Like her sister, Lara. He saw a close-up view of the female lieutenant leading her team. They arrowed straight toward the Kantos soldiers. He watched the space marines pull out long combat swords and engage the Kantos.

  The fight was vicious and brutal. The Kantos were surprised, not expecting the attack.

  Minutes later, the space marines had dispatched the entire Kantos kill squad.

  “Wow,” Wren said.

  Wow, indeed. Malax glanced around the bridge, and saw all his warriors watching. Their expressions ranged from shock to awe.

  Yes, the Eon had definitely underestimated the Terrans.

  “Kantos battlecruiser is in range,” a warrior said.

  The ship looked enormous compared to the Terran ship.

  “Malax.” He heard the concern in Wren’s voice.

  He squeezed her fingers. “If there is one thing I’ve learned of late, it is not to underestimate the abilities of Terrans.”

  A smile flickered on her face.

  “Fire on the battlecruiser,” Captain Borden ordered. “Keep them off the Rengard.”

  “Airen, redirect the last of our fighters to aid the Divergent.” Malax said.

  On screen, he watched the Divergent’s marines flying back to the airlock.

  “Divergent,” Captain Borden said. “Let’s show these bugs how we squish unwanted pests.”

  Boom. Boom. Boom.

  Malax watched the Divergent’s plasma weapons firing on the Kantos cruiser. They pounded the Kantos ship.

  “That is enhanced weaponry,” Sabin said, staring at the screen.

  Airen moved up beside Malax. “Our scans show that once their plasma cannon is depleted, it’ll take time to recharge.”

  The Kantos battlecruiser fired up its engines, moving in fast toward the Terran ship. His gut tightened.

  “Are they going to ram the Divergent?” Wren said frantically.

  “Sabin, keep that ship off them.”

  “Our main laser array is down,” the security commander answered. “They are just out of range of our remaining weapons.”

  Malax cursed. He couldn’t just stand here and watch their allies be destroyed.

  Suddenly, there was a burst of light. A large, sleek, black warship appeared beside the Divergent.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Wren clapped her hands. She stared at the Eon warship and wanted to cheer and laugh.

  “Rengard, this is the Desteron.” War Commander Thann-Eon’s face appeared on screen, framed by his brown hair.

  “Did you take a scenic flight to get here?” Malax asked.

  The war commander gave him a faint smile. “Looks like you didn’t need us, anyway.”

  “No, we had some unexpected help,” Malax said.

  Thann-Eon turned to look at the uniformed man beside him. “Brack, work with the Terran ship. Take that battlecruiser down.”

  Beside Davion, his second-in-command nodded. He turned to face a console. “Terran ship Divergent, this is Second Commander Thann-Felis of the Desteron. Get out of our way and allow us to destroy the battlecruiser.”

  The Divergent was still firing. “We’re doing just fine, warrior,” Captain Borden answered. “Get in line and stay out of our way.”

  Wren bit her lip. Uh-oh.

  She watched the Desteron start firing on the battlecruiser as well.

  “Divergent.” Brack’s voice held an annoyed edge. “We have the fire power to deal with the Kantos cruiser—”

  “We already took one down,” Borden shot back. “Alone. All by ourselves.”

  Brack growled.

  Wren slapped a hand over her mouth and looked up at Malax. She saw her warrior was trying to keep a straight face.

  “How about you fire on the cruiser’s weapons?” Borden said. “Focus your fire there.”

  “I’m an Eon warrior, woman. I give orders, I don’t take them.”

  “Not to my ship, warrior.”

  The Divergent moved, and kept firing on the battlecruiser. A rain of Eon fighters flowed out of the side of the Desteron. They engaged the swarm ships, and more explosions lit up the viewscreen.

  “Another warrior feels the sharp edge of a Terran female’s tongue,” Malax said.

  “I thought you liked my tongue?” she shot back.

  He smiled and his voice lowered. “I do.”

  Suddenly, Sassy’s voice spoke up. “The Kantos are retreating. Or what’s left of them.”

  The bridge of the Rengard erupted in elated cheers and whoops. The warriors’ relief filled the room in a wave. Wren watched warriors hug and slap each other on the back. Nearby, Airen’s shoulders slumped. The woman looked tired, but she was smiling. Sabin was watching the screen with a faint smile.

  On-screen, Wren and Malax watched the Desteron and Divergent work together to chase off the last of the Kantos.

  Terran and Eon. Together. Stronger.

  Hope flooded Wren. Together, they had a chance to drive the Kantos away for good.

  She looked up and Malax smiled down at her. Then, he pulled her up on her toes and kissed her, right in the middle of his bridge.

  * * *


  “Take out that last Kantos ship,” Captain Allie Borden ordered.

  Her crew responded immediately, like the well-trained team they were. She felt the ship’s engines vibrate under her feet as it shifted and took aim. It shuddered as their laser array fired.

  She smiled. They were the best crew she’d worked with in her entire career, and the Divergent was the best ship she’d ever commanded.

  Allie looked at the viewscreen, watching the scattering Kantos. Run, you cowardly bugs. Then her gaze fell on the Desteron.

