A Perfect Match

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A Perfect Match Page 8

by Bethany Hauck

  “Perfect,” Hamish said, “we may need Father McMurphy’s services.”

  “Why, Da?” Jacqueline asked.

  “Because King James will be here in three days with Cory McKinnon,” Hamish explained. “I think our King has agreed to marry Craig to Isla McKinnon and I’m not about to let that happen. I’ll ride into Edinburgh myself and find him a bride if I have too. He must be married when the King arrives.”

  “Aye,” Jacqueline and James agreed.

  “You and Flora may want to pack an extra set of clothes,” Hamish told her, “because we won’t be returning until your brother is wed.” Jacqueline nodded and rushed back out of the room.


  “Are you sure you want to ride into Edinburgh?” Connor asked Owen as they left the McKinnon Keep.

  “Aye,” Owen answered, “we’ve come this far, we might as well.” Then he thought about what happened and couldn’t help laughing.

  “Not a word,” Connor said and shuddered, “the woman nearly dragged me behind that tapestry and mauled me.”

  “She did like the look of you,” Owen agreed.

  “She wasn’t looking,” Connor corrected him, “she was touching, everywhere. She tried to stick her hand down my trews and grab my cock.”

  “Are you going to tell Jacqueline what happened?” Owen asked.

  “If I do, Isla McKinnon might not live to see another day,” Connor said laughing. “Now I know how Rory felt.”

  “Except Rory did pull the wench down on his lap,” Owen told Connor.

  “Aye,” Connor said, “I’ve heard the story, and he’s lucky he married Lynsey and didn’t have to marry Isla.”

  “I haven’t seen Isla McKinnon in a long time, but she hasn’t changed,” Owen said and laughed, “she’s got quite a reputation at court for warming any man’s bed. I heard plenty when I was in the King’s Guard.”

  “If I was her brother I’d make sure it wasn’t possible for her to sit for a long time, and then I’d send her to an abbey,” Connor told him.

  “Good thing you ended up in my sister’s bed and not Cory’s sister,” Owen teased.

  “Ending up in your sister’s bed was the best mistake I ever made,” Connor told him. “She’s my heart.”

  “Aye,” Owen said nodding, “and Emelia is mine.”

  “Whoa,” Connor suddenly said, pulling up on the reins of his horse and bringing the animal to a stop.

  As they came over a small hill there were bodies lying all over the ground. There was already a smell, and Connor and Owen knew the attack happened at least a fortnight ago. It didn’t look like anyone else had been through the area since.

  “Do you think this is where Ethan and Craig were attacked,” Connor said, dismounting at the same time Craig did.

  “I don’t know why they’d be this far east, but there’s only one way to find out,” Owen answered.

  They walked slowly and checked each body. They were decomposing, and some of them had fed the wild animals in the area.

  “They look like mercenaries,” Connor said, using his foot to turn one of them over. “Most of them have some type of maille on, although it’s not the best quality. Same thing with their swords.”

  “Not over here,” Owen said, squatting down next to a dead man and picking up the sword next to the body. “This was made by a decent blacksmith, and isn’t this Jedburgh’s crest?” He pointed to the markings the man wore.

  “I think so,” Connor said. “It looks like the one Lynsey showed us in her cloak.”

  They moved faster after that, checking each body to make sure it wasn’t Craig. Not finding him, they checked the nearby woods in case he ran in there during the battle. Not finding him they made their way back to the horses. Something shiny on the ground caught Owen’s eye.

  “This is his,” Owen said, squatting down and picking up a dirk from the ground. He pulled his own out and held the two next to each other. They weren’t an exact match, but close. “Craig made both of them.”

  “He’s not here anymore,” Connor said. “We know he was hurt so where would he go?. Do you think he’d try to make his way back to Edinburgh?”

  Owen was thinking. He looked in the direction of Edinburgh, and then back towards Gleann. It was equal in distance. Then he smiled.

  “I think I know where he is,” Owen said, almost running to his horse and mounting. “Come on, Connor. It’s less than a two-hour ride from here; one if we ride hard.”

  “Where are we going?” Connor asked.