  While the Divergent was the best ship she’d captained, she still had to admit that it was no Eon warship. God, that sleek, dark ship was pretty. Deadly and packed to the gills with high-tech weapons. Mmm.

  Down, girl.

  A laser blast hit the Divergent’s shields, almost knocking her off her feet.

  She spread her feet. “Li?”

  “Shields holding, Captain.”

  A blast from the Desteron lit up the space in front of them. The intense ray of laser hit the Kantos ship, and a second later, the spacecraft exploded in a fiery ball.

  She frowned and touched her earpiece. “Hey, Second Commander, you stole our kill.”

  “This is not a game, Captain.” The deep rumble sounded a little pissed off.

  Allie felt a spurt of satisfaction. Who knew that needling Eon warriors could be so much fun? She smiled again. When you spent most of your time in space, you had to find your fun wherever you could. Then her smile faded. Life was short, and you never knew how much time you had. It paid to enjoy it as much as you could.

  “The Kantos warships are retreating, Captain,” her comms officer called out.

  “Let our fighters have them,” Allie said. “Launch the squadron.”

  Her second-in-command, Sub-Captain Donovan Lennox nodde
d, folding his muscled arms over his chest. A second later, their fighters launched from the Divergent.

  “We have a fire on Deck Seven,” Donovan said.

  Allie nodded. “Send the fire crew.”

  “Already inbound.”

  Ahead, she saw sexy, little Eon fighters slice through the darkness—the ships were sleek, with blue lights running up the sides of their streamlined forms.

  “Captain, your fighters are welcome to join ours.” Second Commander Thann-Felis’ deep voice rumbled in her ear.

  She rolled her eyes. “Your fighters are welcome to join ours. You were late to this fight, so you don’t get to take over.”

  She heard snickers on her bridge and, with a frown, she shot a hard look around. The snickers died. She might enjoy needling the warrior and teaching him a little lesson in diplomacy, but she wouldn’t allow insubordination on her bridge.

  A second later, she wasn’t surprised when the second commander drawled in her ear once more.

  “Are you always this difficult, Captain?”

  “No. Only when big, alien warriors try to boss me around.”

  “We’re trying to help.” He sounded like he was talking through gritted teeth.

  “So, help, but don’t try and take over.”

  Now Allie was pretty sure she could hear him grinding his teeth together. She glanced at Donovan, and the man was smiling, his teeth white against his dark skin.

  She dropped into her captain’s chair, swinging her personal comp screen up from the armrest. She swiped it and the image to go with the comm call appeared.

  Her gut clenched. Oh, hell.

  Of course, he had to be male perfection—a tough, rugged face, with a sharp nose and strong jaw. Thick, brown hair brushed his jawline. She couldn’t see all of his body, but she’d bet it matched the massive shoulders.

  Down, girl.

  “We have an alliance, Captain,” he said. “I am not your enemy.”

  “Trust is earned, Second Commander.”

  “My name is Brack.”

  Brack. It suited him. Strong, a little gruff. “Look, Brack, you stay out of my way, and I’ll stay out of yours.”

  The warrior smiled, and the air in Allie’s chest tried to choke her. The smile turned him from rugged to handsome. She felt a flare of annoyance at the irritating attraction.

  “I doubt we’ll see very much of each other, Allie.”

  “That’s Captain Borden, to you. And what, you think our inferior Terran ships won’t keep up with yours?”

  That smile widened. “You said it, not me…Captain.”

  The line closed, the screen turning black.

  Ugh, men. Whatever the species, they all had the gene to drive a woman crazy.

  Allie raised her voice. “Set a course back toward the Rengard. We’ll dock with them on their starboard side.”

  “Yes, Captain.”

  Smoothly, the Divergent moved, reminding Allie why she loved being a starship captain. All that strength, power, and ability at her command. A team she trusted at her back.

  A muted alarm started pinging.


  She glanced at her navigation officer. “Yes?”

  “The Desteron is moving into that docking position.”

  Allie narrowed her eyes. Asshole. She knew he’d done that on purpose. “Adjust course.”

  Alliance or not, the second commander was proving to be extremely aggravating.

  As the Rengard grew larger on the viewscreen, she settled back in her chair. Luckily, Brack Thann-Felis was the least of her problems and he was correct. She probably wouldn’t ever see him again.

  “Bring us in to dock, Lieutenant Harris.” Right now, Allie was going to focus on her first chance to get aboard an Eon warship. Ships held much more interest to her than men.

  * * *

  The doors to the Rengard’s bridge opened, and Eve and Lara Traynor strode in.

  Malax heard Wren make a happy sound and break away from him. He watched as she was engulfed by her sisters. All three of them were hugging and talking at once.

  Behind the women, Davion Thann-Eon and Caze Vann-Jad entered, watching their mates and smiling. Beside them, Davion’s second-in-command, Brack, stood shaking his head and scowling.

  Malax nodded at the warriors. “Welcome aboard the Rengard.”

  “Glad you have your ship back under your command,” Davion said.

  Malax smiled. Actually, now that the situation was nearing an end, he was pretty happy that Wren had hijacked his ship.