  “The hunting lodge,” Owen answered and kicked his horse, getting the animal moving as fast as it could.

  Chapter 8. His Chosen Bride

  Craig held Peigi in his arms as she slept. Neither of them had fallen asleep until close to dawn, so it was close to noon and they were still in bed. Since he’d spanked her, they’d made love multiple times, but things had changed between them. Instead of pulling out each time when he reached his pleasure, he thrust into her as deep as he could, hoping his seed would take root. He didn’t care what she said, he knew from the look in her eyes how she felt about him. He’d told her he loved her more than once, and like it or not, she was his.

  He knew tomorrow he’d have to leave for Gleann, and although Peigi told him she’d wait at the lodge for his return, he didn’t believe her. She was going to leave, he could see it in her eyes each time they spoke of it. Craig knew he couldn’t let her leave, and before the day was done, he was determined to find a way to force her to go with him.

  He began to play with her breast, plucking at the nipple until it hardened Peigi squirmed in his arms. She was the most responsive woman he’d ever coupled with, and he loved her reaction to his touch.

  He uncovered her and crawled down between her legs. There was no easing into it, he let his mouth descend on her cunny and started thrusting his tongue deep inside her. His fingers rubbed her clit, and she began to move her hips to match what he was doing. Craig starting out touching her lightly and then increasing the pressure with his fingers as her nub hardened.

  Peigi woke to the most intense feeling of pleasure. Looking down between her legs, all she could see was the top of Craig’s head. She felt his fingers slide up inside of her and her clit was sucked in between his lips. She began to rock her hips, wanting more. When he finally reached up and pinched her nipple her body exploded with feelings of intense pleasure. She screamed, loudly, and was thankful no one was near to hear. Mungo began barking in the other room, and they both laughed.

  “The deer must be in the yard again,” Craig said as he flipped her over on her stomach and tied her hands behind her back. He looked over his shoulder and yelled, “quiet, Mungo.”


  “Someone is definitely in there,” Hamish said.

  He’d stopped everyone at the edge of the clearing, making sure there was no threat to them in the hut. They circled the building, and Jacqueline was almost certain it was Craig’s horse tied to a tree behind the lodge.

  “It has to be him, Da. That looks like the horse he rode last time he visited Tarmon,” Jacqueline told Hamish.

  “Let’s dismount and walk in a little closer,” Hamish suggested. “As soon as we’re sure that’s Craig’s horse we’ll approach the lodge.”

  “Who else could it be, Da?” Jacqueline asked.

  “First we were attacked on our way back to Gleann, and then your brother was. Who knows where those men are now. I’ll not take chances with you or Flora. We’ll be certain it’s safe before we approach the cabin,” Hamish said. He gave her a look that said he wouldn’t change his mind.

  “Aye,” Jacqueline finally agreed.

  “Gordon, stay here with Father McMurphy and Flora,” Hamish ordered.

  “You’re going to let me come with you?” Jacqueline asked her Da.

  “Would you stay here if I told you too?” Hamish asked.

  “Nay,” Jacqueline answered truthfully.

  “That’s what I thought,” Hamish said an
d once Jacqueline grabbed her bow he motioned for them to move forward.

  Hamish, Jacqueline, and two of Gleann’s guards crept up to the back of the lodge. Jacqueline had her bow out and ready. Hamish hoped he was being overly cautious and she wouldn’t need to use it. As they got close to the lodge they heard a woman scream.

  “Was that a woman?” Jacqueline asked, and Hamish knew she was going to run to help.

  “Just wait,” Hamish tried to tell her. The woman didn’t sound like she was in pain to him, and he had a feeling he knew what was going on in the lodge. He shifted his weight and a twig snapped. A dog started barking.

  “Quiet, Mungo,” they both heard Craig yell.

  “That’s Craig!” Jacqueline cried and took off running around the side of the lodge, heading for the door in the front.

  “Jacqueline,” Hamish yelled once more. He might have caught her if his foot wouldn’t have slipped on the stick under his boot. But by the time he regained his balance, it was too late.


  Peigi felt a flutter in her belly. Craig had tied her hands more than once before, and each time the things he’d done to her and had her do to him had been wonderful. He pulled her up and laid her over the side of the bed, her chest pressed to the mattress, but her feet on the floor. He used his fingers, trying to bring her to orgasm once more and then backed off. Mungo was still barking in the other room.

  “You’d think he’d be used to those deer every morning by now,” Craig mumbled. He lined his cock up at her opening, hoping the dog quieted down soon. He heard unusual sounds in the other room.

  “Wait,” Peigi said, “untie me! It sounds like someone else is here.”

  Mungo quit barking, and before Craig had a chance to respond, much less move, Jacqueline, with his Da right behind her, burst into the room.

  “Craig! You’re alive!” Jacqueline screamed. He could hear how excited she was to find him.

  He knew the moment she realized what was going on in the room. Her cheeks turned red, and her smile faded to a look of… surprise? Horror? Disgust? He wasn’t sure how he’d describe it, but luckily their Da came to his rescue quickly.

  “Everyone else, stay out,” He yelled over his shoulder. “Come, Jacqueline, give them a few minutes.” Hamish winked at Craig before pulling his daughter out of the room.

  “Nay, nay, nay,” Peigi was saying, her cheeks red. She was mortified. She would now be labeled just like her mither had been.

  “Calm down,” Craig told her. He untied her hands and she scrambled to her feet, grabbing her shift and dress and putting them on.

  “Calm down?” Peigi asked. “How do I go out there and face your family after this? I’m just going to pack my things and leave now.”

  “You will not,” Craig said, he didn’t have time to dress so he tied a plaid around his waist.

  “Are you both decent yet?” Hamish yelled into the room.

  “Aye, Da,” Craig answered, then he grabbed Peigi’s arms to keep her from bolting. “Trust me.”

  Jacqueline burst through the doorway first once more, but this time she threw herself into Craig’s arms. “You’re alive. I can’t believe you’re alive. We’ve been searching for you everywhere.” When he winced she stepped back a bit and looked at his wounds.

  “Step aside, daughter,” Hamish finally said, pulling Craig in for a long embrace. “Don’t ever scare me like that again, lad,”

  “I was coming home tomorrow, Da,” Craig said as Hamish finally let him go. “I needed to heal a bit and haven’t been able to sit my horse.”

  “How bad are you hurt?” Hamish asked, looking him over.

  The bruises on Craig’s chest were now more green than purple, and his ribs rarely bothered him anymore. His arm was still a problem, but the last few days he’d finally been able to move his fingers without pain. Peigi had removed all of his stitches, but still kept his thighs bound to make sure the skin didn’t reopen. The wound on his arse was the one he’d had to wait on the longest to heal.

  “I would have died without Peigi’s care,” he said, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. She shrugged him off, looking at the floor.

  “I’d still like Jacqueline and Flora to look you over,” Hamish told Craig. “Just to be sure you’re fit to ride home.”

  “Aye,” Craig agreed. “Peigi’s done well, but even she’ll tell you she isn’t a healer.”

  “Have you and Peigi been alone here in the lodge this whole time?” Hamish asked.

  “Aye,” Craig replied, “we have.” Again he put his arm around her and pulled her into his side. She tried to pull away but gave up when Craig refused to let her go. Hamish gave him a look and was relieved when Craig gave him a small nod.

  “Peigi, will you walk with me while my daughters check my son’s wounds?” Hamish asked.

  Peigi looked up at Craig and he smiled down at her and nodded. She finally looked over at Hamish. The man was smiling, but it didn’t seem as if he was mocking her. She sighed and then nodded. She was sure he was going to call her all kinds of names after the way she’d been caught with Craig, and she deserved it.

  “Don’t let her out of your sight, Da,” Craig said as they went to walk out of the room. “I’m not really up to chasing her across the Highlands, but I will if I have too.”

  “Craig!” Peigi whirled around and said.

  “It’s like that?” Hamish asked Craig.

  “Aye, Da,” Craig answered.

  “Good,” Hamish told him. He gently took Peigi by the arm and walked her out the door and into the sunshine. Outside the door were more men from Gleann.