  “You’ve sustained some damage,” Brack said.

  “Repairs are underway,” Malax said. “We’d appreciate you staying until we have engines and weapons fully online.”

  Davion nodded. “Of course. I see the Vymerion arrived as well.”

  “Yes, War Commander Tynann-Ath agreed to patrol the outer perimeter.”

  The women broke apart. Wren looked at Malax and smiled. She rushed over to him, gripping his arm. “Eve, Lara, this is Malax.”

  Malax slid his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. All the conversation ceased, and he saw looks being traded between Wren’s sisters.

  “You’re mated,” Eve said.

  Lara’s blue gaze narrowed on Malax.

  Wren blinked. “What? Malax and I are…well, he’s mine, now.” She looked up at him and when she saw that he was smiling, her mouth dropped open. “Oh, God. Are we mated?”

  Davion gripped Malax’s shoulder. “Congratulations.”

  Malax pulled Wren in for a kiss. He rubbed his nose against hers. “I was waiting for all the excitement to die down before I told you. I knew the possessive pull I felt for you meant you were special. And when you shared my armor, my helian accepted you.”

  From nearby, Brack groaned. “Not another one.”

  “Don’t scoff,” Caze said. “You might find yourself an Earth woman, too, Brack.”

  Brack held a hand up. “No.” He shook his head. “No. That is not happening.”

  Davion raised a dark brow. “You never know—”

  “No,” Brack said again. “They all drive you crazy.”

  Lara touched Caze’s cheek, and the big warrior smiled. Eve bumped her hip against Davion’s.

  As far as Malax could tell, both men were very happy about their mated status.

  “We wouldn’t have it any other way,” Davion confirmed.

  “We’re mated.” Wren’s voice was quiet. Then she grinned. “We’re mated!”

  She leaped on him and Malax caught her. “We are.”

  She wrapped her legs around his waist. “That means you’re mine.”

  “Yes. And you’re mine.”

  “This is wonderful news,” Davion said.

  Eve smiled at her sister. “You’re happy?”

  Wren nodded.

  Then Davion’s face turned serious. “We still need to deal with the Kantos.”

  Malax set Wren down. “We do.”

  “The king wants us to schedule a call with him,” Davion said. “He’s angry about this attack, and he wants a war plan. He wants to shut them down and drive them back into their own space.”

  Malax nodded. King Gayel Solann-Eon was head of the Eon Empire. He’d recently become king, ridding the Eon of lots of outdated edicts and rules, and was proving he was the right man for the job. Malax had a lot of respect for the warrior.

  “And the king wants us to include our allies in our plans, and cement our alliance with Earth,” Davion continued. “He’ll be happy to hear of another Eon-Terran mating.”

  “I’ve found having Terrans aboard very useful.” Malax stroked Wren’s back. “Even when they’re hijackers, kidnappers, or thieves.”

  Wren blushed, and her sisters both grinned.

  “Captain Borden appears to be very skilled in space battles,” Davion added.

  From beside the war commander, Brack snorted.

  “I’m going to recommend to King Gayel that he include the Divergent in our fu
ture planning,” Davion added.

  Brack’s arms dropped to his sides. “What?”

  Malax cleared his throat. “Well, I invited the captain aboard, so you can discuss it with her.”

  The doors to the bridge whispered open, and two women and a man stepped inside.

  Malax took in the humans. They all wore deep-blue Space Corps uniforms, and had the straight bearing of people with military training.

  Eve stepped forward. “Allie.”

  “Eve.” The women hugged. “It’s great to see you.”

  “You too. Heard you saved the day today.”

  Allie Borden smiled. “You know me, I like blowing things up.” The Divergent’s captain turned to the group. “I’m Captain Allie Borden. This is my second, Sub-Captain Donovan Lennox.” She gestured to the tall, dark-skinned man with a shaved head standing at her side. He was almost as tall as an Eon warrior.

  The man nodded.

  “And this is Lieutenant Jamie Park,” Captain Borden continued.

  Malax took one look at the tall, dark-haired woman eyeing them all with a hard look in her black eyes and knew the woman was dangerous. He knew without a doubt that she was the space marine he’d seen lead her team to decimate the Kantos kill squad on the Divergent’s hull.

  “I’m War Commander Malax Dann-Jad. It is a pleasure to have you aboard the Rengard. Your assistance today was greatly appreciated. We owe you our lives, Captain Borden.”

  He shook hands with the captain and found her grip firm and strong. Introductions were made between all the warriors and humans.

  He noted the cool greeting between the captain and Brack.

  Lara stepped forward. “Park, it’s been awhile.”

  Jamie Park inclined her head, then pulled Lara in for a hard hug. “Lara Traynor.” The women slapped each other on the back.

  “Well, Lara Vann-Jad, now.”

  The other space marine shook her head. “Heard you tied yourself to an Eon warrior, and couldn’t believe it.” The woman eyed Caze. “Although, now I have a better understanding of why.”

  Malax stepped back, and noticed Brack scowling at Captain Borden. The woman was pointedly ignoring him.

  “We’re planning a meal to celebrate our win today,” Malax said.


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