  “We’ll need an hour, Father McMurphy,” Hamish said as they walked past the man. The priest smiled at the young woman. He’d heard the scream too, and had a good idea what was happening inside the lodge.

  “Why does my son think you’ll run away?” Hamish asked Peigi once they were alone.

  “I can’t even look at you after what you saw in that room,” Peigi answered, still looking at the ground. “I can imagine what you think of me.”

  “My son seems to think highly of you,” Hamish said.

  “Aye,” Peigi said, she grinned thinking of Craig’s words to her last night. “He does. He says he loves me.”

  “And do you feel the same about him?” Hamish asked.

  “Aye,” Peigi answered. “But I’m not suitable to be his wife.”

  “Because he’s already bedded you?” Hamish asked, and then continued. “I won’t say I wasn’t a bit...startled, when we burst into the room, but no one seemed distressed.” This time Hamish looked away because he couldn’t hide his grin any longer.

  “It isn’t funny,” Peigi said. She was beginning to like Hamish McCabe and now knew where Craig had gotten his sense of humor.

  “Aye, lass, it is,” he told her and burst out laughing. “I’m sorry, but the look on Jacqueline’s face when she realized what the two of you were doing was the funniest thing I’ve watched in a long time. It takes a lot to shock her into silence.”

  “I will never be able to look her in the eye,” Peigi said, but she laughed too.

  “Jacqueline will get over it. She’s a married woman with three bairns. This isn’t the first time she’s burst into a room and seen more than she should’ve, but I’ll say no more about that,” Hamish assured her, still grinning.

  “I think that’s a story I might want to hear one day,” Peigi told him.

  “And I’m sure you will, but I need you to do something for me first,” Hamish told her.

  “I’ll do whatever you need me to, as long as I’m able,” Peigi answered.

  “What I need is for you to marry my son,” Hamish told her.

  “Even if I tell you I’m a bastard?” Peigi asked him. “My Da and Mither were never married.”

  “Well, I wouldn’t go around announcing that to anyone, but nay, even if you’re a bastard, I’d still like you to marry my son,” Hamish told her.

  “Why?” Peigi asked.<
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  “Because you seem to make him happy, and if you don’t, he’s going to be forced by King James to marry a horrible woman. One a bit older than him, and probably more experienced,” Hamish told her.

  “Craig is very experienced,” Peigi mumbled, then put her hand over her mouth because she’d said it out loud.

  “I stand by my words,” Hamish said.

  “Who is this woman?” Peigi asked.

  “I doubt you know her,” Hamish answered. “She’s the sister of the Laird of a Keep not far from here.”

  “But my family will be looking for me soon,” Peigi told Hamish. “I don’t know if I can wed without my brother’s permission.”

  “How long have you been at my Da’s lodge?” Hamish asked her.

  “Three sennights,” Peigi answered, biting her bottom lip. “I thought my brother would have come looking for me by now.”

  “Who’s your brother, lass?” Hamish asked, “I could send a missive to him, telling him where you are and why.”

  “I’d rather not say right now,” Peigi told him. “I love my brother, and he’s always been good to me, but he’s been away for a long time, and there are reasons I needed to leave our home.”

  “When you feel it’s safe enough to tell me who he is, we’ll send word to him. He should be glad we’ve taken you in. No woman should be living in the middle of the forest alone, and I wouldn’t feel comfortable leaving you here,” Hamish explained.

  “I wouldn’t be alone, I have Mungo,” Peigi told him.

  “That big hound that bolted out the door when we entered?” Hamish asked.

  “Aye,” Peigi answered, “but he isn’t much of a guard dog.”

  “Nay, lass,” Hamish said and laughed, “he isn’t, but then I believe animals can tell who’s a threat to them and who isn’t. So what do you say, Peigi, will you grant me my request?”

  “Aye,” Peigi said, “I want to do it, I want to marry Craig.”

  “Thank you,” Hamish said, giving her a quick hug. “Father McMurphy is waiting.”

  “You want us to marry right now?” Peigi asked him.


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